Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
01/27/01 at 12:23:43
Assalamun Allaykum...
I committed the big sin as the first time with a catholic girl and now
she is also pregnant. I think I am not ready to marry her and I am a
muslim and she is a conservative christian. Insallah Allah will forgive
me for what I did. Coming to my questions brother,
What says the Islam`s way for abortion?I read many
articles on internet but I think my situation  having a child before
marriage and from a christian makes it more complex.
There are some subjects about before and after 120
days (4 Months) for abortion.In that aspect ours is
less than 40 days.So abortion is a solution or a BIGGER SIN???

Coming to the other question realeted with above, what
says Islam for the marriage between a muslim guy
and a christian women?What shall I do??
I can not find a way out...

Sorry for bothering you with my problems and thanks
for your advice and answers.

Help Allah me and all of us and shows the right way.
Assalamun Allaykum...

a student in Japan
Marriage, Your Child, Your New Wife & Your nu Life
02/27/01 at 07:06:18 Dear Student in Japan,


  First you need a template,
  A sort of road map from Islam to help
  you figure things out.

  You need to prioritize your wrongs, and
  then create opportunities for making up
  for those wrongs.

  The biggest Sin:

  The Next Biggest Sin:
  Sex outside of Marriage.

  The Least Big Sin:
  Bad Dawah. ie, YOUR example of a Muslim to your non-muslim mother of your now child in her womb; to her family; her friends; for the rest of
  her life.

  one by one then...

  Abortion. Quite simply, She's catholic,
  by her POPE and CHURCH and religion, she
  can't under any circunstances, kill the fetus.

  You can't either. Period.

  Sex outside of marriage. Well, you blew that
  one, it's too late to hide the evidence.
  YOU are pregnant too, not just the woman.
  As A muslim Man, you are allowed to marry
  'people of earlier scripture', ie the Injil
 (New Testament).

  BUT, islam also tells us that Adultering
  Men can only Marry from Adultering Women.
  In your case, you KNOW who to marry, not
  just ANY adultering woman, but the MOTHER


  Bad Dawah.
  What kind of a Dawah message does it send to:

  a) the abortion doctor, if you go there, that
     a muslim boy knocked up a catholic girl
     and now HE is pushing HER for an abortion.
     The Abortion doc, his nurse, and all the
     people he tells for the rest of his life
     will get the 'bad dawah' that, 'oh yes,
     Muslims DO have abortions, their UMMAH and
     their MEN are just like everyone ELSE.'

  b) The girl.
     Never mind what kind of muslim you are,
     she already KNOWS what kind of a muslim
     you are. You knocked her up. And she let
     you do it too...and I hope you DIDN'T force
     it on her, the sex I mean.

     Time to be a MAN.

     That Word Means 'Ability to Respond'.

     You have the 'ability' to marry a woman
     from 'earlier scripture' ie christian.
     You have the 'ability' to live together
     as a family within the bounds of marriage.
     A halal Marriage.

     You have the 'ability' to AVOID killing
     your baby and having her or him or them(twins?)
     born not as a bastard illegitimate child,
     instead, with two loving parents who jumped
     the queue and had sex before they got married.
     And at least one of those loving parents
     will be a muslim...YOU.

     BONUS: YOur child will have at least two
     loving MUSLIM grandparents. Your parents.
     And you have the 'ability' to be a man and
     take the 'responsible' way out. It ain't
     gonna be easy. But Allah tells us that,

     "No soul is given a burden it cannot bear."

     You WILL be able to handle it.

  c) AS you mention the 40 day point, I assume
     she's not showing yet. Well then, Don't
     provide bad dawah to her family about what
     muslim men do when they mess up.

     You knocked up their little girl.

     If YOU do kill the baby, THEY will forever
     BLAME you and not Their daughter. Period.
     They would, perhaps show up on the day of
     Judgement and testify against you.

     do you want that? Of course not.

  d) The Day of Judgement.
     Your daughter or your son will ask you,
     "Father, why did you kill me?"

     You don't wanna be thrown into the Fire
     for having some doctor vacuum the innards
     of the mother of your child.

  In a way, you are lucky.

  The girl could be some atheist psycho b---- who
  disrespects religion all together...instead,
  you have a 'conservative christian' as the
  mother of your child.

  An Atheist duniya type of chick could just
  kill the baby and never tell you what happened,
  but then option (d) above might surprise you
  on the Day of Judgement.

  In another way you are lucky...

  The girl being catholic,
  Abortion may be detestable to her,
  Hence her strength in keeping the child
  alive may shore up your doubt in that area.

  You are lucky...

  She being a christian, you CAN marry her.
  She does NOT have to convert to Islam.

  If she was Hindu or Shinto or Bhuddhist,
  you'd have another problem as you could NOT
  marry women from those religions.

  She's christian, one less problem for you.

 Lastly, One the most POWERFUL tools, the
 Shaytaan, the Devil, Iblis, has in his toolbox
 that he has to lead people astray is,

 "Fear of Poverty."

 Whenever A muslim is about to do a good deed,
 The Shaytaan whispers into your ear, POVERTY.

 IF YOU think you can't AFFORD to marry her
 and provide for your family...It's Shaytaan.

 If you think that you can't afford an apartment
 or food, or school and a kid, it's Shaytaan.

 If you think it's the wrong time to get
 married and be a father (not necessarily in
 that order eh?), it's shaytaan tricking you.

 Screw Shaytaan,
 Be A MAN.
 BE THAT FATHER to YOUR child And boost the Ummah by one. Or two if she converts.

 It's 6:31 am here in Toronto, Gotta hop and do fajr.

 You BETTER post updates here on this thread,
 Cuz, I didn't type all this out for fun.
 I wanna know what you're gonna do bro...?


 Your bro in T.O. Toronto Ontario Canada,

 ~ HiMY! ~

Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
01/29/01 at 11:22:20
Assalam ualykum,

Sorry, I have no sympathy for you. You don't sound very sorry that you have committed such a BIG SIN! You are only thinking about yourself and how you don't want to be burdened down by a kid and a marrige.

If you aren't ready for marriage and taking care of a child, then DON'T HAVE SEX!!

Now that you did, REPENT! PRAY every day, WEEP in front of Allah in your prayers. The fact that you have read countless articles on the issue of abortion but still are clinging to some hope that there will be a way out for you goes to show that you really don't care. Do I sound harsh? Good. I'm sick and tired of people like you.

MARRY the girl, because you can marry from amongst the Christians and Jews because Allah allows for this in the Qur'an. Remember that you HAVE TO MARRY HER, because you are responsible for the consequences for your mistakes.

View your child as a BLESSING because of your child you will inshallh be guided to the right path if you make the right choices. I wonder if you would have continued to commit FORNICATION if your girlfriend hadn't gotten pregnant?

You obviously thought that you were MAN ENOUGH to lay down with a girl, so now BE MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILD AND HER.

Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
01/31/01 at 19:11:39

Saleema sis that was incredibly harsh
you trying to place a pillar on a overburdened back?!

Listen man i suggest you marry the girl
if you didn't like her i don't think you would have had sex with her and if she's a conservative christian then at leat she has some family values and will hopefully be a good wife and mother ok?

Dumping her is the worst thing u can do
Imagine what she's feeling
Dear Brother 'Student in Japan'
02/01/01 at 19:57:50,

  Dear Brother Student in Japan,

  Haven't you re-visted this post yet?
  Aren't you gonna update us on what you're
  gonna do?

  Please post a post just to let us know
  you've read our thoughts on your problem.


  ~ HiMY! ~

Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/04/01 at 02:38:49
Assalamu alaikum,

Himy, that was a great post man!  May Allah reward you for it.  

I hope our brother from Japan comes back and reads your response and takes heed!

Wassalamu alaikum.
F Y Eye
02/05/01 at 05:35:02 Arsalan.

   Our Dear Brother from Japan
   has indeed read our posts up
   to 9 pm EST, Feb 1.

   That is the timestamp of the
   single 'Instant Message' he
   sent to me.

   I'm still waiting to read if
   he does indeed in your words,

   "...take heed."

   This has been a public service announcement
   by me for any of you all who bother to wonder.
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 08:20:22
This happened to a Muslim man that I worked with.
He choose abortion.

He lost his mind less than a year later....
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 11:27:07
I thought only "Madina Citizens" could send Instant Messages!!??
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 12:10:11
Assalaamu alaikum,

Arsalan is right. Maybe he is a member and just posted the question anonymously? Or he is a hacker :)
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 12:12:59

Saleema sis that was incredibly harsh
you trying to place a pillar on a overburdened back?!

I guess the truth hurts.

Honestly, i'm sick and tired of how people act. ok, sure, you can make mistakes, but too many people are making big mistakes...

i don't know, i'm realy frustrated. Not at this brother, although it does make one sad that a fellow muslim did such a thing...

man, the world is a nasty place! i don't really want to hear about anyone's problems nor do i want to share my problems with anyone else except for one and that is that i think the world is horrible!

from now on, i'm slowly going to stop voluntering for good causes that don't seem to do much good to anyone. i'm not taking responsiblity for msa next year, i can't beleive some of the people that i work with can be so... oh whatever

i am going to quit teaching at the islamic weekend school also, what's the point? their parents don't care that their kids or so rude, really, goes to show that's exactly how the parents are. My God, the things that they say... (not to me)..

so anyway, i'm going to mind my business. if the ummah wants to go down the gutter, then let them do so. i could care less. every man for himself.

Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 13:27:45

i am going to quit teaching at the islamic weekend school also, what's the point? their parents don't care that their kids or so rude, really, goes to show that's exactly how the parents are. [/quote]

I'm really stunned that you said that.   Who knows how many lives you have changed and helped for the better?  Maybe something you said caused these people to seriously think about what they are doing, and maybe sometime later in their lives they will remember those words and change for the better, insha'Allah.

Yes, its sad and disheartening to hear that these happen.  Do you remember any really difficult times and situations you have gone through in life?  Weren't there people that you could turn to, that took the time to help you and show mercy to you?  There's an ocean of people to save and help.  Some we can't help, but we shouldn't despair, we at least need to try.
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 14:08:28
[quote] Screw Shaytaan,
BE THAT FATHER to YOUR child And boost the Ummah by one. Or two if she converts. [/quote]Yeah.

For Saleema:[quote]Who knows how many lives you have changed and helped for the better?  Maybe something you said caused these people to seriously think about what they are doing, and maybe sometime later in their lives they will remember those words and change for the better, insha'Allah. [/quote]Yeah.

Well said brothers.

Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 14:46:14
Assalamu alaikum,

Saleema, I was listening to a tape by Anwar Awlaki today in my car.  I think he was talking about the story of Shu'aib alayhis salaam.

Anyway, he mentioned a hadith in the talk, in which Rasulullah (pbuh) said, "If you can't do it completely, don't leave it completely."  Meaning that if you can't change the situation a 100%, but can only change it, say, 5% ... then do so!

At the end, we are not responsible for the result, but only our efforts.  You may give a lot of sincere effort for something, but the result may not be much.  But you should be content, because if your efforts were made with the sincere intention of PLEASING ALLAH and for that reason ALONE, then you have been successful, insha Allah!

But if you don't make any efforts, just sit around and WAIT for the Mehdi or something, then things WILL eventually change (as promised by Allah and His Rasul).  But this time, YOU will be the loser!  Because you didn't make any effort.

Islam is not about every man for himself.  You know that!  Maybe you just said it in emotion.  Because if that was true, then how do you explain "amaru bil ma'ruf wa nahi 'anil munkar"?  

Come on sister! Don't get frustrated.  That's another one of those traps of Shaytaan.  

Screw him! (to quote Himy).  
Be a (wo)man.  
Be a daa'iyah.  
And help add some 'weight' to this foam-of-the-sea-Ummah of ours!
"(I swear) by time!  Verily mankind is in loss.  Except those who have Faith and do righteous deeds, and encourage one another for the Truth and patience."  (Surah al-Asr)

Wassalamu alaikum.
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 17:08:24
Assalaamu alaikum,
[quote]Who knows how many lives you have changed and helped for the better? [/quote]
True. I won't forget the story sister Kathy related on what finally convinced her to take the shahada: she saw a person praying in the park. Subhanallah, each and every action of ours is dawah. We never know what will affect others for the better so we have to always carry ourselves in a way that positively portrays Islam and its teachings. And the first step towards this is having the sincere intention of this at all times because people are watching. This is especially true in countries where we interact with non muslims most of the time.

Do whatever you can do. Not everyone can be a super daiyaa. Everyone has strength and weaknesses. And have patience all the time. Remember patience is half of eeman.

Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 21:02:02
assalaamu alaikum

For what its worth, going back to Saleema's first post, i agree with her. My original reading of the post was that the brother didn't really seem too concerned about the enormity of the sin he had committed. Too often, i think Muslims are being excessively soft when it comes to issues like these where a grave act has been carried out.

We can't turn a blind eye to occurrences such as these.. we are talking about a person falling pregnant. This isn't something which we can sorta sweep under the carpet and say "Allah is Forgiving, Allah is Forgiving." People have to take responsibility for what they have done.

Wa Salaam

Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/05/01 at 23:18:09
Assalamun Alleykum Dear Brothers and Sisters;
First of all excuse me for writing you so late because of some reasons,and be sure that I was keeping my eye on the discussion group.

In this respect;
Brothers and sisters especially HIMY and SALEEMA thank you very much for your opinion,guidance and help.May Allah award you for your effort.

I will tell you at the end of this message what the last situation is. BUt I want to tell what I did during the last week first.You know my situation brothers/sisters.
I committed a very big Sin. Now I am praying and repenting strongly to ALLAH for forgiveness and to correct my way.

LAst weeks I was writing the situation to Scholars and asking what ISlam says about the situation.It was almost the same letter that I also posted here.Some answers came elhamdullillah from Imam`s,Alim`s,Scholars.BUt the situation was more confussing afterthat because there were different opinions on abortion.Some Scholars recommend me  abortion because of my situation of wedlock.Also they said when you marry we recommend strongly to live in a ISlamic Country.
Of course there were also Scholars saying abortion is not permissible.So that it made me MORE CONFUSSED.

Then I try to search what Islam says when there is  different opinions from the Scholars about a subject.I also learned lastly that I was not correct in asking many Scholars.BUt it was too late because I got already the answer from the Scholars.Lastly I asked to the Scholars of my country in detail.They said stop searching  and thinking about the subject more.Pray and repent first.So I decided to do what they said to me.
I am praying to Allah (doing Istihkaarah also) that Allah will quide ne to what he wants and shows me his correct way.

I spoke to the girl lastly before yesterday. Before I was sending her also the mails whhich I got from the scholars and try to explain what Islam says.We were also talking in general about ISlam.Elhamdullillah she is not a stubborn and she is mild to accept ISlam.Of course I also know me,especially Sister SAALEMA you are right,I am not a good muslim and may not effect the girl in good way.But I am seriosly praying to Allah for guidance and I am also serious to change my way.

Coming to result,she is strongly against Abortion because of her religion and she says that inside herself says no and I also believe she repented and is strongly praying to GOD. As the last Scholar suggested me, I said her lastly what my religion says.I also said that Abortion may a solution from our REligion.I also said that Scholars are advicing us to marry eachother.
But she is not sure about my love to her.Of course I am also not sure what I feel to her because our relation was very new.She is also not Japanese as me and so there maybe also problems rising later.MAybe Dear brother HIMY,that`s what you say,that`s maybe Sheytaan tricking me!But now I stop to see her and we are praying to Allah that Allah will show us to correct way and protect us from Sheytaan`s voice.

Lastly, I am not so strict now to not marrying her because I think maybe it is the will of Allah.Maybe she will reconvert to a good Muslim and be blessed with ISlam as I also want to change my way.

Please brothers and sister may I ask you for a FAVOUR.
If it is possible pray for me, for us that Allah will forgive and guide us to the truth.

May Allah forgive me what I did and show me his correct way.
Assalamun Aleykum....

Your Brother in JAPAN

P.s: I will ask you  brothers and sisters for  a related subject with a different title in the disccusion board.May Allah award you for your help.
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/06/01 at 09:30:26
Saleema, Girl-I agree with everything you said in your first post. Cause it's true!
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/06/01 at 15:46:17
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

Yes you have commited a very bad Sin.
The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse flog each of them with a hundred stripes: let not compassion move you in their case in a matter prescribed by Allah if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.  
(S24 A2)

The reason that people are punished in this life is so Insha'Allah they will not be punished in the next. So I suggest you pray to Allah as hard as you can and maybe Insha'Allah he will forgive you.

Coming to result,she is strongly against Abortion because of her religion      

hmm?? I also thought that catholics/christians also believe that you should be in wedlock when you have relations??? could be wrong though.......
naaahhh I dont think so...........
Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty or an Unbeliever nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a thing is forbidden.
(S24 A3)

So now you dont want to marry her?? I mean what kind thing is that to do?? Is she good enough to sleep with but not to marry?? why??
(I am not trying to be mean. These are legitamite questions)

?Concerning abortion?

You did the deed by having sex. You must face up to the consequences of your actions. Why kill the baby when you did what it took to have it??
(even though it wasnt planned)
Say: "Come I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from": join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents:" kill not your children on a plea of want;  We provide sustenance for you and for them";  come not nigh to shameful deeds whether open or secret; take not life which Allah hath made sacred except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you that ye may learn wisdom.
(S6 A151)

Lailaha IllAllah in our religion you cant just have sex and not be married. You must marry and then you can do as you like but it must be according to the sunnah. And if you cant marry then you should fast as the prophet (saw) said......
Narrated Abdullah bin Mas'ud Allah's Messenger (saw) said to us, "O young men those of you who can support a wife should marry for it controls the gaze and perserves one from immorality; but those who cannot should fast for it is a means of suppressing the sexual desire
(Agreed upon)

Subhan'Allah you must to make du'a to Allah and pray that he has mercy on you and forgives and does not punish you.

Insha'Allah may Allah forgive you and may he have mercy on you.
But It makes me very mad to hear of something like this. We all must strive not to listen to Shayton because we all have our weaknesses. But we can still control our weaknesses it all up to you.
May Allah Ta'aala help and guide us all
Insha'Allah Ameen
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/06/01 at 16:02:12

ok peeps i believe he now knows what a big sin he committed if he didn't before :)

bro it sounds like you have a good handle on things and are realizing the enormity of your mistake. that's a good thing and you can work from there to fix things.

i would take the advice of some scholar you really trust in your community who knows you and let them help you in making these decisions. make sure it is a way that is comfortable to you and her.

may Allah guide you both, our prayers are with you.
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/12/01 at 18:21:41
Assalamu alaikum

 I am sorry but I have to disagree. I do not believe he realizes the seriousness of his actions. We as a muslim ummah in this country can not do what we are supposed to do to people that do these things. He is supposed to be reminded of this so he will not do it again. We dont just say "oh what you did was bad" and leave it alone. We are supposed to according to the Sunnah Flog him for what he has done and punish her according to her book. He is getting off light! But Subhan'Allah he has to deal with Allah and that is something that we should remind him of. He did not get his punishment in this life. That is what flogging is for. And so Insha'Allah hopefully he will not get it in the next! Ameen ! But it is up to us to ingrain it in his mind of the Wrongfulness of his actions.

 And I also disagree with............
make sure it is a way that is comfortable to you and her

 I am sorry but not all prescribed punishments/laws from Allah are comfortable to us! We cannot take only what is comfortable....... We have to take what Allah has given us. Even if he/she doesnt like it too bad! Because if they hadnt of done it then they wouldnt have to be "uncomfortable".

Insha'Allah may Allah forgive and guide him to what is best! Ameen!


P.S. I meant nothing mean by what I said. :)
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/12/01 at 21:15:32
as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatuh,

Yes, it is important to emphasize the gravity of sins and the seriousness of their consequences.  Unfortunately our condition today is such that even the heaviest of sins seems light on our shoulders.  We've totally lost that consciousness of how our actions look to Allah.  It's important that when we commit a sin we become aware of the wrongdoing we've committed so that we truly and seriously regret it and so our repentance is accepted.  And it's true that we should dislike what Allah dislikes, and like what Allah likes, and that we should enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil.  

This is all true, but we need to look at how we are implementing this.  We need to speak to people in the right way.  Using hikmah in the way we approach people, in the way we address them and their specific situation is so important.  One of the most amazing characterestics of Rasulullah [saw] was in the way he interacted with people, his perception in knowing how to respond to people and their problems the right way.  You need to appeal to people in order to get them to change.  Yes, if a person sins, it is important that you make him aware of the fact that he has committed a sin, but that is not all you are required to do.  If you consider it your responsibility to nahin ala munkar, you have to enjoin what is right and good as well.  Especially in the times we live in, we have Muslims who have completely turned their backs on this deen, who are so far out there lost... we cannot label people as bad and refuse to tell them how to rectify their condition.  We have no right to call people evil doers and then turn our backs on them.   Doesn't Allah forgive all sins?  When someone approaches you asking how to rectify their condition after they have committed a sin, is it not our obligation to tell them how to do that?

We do not damn people in Islam and you and I have NO right whatsoever to say "this person doesn't seem sincere" or "he doesn't really mean it".  I remember hearing a story of a sahaba in jihad, and as he came upon an enemy and was about to kill him, right then and there the kaffir said the shahada.  The sahaba thought, he is only doing this to save his life, he's not sincere, and he still killed him.

When Rasulullah [saw] heard about this, he became visibly upset and approached the companion about it.  The companion said ya rasulullah, it was obvious he was doing this because he wanted to save his own life, he wasn't sincere!  

Rasulullah [saw] said, did you open up his chest and look his heart?   Did you open up his chest and look at his heart?   Did you open up his chest and look at his heart?   He [saw] said this so many times, the companion said, I wished I had never become muslim til that day.

So I'm asking you and me today; did we open up this brother's chest and look at his heart?   Did we?  Then who are we to determine his sincerity or lack thereof ???

I've said this before but I'm going to say it again... we need to keep in mind that we are all struggling, and we definitely need to have mercy on one another.  I think there's an ayah in the Quran that says that if Muhammad [saw] was severe or harsh with his people they would have turned away from him.  His mercy and gentleness in guiding people, even when they were drowned in the worst levels of ignorance and wrong doing, is what opened their hearts to what is right.

And think about when Allah sent Musa and Haroon, peace be upon them, to Pharoah, who Allah said transgressed all bounds.  He told them to speak to him mildly, gently.  If Allah asked Musa and Haroon to do this with Pharoah, who was one of the *worst* of people, what should we be doing with our own Muslim brothers and sisters!  You know what I'm saying?

We need to help and support one another in our struggles, we need to have mercy with each other.  And inshaAllah if we have mercy on each other Allah will have mercy on us.

wAllahu 'alam.


Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/12/01 at 22:29:46
se7en, GREAT post...and a long overdue one in this topic...wa alaikum salam
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/13/01 at 06:01:30
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

Sr Jenna I think most of understand where you're coming from and it is indeed a fine balance we must tread.

Threads like these remind me why I come to this board. It doesn't matter how much we know, we are all learning and hearing experiences and how people deal with them can only be beneficial to us all.
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/13/01 at 08:26:39
Well said...
Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/13/01 at 16:10:07
Wa alaikum asalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

 Subhan'Allah se7en is right I do not know what was in his heart. I was only saying that because of what the guy said. He did want to marry the girl. He was thinking of aborting the baby. But still that givs me no right to say he doesnt realize the seriousness of his action. May Allah forgive me....

Re: Premarriage Pregnancy & ABORTION
02/23/01 at 23:21:59


   this is just to register my extreme disappointment with the behaviour of some muslims who are harsh on muslims and easy on the kaafir..

the prophet told his companions once of how if they deviated even a fraction from the shariah they would be damned but a time would come when just a fifth of islam would save someone (it's in the book converts to islam it's got a whole group of stories about people who converted to islam in last 2 centuries )

i know some people are really unhappy with what the bro did but it's amazing the prophet was told by the woman three times that she committed adultery and he ignored her till she asked to be punished and you guys jump on the bandwagon without knowing jack about this guy...

unless you are a qadi it's not your job to punish him all you can do is guide him! we are not a people who spy on each other like the kaffir ! consider how seriously YOUR actions affect peoples perception of islam before you go looking for the obvious target
 any of you people ever even hear of the stories of the muslim awliyah (saints) and how gentle they were with people?
 i suggest you go listen to imam hamza yusufs lecture on how muslim parents abandon their daughters and sisters in the west and surround them with garbage and then expect them to be perfect and kill them when they're not

anyway i'm signing off


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