More Filth on TV..........

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More Filth on TV..........
02/13/01 at 16:30:04
Astagfirallah!! Sick!....

Sex scenes more frequent on television, study finds
February 6, 2001
Web posted at: 1:48 PM EST (1848 GMT)

BEVERLY HILLS, California (CNN) -- More than two-thirds of the shows on U.S. television now have sexual content, compared with just over half just two years ago, the Kaiser Family Foundation said Tuesday as it released its biennial report on sex in entertainment.

The study, meant as a yardstick for the entertainment industry, found that programs with sexual content increased from 56 percent of shows in the 1997-1998 television season to 68 percent in the 1999-2000 season.

Programs portraying teens in sexual situations increased from 8 percent to 9 percent in the period, and teen television characters involved in intercourse jumped from 3 percent to 9 percent.

The study noted that 32 per cent of shows involving teens talking about or engaging in sexual intercourse made reference to sexual risks and responsibilities. Only one in 10 of all shows with sexual content did so, the study said.

"Every year in this country, there are three-quarters of a million teen pregnancies and 4 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases among teens," said Vicky Rideout of the Kaiser Family Foundation. "Now, we're not blaming TV for this, but we are saying that young people watch a lot of TV. There's obviously a lot of sex on TV, so it's important to think about the messages about sex that television is communicating."

The biggest jump in sexual content occurred in situation comedies, an increase from 56 percent to 84 percent. Reality shows were the least likely to include sexual content (27 percent) and movies were the most likely to do so (89 percent).

Rideout said sexual content could include sex talk, characters planning to have sex and scenes with sexual intercourse.

An industry conference coinciding with the release of the report featured network executives, producers, writers, advertisers, researchers and policy makers.

Jessica Klein, executive producer of the NBC Saturday morning teen show "Just Deal," said she has made a point of producing a responsible show.

"It's an educational show," Klein said. "So when we deal with issues of romance particularly, not specifically sex necessarily, it's important for us to give kids a guidebook about what can be a helpful way for them to navigate the rough quarters of adolescence."

The Kaiser study, titled "Sex on TV: Content and Context," found that messages in programs about sexual health can impact viewers positively. Viewers of the NBC drama "ER," the report said, were found to have an increased knowledge of emergency contraception and the sexually transmitted disease human papillomavirus, or HPV.

The Kaiser Family Foundation calls itself an independent organization dedicated to providing information and analysis on health issues. It is not associated with Kaiser Permanente or Kaiser Industries.
Re: More Filth on TV..........
02/13/01 at 16:58:41
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullai wa barakatu
"It's an educational show," Klein said. "So when we deal with issues of romance particularly, not specifically sex necessarily, it's important for us to give kids a guidebook about what can be a helpful way for them to navigate the rough quarters of adolescence."

 Educational??? Please! Yes they are giving the kids guide books on how to be peverted. Having relations out of wedlock. Way's to protet yourself from getting HIV/AIDS or from getting Pregnant. And when you do get Pregnant (Abort)! This is supposed to be America's new generation.

Scary huh??? What kind of society are they raising?? A corrupt society thats what and it will not stop!
 Two thirds of TV are about sex. that means in the next year or so ALL of TV will have sex on..
 You see so many women here walking around with babies w/out husbands. Girls having sex at younger ages. Parents saying its ok for her to have sex as long as

A. She uses protection
B. She does not get married because she is to young.(but not to young to have sex.) go figure.
  Where I live they have that nasty prverted Jerry Spinger show on right when kids get out of school.

Cartons have sexual content. Lets say the classical Bugs bunny He dresses like a women kisses Elmer fudd or a male lion etc......I am not sure if many of you have heard of a cartoon called Ren & stimpy or Cow and Chicken both are very gross cartoon showing boogers, butts, farting, male animals acting like women. Another one caled Hysteria its supposed to be about making fun of history but they also show a baby messing his pants, farts, they show his butt, an old women pinching mens butt stuff like that and we want or children watching these type of cartoons???

 My friends and I have long disscussions about these typs of cartoons and shows movies etc....

 Subhan'Allah its really sad that this is what is happeing here. May Allah Ta'aala protect us and get us muslims to a better land where we an establish the deen..... Insha'Allah Ameen!!

Feeling angry,>:(
Re: More Filth on TV..........
02/14/01 at 15:05:48
Assalamu alaikum,
Interesting. Years ago, when I was in my 'sci-fi writing phase', I came to the conclusion that the world of 'modern entertainment' would be a great place for muslims to conquer 'cos most of the things influencing people around the world today come from the media. Wouldn't it be nice to 'pick out the good and discard the bad' the way I learnt muslim scholars of the past did thereby boosting the era Islamic Civilisation? So I came up with something I hosted on this site .
Of course, the enemies of Islam would do their best to fight back but so can we.
Re: More Filth on TV..........
02/15/01 at 15:40:39
Malaysian Muslims want 'immoral' Indian movies banned

KUALA LUMPUR (AP) -- A national body of Muslim clerics has urged the
Malaysian government to limit television airtime for Indian-made Hindi
movies because they promote "immoral values," news reports said Thursday.

Hindi movies are a hit in Malaysia, not just among the more than two
million Indians who live in the Southeast Asian country, but also other
ethnic groups who make up the 22 million population, including the Malay
Muslim majority.

Malaysians throng to cinemas to catch latest the Indian releases, even if
they don't understand the dialogue, which is often in Hindi.

Indian movies a generally more tame in terms of sex and obscene words
than Hollywood movies, which are usually censored before being shown in

But Harussani Zakaria, spokesman for the clerics, said Indian movies
contain references to Hindu beliefs which are contrary to those of Islam
and could be a bad influence on young Malay Muslims.

"There were some movies which carried excessive immoral values for
youngsters to copy," he was quoted sayijg by the Star newspaper.

The portrayal of passion on screen could "arouse the viewers to unleash
their desires, even on their own children," he was quoted saying in the
Malay-language Utusan Malaysia newspaper.

The Indian film industry -- nicknamed Bollywood after its main production
centre, Bombay -- is the world's largest, churning out nearly 800 movies a
year in a host of languages.

The movies are usually formulaic, several hours long and have a number of
song-and-dance routines.

Bollywood films are screened on Malaysian television stations a few times
every week. The clerics are asking for this be cut down to once a week.
Re: More Filth on TV..........
02/16/01 at 02:21:17
Salamu Aliakom,

Sis, you're concerns of the filthy on TV are so valid. TV and some of the things that are broadcasted on it can be equated to pure trash. Honestly, I don't even watch the regular english channels anymore because astaghfurAllah it's like you flip to watch the news channel and there is at least 10 or 20 TV clips all dealing with zina. So now I watch the Arab channels, some of the stuff they bring on there is great  like the Islamic shows, while other stuff is subpar but it is not nearly as bad as the junk on regular TV.

A hearty kick, slap and punch to all those media slaves out there like Oprah and the like.

Bro Ikani, your idea of TV filteration is actually something in the works. I've read stuff about research going on into developing similar filteration techniques, the issue is the system would have to adapt to certain things because the next thing you know those media slaves are going to come up with a new way of spreading their munkar.

Wa Allahu A3laam
Re: More Filth on TV..........
02/16/01 at 03:59:37

[quote]Bro Ikani, your idea of TV filteration is actually something in the works. I've read stuff about research going on into developing similar filteration techniques, the issue is the system would have to adapt to certain things because the next thing you know those media slaves are going to come up with a new way of spreading their munkar.

Wa Allahu A3laam[/quote]
Assalamu alaikum,
That's exactly the point, I believe it's time we muslims started getting involved in such things while they're still just in their early stages of develpoment. One of my expectations in that idea was that regular upgrades would be possible as well as security against stuff like viruses and hackers or whatever. Most likely, people'd still try to get their stuff through such filtering. You'll just have to be prepared - better than nothing (presently, when some trash is censored or banned in one medium, attempts are made to make it come in another form more difficult to control - newspapers/magazines/radio/TV/internet.

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