spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/27/01 at 04:15:56
if i may ask...who are the regulars on this board? what are your bkgds? locations? intros? how long have you been frequenting the place etc etc?

this applies to the top posters, the ppl who post frequently, those who consider themselves as regulars..and hey, even the ppl behind the brd! ;)

just curious...since i've missed those threads..and the beginning..
wa salaams
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/27/01 at 06:51:49

just go and look in old threads in the bebzi stand folder, most people do the intros there.

happy navigation!

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/27/01 at 10:36:09

Yep, sister Kathy began a mammoth thread called (if memory serves me correctly) "Tell me more!" in the bebzi stand, back in the day (as Everlast might say!).
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/27/01 at 11:30:40

We have a good mix of people from all around the world, alhumdullilah.  The thread Kathy started is located here:

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/27/01 at 16:52:22
I'd like to revise my intro.  

As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatuh,

I'm seventeen, a senior in highschool, and I recently attained the beloved status of admin.  I love my fellow Madinans and I have an unhealty addiction to the board.  

Is it automatic for you to come to the board after you've checked your email, and literally every twenty minutes if you're online?  Hmm.. that's the sign of addiction I'd say.

Alhamdulillah, the people on the board each contribute with their unique pesonalities, skills, experiences and knowledge in the discussions we have.  It's really fascinating to read people's responses to some of the questions in the Madrasatul-Ilm, the discussions in Akhwat and Ikhwaan, the advice given to people who are troubled.  

I'm glad that I am part of something that allows people to use their skills and their knowledge in a beneficial way.  It shines through in some of the amazing posts on the board.  

I'd give you a little somethin somethin on each person on the board, but I'm sure I'll forget someone because we have so many people here.

How about each of us write about one other member?  Wouldn't that be cool?  We could choose someone and write maybe if they're a bro/sis, education/occupation, location (if they want it mentioned) and one good quality about the person.  What do you think :)  I think it'll build brotherhood/sisterhood... but if you think it's lame let me know :)



Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/27/01 at 17:15:02
assalaamu alaikum,
sounds good to me? but then i'm relatively new. as by location, just a general location. not necess the exact city.

jazakallahu khairan, bro bear..i'll check it.
wa salaamu alaikum
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/28/01 at 05:12:23
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

[quote]How about each of us write about one other member?  Wouldn't that be cool?  We could choose someone and write maybe if they're a bro/sis, education/occupation, location (if they want it mentioned) and one good quality about the person.  What do you think   I think it'll build brotherhood/sisterhood... but if you think it's lame let me know[/quote]

Hmm...I remember on the induction day of my first job they spilt us into pairs and got us to interview the other person and then report back to the whole group. Did it work? Actually yes!  

Okay then so how about Sisters pair off and Brothers alike and we all come back at various times with bios of each other?

Oh and the idea is that you're supposed to choose someone you *don't* know ;-)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/28/01 at 06:31:59
Okay then, I'll kick off.

Hmm, it's difficult to do this without sounding sycophantic because all the brothers and sisters on this board seem to be genuinely helpful and sincere people...

So, my victim is ... Kashif.

Kashif is our resident "Minister of Information and Media Scanning".  Spending most of his day forraging around the pages of The Independent (UK daily broadsheet newspaper for anyone who's not familiar with it), Kashif enjoys nothing better than finding an article that (i) is written by Robert Fisk or (ii) is written by some muppet who has no clue about Islam or its teachings.

I think that he hails from East London (or is at least living there at the moment), so why he isn't a Spurs fan I'll never know.  Nobody's perfect I suppose (to my utter dismay, he seems to be an Arsenal fan, yeuch, makes my stomach churn but hey this is supposed to be about him rather than me).  Anyway, Kashif is the "market supervisor" of the British Souk and was instrumental in getting it set up in the first place.  Over there, us Brits exchange news and views that centre on our little island.

The impression I get from brother Kashif's posts (never having met the brother you understand) is that he really considers nothing more important than trying to stick to the Sunnah of Rasoolullah (saws).  Even if it means having to incur much personal inconvenience.

On top of that (yeah, like anything else is needed), he has a genuine concern for the welfare of his brothers and sisters in Islam: check out his advice to Saleema to further her studies and his obvious frustration at not being able to find the right words to assist the Sister who posted about her husband wanting her to terminate her pregnancy.

And so, on that fine note I shall leave it.  (Kashif, you can put the tenner in the post!! LOL!)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
02/28/01 at 06:54:29
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

Looks like the gauntlet's been thrown down ;-)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/01/01 at 00:18:41
as-Salaamu 'Alaykum,

  Okay, I better do an intro on the only person I really know on this board before someone else gets to them first.

  I would like to introduce Sr. Nazia to you all.  She is a college student in Alabama in the wonderful city of hicksville...err I mean Huntsville :) .  I think she has been posting on this board for a while now.  Her posts range from fiqh questions to humor all the way to off-the-wall goofiness (in a good way of course).

  Much like a lot of people on this board, she has been involved with her Islamic community for a long time now.  From youth group, MSA to the Masjid.

  One good quality, of many mashaa Allah, is her sincerity for seeking knowledge and finding the truth about matters.

 Oh yeah, also she's getting married, [i]inshaa Allah[/i] in December. ;)

  She is, overall, a kewl cat.

Take care,

Zubaid Kazmi

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/01/01 at 00:50:40

Well first let me do my intro and then i'll do someone elses since im relativly new here.
ok im seventeen in high school i live in troy NY relativly close to albany and i have been reading the posts for awhile but i just now started posting. anyways im introducing Kiwi25 who lives up the hill from me and goes to the same high school and she has been on the message board awhie now but posts every so often. and if you have read her posts or if you know her she will always speak her mind wheather its good or bad.hehe ok well not their is not much more i can say about her except taht everybody should get to know her!!

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/08/01 at 15:48:35
c'mon y'all... someone else do someone.
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/08/01 at 16:39:23

Okay since I am the one who is the most geographically closest (California) to Bhaloo I'll post some stuff about him.

Well I've known bro Bhaloo since like hmm, it's been a while yeah. Masha Allah the bro has an excellent webpage full of Islamic resources and such, and I'm glad to be on his islamic maillist alhamdulilah.

Bhaloo, is a great bro/friend masha Allah, someone you can trust with just about anything, I know I would trust him with my life. Also if you ever play Quake or any of these types of games with Bhaloo, then umm prepare to get fragged like a gazillion times. Remember those Quake games Bhaloo? :)

Oh and if Gladiator/Lightningatnite is reading this, insha Allah sometime before the end of this year I will meet up with Bhaloo, and when I do insha Allah I will give you a call just so you can be sure im upholding my promise :)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/08/01 at 16:43:32

I guess I'll do Uzer (aka proudtobemuslim).

I met him in Pakistan this winter.  Really nice bro, alhamdulillah.  He is a 1st year student at Agha Khan Medical University in Karachi.  He has lived most of his life in Saudi Arabia.  He cannot seem to speak Urdu constantly, often switching gears into English when the other person is not noticing :)

His interests include medicine, computer games, reading about Islam from authentic sources and doing da'wah.  He's a big fan of Clutch City (Houston Rockets) and despises Philly and Iverson :)

I would tell you guys another really neat thing about him, but I won't because he may mind ;)  It has to do with something that happened when I prayed with him :)

Wassalamu alaikum.
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/19/01 at 00:10:24
Kathy aka PTA Mom Extraordinaire

Sr. Kathy lives in Binghamton, which is not far from Albany and wayy more rural than Albany (which is the capital btw), yet she loves the Albanyian Cow jokes (and *somehow* knows much more about cow tipping than normal people). She often visits her little son's school to teach them about Islam. Her most used phrase is "Allah knows best". She often wonders at this new-fangled youth slang stuff. She is a revert to Islam who tries to give dawah to her family (without slugging them), but it is sometimes a struggle. She is passionate about teaching her son to become an excellent muslim ma'shallah. ;-D

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/08/01 at 20:41:44
i try to visit everyday, but o well... from bham alabama... half paki and half italain... freshman in college... anything else to know?!?
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/11/01 at 09:02:14

Jannah such nice words.... I am copying it and saving it for "a rainy day"

I would like to introduce Jannah. According to the Islamic Horizons Magazine she is the 21st century "Den Mother" of our newest generation of fine Muslims.

Jannah is a mom and a programmer computer specialist, although she is humble and will not admit it.

I have never met Jannah and only know her through her comments on this board. I would assume she is from the Indian sub continent- but raised in a very cultured atmosphere. However from her sense of humor- there was or is someone in her family that is quite delightful and has given her a wry humor.

One of her most endearing qualities is her tolerance and understanding. Unlike many born muslims, she does have an understanding about those of us that have embraced Islam and our struggles. She also uses her style to address issues that non muslims have with us. I don't think I have ever heard the word kaffer from her.

This doesn't stop her from being passionate. She will step up and defend a point she believes in and substantiates it with proof. Yet, as a good leader should, she lets us argue the points and come to the correct thought. Stepping in only for guidence.

Jannah is also a visionary. She filled a void in the Islamic community with her site This site is a masterpiece.

All of the above testify to what a woman she is. But the real test are her children. The other day I had remarked to a friend that se7en is one of the few teenagers I would take advice from. Jannah has raised remarkable children.

The only problem that I find with her is her threats. Sigh- she has banned me from posting cow jokes- and even tho I sometimes "misspell" a word that then becomes a pun of the bovine- if she has noticed it she has let me get away with it...

All in all- this world is a much better place because of her. May Allah swt reward her in this world and the after.
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/11/01 at 11:48:02
wow i had assumed they were sisters???
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/11/01 at 13:31:46
You thought Jannah was my MOM? :o  

We are sisters :)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/11/01 at 13:27:37
Although I have 31 children (at mosque :)) I am not married ;) and let's just say I'm 20 something!!

jazaki Allah khair for the post Kathy.. I don't think I'll save it for a rainy day though.. I'd love to read it every morning to feel good :D !!
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/13/01 at 09:49:04

Really nice bro, alhamdulillah.  

I knew the pakola would have done it...

He cannot seem to speak Urdu constantly, often switching gears into English when the other person is not noticing :)

hehe... no comment

His interests include medicine, computer games, reading about Islam from authentic sources and doing da'wah.  He's a big fan of Clutch City (Houston Rockets) and despises Philly and Iverson :)

Ya I guess the phillies have replaced the bulls (from before they split up) for the NBA recipients of my dislike.

In response I feel that I should do a spotlight on bro. Arsalan, however I completely admit that I do not know the dude nearly half as much as I would like to.

When the brother visited me, the first thing he asked, of course was where to pray Asr... after that when we sat down and made ourselves confortable, the first thing he asked was about the condition of the Deen in my uni... Mash-Allah Alaik... no need for me to say much more.

The brother is very involved in his university's local MSA, helping the Muslim students that come there.  He's a biochemistry major and a computer programming minor (forgive me if its the other way around!).  He studies at... uh... um... somewhere in texas that is not Houston and San Antonio.. SORRY.  he studied for a while at Karachi and is originally from Karachi.  He'sa a big fan of Moududi.  He's also an Olajuwon fan like me.  

I really admire the brother's knowledge and how he is ready to stand for what he believes in total opposition to what he deems wrong.  However, he is humble (Al- Hamdulillah) and will completely admit a mistake... i.e. he is not a blind follower and we need more people like that in the Ummah.  

There's a million and one things that I have left out so if anyone wishes he can do a part 2 or something.  

I must say that this board is the best thing that happened to me on the Internet.  I therefore, would like to take this opportunity to thank EVERY single last person on this board for their contribution in trying to make the evil, narrow-minded fools like me overall better Muslims.. coz thats why we're here on this earth... to be the best Muslims we possibly can be!

Finally, I would like to let out a little Dua' that May Allah (AWJ) give brother Arsalan, me, the contributors to this board and the rest of the Muslim Ummah the tawfiq to worship Him the way He likes to be worshipped and to implement His word (the Quran) and the Sunnah of His Prophet (SAW) on this planet as guidance to mankind.  Ameen.

Jazzakum ullahu Khairan

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/13/01 at 14:54:57

I knew the pakola would have done it...[/quote]LOL!  Hahaha.  :D

Btw, Pakolas are NICE!  I don't drink any thing but Pakola (not even Pepsi!) when I'm in Pakistan!

[quote]He's a biochemistry major and a computer programming minor (forgive me if its the other way around!).[/quote]No, that's correct.  Except that I'm a Computer science minor.

[quote]He studies at... uh... um... somewhere in texas that is not Houston and San Antonio.. SORRY.[/quote]Texas A&M :)  In College Station.

[quote]I really admire the brother's knowledge [/quote]I have none!  Wallahi I have none!  I'm just really good at quickly pulling stuff out of books that I have in my bookshelf!

[quote]and how he is ready to stand for what he believes in total opposition to what he deems wrong.[/quote]This is correct. I've gotten in trouble for it several times.  Amazing how you figured that out!

[quote]There's a million and one things that I have left out so if anyone wishes he can do a part 2 or something.  [/quote]I think you said more than enough yaa akhi :)  Jazak Allahu khairan.  You just made my day!

[quote]Finally, I would like to let out a little Dua' that May Allah (AWJ) give brother Arsalan, me, the contributors to this board and the rest of the Muslim Ummah the tawfiq to worship Him the way He likes to be worshipped and to implement His word (the Quran) and the Sunnah of His Prophet (SAW) on this planet as guidance to mankind.  Ameen.[/quote]Ameen.  Ameen.  Ameen.

Wassalamu alaikum.
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/13/01 at 19:05:37

My victim is.... Saleema

Let's see.. Saleema has been on the board since it's inception.  Her posts are awesome, kind and passionate.  Her goodness and sincerity can be seen in her genuine reactions to things.  I know of many posts that have moved her to tears.  subhanAllah, how many of us have such softness of heart that we are moved to tears when we hear about the plight of our brothers and sisters? I know of times when she has been mistaken, and instead of being stubborn or insisting on her opinon, she humbled herself by admitting her mistakes and correcting herself.  How many of us can admit our mistakes and apologize for them as easily as Saleema can?  Her goodness makes me strive to be better.

She humbles us with her knowledge of African history and her quizzes which we all either
a.) fail
b.) refuse to participate in because we know we'll fail :)

She's Texan, young, has a great sense of humor, has good taste in poetry,

and... she's engaged.  (sorry brothers)

And and and... she can't spell.  If we ever get a spell check on here it should be dedicated to Saleema ;-D

We love you saleema, keep on postin'...

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/14/01 at 23:42:15
Assalamu Alaikum,

I read near the top of this thread that sisters were supposed to introduce
sisters, and brothers were to introduce brothers. Buuut, since I was introduced by a boy, I figure I can introduce him right back, no?

Name: Zubaid Kazmi

Age: Lets just say he recently qualified for cheaper car insurance ;)

Occupation: Computer Programmer by day, Hell's Angels Bike Rider by night!

Anyways, Br. Zubaid is fairly new to the board, and most of his posts have fallen under the sports thread :)  He is one of the most sincere brothers I know, with an incredible love for Islam, and humility that really shows me how much I need to improve :)    He is very level-headed, and subhan'Allah, he's one of those people who just ALWAYS seems to know the right answer!  He truly believes in calling people to Islam with kindness, wisdom, and example.  

He cooks better than I do, and my mom thinks I need to be more like him :)  He has always been very involved in youth work.  He served as MYNA EZ rep, helped organize countless conferences, is a member of the EZ Kazmi dynasty ;) and currently resides in Dallas, TX and even helps out with the youth group there. OH! He's also kind of famous!

Think MYNA RAPS 3--Give me Ya Allah.  Thats him!
aaand...he was also a main feature on MYNA RAPS 1.. but we won't go there ;)

Overall, he's also a pretty "kewl cat" ;)

Oh yeah...he's getting married in December, Insha'Allah ;)

Take Care,
Nazia Abbas

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/15/01 at 18:22:05
who's left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/15/01 at 18:25:33
Many people are left!!!

AbuKhaled (might be tough, since nobody knows nothing about him!)

and many others!

Come on guys!
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/15/01 at 18:33:37

Kashif and myself were already done.  Al-Basha did me, I'll return the favor insha'Allah, just waiting for some more to come up here.

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/15/01 at 18:36:24

as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatAllah,

guys, it kind of defeats the purpose if you do an intro for someone and then that person does an intro for you.. please try to do someone *other* than the person that introduced you... that way people won't feel like they need to partner off, and more people can be brought into the spotlight ;)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/15/01 at 18:39:42
please try to do someone *other* than the person that introduced you....[/quote]Yes!  Unless you're ... ahem ... engaged to someone on the board or something ;-D
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/15/01 at 18:51:49

Can we do more then 1 ???  I don't want some people to feel left out.
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/15/01 at 20:21:37

aha!I thought he was a myna kazmi!
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/16/01 at 11:59:28
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

Welcome to the world of Br Abdul Basir

As of now he holds the unique distinction of being the first person to be thrust into the spotlight without ever having formally introduced himself at the Bebzi stand! Such a rare achievement and the Brother isn't even a Geek yet! Just imagine what he'll be like when he finally becomes a Mujahid ;-)

He hails from the East Coast (I think) and recently returned from Makkah, making him the *first* citizen to perform Hajj whilst being on the board (you starting to see a pattern here?)

He has a liking for reading "bookwormish" type books but don't hold that against him because his knowledge shines through his posts and he's wonderfully modest to boot. Suffice to say sisters, you shouldn't feel in any way embarrassed to ask him........
about camel kabobs or any other factors that will break your wudu ;)

Okay, now that he's gone bright red after reading that (hopefully out of embarrassment and not anger), I'd just like to say that if you want to get hitched, he's da Man to see since he helps out at I'm sure he could put a good word in for you if you asked him nicely ;-)
But frankly I think he's far too young to be playing matchmaker. I don't really see him as the Auntie type.

He has a great way of simplifying things. I particularly loved the way he compared the atmosphere in Mina after the Day of Arafat to the feeling you get after having sat your exams.
He's also very astute and aware of matters around him. I think his (psycho)analysis of Br Abu Khaled is probably not too far off the mark and probably betrays one of his vocations in life. And last and by no means least, he has a great sense of humour. That [color=Red] [deleted by the Moderator]  [/color]post creased me up no end.

So there you have it….what more do you need/want to know?

I've tastefully omitted the fact that he once said on this board that he was clueless and didn't know how to do basic things. (Don't worry though, I won't mention that one again ;)

But Brother, fret not, your presence on this board is *very* much appreciated and long may it continue so the remainder of us can benefit from your insight.

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/17/01 at 09:28:56
Assalamu alaikum,

And the next victim is princess...

Princess' castle is in Houston, Texas.  She is a cool sister who is active in her muslim community and acts as an editor of their Fikra magazine (sp?).

Moreover, princess is an avid basketball fan and very proud of her favourite team : the Philadelphia 78ers, to the dismay of some brothers :)  

Her lightheartedness and sense of humour are very visible from her stable happy+ grinning icons found at the end of each and every one of her posts.  She has coined many quirky phrases like hota hai & don't hate participate , and disapproves of their use by others without acknowledging her (fictitious) copy rights on them :)

Overall, we are all glad to have a princess in our midst in Madina.
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/16/01 at 18:41:33
Hmm, interesting intro Br. got all that just from my posts eh? I am starting to adhere to the AbuKhaled school of thought, no formal introductions just yet:)
[quote]say that if you want to get hitched, he's da Man to see since he helps out at I'm sure he could put a good word in for you if you asked him nicely[/quote]
???????? Check your sources bro on that one!...I doubt the sisters on this board need anyone to put a good word for them anyway...

Thanks for the kind words Br Khalid, not to mention the hyperbole :) I am throwing virtual cyberdust into your face...
[quote]and the Brother isn't even a Geek yet![/quote]
I have begun to incur the wrath from some members of the Alliance for my defense of the genius AbuKhaled. Indeed, since then I have have found some of my posts mysteriously deleted, and I have been subject to one particularly hurtful accusation that I drank spiked Zamzam, perhaps to discredit me. Astaghfirullah, if you must, attack me, but to actually attack the waters of Zamzam!?!

I will not be silent in the face of an injustice. That is why, I am making an appeal to the administrators to change this title of "geek" because it is keeping people from posting too much. Who who would want to be called a Madina Geek? There are enough people on this board who have been ridiculed as geeks their entire life and when they seek solace and security in the Madina, our administrators throw this moniker right back in their face? Astaghfirullah!!

Is this the Madina we want? Where our junior members, our beloved citizens, are branded with such demeaning titles? Brothers and sisters I appeal to you, let us join together and figh-- [color=red][rest of post deleted by moderator for revolutionary, ultra-egalitarian content]

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/18/01 at 21:21:08
I would like to do an intro for ;-) to reciprocate, but as se7en said (or ordered) we shouldn't pair up.

That being the case, I don't believe that anyone has introduced Gladiator aka Lightiningatnite. I hope he doesn't mind, but I'll say a little bit about him. And I don't think he'll mind cuz he's never been on this board since I've been on!

But that is in itself an indication of the type of guy he is. Because he hasn't been on really since he made Umrah in Ramadan this year. Subhanallah one could see the light in his eyes after his return, so I would venture to say that as we busily type away on our keyboards, our brother is out in the real world, striving to do good. Oh yeah, he's also busy trying to graduate from college.

He is a member of the feared Albanyia mafia, who for years have extorted and threatened countless brothers and sisters [i]fisabilillah[/i] to attend halaqas, lectures and conferences. Yet he lays down the law in a most gentle and commendable manner.

One never passes him without seeing a smile on his face, and like his writing, he speaks with similar eloquence and depth. He also has a tremendous love for this deen and seeking knowledge.

As of today he remains single, but Allah knows how long such a perplexing reality could last.

And since ;-) has given me the position at that I speculate he himself held for a long time, I will be happy to put a good word in for anyone interested :)

Anyways, remembering Sr. Mona's reminder hadith about praise, this is how I think him to be so and Allah knows him better and his destined end.

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/16/01 at 18:49:19
Asalamualaikum wa rahmatallahi wa baraktu :)

Subhanallah, brother Abdul Basir, I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time :) :) sure knew how to get me to log in :)

I am so embarassed, I haven't written in so long, and I miss everyone on this board.  May Allah Most Gracious bless you all, and fill your hearts with peace.  May He make you happy in this life and the next.  I hope you can all forgive me for my rudeness.  I pray that Allah Most Merciful hides my faults.

Br. Basir, mabrook on your return from Hajj :)  Your kindness is heartfelt :)  Now, about this jewel thing, I'll get you back ):(

Take care,
:) Wassalam :)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/17/01 at 02:34:42
as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatuh,

[quote]as se7en said (or ordered) we shouldn't pair up. [/quote] just a suggestion :)

Some people that are left:  (there are many, so forgive me if I leave your name out!)

;-) [Br Khalid]
Abu Khaled
Pacific Breeze
Saraji Umm Zaid
and many others...

do you appreciate their posts on the board?  then let them know.

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/16/01 at 19:44:09
Assalam ualykum,

i have chachi, moe, and haaris. No one can take these. I lay claim to introducting them. or actually just one of them. Sorry brothers, two of you will be discarded.  :)  (all in good humor)

I yet have to decide which one of you i want to introduce. right now i have to jet.

PS I like all three of you eually. Really. Just don't think that I want to introduce three people. That's against the  :) have  a nice day.  :)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/16/01 at 19:53:52
I thought someone did your intro Se7en but since you did your *own* intro.  I'll do one for you...

Se7en is 17 yrs old, she's a senior in HS.  She's lives in Albany, New York.  Her bro (Gladiator/Lightning) and sis (Jannah) are members of the board as well.  Actually this is her sister's site.

College:  she has looked into several schools including Michigan State seems like she is leading towards Michigan?  maybe because of their very active MSA. (correct me if I'm wrong Se7en).

She's a student of Mokhtar Magroui in his aqeedah class.  Just by reading her posts I can see she has such a drive for seeking Ilm, and she has quite a bit ilm for a 17 yr old, masha'Allah.  She attended the ALIM program in Michigan last year, she was kind enough to give me her recommendation for giong and helped me with a few other things as well =) wut a nice gal,  *sigh*  hehe

She's also a webmaster, this is her lovely site

She's yet another Madina addict :)  I really look forward to reading her posts, and she has recently been promoted to Madina Administrator.  

I wish I knew more and I prolly didn't do justice for her intro but I gave it my best shot  =)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/16/01 at 22:10:02

[quote]That is why, I am making an appeal to the administrators to change this title of "geek" because it is keeping people from posting too much. Who who would want to be called a Madina Geek?
Bro, the idea is we are encouraging geeks everywhere to be proud of themselves or at least encourage ppl to post MORE to get out of the geek title! :)  

but since you have so vehemently voiced your opinion and chained yourself to the tree in the middle of the Madina courtyard in protest, please do suggest a better title that we may use?
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/16/01 at 22:47:11
[quote]but since you have so vehemently voiced your opinion and chained yourself to the tree in the middle of the Madina courtyard in protest, please do suggest a better title that we may use?[/quote]
Hmm I don't know. It would have to be between a plain old citizen of the Madina, and a Mujahid who is very active and fights for Islam.

So what's more active than citizen, but more passive than someone who fights for Islam?

How bout [i]murabit[/i], a person on the road spreading Islam? A Madina Murabit would be sort of in between...I know its not as a familiar term as others but it sort of fits...

I remain chained to the tree, in anticipation of other suggestions...
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/17/01 at 01:04:27
Assalaamu alaikum,

My victim is ... Ikani!

Brother Ikani comes to Madina from the land of the Green Eagles and Flying Elephants. He calls Kaduna Nigeria his hometown and he went to college at the nearby Ahmadu Bello University. Currently, he is slacking off at an ISP as part of his post graduation training.

I believe he majored in business management but he also loves to write and draw (right?), and is interested in learning more about computers and programming. He has a wonderfully creative mind. If you go to his website you can read some of his works. He has written a long thesis on 'motion' and Islam. Also, he is the inventor of the 'Translaita', a hi-tech device that seemlessly substitutes unIslamic content on TV with halal content. His wacky sense of humor is evident from his cartoons and stories, and he has a liking for sci-fi and martial arts (movies?).

One of his favorite foods is okro soup. He, however, claims no knowledge of okra or lady-fingers, and how they are different from okro :) And oh yeah, he will be brave enough to cook for his wife on the wedding night. That's a tall order Ikani, are you sure? Order in some pizza instead :) Everyone loves pizza.

03/17/01 at 01:14:19

Someone mentioned to me that they wanted to be a Madina Geek even when they get to the next level. :)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/17/01 at 01:34:47

hey man.. geeks rule.. you're just a buncha haters... the whole lot 'o ya!

heh.. j/k ;-D .. but geeks rule :)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/17/01 at 06:58:37

hey peeps u really dont like this madina geek do u :) lol

im feeling brave i'll take on :

Abu khaled

but i dont think i can take on him alone.. n e one like to join me ?

ok let me start...
drum roll lol

ok ehm
location: ok im assuming this bro is on earth someone still unknown ??? 2 me neway

u know what i was trying to do some research and i got into reading some other thread and now i dont have time left so i shall be back!!!!


Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/18/01 at 07:12:54

Just a thought about a moment in my life I would like to share...

Last winter there was a brother who posted on this message board.

He said he was homeless and living in his car. From what he wrote, I could tell that he was in NY.

Do you have any idea how many sleepless nights and duas I made for him? I just couldn't figure out how to ask my husband to let a muslim stay with us- who I only knew thru this forum.

Now I read above that it was Jannah and Se7en's brother!!!!
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/18/01 at 19:45:38

Kathy ...

You serious? ? ?
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/19/01 at 00:09:41
arsalan remember how lightningatnite made a comment about something running in the family and that he's probably going to have to sleep in the jeep tonight, then arshad posted 'how are you enjoying sleeping in the jeep' ;-D
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/19/01 at 00:10:05
i know i know!

i meant, is kathy serious about that whole spending-hours-in-prayers-for-the-poor-soul part??
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/19/01 at 15:43:54
03/23/01 at 13:24:38

The spotlight is on Asim.  Alhumdullilah Asim is one of the wonderful brothers I have come to know through this board.  He has alhumdullilah good knowledge of Islam and engages in some interesting discourses here.  Perhaps what he is best known for on this board is his continuous committment day in and day out to posting the meaning/usage of the Quranic words that Jannah puts up every day on the board.  Alhumdullilah the brother is working on his PHD out in Ohio (didn't know we had Muslims out there, did you? ;) ).  If I remember correctly he grew up in Nigeria in a Pakistani/Indian community situated there.  He has wonderful manners, and was kind enough not to laugh at my Urdu skills and offered encouragement when others laughed *cough* basanti pasha *cough*.  (Incidentally I learned I won that contest, but enough of me.)

I remember when we had very few people on the board and Jannah wanted to have moderators here and was wondering who should be a moderator.  She sent me her list, and it was amazing, because EVERY SINGLE person on that list were the exact same people that I thought should be a moderator, that's not to say others on here now couldn't qualify, but that was in the early days of this board.  So they all became a moderator, including Asim.  

I do have one complaint about the brother.  He doesn't post as much as he used to, and I look forward to hearing his views and insight in the future insha'Allah.  :)

p.s.  Check out the brother's mathematical skills in the Ummah Community center.  ;)
Re: A S I M
03/23/01 at 17:03:05

Wow Arshad, thanks for the good words. I don't think I deserve them!
[quote]I do have one complaint about the brother.  He doesn't post as much as he used to, and I look forward to hearing his views and insight in the future insha'Allah.  :)
Inshallah I will try do my best. But, in general, I don't post much because I don't have much to contribute. I'd rather read the insights of others and learn than open my mouth and say something wrong :) Also, times are busy for me these days. The PhD just never seems to end :( (not to mention the uncertainity that is associated with it).

Re: A S I M
03/23/01 at 17:51:03
[quote]p.s.  Check out the brother's mathematical skills in the Ummah Community center.  ;)
[/quote]Actually they're in the Madrasatul Ilm :)

I would like to add one more thing about Asim (one of my dearest brothers on this board): He was the undisputed winner of the very [color=blue]First Quran Word Quiz![/color]  

You guys who are thinking of participating in the next quiz ([color=red]to be held April 15[/color]) - hopefully ALL of you - this is the guy you need to beat :)

Good luck!!! :P

It's a pleasure to have you on the board Asim.  Keep up the good work.  And your advice are always helpful on AIM ;)

Wassalamu alaikum.
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/23/01 at 18:46:41
[quote]Assalaamu alaikum,

My victim is ... Ikani!

Currently, he is slacking off at an ISP as part of his post graduation training.

He has a wonderfully creative mind. If you go to his website you can read some of his works. He has written a long thesis on 'motion' and Islam. Also, he is the inventor of the 'Translaita', a hi-tech device that seemlessly substitutes unIslamic content on TV with halal content. His wacky sense of humor is evident from his cartoons and stories, and he has a liking for sci-fi and martial arts (movies?).

One of his favorite foods is okro soup. He, however, claims no knowledge of okra or lady-fingers, and how they are different from okro :) And oh yeah, he will be brave enough to cook for his wife on the wedding night. That's a tall order Ikani, are you sure? Order in some pizza instead :) Everyone loves pizza.

Oh, that was reeeaaal funny! Ive been gone from posting here for so long I never realised Asim's been analysing me like this! Fortunately, I was just about to 'crash' and go to sleep so, you escape Asim .:)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
03/24/01 at 22:04:43
assalamu alaikum wr wb

hey, what about me?
then again, i was away on vacation and didnt come on here for awhile..
wow looks like i missed a mineful of stuff...
will take me a few days to catch up...

take care
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/01/01 at 21:45:28
as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatAllah,

ok lemme say some good things about a few people that were mistakenly non-spotlighted..

destined - girl's been on the board for a while, keeps a low profile.  mashaAllah, an awesome sis with a serious thirst for knowledge

Br Khalid - truly a peacemaker.  anytime a thread gets out of hand, this brother seems to know how to calm us all down and diplomatically end an argument.  If only we were all smart enough to say, "I think it's safe to say there are differences of opinion on this matter."

abu khal[color=black]e[/color]d - eloquent with a recently exposed sense of humor.  keeps unfolding like a flower..

jaihoon - our resident poet

khathija, dhikr, Adi, insaaf, kiwi25, ABD, halwa, Noura, Laboogie + the whole albany sisters crew - all awesome sisters mashaAllah. you guys have a lot to say about the board when we talk in person.. y'all need to post more!

alzinjibar - ok, read his post in [url=]this thread[/url].  'Nuff said.  MashaAllah, maybe he can teach some of you brothers out there somethin :P  [I'm jokin, you brothers are awesome, I love you all fisabilillah]

widad - our hadeeth-a-day sister :)

Assing - a Madinan who speaks very little (if at all) about himself, but always benefits us with his knowledge.  

Himy - our bro from t.o.   where'd you go?

Mona - awesome sis from Toronto with a wicked sense of humor and who tells it like it is :)

meraj - resident geek. :)

eleanor - seeker of knowledge

saraji umm zaid - author of some great posts and some amazing poetry

kiwaku - father of two beautiful daughters, he talks about em a lot :)

princess - adds a lot of happiness to the board :)

safiya - sis who was brave enough to try to introduce br abu khaled :)

rae - sis who's actually attempting to understand what the heck youth are thinking.  may Allah reward you for it :)

ok, these are just a few of the many people who contribute to the board.. I apologize if I missed you..lemme know and I'll put you in there

All of you contribute to the awesome-ness of the board, may Allah reward you.  You don't know what a few words of advice or encouragement or knowledge can do for a person..

wasalaamu alaykum.

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/01/01 at 23:42:00
Assalam ualykum,

Inshallah tomorrow I will introduce the people that I said I would introduce. I won't leave anyone out like I had said earlier I would.  :)

Sorry for the long delay.

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/02/01 at 02:12:09

Let me just say this, brother Assing is a homeboy.  :)  hehehheeh, its an inside joke that he will know.  Alhumdullilah he translated another piece from Ibn Qayyim and sent it to me to post to the board.  Insha'Allah I will do it in a day or two.  

*blush* I feel so cool being one of the first to receive it, but that's what happens when you are homies. ;)  Hota hai. :)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/02/01 at 05:11:08
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

Jazakhallah Khair for the kind words Sr seven…….as well as pointing out the spelling ;-)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/03/01 at 10:49:27

Hmm ... I always thought rae was a bro!?!
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/03/01 at 08:13:20
Nobody knows me *sniff, sniff*..nobody likes me...waahhhhhhh..waahhhhh..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh....
OK, I'm over it :)
Actually I hardly ever post, so I'm not complaining about anything. But I am definitely addicted to this place and could easily be in contention for the most-regular-visitor prize :)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/03/01 at 09:18:01
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

[quote]But I am definitely addicted to this place and could easily be in contention for the most-regular-visitor prize [/quote]

At least you're not in denial abc;-)

That reminds me. The spotlight knows all about you lurkers out there ;)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/03/01 at 09:52:46
Assalamu alaikum,

Oooh, sorry ABC.  I know her, I know her!

She is a cool sister who is living in Kuwait --my birthplace!  She is a microbiologist (right?) and working in a research institution there.  

She went to Umrah last October, I believe, and when she came back she posted some tips for those who are intending to go in the future...what a nice sister, eh? :-)

Oh, and this sister has a wild side to her...she once woke up and found a monkey in her hotel room, while travelling in India!

Hey ABC, we all love you here.  Where have you been?  Post more often sister.  

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/03/01 at 11:14:10
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
[quote] I know her, I know her! [/quote]
aaahhh..I feel so distinguished :-)
[quote] She is a cool sister who is living in Kuwait --my birthplace!  She is a microbiologist (right?) and working in a research institution there [/quote]
yep....all true, especially the cool part ;)

[quote] she once woke up and found a monkey in her hotel room, while travelling in India! [/quote]
just a teeny bit correction here :), the monkey was in my hostel room while I was studying in India :-)

[quote] we all love you here [/quote]
Jazakillah khair. I love you'll too fee sabillillah

Mona and I seem to have four things in common: we both spent a good part of our childhood here, we're both into research in closely related biological fields, we both know that Kuwaitis can have an "attitude" and we both aggree that Gulf road should be renamed "Crazy street" ;)


Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/03/01 at 11:12:14
Assalam ualykum,

I was just about to introduce some people when Jannah told me to "Get OFFF I'm Fixing the board!!!"

So I did. That was so rude Jannah!

Anyway, inshallah I will introduce everyone by this afternoon.

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/03/01 at 12:15:46
I'm glad you got off. If you had posted another forum could have bit the dust.

If y'all ever see the board messed up just log off and email us, cuz otherwise the scripts just go crazy and might mess up more when you're on doing stuff.
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/04/01 at 07:37:53

[quote]eleanor - seeker of knowledge[/quote]

lol!!! Interesting to see that I came across like that. Actually as far as this board is concerned it's true. At the moment I can only seek knowledge since I don't feel informed enough yet to share knowledge!!
My teachers at school would have loved to have seen that written about me! They would have written " eleanor - seeker of free-time" or "eleanor - seeker of ways of getting away with not wearing school uniform" or even "eleanor - seeker of ways of doing as little as possible while still attaining the highest marks in the class"
Yes I was a big duffer at school. But those days are long gone. Now I'm learning for life.

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/05/01 at 17:43:22
i have chachi, moe, and haaris.

Assalam ualykum,

I will first introduce brother Haaris.  :) He has been with us for a long time now, since the inception of this board.

As you have probably noticed his jokes aren't funny, that's because he is British and all British are like that.  :) (Just Kidding. )

He is married to a Pakistani girl. Here's his love story and how he found Islam: He really, really liked this girl but she said that she would never marry a non-Muslim. And so that led to curiosity about Islam and so he went on a quest for the Truth and decided Islam was the best and the only true way of life. So he converted alhamudlillah!  :) And of course the next best part is that he got the girl too! Mashallah, brother Haaris is one lucky chap!  :) May Allah always keep you two happy!

Se7en tought that Haaris was an "uncle."(So did I!), but he is in his late 20s. He is quite mature for his age.

He is a laywer. :) I always think of lawyers as assertive and argumentative, but Haaris is not like that, in fact, he seems to have a very mellow attitude. Even when he argues and even when I disagree with him, I never get offended, excited, or agitated. So I have never had an argument with him. He comes across very calm.

Also, he makes sure that what he is doing is religious and not culutral. He is very nice to his relatives and his relatives love him.

He doesn't have any children yet.

And now Chachi.

Chachi and I argue most of the time, but it's all good, right? I would like to say that I'm sorry if i have ever hurt your feeling or anything. And now for the introduction:

He is also a Brit. And very funny! But most of the time I never get his jokes; :) (i never get any jokes), his jokes seem to be for people who are well-read and well rounded individuals because he's always drawing analogies and stuff between the topic at hand some literature work.

From what I can tell he likes to read a lot. And he's pakhtun. But he's from Pakistan. The most amazing thing is how he can say a lot in 4 or 5 sentences--they are strong statements, (by that I dont mean rude), and full of good information. He seems like a very intelligent guy.

He has a very analytical mind, and that's evident I think from the commentary he makes on many subjects, especially on news related stuff.

i think his job has something to do with computers. (right?) He's also very nice, one time he offered to pay for my friend's ticket so that she could hear sheikh hamza yusuf lecture. That was very nice.  :)

He knows a lot about video games and Star Wars.

And Moe: I will introduce you latter inshallah, right now i have to go.  :)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/06/01 at 09:19:35

Thanks for the laughs Saleema, those were really hillarious. :)

[quote]As you have probably noticed his jokes aren't funny, that's because he is British and all British are like that.  :) (Just Kidding. )

With regards to the above, I agree, I know the British on here are trying, but let's face it you guys are not funny, look at that Monty Python thread, I have no idea what you guys are talking about, maybe someone can explain them to me. :)  But don't worry there is hope for you guys still, Br.Khalid and Haaris are sounding more and more like yanks and soon their humor will as well.  Its gonna take a little while to work on Kashif though. ;)

Chachi and I argue most of the time, but it's all good, right?

lol ;)   Insha'Allah you guys resolve your conflicts and everything is ok. :)

I didn't know Chachi plays video games, Unreal Tournament? ???
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/05/01 at 18:49:00
[quote]look at that Monty Python thread, I have no idea what you guys are talking about[/quote]That makes two of us!
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/05/01 at 21:42:33
well, since no one seems to want to inroduce me, shall I pathetically make my own introduction? (I didn't even get included on the mass list... this happens with me a lot)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/06/01 at 02:46:27
Its OK zakk, don't feel bad. Just throw a tantrum like I did, and people will notice you ;)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/06/01 at 06:14:48

"Br.Khalid and Haaris are sounding more and more like yanks"

That was below the belt!!  Don't we have a rule in this city about not insulting each other??

Yours sincerely

Offended from Bristol

( ;-) )
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/06/01 at 06:35:28
Asalaaamu Alaikum ;-)

[quote]That was below the belt!!  Don't we have a rule in this city about not insulting each other??[/quote]

Here Here! ;-)

PS I've been taking Slang 101 in the Oasis to try and understand what you guys are saying!

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/07/01 at 12:00:32
Assalam ualykum,

Moe has been with us since the inception of this board too. He used to post on the old board also. He's a Canadian and a senior in high school.

He's the equivalent of a paper boy on this board because he's always posting news. Some of the articles he posts are really weird, I don't know where he gets them from. He posts a lot of breaking news.

He doesn't comment much on any subject and when he does, he doesn't write a lot. But he's an addict for sure cuz I see him here all the time.  :)

I thought I was the only person who had no idea what MSA or MYNA was until 2 years ago, but Moe didn't know what MYNA was either until very recently. That's about all that we have in common.  :)

He can be very assertive but he seems like a quite person. And he seems to listen to his elders. :)

And oh yeah, he seems to have an infatuation with the Taliban. :D

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/07/01 at 12:05:06
oh man! my tantrum didn't work!
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/07/01 at 13:39:44

introducing... zakk

zakk has come to us from islamica (welcome to the dark side muahahhahaah)... she's a young mommy from the city with a new baby who I'm sure is a cutie.. she's good in my book because she mocked arshad's attempts at urdu translation (the sad part is his translation is the only one I could understand) and she is seriously funny and seems like a pretty awesome sis...

that's a pretty lame introduction... maybe someone else can add some more to it?

it's good to have you on sis, keep on postin'.. :)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/07/01 at 17:13:42
Assalam ualykum,

We just have to get to know you a little better zakk, that's all.  :)

Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/09/01 at 19:08:55
chachi is a he?
(i thought chachi meant aunty in urdu...hmm...kya ho raha hai? i need to refresh my urdu, it seems...)
Re: spotlight on jannah citizens and regulars
04/09/01 at 19:21:22
Continue this in a new thread InshaAllah.

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