The Quest-Ionnaire

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

The Quest-Ionnaire
03/06/01 at 14:50:32
Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah.

Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

Okay okay, now before you all groan and run away...

This is a draft, and a work in progress. I would welcome it to become a collectively developed effort, so that perhaps it might become a valuable resource, providing insight, perceptivity and ideas for rectification and betterment. I’d like your input to make the questions original, penetrating, stimulating and above all, of use to you. The intention is to force us to think about issues that we might not normally wonder about, yet could be useful if we did, or even if they are issues we sometimes/regularly think about, to delve between-the-lines areas into areas that aren't always articulated so well, or dwelt upon sufficiently. This is not just supposed to be an exercise to wile away our time, or to answer light-heartedly, but to address in a different and original manner, some of the issues that we wonder about. So I want it to eventually become more holistic in the questions asked, and if any of you can contribute, please feel free to do so.

Essentially this is all about psychology. The fundamental purpose of the exercise is to gain a better understanding of our psychology as individual Muslims, and build from that patterns about us as a collective, if possible, which might then better place us in knowing how to move forward in dealing with that which we face. Of course there are questions about this, such as how reflective of the Ummah a snapshot from this Board might feasibly be? But maybe something interesting might emerge? Wallahu a'lam.

Perhaps your view is that too many of such things are already around, and don’t really add much, or prove useful. Or that there are better ways of amassing such information. Is the thought of spending time doing this off-putting? Or maybe I just haven’t really gotten the essence of how to do this in a way that is captivating and enjoyable enough to make someone want to persevere despite the length. Then say so, please.

Some of the questions have been structured purposely vague so as to allow as wide as possible an array of answers you can provide. Don’t follow anyone else’s precedent, and if they’ve interpreted a question to be asking one thing, but you interpret it differently, go with your own inclination, for there is no right and wrong here. For example, some questions are phrased in a way that allows you to answer about the Ummah, or yourself. It’s your choice. Try and make your answers of use to others (in terms of clarity) but write as if no one else was to see your thoughts. Make them thought-provoking without being deliberately controversial, and such that their benefit might be an ongoing source of baraka [blessing] for you, bi’ithnillah ta’ala.

Fill in only that which you wish to.

Please briefly review the following:

1. The last Islamic book you read.
2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape
3. The last Islamic video you watched


4. Speaker
5. Writer
6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)
7. Scholar from the past
8. Scholar from the present
9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (swt))
10. Talk

Regarding the above, why?

How have each of the above affected your Islam?

11. Please relate a life-changing situation you once confronted regarding which you had to seek the advice of another, and whether that advice helped, and if so, how (not)?

12. Could you be your own best friend? If yes, then qualify that.

13. Out of all the issues this Ummah faces, which single matter touches you the most?

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

14. your parents
15. your spouse
16. your child(ren)
17. your teacher
18. your best friend
19. your Imam
20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)

…what would it be?

21. _____ was a situation someone came to me with and I was completely dumbfounded about how to help them, what to say or do to advise them.

22.  I once overheard someone say _____ and it really made me think about _____

23. I think it is wrong when someone is _____ to advise them to ____ because ______

24. In my experience _____

25. To me, Islam is _____

26. Name something in someone else that really inspired you, and how.

27. If you had to pinpoint a single thing, what was it that made you make the change to want to practice Islam (of course, ultimately it was by the Guidance of Allah (swt))?

28. One story in the press concerning the affairs of my Ummah that tore me apart was ____

29. If only Muslims would _____!

30. I could quite easily cry when I think about _____

31. I wish I spent less time ____  

32. I wish I spent more time ____  

33. One issue that I really don’t think I quite understand (at all, properly, or fully) yet is ____

34. I’d like to seek more knowledge about ____

35. The area of Sacred Knowledge that I’m most passionate about.

36. I used to think Islam was ____ but then I came to realize it is ____

37. I think Muslims who portray Islam as if it is _____ do a disservice to the Deen.

38. I dislike it when I read/hear the words of Muslims that reflect _____

39. Something that seems obvious to me that I have noticed seems less obvious to others.

40. Something that we can’t discuss with our parents/children (delete as appropriate) that I think we ought to be able to (i.e. not because Islam doesn’t allow it, but because of cultural protocols or age-gaps, etc.).

41. The older/younger (delete as appropriate)  generation just don’t get that _____

42. A problem we face today that our parents generation didn’t.

43. A problem our parents generation faced that we don’t.

44. Life would be so much easier – bi’ithnillah ta’ala - if _____

45. A naseeha I should give myself.

46. We need more _____

47. We need less _____

48.  I really admire ____

49. I feel my judgement is weak when it comes to _____

50. I feel my judgement is quite reliable when it comes to _____

51. I think more Muslims should/must/need to ____

52. One lesson that never seems to be learned by ____ is _____

53. One thing I find lacking in general.

54. The biggest misconception non-Muslims have of Islam is _____

55. One beneficial thing I’d like to say to someone’s face but find myself unable to, and the reason why.

56. The most poignant (i) ayaat,(ii)  hadith, (iii) sayings of the Righteous, and (iv) words from elsewhere, I have ever come across.

57. [fill in your own question here, to be added to the questionnaire, and then add the number of the next question whilst leaving the question blank, so whoever follow, can fill their question in and follow the same procedure, and so on]

Any comments, suggestions, alterations or amendments you’d like to make to this questionnaire? Too long? Constructive? Helpful? A waste of time? Repetetive? Too difficult? Go-away-Abu-Khaled-and-stop-asking-so-many-darn-questions? Etc. ;-)

Your brother in Islam,

Abu Khaled
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/06/01 at 16:19:19
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

[quote]A waste of time? Repetetive? Too difficult? Go-away-Abu-Khaled-and-stop-asking-so-many-darn-questions? Etc. [/quote]


Just don't expect us to answer overnight!! A lot of those questions need careful consideration.

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/06/01 at 20:47:01

Abu Khalid- I started to answer your questions and after a long time it was too much.

May I suggest you break these up into sections under different topics?
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 00:24:32
1. The last Islamic book you read.

"Muhammad," (aleyhi salatu wa salaam) by Martin Lings

2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape

"Akidah in the Daily Life of a Muslim," by Hamza Yusuf, which I then promptly broke by accidentally jamming my arm onto it when I was reaching across the car seat

3. The last Islamic video you watched

Heh heh... uh, I watched the Message on DVD a few weeks ago.  Oh, and I watched S. Hamza's talk at Madison Sq. Garden, 1/99 "Putting Allah First: Repairing America" about a month ago.


4. Speaker

Sh. Hamza Yusuf

5. Writer

Sh. Abdul Qadir Jilani

6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)

This guy from Saudia, I don't even know his name right now, but he does tarteel style, and I like that.

7. Scholar from the past


8. Scholar from the present

I've not had the privelege of reading anything by a living scholar, except for a translation that Hamza Yusuf did of a fatwa from a scholar.

9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))

"Purification of the Soul," which is compiled from the works of Ibn Hanbal, al Jawziya, and Ghazali.  Also, "When You Hear Hoofbeats, Think of a Zebra," by Shems Friedlander.

10. Talk

Herm.... I think it would be "Purification of the Heart (soul?)" by Sh. Hamza OR the talk he gave at Brooklyn College, "Building a Masjid for Allah."  Oh and "Sowing the Seeds" and "Ad Dajjal."

Regarding the above, why?

For the first, b/c it is about a subject I'm mad interested in,  and for the second, b/c it represents to me what he speaks about America.  You know how sometimes, people will say "preach on!" when someone is telling it like it is?  That is how I feel about that tape, and about "What are We Doing Here?" Because even in our own community, people don't want to talk about the evil stuff.  For the third and fourth, b/c again, signs of the end of time are something people don't want to talk bout, so I am hungry for that.

How have each of the above affected your Islam?

I would say that, in general, listening to Sh. Hamza has inspired me to want to really study more in the diyn, in the way that I feel is correct, ie from a teacher, learning the arabic, receiving Ijazas.  And, since I first heard Sh. Hamza at Madison Sq. Garden in 1/99, it was right when I was coming out of being indoctrinated into a very... far right, extreme community from the time I came into practicing Islam in 97, so I needed to hear someone preach on like that, speaking the truth but at the same time talknig about spirituality, which was soooooooo soooooooo lacking in the previous place I was at, where it was all about follow this rule or burn inthe fire.  

11. Please relate a life-changing situation you once confronted regarding which you had to seek the advice of another, and whether that advice helped, and if so, how (not)?

I got advice from a bro within my own community.  I was very disillusioned with Islam.  I had never been around Muslims prior to 1997, and I didn't know any Shari'a, so I was kind of winging it, as far as being Muslim.  Then, through the net, I was introduced to some people in my state, and I went to their masjid, and found Islamic bookstores, etc.  What I heard was an Islam that was extremely intolerant of non Muslims, as well as other Muslims.  I heard people calling each other "Kafir' because they went to the "wrong masjid," as well as a lot of prejudice against Arab and Subcontinental peeps.  If a woman came around and she wasn't wearing a jilbab, and if it was in a color other than black, she would get a dress down (scolding).  If she didn't wear niqab, it was like "what's wrong with her?"  A lot of the brothers had multiple wives, many on welfare, beating them, and they called this Islam.  Subhan'Allah.  I heard a lot about how "traditional" islam was impure, and how the ummah needed to be purified,a nd that there were hardly any "true" Muslims.  Certain popular speakers and da'iys we were warned against.  One was a sufi, one was "talking too much from Qur'an and not enough from Sunnah."  One had a fatwa passed against him and his students, b/c he refused to say that all Shi'a should have their heads chopped off.  Subhan'Allah, many of these "deviant" brothers received death threats from these people I was around who called themselves the "true Muslims."  So I was very disillusioned, and this led to me thinking that the problem was this "Sunnah" thing they were ramming down my throat (I didn't know quite what the Sunnah was, only I kept hearing "It's sunnah," or "that's not sunnah.")  I thought maybe the "Qur'an only " Muslims were right.  I also became more interested in tasawuf, and in tazkiyat an nafs, from the book "Purification of the Soul."  

Then I talked to a friend, and mentioned how I was very disillusioned with this "Sunnah thing," and the lack of adab towards Muslims and non Muslims, how there was no spiritituality, and how very harsh Islam was to me.  I knew it wasn't  the Islam in the Qur'an, so I was very troubled by how the people who profess it were behaving.  She gave me a bro's #, and I talked to him for like 2 hrs.  He and his wife had been very prominent in this particular extreme community, and they knew what it was like to come into Islam through that, and then leave it.  He told me the truth about some of the "deviant" men above, and he gave me some articles about Islam by Abd al Hakim Murad and others.  As well as "Umdat as Salik" and the Maqasid of Imam Nawawi.  I had never seen this sort of intellectual writing and reasoning in the books I'd bought before.  I had never read about the spirituality and the heart.  I felt like these books were speaking to me as an intelligent person, not a robot.  Through Umdat as Salik, and al Maqasid, and these articles, I began to understand the place of the Sunnah in Islam.  
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 00:25:00
12. Could you be your own best friend? If yes, then qualify that.

I suppose.  I always entertain myself with my writings and I interest myself.  ;)

13. Out of all the issues this Ummah faces, which single matter touches you the most?

Oppression.  The oppression of the Muslim masses by their dictators and by other parties.  The lack of organization.  I mean, if we can't even be at Jumu'ah on time, how do we expect to get rid of all the corrupt regimes?

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

14. your parents

Say La illaha il Allah, Muhammadur Rasul'Allah before you die and I guarantee you felicity in this world, and the world to come.  

15. your spouse


16. your child(ren)

Hold on to your Islam no matter how hard it gets, and always trust in Allah.

17. your teacher


18. your best friend

to my lifetime best friend, the same as I would to my parents.  To my best friend in Islam, Jazakh Allah Khair.

19. your Imam

Hm.  Can we get a Women's Affairs Liason for our masjid?   or With all d ue respect, would YOU make wudhu in that bathroom?  

20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)

I suppose if I tried hard enough and pulled enough strings, I could tell him this, so he's not really inaccessible to me, but I would tell Sh. Hamza Jazakh Allah for all his speaking and to keep on keepin' on.

21. _____ was a situation someone came to me with and I was completely dumbfounded about how to help them, what to say or do to advise them.


22.  I once overheard someone say _____ and it really made me think about _____

Oh gee, I don't know.

23. I think it is wrong when someone is _____ to advise them to ____ because ______

this is hard, I mean, I could fill in the blanks with "drunk," "drive" and "they  might kill someone," and that probably isn't what you are looking for.

24. In my experience _____

Again, this is too general...

25. To me, Islam is _____


26. Name something in someone else that really inspired you, and how.

My girl's sense of humor, her craziness and yet she was able to maintain her Islam.  She didn't sacrifice her Islam for her crazy sense of humor and having fun, and vice versa.  She showed me that a Muslim woman can have fun, and can have a good time and be cool without sacrificing the diyn and doing something haram.

27. If you had to pinpoint a single thing, what was it that made you make the change to want to practice Islam (of course, ultimately it was by the Guidance of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))?

Well, I had been a Muslim for about six yrs, but I didn't really think about learning about Islam.  I thought it was like Christianity, where you just said the Shahada and that was adequate.  In college I lived across the street from a masjid, but I was apprehensive to approach them b/c I thought they didn't speak English, and I couldn't ever find the entrance to the masjid (it seemed like no one was ever around).  I improvised my Islam, basing my fasts on news items about Ramadan, and what not.  Then in 1997, I was just inspired to make a webpage about "alternative religions," meaning alternative to X and J, and the first one I looked up was Islam (y'know, b/c I was Muslim and all.. LOL)  I found Discover Islam and Huma's webpage for sisters and that was it.  I never finished the page or looked up other religions, b/c I realized that I had found the information on my religion that I'd looked for since I was a teen, and in this medium, I wasn't intimidated by non native English speakers or going into a strange place (masjid).  
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 00:25:29
28. One story in the press concerning the affairs of my Ummah that tore me apart was ____

It's different every day... snort.... but I would say a recent story in the Times about children starving and freezing to death in Afghanistan (my personal crusade).  It just really hit me that here we are getting all frantic about these hunks of rock and ignoring children who are dying for want of a simple blanket.  

29. If only Muslims would _____!

be there on time!

30. I could quite easily cry when I think about _____

Palestine... or Afghanistan... or any situation where the Muslim mothers are losing their children.

31. I wish I spent less time ____  

watching tv (i keep it on for the noise b/c i'm so paranoid), and surfing the net.

32. I wish I spent more time ____  

learning diyn

33. One issue that I really don’t think I quite understand (at all, properly, or fully) yet is ____

all of them

34. I’d like to seek more knowledge about ____

Shari'a, specifically as it relates to women, and to reclaim OUR place in Islamic history, instead of letting the trad'n of women scholars and donors and what not be lost to Orientalist and other interpretations of "how" a Muslim woman "should" be and what her place is.

35. The area of Sacred Knowledge that I’m most passionate about.


36. I used to think Islam was ____ but then I came to realize it is ____

I used to think Islam was very loose, but then I came to realize that it is GENEROUS and there is a world of difference there.

37. I think Muslims who portray Islam as if it is _____ do a disservice to the Deen.

Intolerant, narrow

38. I dislike it when I read/hear the words of Muslims that reflect _____

stereotypes of the Muslim as a terrorist or racist or woman hater

39. Something that seems obvious to me that I have noticed seems less obvious to others.

The media lies.

40. Something that we can’t discuss with our children (delete as appropriate) that I think we ought to be able to (i.e. not because Islam doesn’t allow it, but because of cultural protocols or age-gaps, etc.).

Men - women relationships.  I think we need to get over it and start discussing this with our kids from the Islamic perspective, b/c otherwise, they will start wondering what all the secrecy is aobut, and that will lead to the problems of the non Muslims, or to them having the neuroses about sex within marriage that the extremely Orthodox Jews have.  

41. The younger generation just don’t get that _____

Islam isn't necessarily what their parents taught to them, or more accurately for some kids, what their parents beat into them.  

42. A problem we face today that our parents generation didn’t.

An acceleration in the degeneration of society.

43. A problem our parents generation faced that we don’t.

If you are speaking to an American or Westerner, I would say that they had a lack of Islamic information available to them, as there were no books in English, no mosques really, and so on.  If you are speaking about people from the Muslim world, I would say that our parents generation probably didn't have the type of medical care and knowledge that we have today.  Like it was much more common to lose children to disease even in a place like Jordan, where it was pretty modern even then.

44. Life would be so much easier – bi’ithnillah ta’ala - if _____

Everyone were Muslim!  

45. A naseeha I should give myself.

Zip your lip (keyboard)

46. We need more _____


47. We need less _____


48.  I really admire ____

too many people, but I'll start w/ my husband, the sahaba, my friends....

49. I feel my judgement is weak when it comes to _____

shopping, heh heh

50. I feel my judgement is quite reliable when it comes to _____

Hm never. LOL

51. I think more Muslims should/must/need to ____

Learn the importance of being somewhere ON TIME.  I think this is a serious breach of adab, and is a symptom of our major problem, which is a lack of organization.

52. One lesson that never seems to be learned by ____ is _____

too general

53. One thing I find lacking in general.

about who?

54. The biggest misconception non-Muslims have of Islam is _____

terrorism, hatred

55. One beneficial thing I’d like to say to someone’s face but find myself unable to, and the reason why.

No comment

56. The most poignant (i) ayaat,(ii)  hadith, (iii) sayings of the Righteous, and (iv) words from elsewhere, I have ever come across.

(i) verily with every difficulty there is relief  (ii) a hadith qudsi about Allah comes running to the one who comes walking to Him, subhan'Allah.  (iii) too many!

57. [fill in your own question here, to be added to the questionnaire, and then add the number of the next question whilst leaving the question blank, so whoever follow, can fill their question in and follow the same procedure, and so on]

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 12:27:19
[quote]1. The last Islamic book you read.
2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape
3. The last Islamic video you watched [/quote]

1-Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtoom
2-Hamza Yusef-Women's Position in Islam
3-...can't remember

4. Speaker
5. Writer
6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)
7. Scholar from the past
8. Scholar from the present
9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (swt))
10. Talk

4-my local imam
5-Bilal Phillips
7-Al Banee, Uthaymeen, Kishk (May Allah have mercy on them)
8-have to think more...
9-The Fundamentals of Tawheed, Bilal Phillips...also-The Return of the Pharoah, Zaynab al-Ghazali, Riyad-us-Salaheen, too many to list...

To be continued...(insha'Allah!)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 13:08:47

I guess I'll jump on the "to be continued strategy" bandwagon too!

Bismillahi Ar-Rahmaani Ar-Raheem.

Please briefly review the following:

1. The last Islamic book you read.
2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape
3. The last Islamic video you watched

1. Al-Faruq (in Urdu), by Haikal
2. Jumu'ah khutbah by Siraj Wahhaj ("Allah does not look at our bodies, but our hearts")
3. Speech by Jawad Shah at ISNA.  Can't remember the title.


4. Speaker
5. Writer
6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)
7. Scholar from the past
8. Scholar from the present
9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (swt))
10. Talk

4. Malcolm X, Dr. Israr Ahmad (Urdu), Hamza Yusuf and Mokhtar Maghraoui
5. Maududi
6. Tie between Ghamidi and Abdul Rahman as-Sudais
7. Ibn al-Qayyim, Maududi
8. Yusuf Qaradawi, Rashad Khaleel (in H-town)
9. Martin Lings' [i]Muhammad[/i] (pbuh)
10. Any talk about the Seerah, lives of the Companions, or tafsir-ul-Qur'an.

Regarding the above, why?
4. Malcolm X - I really liked his fire, his ability to think and speak quickly yet wisely, and the affect it had on people.

Israr Ahmad - His voice.  His fire.  His wisdom.  His knowledge (both in Deen and dunyaa) upon which he bases his talks.  

Hamza Yusuf - His style (conversational), the humor in his speech, and the depth in his ideas.

Mokhtar Maghraoui - His softness.  The serenity of his talks.  I always feel that his words are like water seeping into my heart through the small gaps that don't let much else in!  Unlike people like Siraj Wahhaj who knock things down your throat (I'm not criticizing that style), his words just find a way in by themselves!

5. He is very convincing in his writings, especially in Urdu.  If he wasn't a scholar, he would have been a writer.

6. I never thought anyone could top Shaikh Sudais until I heard Ghamidi.  If I have two tapes in front of me, one by Ghamidi and one by Sudais, I'd put the Ghamidi tape in.  But if I had a choice to pray taraweeh behind either imam, I'd choose Sudais.  Don't ask me why!!!

7. I haven't been able to read too much from the scholars of the past, simply because most of the works are available only in Arabic.  But from what I have read, Ibn al-Qayyim was a very deep thinker.  And so was Maududi.

8. I don't think I've read anyone more than I've read Maududi (from among the past shuyookh).  So I may be biased in that regard.  As far as contemporary scholars, I would have said Shaikh Albaani, but he's no longer with us (rahimahullah), so I say Shaikh Qaradawi.  Rashad Khaleel is probably unknown to most of you.  But Houstonians should know him.  He is an old, wise, usually soft-spoken man (he gives VERY strong khutbas on Jihad).  He speaks Arabic (very little English).  He often tells stories about the time he spent in the prison with Imam Hasan al-Banna!!!

9. This book changed my life, bi idhnillah ta'aala.  Either that, or I read this book WHILE my life was changing.  In any case, I owe alot to this book - the Islamic book I read in my life (I mean a REAL book).

10. It just touches me every time, how the Sahaabah used to live, and how the Prophet used to live.  Tafsir is always enlightening.

to be continued ...
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 17:14:22

7. Scholar from the past

7. Ibn al-Qayyim, Maududi

4. Mokhtar Maghraoui - His softness.  The serenity of his talks.  I always feel that his words are like water seeping into my heart through the small gaps that don't let much else in!  Unlike people like Siraj Wahhaj who knock things down your throat (I'm not criticizing that style), his words just find a way in by themselves!

7. I haven't been able to read too much from the scholars of the past, simply because most of the works are available only in Arabic.  But from what I have read, Ibn al-Qayyim was a very deep thinker.  And so was Maududi.

I just had to comment on this, Ibn al-Qayyim was incredible and my favorite scholar from the past as well.  What little of his works that are translated into English are so beautiful, alhumdullilah.   In fact I have gone on a mission to collect all his translated works in English.  

As for Sheikh Mokthar I have not had the pleasure of listening to him yet, but have read many notes from his classes, alhumdullilah they are incredible.  
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 17:53:34

Continuing where I left off ...

11. Please relate a life-changing situation you once confronted regarding which you had to seek the advice of another, and whether that advice helped, and if so, how (not)?

Hmm ... I don't think I've made any such major decisions in my life yet!  Ask me in two years :)

12. Could you be your own best friend? If yes, then qualify that.

No. I cannot be my own best friend!!!  I doubt if I can even be *close* friends with myself.

13. Out of all the issues this Ummah faces, which single matter touches you the most?

Its ignorance!  (also its apathy, which springs from the former I think).

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

14. your parents
15. your spouse
16. your child(ren)
17. your teacher
18. your best friend
19. your Imam
20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)

…what would it be?

These are tough ... ok:

14. Change your profession.
15. You can never be [i]too[/i] modest.
16. Choose your friends *very* carefully.
17. ??
18. ??
19. ??
20. ??

Ok.  I guess I need to think about these.

To be continued ...

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 20:46:46

Please briefly review the following:

1. The last Islamic book you read.

'the islamic personality'

2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape

'knowledge that benefits'

3. The last Islamic video you watched

'hamza yusuf vedio i think

4. Speaker-

dawud adib-straight forward ,hamza y-intellectual speaker...-mmm...
5. Writer-
6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)-

Sa'd Ghamdi!!!! Khalid ibn Abdullah Al-Ghadhani!!!!!! beautiful voices-portray the diffrent tones of the Quran -especially Ghadhani- listen to surah Maryam-mashallah !! 

7. Scholar from the past-

muhammad (saw) :)

8. Scholar from the present-mmm...
9. Book- (excluding the Book of Allah (swt))-

'Islam the choice of thinking women'-refutes anything & probably everything non-muslims can say against muslims women- also tells them of the ills of their society- i recommend all peeps to read it- i liked it :)

10. Talk

12. Could you be your own best friend? If yes, then qualify that.

definately- no one can fulfil the rights of others perfectly- and us being humans we tend to feel sad or upset when this happens- i think that when u r or become your own best friend(rely on urself) u will not rely on other and will not get upset if they let u down- i think the best of friend u can have is Allah- u can be definately SURE He will not let u down- an du can not ask for more than a friend who sustains u every second and protects u- Glory be to him ...

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

14. your parents/ all parents

-get to know ur kids

15. your spouse(to be?)ok

have mercy on me and Allah will ahve mercy on u :) or else!!! wait till judgement day!!!! :D

16. your child(ren)(to have? ok)

remember Allah always-remember he watches ur every action- and fear him for he is the one he is the one stern in punishment and  the best to reward

17. your teacher

18. your best friends-

why listen/follow those that call u to the fire and not for those who have spilled tears for you out of fear of Allahs punishment for u...(hidden advice)

19. your 'local' Imam- please do the friday khutbahs in english
i just read somthing umm zaid wrote
when i finished- i agree with her TOTALLY- the state of the wudhu area and tiolets!!!

20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)

25. To me, Islam is

_a protetctive shell____

26. Name something in someone else that really inspired you-

a friend- their ability to lower thier voice and still be heard(funny people say that about me and i dont see it :) but not the being heard part :D )
i try my best to be like that....being heard part that is- i've managed the being low part- think i do it too low :D)

29. If only Muslims would _

_hold in reality the life to come
-i was thinking the reason why the people in the city-centre are soo deluded-or seem is that they r surrounded by these massive building- no nature in sight- the sky? who looks up there that often??
sorry going off the point...

30. I could quite easily cry when I think about

Allah telling me my place is in the Hellfire,basically not being near to my Lord who created me and sustained me and showered His blessings on me- and if Allah has asigned me hell- truley i must have deserved it - for i must have been ungrateful to Him whose blessings on me were numerous- for Allah does NOT a soul- it wrongs itself.......

31. I wish I spent less time

_wasting my time

32. I wish I spent more time

memorising the quran

33. One issue that I really don’t think I quite understand ( properly) yet is scholarly opinions- what make u a scholar so on ...

34. I’d like to seek more knowledge about

prophetic medicine....

35. The area of Sacred Knowledge that I’m most passionate about-

Tafsir of the Qur'an

36. I didnt used to think Islam was

_anything-(i just wasn't aware of it-even tho being born a muslim)(i wasn't quite aware of Allah either-but only when i thought i'd get into trouble with my parents-then it'd be 'oh Allah please let them not tell me off'-
i can only remember one instance of my past where Tawheed was taught to me and that was someone saying to me ' when u go to that land of kufr- say to the little that ask 'No! i belive in one God'!:) no attributes of allah just that...
Now I have come to realize islam as-something- :)

38. I dislike it when I read/hear the words of Muslims that reflect _


39. Something that seems obvious to me that I have noticed seems less obvious to others.

Lying! Alhamdulillah !

41. The older generation just don’t get that

_much respect

44. Life would be so much easier – bi’ithnillah ta’ala -

if one were in the lands of jihaad-with the right intentions- such great reward

45. A naseeha I should give myself.

i guess i cant really say- i dont know all my weaknesses- but those around me probably know...
a person i knows oneself more than others-(thoughts, likes and dislikes, inner fears...)
- but others know how the person acts, personality...more than the person does-they notices the mistakes- i think....

46. We need more _

women head figures/scholars(present today)

47. We need less _

arrogant muslims who think they know it all and look down on other muslims

48.  I really admire _

Ibraheem (AS)- to be a chosen friend of Allah and those that will be nearest to Allah in jannah (eg. the prophets, martyrs...)

49. I feel my judgement is weak when it comes to

knowing how my parenst think....

50. I feel my judgement is quite reliable when it comes to

_what my friends will do next ... :)

52. One lesson that never seems to be learned by

me is never leave things last minute- hamdulillah no terrible consequences thou... but inshallah i feel i still have chance to learn it..:)

53. One thing I find lacking in general- humbleness/humility...

56. The most poignant

(i) ayaat-(my wording)'i answer the call of my servant when he calls upon me and so let him answer my call...'

(ii)  hadith- Qudsi-(my wording)'...when my servant draws near to me an arms length i draw near to him...'

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 19:58:19

bro. Abu khaled- great to have u back :)

sorry i just realised :)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/07/01 at 22:17:45
As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatuh,

1. The last Islamic book you read.
In it’s entirety?  Muhammad Asad’s Road to Makkah [again].

2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape
Inner Dimensions of Salah by Mokhtar Maghraoui

3. The last Islamic video you watched
Ihsan: Getting Close to Allah – webcast from ISNA ‘99

4. Speaker
Many.  Including but not limited to: Zaid Shaker, Siraj Wahhaj, Mokhtar Maghraoui, Haroon Sellars, Hamza Yusuf, Abdul Hakeem Jackson…

5. Writer

6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)
[url=]Ash-Shaatri[/url] and [url=]Al-Ifaasi[/url]

7. Scholar from the past
Ibn Qayyim

8. Scholar from the present
We have scholars?  kidding, I don’t know.

9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))

10. Talk
that I’ve attended: Putting Allah First at MSG.  that I’ve listened to: Elements of Success by Hamza Yusuf

11. Please relate a life-changing situation you once confronted regarding which you had to seek the advice of another, and whether that advice helped, and if so, how (not)?
I plead the fifth on this one.

12. Could you be your own best friend? If yes, then qualify that.

13. Out of all the issues this Ummah faces, which single matter touches you the most?
The condition and mistreatment of women.  The abuse of Muslim women gives those who dislike Islam ammunition against us.

If you could give one sentence of advice to:
14. your parents

You can’t change the way people are.

15. your spouse
Patience is a virtue.  :)

16. your child(ren)  
No matter how far you feel you are from Allah, know that He is the Most Merciful and He will forgive you if you turn back to Him.

17. your teacher
Make dua for me. That’s not advice though.

18. your best friend
Patience is a virtue.

19. your Imam
Relate to the youth, they are the ones most in need of Islam.

20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)
No comment.

21. _____ was a situation someone came to me with and I was completely dumbfounded about how to help them, what to say or do to advise them.  
One of my roommates at a conference I attended.  She doubted Islam, Allah.  Even when reasoned with, even when she understood intellectually what we were saying she couldn’t accept things.  She was in serious despair and anguish, truly unhappy.  She knew Islam was right but something in her wouldn’t allow her to accept it without questioning and doubting.  It was frustrating, confusing, and it hurt to even look at her go through this.  I still wonder what happened to that sister.  May Allah grant her guidance and shifa.    

22. I once overheard someone say _____ and it really made me think about _____
“life is a lesson, you learn it when you’re through”, how many times in our lives we think we have a firm grasp on the understanding of things and we learn later how wrong we actually were.

23. I think it is wrong when someone is _____ to advise them to ____ because ___
in pain, get over it, they’re looking for sympathy not judgement.

24. In my experience _____
things aren’t always what they seem.

25. To me, Islam is _____

26. Name something in someone else that really inspired you, and how.
True humility is rare, and when you see it in someone it's as if the person shines with it, it truly radiates like light.  That’s something that inspires me, that’s something I’d like to achieve.  

27. If you had to pinpoint a single thing, what was it that made you make the change to want to practice Islam (of course, ultimately it was by the Guidance of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))?
Without Islam one’s life is empty, shallow and meaningless.  It can truly make someone fall into the deepest depths of sorrow and despair and self-hatred.  At a point you hit rock bottom and you fight your way back up.
“Truly in the heart there is a void that can not be removed except with the company of Allah. And in it there is a sadness that can not be removed except with the happiness of knowing Allah and being true to Him. And in it there is an emptiness that can not be filled except with love for Him and by turning to Him and always remembering Him. And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill this emptiness.”
Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyya

28. One story in the press concerning the affairs of my Ummah that tore me apart was ____
the starvation in Afghanistan

29. If only Muslims would _____!
give this deen it’s worth

30. I could quite easily cry when I think about _____
some of the messed up things I've done.

31. I wish I spent less time ____
wasting time

32. I wish I spent more time ____
studying, thinking

33. One issue that I really don’t think I quite understand (at all, properly, or fully) yet is ____
one issue?  I think my understanding of Islam is about one inch deep and a mile wide... I have some vague sort of conception of things but as to the meat I don't know nothin...

34. I’d like to seek more knowledge about ____
history in an islamic context

35. The area of Sacred Knowledge that I’m most passionate about.
Not fiqh.  Most likely tazkiyah.

36. I used to think Islam was ____ but then I came to realize it is ____
rigid, flexible

37. I think Muslims who portray Islam as if it is _____ do a disservice to the Deen.
extreme, a burden, constricting, dismal

38. I dislike it when I read/hear the words of Muslims that reflect _____

39. Something that seems obvious to me that I have noticed seems less obvious to others.
how thirsty people are for just being understood and appreciated

40. Something that we can’t discuss with our parents/children that I think we ought to be able to (i.e. not because Islam doesn’t allow it, but because of cultural protocols or age-gaps, etc.).
sexuality and relationships between men and women.

41. The older generation just don’t get that _____  
if we don't educate our youth in Islam and train them to deal with the challenges that come with it, and if we don't do this *now*, they'll be lost and there will be nothing we can do to rectify that.

42. A problem we face today that our parents generation didn’t.
halal ways to get married in a society in which arranged marriages may not be appropriate; seeking knowledge in a place with no formal institutions of scholarship.

43. A problem our parents generation faced that we don’t.
adjusting to a new country/language/culture.

44. Life would be so much easier – bi’ithnillah ta’ala - if _____
we lived up to our true potential.

45. A naseeha I should give myself.
shut up.

46. We need more _____
American born/ raised scholars to address the issues we deal with.

47. We need less _____
“instant mufti’s” who give fatawa, judgement etc without sound knowledge.

48. I really admire ____
humility, gentleness, patience.

49. I feel my judgement is weak when it comes to _____

50. I feel my judgement is quite reliable when it comes to _____
I don't know.

51. I think more Muslims should/must/need to ____

52. One lesson that never seems to be learned by ____ is _____
me, my self-righteous nature does nothing but screw me over.

53. One thing I find lacking in general.
sincerity and dedication to Islam.

54. The biggest misconception non-Muslims have of Islam is _____
that being Muslim and being happy are mutually exclusive terms.

55. One beneficial thing I’d like to say to someone’s face but find myself unable to, and the reason why.
I plead the fifth on this one as well.

56. The most poignant (i) ayaat,(ii) hadith, (iii) sayings of the Righteous, and (iv) words from elsewhere, I have ever come across.
i. Many.  39:53
ii. Many.  “Allah does not look at your body or face; rather He looks at your heart.”
iii. Many. [see Ibn Qayyim quote above.]
iv. Many.

Any comments, suggestions, alterations or amendments you’d like to make to this questionnaire? Too long? Constructive? Helpful? A waste of time? Repetetive? Too difficult? Go-away-Abu-Khaled-and-stop-asking-so-many-darn-questions? Etc.

I’d like to see a response from brother Abu Khaled himself.  It’s not fair that we expose so much of ourselves and he gets to remain vague and elusive.  :)

wasalaamu alaykum wa rahmatAllah.

Cough splutter ahem...
03/08/01 at 09:07:17
Wa-alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah to you all!

Thus far some of you have provided , by turns, inspiring, exceptional, unpredictable, and poignant answers, may Allah (swt) reward each and every one of you for your contribution.

I did come up with a few additional questions, what do you think?

This first question has two parts to it, one is to answer with reference to someone alive, and one is to answer with reference to someone from our past.

1. I would (have) love(d) to spend some time in the company of ______ because/learning/studying/discussing (etc.) ______ [our Beloved Nabi (saw) is excluded as a possible answer, for obvious reasons!].

2. In terms of Islamic issues I interact with others about I would like to be better at _____

3. If I could be time-warped backwards for one day, it would be to _____ because _____

4. The most memorable class I've ever attended (in pursuit of Islamic knowledge) _____

5. An era in the history of my Ummah after the time of our Beloved Prophet (saw) that fascinates me.

6. One turning point from our:

a) contemporary history
b) past history

...that I'd like to learn more about.

If they get the thumbs up I can add them.

Are you all getting something out of this, or are you just filling it in to save Abu Khaled's thread from dying a slow death, because the thought of your brother coiling up in a small corner somewhere far off and remote, hoping this at-the-time-great idea is quickly forgotten about, is too much for your consciences to handle? Lol.

Do you think any of the questions can/should be dropped?

Sister Kathy - just for you, you can take as much time as you wish, or just answer only that which you wish to. ;-)

Sister Safiya - akramak'Allah dear Sister.

Sister Se7en - you're expelled.


Abu Khaled

PS: ;-)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/09/01 at 17:40:37

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

14. your parents
15. your spouse
16. your child(ren)
17. your teacher
18. your best friend
19. your Imam
20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)

…what would it be?

14. Change your profession.
15. You can never be [i]too[/i] modest.
16. Choose your friends *very* carefully.
17. You're shaping the future - always remember that.
18. Tell me what I'm doing wrong, but be gentle.
19. Spend more time with your family - they need you too!
20. Go out on top (Hakeem Olajuwon).

21. ____ was a situation someone came to me with and I was completely dumbfounded about how to help them, what to say or do to advise them.I was working at the da'wah table during one of the Islam Awareness Weeks and a girl came and started talking about the stance of Muslims on gays.  I explained it to her, and she started to talk about its origins in genetics.  I told her with a smile that I was a biochem major, and that this theory is not fully established yet.  It's only a speculation.  The girl kept arguing though.  And then she mentioned something .... she was a Muslim!  I was dumbfounded.  


Luckily there was another guy with me on the table who was also conversing with her.  I just left them talking, and couldn't say a single word after I found out she was a Muslim!

22.  I once overheard someone say _____ and it really made me think about _____

a pure Hindi word used in an Urdu sentence; what a profound effect Bollywood is having on the Pakistani people - it's sad!!!

23. I think it is wrong when someone is _____ to advise them to ____ because ______

in grief; stop crying; holding your tears is more harmful than shedding them.

24. In my experience ____

Saudi people are the most hospitable people on Earth!

25. To me, Islam is _____


Rest later ...
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/08/01 at 19:54:08

3. If I could be time-warped backwards for one day, it would be to _____ because _____

a day when i spoke VERY rudely to my parents(dad especially)- i cried after thinking what have you done!!!! may allah forgive me
i would never do it again


Are you all getting something out of this, or are you just filling it in to save Abu Khaled's thread from dying a slow death, because the thought of your brother coiling up in a small corner somewhere far off and remote, hoping this at-the-time-great idea is quickly forgotten about, is too much for your consciences to handle? Lol.


bro u figured us out :) - no they're good questions.....

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/08/01 at 19:59:48

[quote] I’d like to see a response from brother Abu Khaled himself.  It’s not fair that we expose so much of ourselves and he gets to remain vague and elusive.[/quote]

yeah so would i !!!
come on bro !

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/08/01 at 20:59:15
here it goes:

1. The last Islamic book you read.
Purification of the Soul (forgot the authors name)

2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape
Jamal Badawi's wife rights series on the Social System of Islaam

3. The last Islamic video you watched
Qari Abdul Baits Live recitation

4. Speaker
too many!! siraj wahaj, khalid yaseen (he came to bham last year for our islaamic club for highschools annual dinner)

5. Writer
hmm... lemme think about that

6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur?an)
Qari Abdul Basit (tajweed style)

7. Scholar from the past

8. Scholar from the present
it was albani

9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))
hehe... hadith! :)

10. Talk
huh... like favorite thing to talk about??? id say death

Regarding the above, why?
once agian... confused on the ?

How have each of the above affected your Islam?

11. Please relate a life-changing situation you once confronted regarding which you had to seek the advice of another, and whether that advice helped, and if so, how (not)?
pray pray pray pray... its been frequent

12. Could you be your own best friend? If yes, then qualify that.
haha... i dont even understand myself at times... :(

13. Out of all the issues this Ummah faces, which single matter touches you the most?
no fear for your creater man... its sad

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

14. your parents
inshaAllah my mom will become muslim... thats it!

15. your spouse
inshaAllah.. not there yet... hehe

16. your child(ren)
always pray

17. your teacher

18. your best friend
you WILL die

19. your Imam
unite us

20. someone you admire but don?t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)
???    :(

?what would it be?

21. WHY DO WE PRAY... was a situation someone came to me with and I was completely dumbfounded about how to help them, what to say or do to advise them.

22.  I once overheard someone say WE WILL DIE and it really made me think about REALITY


24. In my experience ???


26. Name something in someone else that really inspired you, and how.
man i dont know... too much stuff...

27. If you had to pinpoint a single thing, what was it that made you make the change to want to practice Islam (of course, ultimately it was by the Guidance of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))?
keep my faith strong man... please?

28. One story in the press concerning the affairs of my Ummah that tore me apart was *sigh* EVERYTHING

29. If only Muslims would UNITE MAN!

30. I could quite easily cry when I think about SORRY I ACTUALLY DO CRY... UMM SAD THINGS

31. I wish I spent less time WASTING TIME...

32. I wish I spent more time STUDYING  

33. One issue that I really don?t think I quite understand (at all, properly, or fully) yet is SLAVE WOMEN

34. I?d like to seek more knowledge about COMPANIONS AND HISTORY OF ISLAAM

35. The area of Sacred Knowledge that I?m most passionate about. ???

36. I used to think Islam was JUST ANOTHER THING but then I came to realize it is THE BEST THING

37. I think Muslims who portray Islam as if it is A JIHAD AGAINST EVERYBODY do a disservice to the Deen.

38. I dislike it when I read/hear the words of Muslims that reflect MOHAMMADAINS

39. Something that seems obvious to me that I have noticed seems less obvious to others.

why dont we pray...

40. Something that we can?t discuss with our parents/children (delete as appropriate) that I think we ought to be able to (i.e. not because Islam doesn?t allow it, but because of cultural protocols or age-gaps, etc.).


41. The older/younger (delete as appropriate)  generation just don?t get that WE DONT HAVE THE BAGGAIGES THEY HAD/HAVE... (we're open minded)

42. A problem we face today that our parents generation didn?t.

43. A problem our parents generation faced that we don?t.

44. Life would be so much easier ? bi?ithnillah ta?ala - if WE WERE ALL MUSLIMS HEHE

45. A naseeha I should give myself.

46. We need more DHIKR

47. We need less PLAY

48.  I really admire EVERY MUSLIM

49. I feel my judgement is weak when it comes to DEBATABLE ISSUES

50. I feel my judgement is quite reliable when it comes to HMM... ILL GET BACK TO THAT ONE

51. I think more Muslims should/must/need to MEMORIZE THE QURAAN

52. One lesson that never seems to be learned by MUSLIM RULERS is HOW TO RULE!!

53. One thing I find lacking in general.

54. The biggest misconception non-Muslims have of Islam is WE WORSHIP THE MOON...

55. One beneficial thing I?d like to say to someone?s face but find myself unable to, and the reason why. ONCE AGAIN... ILL GET BACK

56. The most poignant (i) ayaat,(ii)  hadith, (iii) sayings of the Righteous, and (iv) words from elsewhere, I have ever come across.

57. [fill in your own question here, to be added to the questionnaire, and then add the number of the next question whilst leaving the question blank, so whoever follow, can fill their question in and follow the same procedure, and so on]
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/09/01 at 10:01:27
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

1. The last Islamic book you read.

The Ideal Muslim

2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape

Hamza Yusuf tape

3. The last Islamic video you watched

Can't remember the title

Favourites and why:

4. Speaker

Hamza Yusuf

Great communicator, has the ability to touch your heart

5. Writer

Don't have one

Should read more

6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)

Don't have one

Never been into listening to the Qu'ran on tape

7. Scholar from the past

Imam Ghazali

Respect for the work which he accomplished

8. Scholar from the present

Don't have one

Don't know enough about them

9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))

The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife by Imam Al-Ghazali, translated by TJ Winter.

The description of Paradise in this book

10. Talk

A khutbah Sheikh Shoaib Hasan once gave about Hajj. Moved me enough to make me declare my intention to go.

How have each of the above affected your Islam?

11. Please relate a life-changing situation you once confronted regarding which you had to seek the advice of another, and whether that advice helped, and if so, how (not)?


12. Could you be your own best friend? If yes, then qualify that.

Hesitant yes (depends on how you define friend really)

A good friend should share a lot of qualities with you but shouldn't be *exactly* like you. They need to be dispassionate sometimes and view things differently from the way you view things. My understanding of the question is then whether *you* could be that friend to your ownself!

I answered with a hesitation because the question was *could* and not *are* or *can*. Hence I would like to think I could reach that stage in the future to be able to see within me what others already see. To be able to understand what impact I have on my bother/sister (good or bad) without them having to tell me.

Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not saying it should be a long term goal to ditch your friends or anything! ;-) . Undoubtedly having good friends and surrounding yourself with good company is very important. Just trying to make the point we should try and be more aware of our ownselves and our own actions without relying on our friends to tell us.

13. Out of all the issues this Ummah faces, which single matter touches you the most?

The education of our next generation

Having been through the state education system in the UK, I can categorically say I would abhor having to put my children through what I had to endure. And with time it doesn't get any easier because children in the West are growing up much more quickly and seem to be encountering things at a much younger age.
To give you an example, I think the worst thing anyone ever did at my school was smoke a cigarette in school. I don't think I need to go into details as to what kind of stuff goes on nowadays at some schools.

We have a responsibility to give our children the best education we can give them (both deen and dunya).
We need Islamic schools to provide the environment within which our children can learn and to understand the concepts of Islam without being confused and more importantly distracted by outside factors.

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

14. your parents

Please make sure you die within the fold of Islam so we can meet again one day in Jannat Inshallah

15. your spouse

Bear with me

16. your child(ren)

Hang on in there

17. your teacher

Thank you

18. your best friend

Love me not for me but for the sake of Allah [swt]

19. your Imam

Make more time for us if you can, we need you!

20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)

Enjoy your repose Inshallah

(A very old but very close Brother of mine who passed away nearly a year ago)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/09/01 at 23:05:03
Assalaamu alaikum,

My 2 cents.

1. The last Islamic book you read.
Been skipping through a few. Completely? Patience and Gratitude and The Souls Journey After Death by Ibn Qayyim (‘coz they are short :) Also, as others have said, Ibn Qayyim’s writings are very insightful)

2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape
Siraj Wahhaj the “The unique nature of women” (on the web)

3. The last Islamic video you watched
ISNA 2000 lecture, don’t remember the title


4. Speaker

Many. Bilal Philips, Hamza Yusuf, Jamal Badawi, etc

5. Writer
Many. Ibn Qayyim, Bilal Philips, Yahya Emerick, etc

6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)
Ghamidi (beautiful voice) and Shaatri (clearer recitation, easy to follow at least for me)

7. Scholar from the past
All who brought sound knowledge of the deen to us

8. Scholar from the present
Again, all who work to spread sound information of the deen

9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))
Companions of the Prophet. Awesome inspiring stories

10. Talk
Don’t remember anything in particular

11. Please relate a life-changing situation you once confronted regarding which you had to seek the advice of another, and whether that advice helped, and if so, how (not)?
Trust Allah in the ultimate benefits of all events

12. Could you be your own best friend? If yes, then qualify that.

13. Out of all the issues this Ummah faces, which single matter touches you the most?

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

14. your parents

Don’t worry, everything gonna be fine

15. your spouse
Don’t lose focus, and be patient

16. your child(ren)
Always be respectful to others

17. your teacher
Listen to the student also

18. your best friend
Hold tight unto the rope of Allah

19. your Imam
Be proactive

20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name them too!)
…what would it be?

21. _____ was a situation someone came to me with and I was completely dumbfounded about how to help them, what to say or do to advise them.

22. I once overheard someone say _____ and it really made me think about _____

23. I think it is wrong when someone is _____ to advise them to ____ because ______

24. In my experience _____
the level of tolerance in Muslims is very low

25. To me, Islam is _____
a prescription on how to be content in this life

26. Name something in someone else that really inspired you, and how.

27. If you had to pinpoint a single thing, what was it that made you make the change to want to practice Islam (of course, ultimately it was by the Guidance of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))?

28. One story in the press concerning the affairs of my Ummah that tore me apart was Afghanistan/Taliban!

29. If only Muslims would _____!
be on TIME!

30. I could quite easily cry when I think about _____
hell/heaven, as described in the quran and ahadith; sufferings of children

31. I wish I spent less time ____
Wasting on the web; thinking and not actually doing anything

32. I wish I spent more time ____
In actively seeking islamic knowledge during the 7 years I spent in Pakistan (It was my fault but I also feel there is something in that society that deadens a persons islamic consciousness. This was not the case in Nigeria and is not here in the US, well at least for me.)

33. One issue that I really don’t think I quite understand (at all, properly, or fully) yet is ____
Too many!

34. I’d like to seek more knowledge about ____
All aspects of Islamic living

35. The area of Sacred Knowledge that I’m most passionate about.

36. I used to think Islam was ____ but then I came to realize it is ____
a set of rituals; a complete way of life

37. I think Muslims who portray Islam as if it is ___ do a disservice to the Deen.
strict/no fun

38. I dislike it when I read/hear the words of Muslims that reflect _____

39. Something that seems obvious to me that I have noticed seems less obvious to others.
When in doubt leave it

40. Something that we can’t discuss with our parents/children (delete as appropriate) that I think we ought to be able to (i.e. not because Islam doesn’t allow it, but because of cultural protocols or age-gaps, etc.).
hmm, adopt an open line policy in all matters, don’t think of old/young/generation gaps but try to assimilate as much as possible

41. The younger (delete as appropriate) generation just don’t get that _____
they can die at any moment

42. A problem we face today that our parents generation didn’t.
Unislamic influences, media, tv, movies

43. A problem our parents generation faced that we don’t.
close mindedness

44. Life would be so much easier – bi’ithnillah ta’ala - if _____
we had one muslim ummah/nation

45. A naseeha I should give myself.
Don’t procrastinate

46. We need more _____
Islamic schools and teachers

47. We need less _____
talk (more action)

48. I really admire ____

49. I feel my judgement is weak when it comes to _____
Don’t know.

50. I feel my judgement is quite reliable when it comes to _____
Don’t know.

51. I think more Muslims should/must/need to ____
get their priorities right. In particular, they should get their personal/family/community/national (strictly in this order) affairs straight before they spend much time preaching to others (in that or higher categories)

52. One lesson that never seems to be learned by ____ is _____
Muslims leaders (at all levels); to forget cultural/nationalistic petty differences and unite for a stronger ummah

53. One thing I find lacking in general.

54. The biggest misconception non-Muslims have of Islam is
It is impractical, harsh

55. One beneficial thing I’d like to say to someone’s face but find myself unable to, and the reason why.
Fear death!

56. The most poignant (i) ayaat,(ii) hadith, (iii) sayings of the Righteous, and (iv) words from elsewhere, I have ever come across.
(i) Many. 2:152/155
(ii) Many: gratitude and patience in ease and pain are both blessings for a believer

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/09/01 at 23:20:00
AbuKhaled I'm not posting until you do :)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/09/01 at 23:39:25
Ditto Jannah.

I'm not posting the rest until you do.

It's a pact!!! :)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/11/01 at 09:05:53

Good answer Jannah- maybe we can get him to come out of the closet!
03/12/01 at 13:58:46
Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah!


<maybe we can get him to come out of the closet!>

What closet?? Am I being *outed*? Isn’t that, er, usually in reference to, umm, well...*ahem*!

:-P ;-)

I turn my head for a few days and someone stokes the fire of rebellion! Well, think again!

I have availed myself a copy of the City Constitution and *nowhere* is strike action sanctioned! Not even a walkout, much less conspiratorial collusion! Tch! I suggest you all go back to your desks and forget about these pacts and things, which hold *no legal ground* whatsoever, and woe betide those who are starting this underground movement of insurrection, breaching the peace, and recruiting the less able citizens who are more prone to the corruptive influence of dirty politicking (lol, no names mentioned Mr Haque, hehe...) amidst us to join their sordid campaign. It is just not on to take advantage of such young minds... *creasing up with laughter*

I am unimpressed by such underhand blackmailing!

Abu Khaled

PS: Anyway, what’s the big deal with Abu Khaled posting? He *ahem* doesn’t like answering questionnaires (lol!!!). :-P
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/12/01 at 18:55:13
It is called an allience....
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/12/01 at 23:07:08
Assalam ualykum,

I'm not posting until AbuKhalid posts. :)  And not only that he owes us an introduction!!!  You are the only one whom we don't know anything about! What part of the country are you from, or what country are you from? How old are you? How many kids do you have? etc, etc. :) Come on... We are all dying to know more about you.

You are the mystry man on this board.

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/12/01 at 23:10:51

we are the members of the Make-Abu-Khaled-Answer-His-Own-Questions-and-Intro Alliance
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 07:27:08
Assalaamu Alaikum ;-)

See I was going to quite happily answer the rest of the questionnaire Br Abu Khaled but now that I face the wrath of the Alliance if I do, I'm going to have to tag the party line. ;-)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 09:19:17

You people need to step aside and stand in line.  I'm still waiting for Abu Khaled to put up the answer to the jokes and riddles he posted here over a year ago.  :)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 09:32:22
Bismillah arRahman arRahiem

Salaam alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,

I feel sorry for this poor man....loooool

Ma3a Salama,
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 10:21:19
i was actually thiking about responding..but im joining the alliance..abukhaled..u need to go first..(plus it gives me more time to think about my answers..haha)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 14:43:48
[quote]I feel sorry for this poor man....loooool
[/quote]You are too kind Nurain!  If you should feel sorry for anyone, it should be us!  We don't even know where he's from, how old he is, married or not, what he studies (or has studied), nothing!  And he's been a member of messageboard from very early on (before me)!

So, Abu Khaled, wouldn't you even introduce yourself to your fellow brothers and sisters on the board?  

What kind of brotherhood is that?!

[emotional appeal ;)]
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 16:17:48
Bismillah arRahman arRahiem

Salaam alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu


Insha Allah will Abu Khaled post soon then and put you all out of your misery and this big desire of knowing who he is!
I have to admit, i am a little tiny bit curious Yellah, Abu Khaled, it won't hurt( i think...)

Ma3a Salama,
The Funkmaster Speaks…
03/13/01 at 17:39:01
Wa-alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah to you all.

So, this is what it feels like to be ganged-up on, huh? You lot are bad news. Hijacking this poor brother’s valiant attempt at an act of selfless upliftment, in an era so insipid, soulless to boot. He designed a questionnaire, braving the elements, lurking amidst the dangerous underworld of dweebo researchers, census geeks, at risk to his own sanity and life. For you. He decided to dedicate his efforts to a heroic endeavour, an uncharted territory, where no Madina Citizen has dared to venture before. And this is how you repay him. Pah!

< It is called an allience....>

Alliance schmalliance! It’s called rocking the boat! Stealing the thunder! Bringing mediocrity back to the masses! You have *no idea* what you’re doing, all of you. You think this is an act of commendable defiance, pah! You fail to see the Grand Master Plan, the bigger picture, the….. *cue fanfare* E P I P H A N Y this will lead to!!!!! It takes a Visionary, one who can see what others fail to grasp, once who can *make it happen*!

Yes, you KNOW IT! You want to say it, I know you do. Say it with me people, in chorus….! It takes….

T H E   F U N K   M A S T E R!!!!

You may be overcome now. Take your time. It always happens in the presence of the little ones. Funktasticness is hard to cope with, believe me, I should now.

< I'm not posting until AbuKhalid posts.>

Phew, I thought that was referring to me for a second. I know no AbuKhalid. I’m AbuKhaled *hehe*. A neat escape, I’m sure you’ll agree… :-P

<And not only that he owes us an introduction!!!>

Ex-cuss me?? Owe who a what?? Please regale me with your sure-to-bring-a-chuckle-to-my-face conclusion of how I fell into your debt my dear Sister Salima.

<You are the only one whom we don't know anything about!>

I am protecting you. It is only because I care. Y’know, Funkafina ain’t no place for a youngun to know about. Lol!

< What part of the country are you from, or what country are you from? How old are you? How many kids do you have? etc, etc.>

Whoa there my philosophically inclined attendant. Who is you? Da I.R.S? Back on up wid dem q’s now… (uh oh, I can feel the Funkadooblicious one trying to come out from within, note the change in style of writing, hardly your usual Abu Khaled fare, is it? And you definitely don’t want Mr Funk to appear on the scene, trust me!)

<We are all dying to know more about you.>

You is? (AbuKhaled:  “Shutup Funko! Let me speak english, not Funkinese!”)

<You are the mystry man on this board.>

Well now, that’s made me feel all exotic.

<we are the members of the Make-Abu-Khaled-Answer-His-Own-Questions-and-Intro Alliance>

You are, are you? I see. Members of the easy-to-memorise mnemonic MAKAHOQIA? I can just picture the brainstorming that entailed. I’d hate to imagine what the failed entries were like… :-P

<See I was going to quite happily answer the rest of the questionnaire Br Abu Khaled but now that I face the wrath of the Alliance if I do, I'm going to have to tag the party line.>

Whatever they’re offering you, it ain’t worth it. Come back to the true path. You know you want to… Remember the good old days, when thoughts of rebelliousness never entered your mind, you were a free spirit, soaring in the fields of freeness… Cast your mind back…

<You people need to step aside and stand in line. I'm still waiting for Abu Khaled to put up the answer to the jokes and riddles he posted here over a year ago. >

So anyway, back to this Alliance thing… *ahem*

<I feel sorry for this poor man>

Yeeeeeesssss!! Finally! At LAST! Some sympathy! Someone who understands! Excuse me Sister Nurain, have you too been touched by the wonder of FunkNation perchance?



So soon after, and close to feeling sorry? No true practitioner of Funkianity would play so cruel a trick on a fellow Funkalinian, deluding them with a sincere word hinting at empathy, only to twist that Alliance knife.

Oh the pain…

<i was actually thiking about responding..but im joining the alliance..abukhaled..u need to go first..(plus it gives me more time to think about my answers..haha)>

Tch! Such is the power of this piddly A-LIE-ance that it accepts into it’s ranks those with insincere motives towards the Party line! Tut tut! The truth is in need of no numbers, I’ll have you know!

<You are too kind Nurain!>

Oh yeah. Laughing at my plight….so kind… Go on all of you, like-minded souls that you are…Leave me in my wilderness of alonedom. The Funk will survive!

<If you should feel sorry for anyone, it should be us!>

Huh?? Pitiful! Will you stoop so low even?! Denying me even a moment of solitary pity? I never thought I’d see the day Arsalan. Indoctrinated into this A-LIE-ance along with the rest of them.

<We don't even know where he's from, how old he is, married or not, what he studies (or has studied), nothing!>

It is enough that you have been made aware of the presence of Funk in the immediate vicinity. What more do you wish for?!

<So, Abu Khaled, wouldn't you even introduce yourself to your fellow brothers and sisters on the board?>

Er, might you by chance – in your sickeningly sweet lollipop way - be referring to those “fellow brothers and sisters” who are ganging up against Al-Funkwala?

Yes, I think so! Tch! Will these A-LIE-ance folk stop at *nothing* in their dastardly scheme to achieve their unworthy goal?!!

<What kind of brotherhood is that?!>

Maybe the Brotherhood of the A-LIE-ance! I know what you’re trying to do O Brainwashed One!

<Insha Allah will Abu Khaled post soon then and put you all out of your misery and this big desire of knowing who he is!>

Well, since they did it so sweetly………….not!

<I have to admit, i am a little tiny bit curious myself>

No Sister Nurain, don’t fall for the propaganda of the A-LIE-ance! That’s *what they want*! Don’t you see?! It’s all part of the campaign! Build ‘em up to knock ‘em down! Create the aura of mystery to induce unsuspecting members of the City to fight their cause for them, while they relax back at Party HQ sipping the coffee and quoffing on the after-dinner mints. A Classic ploy if ever there was one! Trust me, *there is nothing to know*, nothing of worth to know.

<so Yellah, Abu Khaled, it won't hurt( i think>

You don’t know Sister Nurain. This has taken it’s toll on me. I am a fragment of my previous self, a torn ruptured soul. They have demolished my very essence, scratched at my being, with this campaign of theirs. And I have fought, long and hard, and tried my best to stay true. Sure, it was hard, at times, y’know? One man, facing an A-LIE-ance. Friends whom he thought he had, who turned in a flash! For what? Their moment of glory, fiteen minutes of fame, power hungry individuals who wish to roam the hallowed corridors of admin infamy, just waiting to trample over s/he who stumbles…

But I will live to fight another day. Oh yes! Know this! The FUNKMASTER may be down! BUT HE AIN’T OUT?

Till the new dawn rises y’all!

Abu Khaled

PS: So, what’ll it take? An Intro?
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 17:27:15
Asalaamu Alaikum ;-)

Okay guys he's ruffled now, I say we go in for the kill and make him answer the WHOLE questionnaire and not just a simple intro (although this is Br AbuKhaled so I'm not sure how short "simple" would be ;-)  

Btw you sure none of you guys put something into his Bebzi? ;-)
The Funkmaster will NEVER cave…
03/13/01 at 17:50:36
Wa-alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah.

As for you Br (I-don’t-think-so) Khalid, you can wipe that (bearded) smile off your face. Hmph!

Are you trying to wear them icons out or something? Someone tell him there’s no prize for using them the most…Nor is it a sin to not use them after every sentence. Then again, I’m not so au fait with the Khalid madhab…*hehe*

Abu Khaled
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 18:18:30
Asalaamu Alaikum Br Abu Khaled ;-)

[quote]Then again, I’m not so au fait with the Khalid madhab[/quote]

I can see that. It uses the Citizens of Madina as one of its strongest sources ;)

What do you mean there's no prize? :(

Bhaloo,Kashif,Jannah,se7en tell him there's a prize *whines*
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 18:54:07
Assalam ualykum,

Better yet, let's all take this Alliance a step further. I say isolation is the key! Containment! Remember what the US did to Russia? Well, let's boycott him. And if no one joins me in my boycott, I will unilaterly do it! Brother Abu Khaled, I will not answer or respond to your posts unless (1) you give an intro in the bebzi stand (or wherever). (2) answer the quest ionare.

PS may name is not Salima; it's SALEEMA.

Now, more than ever, I want to know who you are!
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 18:59:26
Bismillah arRahman arRahiem

Salaam alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,

Abu Khaled,

I actually blushed when i read your post! Your pain must be severe, and my laughing at it could not have helped you much...still the way you word things are funny to me... I guess your style of writing is what intrigues people...apparently you have been building your funkiness up and now the people want to know who's behind it, poor you! (looool)
Remember, after hardship comes ease...good luck!

Ma3a Salama,
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/13/01 at 21:34:22

I think someone else got ahold of his name and password. Those words could not possibly be of AbuKhalid....

We have been invaded! Time to make a Stand! Time for Containment!

His speech reminded me of Ronald Regans- all hot air and no substance, and didn't answer the question!
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/14/01 at 00:43:24
Assalam ualykum,

That's what I'm talking about Kathy! Let's not let him distract us from our mission.

Subtle points & consistencies…
03/15/01 at 14:00:25
Wa-alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah Sister Saleema,

Akramak’Allah! ;-)

<PS may name is not Salima; it's SALEEMA. >

Lol! I have only one thing to say about that:

<I'm not posting until AbuKhalid posts.>

Get the hint now? ;-) Oh, and another thing. I applaud your principled stand, your resolute determination, your refusal to budge. You wrote:

<Brother Abu Khaled, I will not answer or respond to your posts unless (1) you give an intro in the bebzi stand (or wherever). (2) answer the quest ionare.>

How will my conscience cope??!! Can I go on knowing that unless I comply I won’t be privy to your answers/responses to my posts?!

Er, yes.

That post of yours was posted on 03/13/01 at 18:54:07.

I have not fulfilled condition 2, and nor had I fulfilled condition 1 till today. Yet what did I spy?

A posts by your dear self, on 03/14/01 at 13:14:53, in which you wrote:

<Don't listen to me listen to Abu Kahled! I have no idea what you wrote, I just skimmed though it. But I'm sure you were correcting my mistakes.>

A response to what I had posted a short while before that, perchance?

Such an admiral and firm adherence to that principled stand of! I forever marvel at such consistency.

Tee hee...

Abu Khaled
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/15/01 at 18:12:29

Saleema, he got you on that one :D
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/15/01 at 22:07:14
Assalam ualykum,

That's not funny Arsalan!

Why are you laughing at me?? :(

So i fogot  :)
Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/16/01 at 13:29:16

Please briefly review the following:

1. The last Islamic book you read.
2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape
3. The last Islamic video you watched
1.      Maqalaat O Fatawa by sheikh Abdul aziz bin baz
2       Compilation of Hadith by Abdur Rehman makki
3       Malcom X

4. Speaker
5. Writer
6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur'an)
7. Scholar from the past
8. Scholar from the present
9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))
10. Talk
4      Hafiz Mohammad Saeed
5      Bin Baaz, Sheikh Nasir u din Albanni ........and So many cant name one
6      Sheikh Abu Bakar Al sahatri
7      Ibn tammyah, Ibn hajar..............
8      Sealed nector (Seerat u Nabi)  by Safi ur Rehman mubarik Puri

These helped me in learning purified islam

14 - 20 Learn purified islam [/color]

To be continued………… InshAllah

Wasalaam O' alaikum

Re: The Quest-Ionnaire
03/21/01 at 14:53:17
1. The last Islamic book you read.
I read uncountable books and I am still doing it....tough to say but
the most frequent ...its
'The Qayral Hadeesi KithaabUllah'

2. The last Islamic talk you heard on audio tape
"I wish not to disclose his name but the topic was 'Jazaa O Sazaa'"

3. The last Islamic video you watched
I do not watch videos

4. Speaker
As I said I will not disclose his name...Hardly will anyone know
5. Writer
Ibn Taymiyyah
6. Reciter (i.e. of Qur’an)
Quaree Abdul Basset Abdus Samad
7. Scholar from the past
After the Prophet(saws), the Taaba'een and then Tabe Taaba'een...
The 12th century man...Ahmed ibn Abdul Haleem Ibn Taymiyyah
8. Scholar from the present
I do not read books of present day scholars as I have much with those
9. Book (excluding the Book of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ))

"Both Quran and Ahadeeth are from Allah(swt)" u want proof?
Anyways apart from that...
Tafseer Ibn Katheer...the student of Ibn Taymiyyah
10. Talk
Again as I said I wish not to disclose
Regarding the above, why?
Coz it will lose its meaning unless I describe as to why I like that
scholar's talk????
Hence one sentence would be absolute nonsense..even if people know him

How have each of the above affected your Islam?
Islam is a complete interface and a person who implements is a
MUSLIM...I did not have islam before but I really understood the verses of
Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet(saws) and my understanding is a proof
from the fact that I never had trouble in implementing the Commands of

11. Please relate a life-changing situation you once confronted
regarding which you had to seek the advice of another, and whether that advice
helped, and if so, how (not)?

I was away from Islam but I wished to understand it in the way it was
revealed but due to so many SECTS I had a confusion and then I consulted
Allah(swt)[not isthikaarah as I did not know about it] but I just cried
and I prayed for four nights in the month of Ramadhan in 1998.Then
Allah gave me the understanding...
Now when I did not seek advice from people in Jaahilyah then its
if I do it now!!! ...sorry
12. Could you be your own best friend?
As long as I follow the Quran and the Sunnah in perfect sense,if my
heart longs to remain long in my prayer,if I wish voluntarily to fast for
opposite sex passby and if my heart says ABSOLUTE 'NO' just to please
and when tears roll down as and when my
thoughts sweep back to my days of jaahilyah remembering the favour of
my Lord as to how I came from those depths of Darkness to Siraath Al
HELL AS LONG AS I DO then I am my best friend

If yes, then qualify that.

Yeah I have done it..
13. Out of all the issues this Ummah faces, which single matter touches
you the most?
"And most of them believe not in Allâh except that they attribute
partners unto Him [i.e. they are Mushrikûn -polytheists ]"

Surath al-Yousuf Chapter 12 Verse 106

If you could give one sentence of advice to:

"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allâh (i.e. this
Qur'ân), and be not divided among yourselves[], and remember Allâh's
Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your
hearts together..."
Surath Al-Imran Chapter 3 Verse 103.
See the first condition.
1.Wa'thasimoo bi hablillah...Hold fast
to the Rope of Allah(Quran and Sunnah)
2.Jamee'an..Then Get together...
That means u can't get united if are from different's
neither helped nor shall it help

14. your parents
They are more closer as and how they are coming towards Islam
15. your spouse
Not married yet
16. your child(ren)
17. your teacher
18. your best friend
19. your Imam
Imam al Azam Ahmed Mujtaba Mohammad Musatafa (saws)
20. someone you admire but don’t have access to, to tell them (name
them too!)
Ibn Taymiyyah...but he is not my IDEAL

…what would it be?

21. Never was a situation someone came to me with and I was completely
dumbfounded about how to help them, what to say or do to advise them.

22.  I once overheard someone say ABOUT DEATH and it really made me
think about MY HEREAFTER

Remaining ...ummm If I come her...

Wa'assalaamuaalaikum Wa Rahimahullah

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