
Madina Archives

Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

04/10/01 at 23:30:49
This question is for brothers and sisters in the Capital District Area.  I would like to donate some clothes.  I was looking into the options I have and Salvation Army came as an idea.  But, I would rather donate the clothes to muslim brothers/sisters that would need it.  Are there any islamic organizations in the area that collect such things and redistribute?? Or, does anyone know of any families that would like them.

Re: Donation
04/12/01 at 08:26:39

This is my experience. For many years I donated my clothes to Salvation Army and /or Volunteers of America.

A few years ago were lean for me and I needed to buy from their stores. The prices were unbelievably high! Yikes - no "average" poor person would have been able to afford them.

When I was a youngin' I used to volunteer at a Catholic second hand clothes shop. So I checked them out. They too were selling the clothes- at a reasonable rate, and would not charge if you did not have the mula.

So if there is not a Muslim family, or shop in your area- consider calling a church before handing your clothes to VoA or the Salvation Army.
Re: Donation
04/12/01 at 09:26:04
slm khalid,

There are some women who are trying to start a muslim social services, but it's not off the ground yet. If they are in really good condition ie suits or very good clothes in good condition then you could maybe ask the different mosques and see if they could keep them for shen someone needs them.
Re: Donation
04/16/01 at 19:25:45
It reminds me of an amusing incident.

One of the Islamic charity (Islamic relief) fitted this massive clothes bank outside East London mosque.  Anyway masha Allah it used to and still does fill up pretty quickly.  Thus sometimes it overfills and bags of clothes are lying aroung the bank.  Then guess what used to happen.

Gypsies in the surrounding area used to do their "shopping" outside the mosque !!

Al-Hamdu lillah the brother now makes more frequent pick-up deliveries.

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