COINTELPRO: Conspiracy Against Imam Jamil Al-Amin

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COINTELPRO: Conspiracy Against Imam Jamil Al-Amin
05/07/01 at 14:50:52
Uncovering the Conspiracy Against Imam Jamil al-Amin

by Jamaaluddin al-Haidar

Last month, on a balmy, spring day in Philadelphia, 18 Muslim leaders met and
resolved to further the process of establishing a new national
organization--the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA). The purpose of MANA as stated in its
mission statement is to pursue an agenda that reflects the points of view and
experiences of the indigenous Muslims of North America and one that addresses
their needs and aspirations.

The effort to form an alliance for indigenous Muslims is not new. MANA is
merely part of the continuing struggle to unite Muslims in America. However, this
particular initiative began almost two years ago when Imam Jamil Al-Amin made a
call for the formation of such an alliance.

Less than a year later, the Imam whose clarion call for Islamic unity would
inspire the creation of a new national organization----- the Imam who recently
served as Convenor of the Shura Council, an executive body of US-based Muslim
organizations that included the heads of the Islamic Circle of North America
(ICNA), the Islamic Society of North America ISNA, and the Muslim American Society,
is now fighting for his freedom and indeed for his life. Imam Jamil is facing
the death penalty and a prosecutor who has charged him with the murder of Fulton
County Sheriff?s Deputy Ricky Kinchen and the attempted murder of Kinchen?s
partner, Deputy Aldranon English.

It can not be overstated that this case is monumental for Muslims in America.
Not since the murder of El-Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) and the trial of his
alleged assassins has one case meant so much and had such far-reaching
implications for the future of Islam in America. Yes. This is indeed a test case for
this Muslim Ummah. Perhaps this case will sound the alarm that finally awakens
this giant who has fallen asleep in the belly of the beast. One struggles against
feelings of utter frustration and despair as the timing of the incident is
juxtaposed with the present condition of the Ummah. Could the indictment of one of
Islam?s most recognizable leaders have happened at a worse time?

These times in which we live find the Muslim Ummah more polarized and
disunited than at any other time in recent history. While some of the blame can be
assigned to the collective activities of outside forces hostile to the Islamic
Movement, most of the fault lies precisely where it should lay..... at the foot of
the Muslims themselves. The morale-starved, politically-naive state of the
North American Muslim community and its lack of strong viable ?Islamic? leadership 8br>was evident in the types of responses to the news that Imam Jamil was being
sought in connection with the shooting of Deputies English and Kinchen on that
fateful night of March 16, 2000. The ?rush to judgement? on the part of
many...even amongst the Muslim leadership, was painful to witness and conduct unbecoming
of a believer in Islam. Allah(swt) commands us:  

"O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the
facts, lest you harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of
repentance for what you have done."
         (Al-Qur'an 49:6)

No one who has been awake these past 50 years can deny that the American
Government and her host of media propagandists, is steeped in wickedness.

If we employ the same energy and zeal---- if we take the same methodical
fine-toothed comb approach that many of us use to disprove and attack one another.
If we applied all of that critical analysis to the case of our brother, Imam
Jamil El-Amin, we can began to see the wisdom of the Quranic injunction to
?investigate and ascertain the facts.? We must understand and not be naive to the
notion that while facts are facts they can wear many different suits. It all
depends on who the tailor is. On one hand are the selectively ?leaked? or revealed
facts and on the other are the hidden or concealed facts. Oftentimes the revealed
facts are used by one who cleverly insures that exculpatory facts remain
concealed in order to sway public opinion and obtain the desired jury verdict. Let us
never forget that in the Western court of justice the aim is not to extract the
truth so that justice may prevail. The only objective is to win the case; and
to do so at all costs.

Sacrificial Lambs

"God sent down a transmission to Ricky Kinchen Thursday night,?Your watch is
over, You can go Code 8 [the sheriff's radio code for going out of service or
end of shift] and be in service with the Lord for eternity.? ?a mourning officer
at the funeral of slain Deputy Ricky Kinchen

One disturbing, and terribly tragic, fact is that on the night of March 16,
2000, two Fulton County sheriff?s deputies went to Atlanta?s West End
neighborhood to serve Imam Jamil Al-Amin with a misdemeanor warrant and were gunned down
by someone in the process. One of the deputies, Ricky Kinchen died as a result
of the shooting. His partner, Deputy Aldranon English, survived the shooting and
will undoubtedly be a key witness in the capital trial. These two men were sent
to do their job. They were sent. They didn?t volunteer to harass a respected
pillar of the community during the festive Eid celebrations. They were sent. Not
once. They were sent a second time. Sent back to serve, not a felony warrant,
but a misdemeanor warrant.
At 10:00pm......under the cover of darkness.

By all public accounts, both of these deputies were considered ?good? cops.
The emphasis is placed on good and rightly so because of the rampant corruption
and scandals that have plagued the ranks of Atlanta-area sheriff departments
over the past decade. On the warrant carried by the deputies was a warning that
the individual had a prior arrest for aggravated assault and felony possession of
a firearm. Their boss, Sheriff Jackie Garrett, admits that under most
circumstances such a warrant would have been assigned to another tactical unit or with
several back up units to assist in the arrest. However, these two deputies were
sent alone.
Not once...but twice....for a 10:00pm.......under the cover
of darkness.

The Middle Course Proves Dangerous

?The believers are but a single Brotherhood. So make peace and Reconciliation
between your two contending brothers and fear Allah that ye may receive Mercy.?
(al-Quran 49:10)

The free-thinking mind is the worst nightmare for the agents of evil and
corruption. They can?t control it because they don?t have it tucked away in some
neat little pidgeon-hole. This free-thinking mind has too much creativity and
flexibility. It has a vantage point enabling it to see the ?big? picture and avoid
some of the pitfalls and traps that prey on the feeble tunnel-visioned minds.
Allah?s(swt) enemies want to break the Muslim ummah into different sects and
groups following one trend or another. To them the more fragmentation, the better.
They marvel at how by merely tugging on a few puppet strings they are able to
control the mind set and indeed the millah of the Muslim. These times find
Muslims hurling at one another, with such reckless abandon, words like kaafir,
munafiq, deviant, and innovator. One wonders if these people who profess all of this
ilm have any room left in their swollen heads and chests for any ibaadat to
sink in.

Imam Jamil Al-Amin has never been one to fall for the devil?s latest deceptive
ruse or trend. He has however, had his fair share of detractors who have sought
to lure him out into the open for a war of wits and words. He has undoubtedly
lost some of his followers, as well as the allegiance of some of his most
trusted Imams, to the lure of the latest trends. However, the brother West End
neighbors call ?The Imam?, has remained unswayed and unimpressed by the new trends
and pressed on towards the middle course....Opting instead to extend a peaceful
hand to feuding brothers rather than involve himself or his community in the
fitnah of the trends.  

Someone didn?t like Imam Jamil?s conciliatory posture. They wanted a combative
brash-talking H. Rap Brown to suddenly surface so that they would have
sufficient cover to kill him and blame it on a religious feud. But every attempt to
provoke the Imam failed miserably. Invariably, undercover agents in Imam Jamil?s
inner circle as well as those who managed to get close to other key
nationally-known Imams were reporting to their handlers that a new alliance of ?indigenous?
Muslim leadership was imminent.

It should be noted that just last year, these shadowy figures who wield so
much influence over what most naively accept as Muslim organizations, did all they
could to insure that al-Saud (and by proxy- the CIA), maintains control over
the activities of one particular trend by crushing an effort to establish
centralized indigenous leadership here in the U.S. They ousted the two leaders for
having the gall to attempt it, slapped them with the ?deviant? label, unleashed a
group of snotty-nosed youth who proceeded to malign their character over the
Internet, then in a classic window-dressing move, propped up a couple of their
favorite brown-skinned ?students of knowledge? to fend off any charges of racism.

To understand the mind set of a beast that is paranoid and living in morbid
fear of an African phoenix rising up from the ashes of urban America to lead a
strong and progressive Islamic Movement, one only has to look back at the history
of race relations in this country.
One of the founding fathers of this nation said when he considered the
atrocities that his fellow countrymen were committing against African slaves,

?I shudder in fear for my nation when I think that the Lord is just; and that
his justice can not sleep forever.?

This same paranoia consumed FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and fueled his
counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) against African-American leadership in the
1950s-1980s.  COINTELPRO involved the FBI secretly instructing its field
offices to propose schemes to "misdirect, discredit, disrupt and otherwise neutralize
" targeted groups and individuals. Close coordination with local police and
prosecutors was encouraged. More than 2000 individual actions were officially
approved. The documents discovered via the Freedom of Information Act, revealed
three types of methods for these actions:

1. Infiltration: Merely spying on political activists was not sufficient. The
informers and agents main function were to discredit and disrupt.
2. Other forms of deception: The FBI and police also waged psychological  
warfare by printing  bogus publications, forging correspondence and letterheads,
sending anonymous letters, making anonymous telephone calls, and similar forms of
3. Harassment, intimidation and violence: Eviction, job loss, break-ins,
vandalism, grand jury subpoenas, false arrests, frame- ups, and physical violence
were threatened, instigated or directly employed, in an effort to frighten
activists and disrupt their movements. In the case of the African- American
movements, these assaults (including outright political assassinations) were so
extensive and vicious that they amounted to terrorism on the part of the government.

          The following March 4, 1968 memo was sent to FBI field offices
across the nation. It?s language illustrates the depths of FBI Director Hoover?s
paranoia. Today with the demise communism, and the experiment in black nationalism
having shown it?s inherent flaws, Islam stands alone as the chief adversary to
the New World Order. We must realize that COINTELPRO continues today only with
Islam and Muslim leadership now, as it?s new target.
The text of the historic memo states:

?For maximum effectiveness of the Counter Intelligence Program, and to prevent
wasted effort, long-range goals are being set.

1. Prevent the coalition of militant black nationalist groups. In unity there
is strength; a truism that is no less valid for all its triteness. An effective
coalition of black nationalist groups might be the first step towards a real
?Mau Mau? in America, the beginning of a true Black revolution.

2. Prevent the rise of a ?messiah? who could unify and electrify the militant
black nationalist movement. Malcolm X might have been such a messiah; he is the
martyr of the movement today. Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, Elijah
Muhammad all aspire to this position. Elijah Muhammad is less of a threat because
of his age. King could be a very real contender for this position should he
abandon his supposed ?obedience? to ?white liberal doctrine?(non-violence) and
embrace black nationalism. Carmichael has the necessary charisma to be a real
threat in this way.?

It should be noted that at the time of this memo, Imam Jamil Al-Amin (known
then as H. Rap Brown) was one of the key leaders of the Student Non-Violent
Co-ordinating Committee (SNCC). Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Toure) was chairman of
SNCC. Both Carmichael and Brown had grown weary of their elder civil rights
leader?s (i.e. Dr. King, Roy Wilkins, etc.) non-violent doctrine in the face of
increasingly violent white mobs who attacked the peaceful demonstrators with chains,
bats, shovels, and various kinds of vicious two-legged and four-legged dogs. A
former SNCC member  recalls, ?In those days we had an office with two separate
smaller meeting rooms. On one door was the words ?Student Non-Violent? with the
dove underneath.
The other door said ?Co-ordinating Committee? except it had a rifle and spear
on it. Stokely waited until everyone was asleep and had it painted that way.
When we saw it the next morning, the message was crystal clear?.

Amidst reports of cooperation between SNCC and the Black Panther Party, and a
possible merger of the two, the FBI stepped up its attack on SNCC. They
effectively neutralized Carmichael by ?bad-jacketing? him. This highly effective and
often used practice involved planting dubious ?evidence? to fuel speculation
that the targeted individual is actually an agent working for the FBI or CIA. In
Carmichael?s case, a carbon copy of a ?field report? that operatives typically
use to communicate findings to their handlers was planted in his car by his
bodyguard (an undercover FBI agent who had worked his way through the ranks of
SNCC) in such a way as to insure discovery by fellow associates. In fear of his
life, Carmichael went into hiding---eventually settling in the West African nation
of Guinea.

With Carmichael gone, Imam Jamil (known as H.Rap Brown at the time) became the
new target. Several attempts to ?bad-jacket? him were made with hopes that
associates or rival leaders would kill him. The federal government would eventually
resort to using local authorities to carry out their assassination attempt. As
Imam Jamil and another associate escorted a woman from a rally, four plain
clothes police officers sprang from behind bushes and fired their weapons at him.
Such is the nature and workings of arguably the largest, most diabolical
intelligence community in the world. They are experts in ?damage control.? They have a
backup plan for everything. They couldn?t get H.Rap Brown so they devised a
plan to get rid of Imam Jamil Al-Amin. But Allah also plans....and Allah is the
Best of Planners.

Phantom Evidence
"My mom always told me, 'Look a man in his eye, always look a man in his eyes,'
So I remember 'cause I was looking at him in his eyes. ... I remember them gray
---------Deputy Aldranon English
"I shot him. I know I shot him,"
-------words of Ricky Kinchen to his fellow deputies before he died

At least one deputy swears he saw blood on the ground where the alleged
shooter stood in front of a grocery store owned by Imam Jamil Al-Amin. The ?presence?
of blood is an important piece of the puzzle in this case. Both deputies
English and Kichen stated that they had shot the assailant. After the capture of Imam
Jamil revealed that he had no injuries, the importance of the blood disappeared
in thin air...and so did the spatters of blood. In fact, the Atlanta police
sergeant who filled out the affidavit testified  to the judge that he had lied
when he swore that he saw blood in order to secure a warrant for Al-Amin's West
End store. In the affidavit, the sergeant swore that  blood was found at the spot
where the shooter stood. Blood that disappears in thin air can?t be tested in
the lab and scrutinized by DNA analysis. Someone who realized that the blood
would point to another assailant made sure that the blood evidence went away.

The peculiar manner in which the blood evidence disappeared is rivaled only by
the all too convenient manner in which evidence appeared or was ?recovered? in
Whitehall, Alabama. The township of Whitehall is not a large city. However it
certainly is large enough to hide a license plate. According to police, a
license plate registered to a car owned by Imam Jamil, and  used to flee the crime
scene, was ?recovered? in a field adjacent to an abandoned sandwich shop that he
once operated. Whitehall is certainly large enough to hide the two weapons
police claim were used in the deputy shootings and ?recovered? from a field near
the site where Imam Jamil was taken into custody. If all of these small items
were easily ?found? in Whitehall, how could authorities not find a black Mercedes
Benz in the small town until 10 days after Imam Jamil Al-Amin?s arrest?  

Surviving deputy Aldranon English was adamant that the assailant had gray eyes
?I remember 'cause I was looking at him in his eyes. ... I remember them gray
eyes." Imam Jamil Al-Amin?s eyes are dark brown.

Agent Provocateur 101: Laying the Trap

"82! 82! Radio. 82!"( four more shots ring out.) "At Oak Street. 1182 Oak
Street. 1128 Oak Street. Radio. I've been shot. Officer down."
---- voice of Deputy Aldranon English making distress call to radio dispatch.

I have heard the dispatch tapes that were released prior to the judge?s gag
order. The harrowing screams of Deputy English, the deadly silence of Deputy
Kinchen, and gunfire from at least two separate caliber weapons can be distinctly
heard in the background. What can also be heard is the communications of other
officers who arrive on the scene immediately after the shooting. Deputy English
allegedly stated to the dispatcher that the shooter drove away in a black
Mercedes. Yet on the tape, officers can be heard looking for suspects who fled on
foot. One officer from Atlanta radioed that he was following a trail of blood to
an abandoned house. Officers would eventually surround that house and find it
empty. Other officers spoke about a possible suspect with a rifle under his
jacket hiding behind a building. Police also received reports that night of a
wounded man trying to flag down a ride five blocks away.

On April 13, 2000, three weeks after Imam Jamil is taken into custody by
Alabama authorities, a man bearing a striking resemblance to him is extradited from
Georgia to Nevada where he is held by police. The man, Otis Jackson had
?absconded supervision?, a violation of his parole. Nevada documents show that as he
was being booked into the Clark County Detention Center, ?Jackson indicated to
the officer that he had been involved in a shooting/murder of an officer when he
was in Georgia.? The detention officer who documented the statement did not
investigate. He returned the inmate over to the Nevada Department of Prisons. The
matter, however was deferred to prison authorities. A State of Nevada
Corrections Memorandum dated July 24, 2000 and addressed to a Sgt. Bennet of the Atlanta
Police Department shows that someone believed that Jackson?s story was credible
enough to warrant further investigation. It reads: ?it would be greatly
appreciated if you would investigate Jackson?s assertion of involvement in a

The manner in which authorities handled this whole affair is most intriguing.
For instance, what was going on with respect to any questioning and/or
investigation into inmate Jackson?s statements between April 13 and July 24 ? Why did
it take Nevada authorities so long to contact Georgia authorities about a case
that was in the national headlines? Why for instance does the FBI question Otis
Jackson in the presence of two Las Vegas police officers on June 29 th while
Georgia authorities on the scene of the alleged crime, are not notified about the
existence of a confession until another 25 or so days later?  And what about
the confession made to the FBI in the June 29th interview and alleged recantation
two weeks later on July 13? Isn?t it a bit too convenient that Georgia
authorities aren?t contacted until AFTER Otis Jackson recants?

According to Otis Jackson, on the night of March 16, 2000, he and another
black male were at Imam Jamil?s residence when after approximately 10 minutes, Imam
Jamil arrived. As the three men were talking, a police car arrived and the two
officers attempted to serve Al-Amin with a warrant. Jackson admits that he
initiated an argument with the officers ?that got heated?. After Deputy English
attempted to handcuff him, Jackson began fighting with him. Deputy Kinchen came
over to assist his partner. Jackson says he spun out of Kinchen?s grasp and
punched him in the face. At this time Jackson pulls his 9mm Smith and Wesson pistol
and fired a shot at Kinchen. Jackson then ran to his car?s trunk where he had
an SKS assault rifle, an M-16 machine gun, and a mini 14. Jackson said that he
thinks he grabbed the mini 14, but wasn?t sure.. Kinchen?s partner, Deputy
English ran away toward the main street. Jackson was able to shoot the retreating
officer in the leg. Jackson stated that during the shooting Imam Jamil tried to
stop him from shooting at the officers by getting in Jackson?s way. When Imam
Jamil asked him why he shot the officers, Jackson told him that he didn?t know
and that he was going home.

Jackson said that he thought the other man was wounded because he saw him
lying on the street. Jackson then says that he left in his 1981 or 82 Chevy Caprice
Classic. When the FBI investigators asked him why he shot the officers Jackson
said that he didn?t think that the warrants against Imam Jamil were valid, and
that he didn?t like police. When investigators asked him why the police
believed that Al-Amin shot the officers, Jackson stated that he felt they made a
mistake because all three men were black men with bald heads.

It is clear to me at least one if not both men that were on the street
allegedly with Imam Jamil were sent there to set him up. Otis Jackson sounds like the
typical agent provocateur who is sent to disrupt the normal routine of activity
or provoke a rogue act, thereby granting his superiors the excuse to move in
for an arrest or suitable cover for a kill. During the 20 or so years that I have
played an active role in the Islamic community, I have encountered men like
Otis Jackson several times and left them exposed and befuddled. Jackson?s
credibility is suspect. It is possible that Imam Jamil was never on the scene. However,
if in fact he was, I know Imam Jamil Al-Amin. I know what his jamaat is like. I
was affiliated with his jamaat. I was Amir of Communications for one of his
more loyal Imams. No one could?ve gotten that close unless he trusted him. Someone
close to the Imam had to have betrayed him. The shooter wasn?t a disciplined
soldier for Allah who would?ve used his head and obeyed his Imam, he was an agent
provocateur. And only someone... someone very close to the Imam could?ve put
the two together that night and waited for the right moment to provoke a  fight
with the deputies.

Peace Be Still

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And
the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye
so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? (Mark 4:39)

There was both panic and outrage during the days immediately following the
news reports that Imam Jamil Al-Amin was being sought in connection with the
shootings of two Fulton County Sheriff deputies in the West End Community. Like so
many people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike who love and respect the Imam, I
wondered why the Imam did not immediately surrender himself to authorities.

After the second day my thoughts shifted to grave concern about his safety. I
had just finished reading a book about an eleven?day siege In August, of 1992.
Randy Weaver, a Vietnam veteran and ex-member of Special Forces had refused to
spy for the US government. All it took was one federal agent charging that
Weaver had a shotgun with the barrel 1/4" too short for over 500 Federal personnel
(federal marshals, FBI and ATF agents, US Army soldiers, some of whom had just
returned from the killing fields in Iraq) to surrounded the Weaver home; I flew
US Air Force planes and personnel flew above. Included in the Federals on the
ground were crack snipers, trained at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.
Their job was to kill Weaver. Weaver had vowed not to surrender to the Federal
Government on the phony charges brought as punishment for refusing them.

The siege ended August 31, with the surrender of Weaver, but not before the
snipers had shot Weaver's 14-year old son Samuel in the back, killing him, and
blew his wife's head apart as she stood at the front door of the cabin, holding
their ten-month-old baby girl in her arms. A Government sniper bullet shattered
Mrs. Weaver's skull (a mother of four) with such force that as her skull
exploded, bone fragments struck the chest and arm of family friend Kevin Harris as he
was running through the doorway, causing serious infection in his lung. The
baby, covered with the crimson blood of it's mother, fell to the floor in screams
of un-understanding terror.

I thought surely if these dajjalic agents would do this to a white Christian
family in Idaho, they would have no problem killing a black man, and a Muslim
leader suspected of killing a cop. Thoughts of my brother being hunted down like
an animal and killed before he could clear his name in court filled me with

After the third day I started to ponder on what I would do if I were in my
brother?s shoes. What would I do if I had a community to which I had dedicated so
many years of my life? What would I do if I knew how hostile to me the general
public had become because of the mountain of guilt that the media had built
around me? What would I do if the rush to judgement had even consumed many of my
own co-religionists? What would I do if I realized that I was being framed and
that someone I trusted was a party to the conspiracy?  

I concluded that I would?ve done exactly what the Imam did. I would?ve went
into hiding and not subjected myself to the mass hysteria and lynch mob mentality
that immediately followed the incident. I would?ve communicated with the
believers in my jamaat through channels that I could trust. I would?ve appealed to
them for peace and calm. I would?ve instructed them on how to remain vigilant in
their salah and keep up their ibaadah in these difficult times. I would?ve
waited until cooler heads prevailed and until some of the discrepancies in the case
were made public.                                              

I remember the last time I was alone with Imam Jamil, I left the masjid and
walked across the street to his store. I had come to say goodbye and inform him
that I was heading back to Detroit. He greeted me then as a free man the same
way he receives his visitors today as a prisoner. Although his hands and feet are
bound by shackles the Imam is seemingly unfettered by his circumstances and
more concerned about yours. Everyone I?ve talked to who has visited him in tell me
the same thing. After exchanging salutations he smiles warmly and says: ?How
are you? How?s your family? Is there anything I can do for you? Some leaders have
that ability to navigate through perilous times with a calming spirit and
disposition. Some of us are like Peter in the boat we need to be reminded that with
faith Allah can deliver us out of dire circumstances.


Jamaaluddin al-Haidar

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