Where do i find a wife

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Where do i find a wife
09/04/01 at 05:31:15

I am relatively new to this place, posted one message before!

Anyway i wanna get married, but i dont have a clue where to start! I've told my father and he's got into contact with several families, yet i'm certain all the women who i will be introduced to will not really be that islaamic, i wanna marry an islaamic girl, as in a girl who is not just muslim by name, but one who goes out her way to live according to islaam, and i've rarely seen any off them, the only ones who do seem to be like this are converts! And i have nothing against converts! In fact i would LOVE to marry a convert as i feel they make more of an efort to be good muslims.

So does anyone know any good islaamic marriage sites apart from Zawaj? And i mean ones which DONT charge! Man all the good ones charge, and i aint gona get a credit card to pay as the risk of falling into debt is too high, and as we know we gota pay interest on that, and RIBA IS HARAAM! Why dont these sites take this into account?

Anyway i will be eargerly awaiting for any advice you guys can give!

Re: Where do i find a wife
09/05/01 at 04:28:52
Assalammu'alaikum Wr Wb,

Brother, you can visit www.al-usrah.net. Insha Allah I hope this will help you. May Allah SWT helps u to find good wife. Amien

Wasalammu'alaikum Wr Wb,

Re: Where do i find a wife
09/05/01 at 19:12:07

ask ur local imam, he may b able to help


Re: Where do i find a wife
09/06/01 at 06:16:54
LOL!!!! MY local imam is useless! If he's not out playing football then he's on his mobile phone all day!
Re: Where do i find a wife
09/06/01 at 07:56:49
as salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi ta'ala wa barakaatuh
Akhee mujaahid hide your brothers and sisters faults, insha Allaah. The tongue is the lightest thing, but the hardest to hold.

"And do not backbite one another!  Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?  You would hate it so fear Allaah!  Surely Allaah is the One who accepts repentance, Most Merciful." [2]

"And do not follow that which you have no knowledge of.  Verily the hearing, the sight, and the chest are all going to be questioned about!" [3]

"Not a word does he utter, except that there is a watcher with him, ready." [4]

On the authority of Aboo Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day, let him speak good or keep silent."  (Agreed upon)

On the authority of Aboo Moosaa, may Allaah be pleased with him, he said, "I said, "O Messenger of Allaah!  Which of the Muslims are best?"  He (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "The one who keeps the Muslims safe from his tongue and his hand."  (Agreed upon)

On the authority of Sahl ibn Sa’d, may Allaah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "Whoever guarantees for me what is between his two jaws and what is between his two legs, I guarantee Paradise for him."  (Agreed upon)

On the authority of Aboo Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, he said he heard the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) saying, "Verily the servant speaks a word without having surety in it, and because of it he slips into the Hellfire farther than the distance between the East and the West."  (Agreed upon)

On the authority of Aboo Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "Verily the servant speaks with a word that pleases Allaah Most High without giving it much thought; because of it Allaah raises him many levels.  And verily the servant speaks with a word from those that displease Allaah Most High, without giving it much thought; because of it he slips down into the Hellfire."  (Related by al-Bukhaaree)

It is reported from al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) that a man said to him: "You have gossiped about me. He (al-Hasan) said: "You have not reached such a position that you can control my Hasanat!" [Translator's Note: The Islamic teaching is that the Hasanat (rewards) of the one who gossips will be awarded to the victim.]

From Amr ibn al-As (radhiallahu `anhu); He passed by a dead mule, and said to some of his companions: "It would be better for a man to eat his fill from the meat of this than from the flesh of his fellow-Muslims." [Sahih al-Targhib at-Tarhib]

And may Allaah increase you in good my dear brother, unite us on His deen and guide us all, aameen.

was salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi ta'ala wa barakaatuh
With a capital M :)
Re: Where do i find a wife
09/09/01 at 14:11:08
Bismillah Rahman Rahim,wa Salatu wa salam ala'a Rasul Karim,
As Salam alaykum bro mujahid,
What a noble intention you have mash'Allah,Allah (swt) has guided your heart towards this community and made it easy for you to put forward your concerns, al hamdulilah for that.  From what i've learned up in Canada, is that those brothers and sisters who wanted a an Active sister who is not only practising her Noble Din but trying hard to learn and grow in it and with it is to get involve in the affairs of the community, in the weekly activities by that i mean halaqas,functions,dinners fundraising, promoting one event or another, helping the youth with their din,helping them to stay out of all the un-islamic issues, helping them to cope with the challenging teenager years,to close the family bond, to do some sport activities. And along that journey you'll come across wonderfull souls who deserve to be cherished and who'll make a good muslimah wife however your niya should be for the sake of helping the community.  That's one aspect , the other one is to keep on making dua, dont u ever cease with ikhlas, even if u meet her and marry her keep on making dua for her and yourself.  Get your self involved and leave it to the Creator , He(Awj)'ll provide for you. The reason i'm saying you should get involved in the community is because
1 - you are helping the community to grow.
2- your future wife will need , good muslimah around her to grow spiritually.
3 - you'll meet many challenges in your mariage life where that close circle of Practising muslims around you,we'll have a big role to play.
4 - as a couple you'll need the protecting veil of the community to grow, you'll need the motivation,inspiration of the members of the community to prosper spiritually.
5- your future kidds will need a strong community to grow islamically, where the community is trying it's best to inculcate into their youth the sens of din, and to live by it.
This is just some of the points which come to mind while i was living in Canada, and those are just my opinion for every ones' experience in life is different as well as understanding. ie take them with a grain of salt:), and May the Mercifull bless you in your endeavour.
Re: Where do i find a wife
09/21/01 at 07:28:17

[quote]LOL!!!! MY local imam is useless! If he's not out playing football then he's on his mobile phone all day![/quote]

do you reside in birmingham then?!

I'm thinking of the BBC Islam season documentary on the Birmingham Central Mosque


Re: Where do i find a wife
09/24/01 at 06:03:09
"do you reside in birmingham then?!

I'm thinking of the BBC Islam season documentary on the Birmingham Central Mosque"

No! Oh dear o dear! Does that mean theirs other imams like my local one? sheeshh! Man whats going on eh! These mobile phones!

Re: Where do i find a wife
09/26/01 at 00:39:49

bro i think u should go and a older person in the area, they usualy know good islamic girls/boys!!!


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Re: Where do i find a wife
09/26/01 at 00:40:40

Br. mujaahid, y dont u try another mosque??? or askur parents;)
no, seriously u could ask an elderly to find u a wife and dont 4 get to tell them the qualities u want in her (ie an islamic behaviour:))

take care,

[post edited by moderator]
Re: Where do i find a wife
09/28/01 at 00:20:33

bro, this is just my opinion...but hey I've been thinking that I'd like to get married since last yr.. i've come to the realisation that it isn't quite my time however.  I've been reviving the MSA at my uni and learning a lot more about Islam... something that I probably wouldn't have found the time for if I had a wife.  A family friend gave me some good advice: "before you get married, you need to be mature, and the most important thing to mature is your IMAN".

I believe that I am meant to be single for now and when the time is right, then inshaAllah I will meet the woman I am meant to marry.. turn to Allah swt and make dua.  Know and understand that if you are sincere before Allah swt, He will not forsake you.  

But in the meantime...if it just ain't your time...then spend your youth working for Islam and improving your knowledge in preparation for when the time is right. Allahu Alam.

I hope this gives you peace. ma'asalaama
Re: Where do i find a wife
10/02/01 at 17:00:59

[quote]LOL!!!! MY local imam is useless! If he's not out playing football then he's on his mobile phone all day![/quote]
Find a useful imam before you get a wife. Because this usefull imam can englighten you  to choose one as wife in islamic way. If I'm not wrong There is advice in islam which one you should choose as wife... wassalam.
Re: Where do i find a wife
10/03/01 at 09:51:51
bro if you're asian (desi) why don't
u try the aunti-jee network ;-D
Re: Where do i find a wife
10/04/01 at 06:07:37

bro if you're asian (desi) why don't
u try the aunti-jee network ;-D


yep, that's the best way forward LOL
Re: Where do i find a wife
10/04/01 at 10:30:45
Salaam bro mujaahid (with the small letter M)

I was contemplating on a serious answer but several points deter me :

1) Your parents would most prolly find u someone who is not that Islamic.

Hmmmm if your own parents who would want the best for you cannot find a girl who is THAT Islamic, what more someone like me who don't know you at all.

2) Some Islaamic

For the life of me I don't know what that means cos I sure don't know how to assess whether someone is Islamic or not.  Yeah u mentioned abt her performing her ibadah. But still faith is unseen by the naked eye so what IS Islamic brother ?

3) Cheap endeavours

I would not allow my sisters to be treated to a cheap endeavours by you :-) lol

So i have decided to provide you with a non-serious answer. (I hope you are the brother mujaahid who stares at ears)

One alternative is for you to go to the Enchanted Forest and look for the trodden path. This will lead you to the glade of elves.  There you can pick a wife cos the elves are famous for ...THEIR EARS :))))))))

LOL just kidding brother. I sincerely dua that you will find a wife that will be your partner in this life to a blessed hereafter. Amin.

Re: Where do i find a wife
10/04/01 at 12:27:20
Assalaamu-alaikum Soleha

"For the life of me I don't know what that means cos I sure don't know how to assess whether someone is Islamic or not.  Yeah u mentioned abt her performing her ibadah. But still faith is unseen by the naked eye so what IS Islamic brother ?

I reitrate this point:

"But still faith is unseen by the naked eye"

EXACTLY! But that is ALL we get to see, we cannot see what is in the heart. Therefore if you see a women who behaves islaamically, then more likely then not she is islaamic. However if you see a women who dont wear hijab, wears tight revealing cloths, flirts with men, is known and is seen out dating, seen at clubs and bars, then from what we see with our eyes, we can see she isnt islaamic! Hence we only have our eyes to see what someone is like.

...and of course we also have our ears to hear what these women say ;) Ears are pretty useful ;) They can help you hear, help you pick up satelitte channels, help you fly (if thier big enough)!

"I would not allow my sisters to be treated to a cheap endeavours by you"

And may i ask what do you mean by cheap endeavours?

"So i have decided to provide you with a non-serious answer. (I hope you are the brother mujaahid who stares at ears)"

Hey its me alright! And a non-serious answer eh?

"This will lead you to the glade of elves.  There you can pick a wife cos the elves are famous for ...THEIR EARS"

LOL!! It would be like going to a sisters convention ;)

Hey i treid to find the yellow brick road so i could visit the wizard of oz. I thought i found it, but then got whacked on the back, it was the traffic warden giving me a fine, apparently i was standing on the double yellow lines ;)

Yellow brick road, yellow lines, they all look the same to me!

Re: Where do i find a wife
10/08/01 at 22:11:06
Salaam Nazir
[quote]EXACTLY! But that is ALL we get to see, we cannot see what is in the heart. Therefore if you see a women who behaves islaamically, then more likely then not she is islaamic. However if you see a women who dont wear hijab, wears tight revealing cloths, flirts with men, is known and is seen out dating, seen at clubs and bars, then from what we see with our eyes, we can see she isnt islaamic! Hence we only have our eyes to see what someone is like.[/quote]

Hmmm I guess I am uncomfortable with the word Islaamic. To call someone Islaamic based on actions alone is kinda spooky for me :)

[quote]And may i ask what do you mean by cheap endeavours?[/quote]

LOL I was referring to your comment about not wanting to pay $5 for registration to get a wife ? LOL

As for the post on Wizard of OZ...LOLOLOLOLOL


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