the orient express and reactions

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the orient express and reactions
09/18/01 at 05:26:24
Bismillah and salam,

Orient Express
By Israel Shamir

Like the Four Riders of the Apocalypse, the unknown kamikaze rode their giant crafts into the two visible symbols of American world domination, Wall Street and the Pentagon. They vanished in flames and smoke, and we do not yet know who they were. Theoretically, they could be practically anybody: American Nationalists, American Communists, American Fundamentalist Christians, American Anarchists, anybody who rejects the twin gods of the dollar and the M-16, who hates the stock market and interventions overseas, who dreams of America for Americans, who does not want to support the drive for world domination. They could be Native Americans returning to Manhattan, or Afro-Americans who still have not received compensation for slavery.

They could be foreigners of practically any extraction, as Wall Street and the Pentagon ruined many lives of people all over the globe. Germans can remember the fiery holocaust of Dresden with its hundreds of thousands of peaceful refugees incinerated by the US Air Force. Japanese will not forget the nuclear holocaust of Hiroshima. The Arab world still feels the creeping holocaust of Iraq and Palestine. Russians and East Europeans feel the shame of Belgrade avenged. Latin Americans think of American invasions of Panama and Granada, of destroyed Nicaragua and defoliated Colombia. Asians count their dead of Vietnam war, Cambodia bombings, Laos CIA operations in millions. Even a pro-American, Russian TV broadcaster could not refrain from saying, ‘now Americans begin to understand the feelings of Baghdad and Belgrade’.

The Riders could be anybody who lost his house to the bank, who was squeezed from his work and made permanently unemployed, who was declared an Untermench by the new Herrenvolk. They could be Russians, Malaysians, Mexicans, Indonesians, Pakistanis, Congolese, Brazilians, Vietnamese, as their economy was destroyed by Wall Street and the Pentagon. They could be anybody, and they are everybody. Their identity is quite irrelevant as their message is more important than their personalities, and their message is read loud and clear in the choice of targets. I wonder whether the Fourth Rider headed for Hollywood or for Washington Post?

Their identity is quite irrelevant for an extra reason: the Jewish elites already decided: it has to be Arabs. One would think, after Oklahoma, we should become less hasty with our conclusions. But my countrymen, Israeli politicians are impatient folk. The flames in Manhattan did not die out yet, they started political profit taking. Mr Ehud Barak came live on BBC, and said ‘Arafat’ within three minutes flat. On CNN, his twin Bibi Natanyahu appropriated the blame to Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians. Shimon Peres, an old wizened wizard, spoke against suicide as a psychiatric adviser, reminding his audience of Palestinian attacks. He looked worried: it is hard to enslave people who are not afraid to die. This old killer of Kana even mentioned Gospels. Density of Israelis on the air approached the saturation point. They insinuated and incited, pushing their shopping list into a chalk-white face of shell-shocked America: please, destroy Iran! And Iraq! And Libya, plees!

The first twenty four hours of maximal exposure were utilised by the Jewish propaganda machine to its utmost. Not a single fact was yet known, but racist anti-Arab slurs became a commonplace. While we Jews quite reasonably object to any reference to the Jewishness of a bad guy, we really do not mind producing revolting racist drivel of our own. A noble-minded activist warned in al-Awda: “Making broad, all-inclusive statements and insinuations about "Jews" completely marginalizes and discredits your organization”. But how come the endless stream of 'broad, all-inclusive statements and insinuations', about 'the Arabs' did not 'completely marginalized and discredited' the Jewish organisations and media who practice it? Apparently, it is a Jewish right to decide who will be marginalized in America and who will not.

The connection was in the minds, as Israel is just a small-scale model of their new brave world of globalisation. As there were no hard facts against Palestinians, the Israelis and their agents in Western TV networks made their damnedest from the scenes of joy supposedly shot in East Jerusalem. It is a great distortion of truth. Nobody celebrates the fiery death of innocent civilians, while people may rejoice at the collapse of the hated symbol. America celebrated its victory in V-day, not deaths of Germans and Japanese. When Americans rejoiced at ‘precise hits’ of their missiles at Baghdad 1991, they were celebrating their achievement, not enjoying the pleasing smell of burned human flesh.

So-called Palestinian celebrations are, therefore, an ugly brainwashing device, straight from the Nazi propaganda box. It reminds the previous Jewish invention, that of Palestinians sending their children to die for profit. Both lies are so inhuman, so outrageous, that they speak mainly about their designers. I am sorry for the Palestinians, the most vilified folk on earth, I am even more sorry for the Americans who imbibe the poison of their media. They do not see that Israel’s agents try to hitch a ride on dead Americans. Forget Palestinians, there was a lot of élan all over the world.

In Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, her favourite detective M. Poireau encounters an unusual complication: all passengers on board the train have had a good reason to bump off the unpleasant old gentleman. My dear American friends, your leaders placed your great country into the old gentleman’s shoes.

Israelis used the event to the max. They killed twenty Palestinians including a nine year old girl, brought tanks into Jenin and Jericho, destroyed few Goyiish houses in Jerusalem. The reports were rather gleeful, in the style ‘we told you’, and the experts of Israeli TV concluded by one o’clock, the attack ‘was good for the Jews’. ‘It is very good’, said Bibi Netanyahu. Why? It would strengthen American support of Israel.

The kamikaze attack could do exactly that. America could enter a new cycle of violence in its troubled relations with the world. Revenge will follow revenge, until one of the sides will be obliterated by nuclear blast. It appears president Bush prefers this course. He declared war on his and Israel’s adversaries. Bush did not even understand that the war was declared by the US many years ago, only now it started to come home. So many people are sick of America’s ham-fisted approach, that the countdown for the next attack began.

Alternatively, America could see this painful strike at her Wall Street and her Pentagon, as the last call to repent. She should change her advisers, and build her relations with the world afresh, on equal footing. Probably she should rule in the domination-obsessed Jewish supremacist elites of Wall Street and media, part company with Israeli apartheid. She could become again the universally loved, rather parochial America of Walt Whitman and Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Abe Lincoln.

Now it is President Bush’s choice between the Old Testament drive for revenge and the New Testament spirit of love.

Jaffa, 14.9.01

Responses to the Orient Express
May God bless you.

In the many years of my feeling the hatred between Jews and Arab/Muslims, I have almost concluded that there is no hope and the colloquial we are brothers from Ishmael and Isaac was only that, an empty resonance of a distant truth.

I don't thank you for speaking the truth in the wake of this horrible tragedy in your article Orient Express, I thank you for being a Jew who speaks the truth. That is not meant as an insult to your people or an insinuation that Jews are inherently dishonest, but I have grown tired that I can no longer hear the truth beyond the drumming of pro-Israeli, pro-apartheid and anti-Arab/Muslim hymns all around me. If you prick us do we not bleed??

So thank you, I hope your words reach the ears of those that could most benefit from their wisdom.

"Nay! We cast the truth against the falsehood, so that it breaks its head, and lo! it vanishes" Quran 21:18

Salaam brother, shalom.


WOW!  I had goose bumps reading a couple of your articles!  I decided that
you are my favorite writer.  Your style is captivating and your obvious zeal
is contagious.  The spirit of your words is intoxicating and inspiring; like
the wine of the love slain poet!
I truly appreciate you!  Keep up the good work.
Your friend, S

The moderators of al-awda-unity has decided to put you on
moderation.  You can receive our posts, but you can't post until
further notice.  Your last piece includes the sentence, "

"Alternatively, America could see this painful strike at her Wall
Street and her Pentagon, as the last call to repent."

This is unacceptable.  We will not jeopardize our efforts by posting
anything that remotely justifies any aspect of the catastrophe.

We are overreacting, because the times are perilous and we will not
allow anyone give an excuse to the authorities to harm al-awda.

Mr. Shamir,
Your piece is a beautiful, eloquent piece of sociopolitical philosophy, based
on objective analysis, broad mindedness, and solid notions from social
psychology and anthropology. But it is more than that. It is also the best
comment I have read or heard so far about the sad incident. For sure,
terrorism is a horrible thing. But like any human behavior, it needs rational
approach and impartial, scientific, and honest analysis so it can be treated.
Humans, including terrorists, are neither "evil" nor "good". As Hume nicely
explained three centiries ago, it is naive to view people as all good or all
bad. We all make mistakes and we must correct them all. Not only terrorist
acts but all kinds of human sins that your article pointed to. I praise your
mature and enlighened vision of a troubled world. A vision that is sensitive
to the miseries and pains of the weak.

Dear Mr Shamir,

The Americans do not yet realise that those thousands of innocents at the WTC and the Pentagon died for Israel; truly a noble cause (!).

The clear headed solution is for America, given this vulnerability, is to say to Islam, " Got the message, Israel belongs to you.".

But given the near total control of America by Jewry, that won't happen. Too bad Jewry doesn't see that the West will eventually collapse if it goes to war over this and with that collapse of the host, the parasite will have no one left to deceive and will thus also perish.

Mind you, i do not blame the parasite, only despair at the stupidity and lack of courage by the host in not recognising a future disaster for both parties in allowing too intimate a relationship.

So, in a sense, Mr Shamir, Sept 11, 2001 was year Zero for the planet, as the whole world also reverberated from the three impacts.

Best regards



I normally read your words with a shaker of salt, but today I am downright insulted.

You will not find anybody who hates the power of money more than I, and you will not find anyone who works and desires for world peace as I do. I deplore war.  Yet the recent, and all, terrorist attacks have the inherent opposite values and effects.  How can one say an act of destruction is meant to secure peace?  How can one say they want their people to escape poverty, but temporarily disable a central component of their income source?  

Much of your arguments are made on the grounds that Jews, especially the ones in the government and media, are biased, racist, separatists, and then you have the gall to call yourself a Jew.  I have seen the images of Jews that the Palestinan media shows the adults and children of Palestine.  You want to talk racism?  

In response to the bombings, many Arab-Americans came under verbal attack, and for good reason- there are miny mindless Ameicans who cannot separate individual values from ethnicities.  This is unfortunate, but when Islamic "leaders" issue fatwahs against all Americans, and when civilians become legitimate targets, then I can tell you who started this discussion and conflict off on the wrong foot.  

There is a principle called the rule of law.  For monarchies, it is the ruler and his or her whims, along with the advisors, etc. which can change laws.  In democracies, it is elected representatives.  Hopefully, all leaders are responsive to the people.  There are, under any land's laws, rules and ways to address grievances.  There are local, national, and international courts.  There are legal, non-destructive ways to change the world.  Living outside of the rule of law proves nothing except that one has the passion only for destruction, not change.  

As proof, I have been hungry and penniless on several ocassions, but have never robbed anybody.

Goods gotten by destruction is evil, plainly and simply.  Any Muslim, Jew, American, or Palestinian who cannot focus their passion for change through non-destructive channels, then I wish them an eternal life in hell.

America has been far from perfect, but it has some great points.  We will not persecute Arab-Americans because of their ehnicities, unlike the Islamic fatwahs issued against all Americans, which I assume means Arab-Americans as well.  Hypocrisy of the people who do and say such destructive things is deep, thick, and disgusting.

Freedom is an inalienable human given, but it comes with great responsibility.  I do not know what Islam says about this, but it is all over the Torah.  Were Palestinians, terrorists, or others desiring freedom show the ability to express their freedom without destructive ends, perhaps their could be peaceful co-existence.  The fact of the matter is, though, that Israel has been the target of destruction since its inception.  You want to talk racism?

America has remnants of racism left in it, but it is by far and wide the most tolerant, diverse, and free country in this world.  If there is a problem with the way our system works, with the exception of ill-minded terrorists, we go through proper legal channels to address them.  Change is slow, but better slow, non-destructive change than pointless, fast destructive change.  My advice to those who have grievances is to learn the rules, and fight within them.  Expressing joy at the deaths of other humans is disgraceful, no exception.  Americans have supported the Palestinian cause with money and diplomacy as long as it has Israel's.  Now, you will see violent changes as a result of a belief system which espouses hatred and violence.  It is no matter that Palestinians have been punished.  Although there will be some who say America's ties to Israel are clearly at too high a price, most will look at the shouts of joy from the West bank, and call them hypocrites, scum.

They will say freedom is for the responsible, for peace-loving people, and revoke all assistance.

Again, America is far from perfect, but it is also great.  It offers economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide, while some of its own people still suffer.

I am insulted to think that you might condone the recent attacks.  Most Americans are peace-loving, and go to war only when necessary.  This trial of what is necessary brings domestic disputes, as in Vietnam, but America already lost countless young servicepeople for its sins there, as in other wars as well.  As a Jew, I will repent in the upcoming weeks for my own personal sins, but I suggest that all murderers and supporters of murderers start praying for their lives.


I liked the article very much, even though I do not agree with the
that is happened, who ever did this hates Islam as much as he hated
Americans, because through years we build a good base of fighting the
propaganda against Islam and we were wining the media war, people in
state start realizing that what ever is happening in Israel is unjust, and
the Palestinians should get there rights. Now after this in human attack
people sympathy to our cause converted to hate. I feel that I am betrayed
the ignorance of some of my own people that is destroying what we are
to build. Our effort is like the WTC took years to build and one attack to
demolish. I hope that there is more of a people like you and like Israel
Shamir so we can rebuild the real picture of us, not the CNN kind of
they are trying to show.
Thanks for this email.

From Gene:

'I just want to smash her face in'.  These were the words that a friend of
mine used as he sat and watched the news in my flat.  He was referring to
the Palestinian woman in the footage we are discussing here.  The exploding
WTC and that womans grinning  face are now synonomous with each other.  The
pictures were shown together repeatedly.  A psychological bind has been put
in place.  Nobody can tell me that there is not an agenda here.  Even if the
footage was not an archive  I am sure that in London I could have found a
group of people who found the whole thing reason to celebrate. Unemployed
teenagers for instance.   But to place such footage on television would have
been grossly misrepresentative of how people felt here would it not?  As
Noam Chomsky has just said, this atrocity is a gift to the jingoist right.
It didnt take them long to find a piece of archived footage to manipulate it
to further their aims.
Best regards to the group.

From: "l. gurkan"

As BBC kept showing the footage of celebrating Palestinian men and women
right after the terrorist attack a 'weird' thought like this had crossed
mind: could it be another example of western media manipulation? well..
CNN USING 1991 FOOTAGE of celebrating Palistinians to manipulate you

Hello Israel,

     Your present article about the attack on America is so true it
shakes the very core of my being. It is unfortunate that the innocent
have to suffer in between the fight against light and world Zionist
Capitalism.   Keep on writing sir and watch your back!!! Actually, this is the only way to beat the Zionists. Many more good Jews should speak out. They cannot touch
you. John

From Haim A., an Israeli in New York

The fire commissioner announced that more than 300 of his firefighters are missing, and feared dead. About 50 police officers are also missing.

The number of people who died here is probably greater than all the war casualties in Israel's history, combined. They died as victims of a war they have almost nothing to do with. I say "almost", because there is one thing that connects all of us here to the war in the Middle East: US unconditional support of Israel.

We all struggle here to make a living; there's never enough money for dilapidated schools. Students are crammed 30 and 40 in a class, because there isn't enough money to build new schools, and not enough money to pay teachers decent salaries. There isn't enough money to pay police officers a decent salary either. There isn't enough money to fix the roads. There isn't money to fix the city parks, many of which barely receive any maintenance. And many US soldiers are living in a state of almost-poverty, because there isn't enough money to give them a raise. There is a constant struggle here on whether we should use the social security reserves to pay for all these projects, which might put future generations at risk of not receiving their pensions.

There is only on sacred cow: the foreign aid to Israel. There is never any shortage of money for that. There's never any talk of slashing that.
Regardless of recessions, economic slowdowns, budget deficits, trade deficits, Israel is getting its multi-billion dollar aid package every year like clockwork. And when the sun doesn't shine bright enough for Israel, here comes the prime minister, with his hand extended for more money, which he usually gets. This happens several times a year. The support is not only financial. It is also, political, military, economic, all of which are unconditional.

The reason for all this is simple: the Jewish community has this country by the balls, and they can apply a squeeze. They have so much power, that even US vital interests are set aside. In a country where there is a so-called free press, everything is subject to criticism. Newspapers daily, routinely criticize the president, the vice president, members of Congress, senators, governors, mayors, generals, the pope, sport figures, celebrities, end everyone else. The only exception is Israel and Jewish institutions. There is never any criticism of Israel, any Jewish institution, any Jewish public figure. The media is firmly in the grip of a select few, who have their own political agenda. So the citizens of this country are brainwashed on a daily basis. As a result, this country has become subservient to the wishes of the Jewish lobby.

Nobody knows yet for sure who carried out yesterday's attack. But that didn't stop radio and t.v. station from throwing Osama Bin Laden's name into the mix from the very beginning, even though there wasn’t yet any shred of evidence of any connection. As a matter of fact, nothing is known about what happened, nothing. I am pretty sure it will turn out it was him, no mater who really is behind it. Between you, the lamppost, and me I don't think he really exists. The US government needs a scapegoat, preferably located in a poor Islamic country like Afghanistan, that can be bombed at will with little or no casualties.

As far as I am concerned, if you want to know who did it, look at a motive, and look at who gains from all this. American public opinion turned even more anti-Arab, and anti-Muslim, and the US is going to go to war with a few Arab and Muslim states. Who gains? The attack was carefully planned, and executed with great precision. Who is capable of executing such an operation? Personally, I think that the only terrorist organization capable of carrying out this kind of attack is the Israeli army. But don't worry, Bin Laden is going to take the blame regardless, and the US is going to do Israel's dirty job and fight the Arabs. Thousands of US soldiers are going to die, but that is not important, because most of them are not Jewish, and therefore not to be considered human beings, at least not by Jews and Israelis, in accordance with Jewsih religion.

They said they found cars at the airports, with books in Arabic, and Koran’s. I just had to smile. How convenient. Someone made sure that even the most stupid of investigators gets the message. Yes, the trails will all lead to Osama Bin Laden, and some Muslim terrorist group. How convenient. How predictable. Maybe we deserve it here, for being so stupid and naïve.

This city got its heart ripped out still beating today. Our only sin here is that we support a genocide that is being committed by the Jewish people against the natives of Palestine for the last 130 years. But don't you worry; nothing is going to change anytime soon. The people of this country will continue to be brainwashed and used, and they are going to go to war and die and burry their sons and daughters, while the dirty rats laugh all the way to the bank. And we will continue to bankroll the genocide.

Kids in my neighborhood go to schools that are so old that they're about to fall. City hospitals are in a financial crisis. Aids and cancer research facilities are begging the Federal Government for more money that never comes. But Israel continues to receive money from the US by the billions. And they use the money to drive yet another farmer off his land, just because his happens not to be a Jew. They use the money to bulldoze his house, and build a villa for them there, with a swimming pool. The farmer is welcome to come and clean the swimming pool. And when he complains, they call him a terrorist.

The cowards who committed yesterday's tragedy could be Arab, or Muslim. But the Jewish people has been doing it to the Palestinians every day for the last 130 years. It doesn't make it right; two wrongs never make a right. But the real devils here are those who are taking advantage of this country, and sucking the blood and life of honest working people every single day.

The bottom line is that we lost several thousand people here, so a Jewish settler can keep on driving people off their land on the West Bank and in Gaza. We’ve been paying for his house, for his food, for his rifle, and for his bulldozer, and now we serve as a bulletproof vest for him. God help us.

The Orient Express hit it right on the button. That's what I meant when I
said innocent civilians have to pay the price for US national security
establishment foibles. One thing he forgot to mention as a potential
kamikaze is the "Swordfish" scenario. It's the new John Travolta movie where
right wing radicals in the US establishment frame terrorist activities on
arabs etc. Swordfish is plausible when you remember the sinking of the Maine
which led to the Spanish-American War, and the Gulf of Tongkin incident
which led to the escalation of the Vietnam War.
We all want peace. All this talk of revenge, turbanned enemies etc. are just
the kind of talk that the war machine loves to hear. Like you said, low tech
warfare is the only way for these people to strike back.
The US government failed its people by waging war on others and not taking
the necessary precautions for their protection. They will aggravate the
situation by escalating the conflict.

Dear Mr. Shamir.
I just want to thank you for your articles especially for the last one.
Would we only have more of your intelligence and sober evaluating the
insane world situation as it unfolds around us.Would we only take heed.
Yours is a light in the darkness. Keep it shining.
Thank you again.

From father to son:

Dear James . . . Thanks for sending Israel Shamir's article. It must be
difficult for him to bear his name. It is useful to have a quick review of
some of the groups that have grievances with the USA, but Shamir is way out
of touch with reality when he says that the suicide terrorist teams "could
be practically anybody". This coordinated effort required a degree of
imagination, total committment, training, skill, and ruthless determination
which only a few, probably only several organizations in the world today
could successfully accomplish . . . and it depended upon laxity at US
airport "security" which has long been only a gesture, as well as a bit of
luck, and upon the general good-hearted innocence of American citizens.
Shamir is of course focused upon his namesake, but I would like to learn
more about the true causes of terrorism. As an American, I have enemies now
which I was scarcely concerned about before. As a disciple of Buddha, no
is my enemy, and my deep wish is to open the mind and see clearly. What is
so distorting the lives of whole groups of people on this planet today,
they are driven by and organize around an intense hatred of people like me
and our efforts to live productive civilized lives. I'm sure that each
suicide team had a story of injustice but everyone has a story of
What are the critical ingredients here?

From son to father:

Dearest PaPa,
Um.. well I think you get the point that Shamir is making and rightfully so,
that so many people hate America that figuratively anyone could have built
up enough anger to make them explode. I find it a little strange that you
wonder why people hate this country. Really? Do you think foriegners meet
people like yourself very much? Do you think people in Afganistan meet or
see or know of people like you in this country? Ofcourse not. They see what
this country lets them see. What you and I see when we watch T.V. The same
jingoistic and inane song singing on the capital steps, the same buffoon
"running" this country, the same "people in the streets" who blame Muslims
for Oklahoma and who vilified the innocent Vietnamese. I mean really now.
The America most of the world sees is the "proudly made in the U.S.A"
sticker on the bomb that is falling toward their upturned eyes, the Peter
Built bulldozer that is crushing their childs skull and the cargo ships that
are taking away their countries resources.
The wake up call is for you to realize that you perpetrate this by the taxes
you pay and the consent you give when your newspapers try to lull us to
sleep. But surely you already know this. Your enemies are here in the U.S;
the ones who stab the backs of foreign children who cry out and flail around
in pain and knock over your World Trade Center. Your enemy is here in the
This was not an "eye for an eye" (which by the way is a Jewish invention -
see the old testament) this was physics; for every action there is an
opposite and equal reaction. Surely you know that "terrorism" (whatever that
means) is not the illness but merely a symptom of the illness - our illness.
Koyannisquattsi? Yes. And Yes you are in danger. You live in a country that
murders foriegn children and sucks their blood. Yes you are in danger. We
all are in danger. We raise "terrorists" abroad and then we kick and scream
when they come home to roost as Malcom would remind us. The chickens - ya,
the chickens have come home to roost.
Peace and justice are inseparable and woe to those who think they are,

Bravo. At least you have the courage of your ideas.

I don't and when a Jewish friend of mine said that it was 'sickening' to see Palestinians dancing in the street, (suggesting of course without saying what a callous and disgusting people they were), weakly I suggested that could it be that they were happy that now the American public would know what it is to loose a loved one as they felt that no one cared about them. My children have warned me to keep my remarks to myself. It would be bad for business. N

Dear Israel,
As always I agreed with the content of your article. But the tone, my friend, was almost as gleeful as those Israeli reporters saying "we told you". Of course America had it coming, but I missed that angle that sees that the americans citizens are not only as innocent as the millions of Iraqi, Vietnamese, Palestinian and what have you (the list is too long to reiterate) - they are also as powerless as people of the so-called "not free, not democratic" world. Their ability to influence what America does in the economical and military sphere is equivalent to the extent that Iraqi, Vietnamese Palestinians etc... can change the actions of their leaders. Nil. Zero and Nada. Hostages in the hands of those holding the power. In other words, I miss you compassion.

PS. On a more informative tone, it could be that with the events happening now, the fact that Osama Bin Laden has been supported by USA and could become who he is thanks to US policy might surface and make clear that the US has been a country helping terrorists (as long as they were terrorizing other countries). Or maybe I am naive and only in Holland they talk about these things?

Dear Israel -

Boy, did you miss the boat on this one! What I read sounded like a typical New Leftist screed of the late 1960s that criticizes and blames the U.S. for anything and everything.

Ho Hum. Is that your best shot? I doubt you are a religious Jew (maybe you are not a Jew at all!) But maybe you know the proverb, "Sh'tikah siyag le-Hohkmah"? There was no need for you to "rush to judgement," something which radical journalists like to criticize the U.S. of doing.

You know I am no fan of the Israel's discriminatory policies toward Arabs,, be they Christian or Muslim, but before the IDF blows up a police station in Palestinian Administered Territory, they give warning to clear the area.

I deplore the Israeli assassination of Palestinian leaders and the collateral death of innocents, but where does anyone get off plowing two jet liners into office buildings where tens of thousands of persons work, people simply living their lives? "Islamic terrorists"? Such people not only give Islam a bad name, but they are hypocrits to boot. That Muhammad Atta, one of the alleged masterminds, was in a bar roaring drunk last Friday night and got into an altercation with the owner, hardly recommends him as a righteous Muslim! "Haram" is the word I have heard used so often by Muslims here in the U.S.

And you can be sure that the Muslim community in the U.S. (which is already 7,000,000) is already reaping the whirlwind. So, Israel, if you want to criticize Israeli policies, be-vakashah. But please, don't think you're Noam Chomsky. You have disappointed me sorely.


Dear Mr. Shamir.

Bravo!  Your article on the September 11th attack was brilliant.  Yes, you
are right!  It is time for the United States to look enter a new
dawn.  To think and reflect on why the world hates America....
Please keep up the good work.  If only more Israelis could think like
you....perhaps we could see peace in our lifetime in the Middle

Dear Mr. Shamir,

I appreciate your "Orient Express" for its insight and view which are so
seldom allowed in the US media.  I am pleased US foreign policy is at least
included in some of the discussion this week.  Perhaps Americans are making a
greater effort to see through the hate our policies generate.

Although some will criticize your commentary as inflamed, its impact should
result in a deeper understanding of US policies.  If so, what you and some
others have written are to be credited for breaking the taboos of what can
and what cannot be said in the US publicly.  It, of course, only makes a
greater impact that such commentary comes from Israel.  

Thank you and with hopes that both Palestinians and Israelis will find equal
justice, freedom and peace.

Yours truly,

From Monzer

Who is the Beneficiary from all this?

Regardless of disagreements on American foreign policies, most media
outlets seem to have accepted the theory that the horrible events of
September 11, 2001 resulted from American foreign policies.  The
basic premise in this theory is that victims, or enemies, of American
foreign policies committed the terrorist attacks on American
targets.  Let us see if that basic premise withstands the test of

Those horrifying acts were committed with a high level of
sophistication, in terms of planning, coordination, and accuracy of
execution.  Such sophistication suggests that those who dreamed up
the attacks must have also considered the consequences of their
plot.  They must have also calculated who would benefit from their
actions.  Consider the volume of resources, level of training,
intelligence gathering capabilities, and the pragmatic cold
calculating ruthless minds behind such operation.  Then consider
whether it is reasonable to accept that the perpetrators did not
think of consequences and did not calculate who would benefit from
their acts.  Something is missing from this picture.

The perpetrators of those unspeakable crimes must have intended to
benefit from them.  They must have calculated the outcome and must
have considered the possible reactions of the American public.  More
importantly, those criminals must have carefully put in place
diversion tactics to focus public attention on someone else other
than them; and preferably their enemies.

All media outlets seem to be focusing their reporting on Arab or
Muslim "suspects".  No one is examining the possible beneficiaries of
those criminal acts.  No one is considering the possibility that
those horrible crimes were not reactions to American foreign
policies, but deliberate acts to firmly position such policies in a
certain direction.  No one is searching for a party who has the
sophistication, the means, the intelligence gathering capabilities,
the motivation, the opportunity to benefit, the media manipulation
skills, and the burning desire to divert world attention from its own
actions against innocent civilians under its occupation.  No one is
suspecting a party that is eager to obtain a license to oppress the
people it occupies as it wishes and with impunity.  No one is
considering the possible, direct or indirect, involvement of the
state of Israel!

Monzer Zimmo

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