Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites

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Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites
12/02/01 at 22:23:26
as salaamu alaykum,

This is from a Jewish mailing list.  Good stuff :)

Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 00:06:21 -0500
To: "Middle East discussion group & Zionist news releases" <>
From: "Shoshanna Walker" <>  
Subject: Know your own worst enemy department: List of Jewish traitorous organizations, and more

THESE!!!   Let's use TORAH to do it, as well as more recent history.


Jewish Peace Fellowship

Neturei Karta Homepage

Jews NOT Zionists

Yesh Gvul, The movement for IDF men refusing to serve in the Occupied

Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions

Bat Shalom, Israeli Women for Peace

B'Tselem (Israeli "Human Rights" Group)>

"Occupied Territory"

Rabbis for Human Rights

Not in Our Name Coalition

Oz v'Shalom - Netivot Shalom (religious Zionist anti-Occupation)

Jewish Alliance Against the Occupation

Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Gush Shalom

Jewish People Liberation Army

Amira Hass, Gideon Levy and others writing articles in Haaretz

Alliance of Middle East Scientists and Physicians

Visions for peace with justice in Israel/Palestine

Search for justice and equality

Tikkun Magazine

Jews Against Occupation

Middle East Crisis Committee

Nine mostly Arab web sites:

Palestine Right to Return Coalition

Common Dreams (excellent links)

Electronic Intifada

Media Monitors Network (MMN)

Middle East Facts (includes indexed articles):

Jerusalem Media and Communication Center (includes polls, news etc)

Palestine Media Watch

Palestine Remembered

Trans Arab Research Institute

And Mazin's introduction:

Congressman Paul Findley published a book in the 1970s called "They
Dare to Speak Out" about individuals who challenge the stranglehold
of Israeli lobby in US affairs.  At the time, there were few but
persistent and vocal Jewish voices against the Israeli brutalities
and most of those he listed were non-Jews.  Today, there is a
proliferation of groups and sites that represent growing Jewish
voices against Israeli policies.  Those thousands of individuals are
frequently labeled by Zionists as "self-hating Jews."  The myth that
Zionism=Judaism has fallen just like all the other myths used by
self-righteous Israel to justify its persecution and ethnic cleansing
of the native Palestians.  Anyways, below is a partial listing of
twenty two web pages (many new) for Jewish groups who "Dare to speak
out" (list compiled by Ahmed Bouzeid and updated by Mazin Qumsiyeh)

And identity:

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D.
Chair, Al-Awda Media Committee

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Hosted by Shamash: The Jewish Network
A service of Hebrew College, offering online courses and an
online MA in Jewish Studies,
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Re: Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites
12/02/01 at 20:42:18

Oprah is a terrorist?  According to the propoganda machine...

Islam According to Oprah
Is Oprah Winfrey a threat to national security?

By Rod Dreher, columnist for the New York Post
October 8, 2001 11:45 a.m.

s Oprah Winfrey a threat to national security? No, but now that the war has begun, I worry about her, and here's why.

The nation cannot afford the naive illusions that have given many Americans comfort in peacetime. Chief among them is the notion, repeated ad nauseam by our leaders and the media, that Islam is a religion of peace. This may not be an outright lie, but it is so far from the full truth as to approach falsehood.

Americans have been told that they shouldn't attack the Muslims among us, and only the lowest of the low would disagree. The American people, with very few exceptions, have risen to the challenge to be humane, decent, and loving toward Muslims in this country. Well and good.

Americans by nature want to think the best of those from other cultures. But we run the risk of blinding ourselves to the nature of the threat facing our country and our civilization. In his 1996 book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Harvard's Samuel P. Huntington warned us of deluding ourselves about the true nature of the Islamic threat.

"Some Westerners, including President Bill Clinton, have argued that the West does not have problems with Islam but only with violent Islamist extremists," Huntington wrote. "Fourteen hundred years of history demonstrate otherwise."

We can sit around making diversity quilts and thinking happy thoughts, or we can, with charity, commit ourselves to soberly assessing the historical and present-day reality of "peaceful" Islam, and its relations with non-Muslims.

Which brings us to Oprah. Last Friday, she devoted her program to "Islam 101," purportedly a crash course in the Mohammedan faith for her vast television audience of clueless Americans. It was grossly imbalanced and extremely dishonest. In fact, given how many Christians and other non-Muslims are horrifically persecuted today by Muslims in the name of Islam, it amounted to offensive propaganda.

Oprah called Islam "the most misunderstood of the three major religions" — yet did her best to add to the confusion by candy-coating the complicated truth about the Muslim faith. If you were to take Oprah's show as your guide to Islam, you would think Muslims were basically Episcopalians in veils and turbans.

Take her interview with Queen Rania of Jordan, a lovely, modern young woman who looks more at home in the pages of Vogue than in a hijab. The queen said that Islam "doesn't impose anything" on people — an absurd lie. Oprah asked her about the so-called "honor killings" of women in Jordan, murders committed by men against women in their families who are believed to have shamed the clan. For example, some young women who have been raped are in turn murdered by their male relatives for having stained the family's honor.

Progressive forces, supported by the palace and Jordan's Islamic religious establishment, tried to outlaw these killings in 1999, but were thwarted by the conservative Islamist party in Parliament. Queen Rania, reflecting establishment opinion, told Oprah that honor killings were a "cultural" phenomenon.

If that's true, then why have pre-Islamic Arabic tribal customs been taken up and spread throughout the Muslim world? Moreover, many Islamic religious leaders endorse them, or lesser violent punishment of women for the same dubious offenses.

Anyway, if one grants, for the sake of argument, the queen's contention that the Koran doesn't endorse honor killings, so what? Clearly very many Muslims believe honor killings are Islamic doctrine, and act on those beliefs — and we must be aware of that, and let that reality inform our judgment. If one were a Jew in Torquemada's Spain, it would be useless to be told that the Inquisition was a betrayal of Christianity. Theological disputes would be ancillary to the question of survival: what would matter would be how the local Christians interpreted their faith.

Queen Rania's dismissal of Muslim behavior that brings discredit upon Islam as un-Islamic brings to mind the bankrupt apologies leftists made during the Cold War for Communism. When the wickedness of the Soviets, or other Communist forces, could not be denied, it was claimed that these people did not represent "true" Communism. They may have actually believed that, but those who would be victims of real Communists, not theoretical Communists, didn't have that luxury.

Dr. Maleeha Lodhi, the Pakistani ambassador to the United States, turned up to say that "There is nothing in Islam that does not accord women equal rights." Oprah did not ask her to name one Muslim society in which women enjoy equal rights in the Western sense, because the ambassador would have had to remain silent. Or perhaps not: she had no trouble lying when she asserted that it was "absolutely untrue" that some people in her nation had taken to the streets to celebrate the September 11 attack.

Other quotes, from the program (available at

— "Muslims do not think that there is a non-Islamic world out there that we have to conquer. That is not the concept in Islam. Our job is to get to know one another, and the more we do that the better off we are."

— "The main thing we would like non-Muslims to know about our religion is that we're not so different from them."

— "I would like to reassure the American public that Islam does not preach violence."

— "Islam and Christianity and Judaism, and all the world's religions share a common heritage. We come from the same root. And our prophets and the characters in our holy books are the same. In Islam, all the religions are permitted to exist in peace with these others until Judgement Day."

That Oprah let these statements be broadcast unchallenged is appalling, an absurd fantasy that ignores the enormous suffering actual Muslims are inflicting on non-Muslim populations worldwide. "Wherever one looks along the perimeter of Islam, Muslims have problems living peaceably with their neighbors," Harvard's Huntington wrote. "Muslims make up about one-fifth of the world's population but in the 1990s they have been far more involved in intergroup violence than the people of any other civilization. The evidence is overwhelming."

In Sudan, the Muslim government in Khartoum imposed Islamic law nationwide in 1993, and has killed 2 million Sudanese Christians and animists, and enslaved countless more, in an attempt to Islamize the country. Coptic Christians in Egypt, whose presence in that country predates the arrival of Islam, have been slaughtered by fundamentalist Muslims, with authorities doing little or nothing to stop them.

In the Philippines and East Timor, Christians are being massacred by Muslims. Churches and Christian homes in Nigeria are being burned, and Christians murdered, by Muslim extremists. Arab Christians are oppressed by Muslims in the Holy Land, too. In Nazareth, Muslims are building a mosque just steps from the Basilica of the Annunciation, and make no secret of their intent to provoke and intimidate Christians. An imam in Gaza earlier this year broadcast a sermon over Palestinian Authority radio calling on Muslims to murder Christians and Jews as their Islamic duty. The ancient Christian presence in many Arab lands — Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, among others — has been decimated in the last century by Muslim persecution.

The list goes on and on. While it is true that there are relatively peaceful Muslims who wish us no harm — the Sufis of Turkey come to mind, but there are others — it is unarguable that very many Muslims and their leaders despise non-Muslims, attack us rhetorically in religious terms, and wish to see us die for our infidelity to Allah. To these Muslims, many of whom are Wahhabi (the Muslim sect that, according to Islam scholar Stephen Schwartz, accounts for 80 percent of the imams in the United States today), there are two worlds: that of Islam, and that of war. No compromise is possible between them.

What can possibly be gained from ignoring this ugly reality? Nothing — and a great deal to be lost. As Andrew Sullivan notes in Sunday's New York Times Magazine, our leaders' "laudable" post-9/11 efforts to discourage seeing the conflict in religious terms "doesn't hold up under inspection."

"The religious dimension of this conflict is central to its meaning," Sullivan writes, adding that it would be "naive to ignore in Islam a deep thread of intolerance toward unbelievers, especially if those unbelievers are believed to be a threat to the Islamic world."

It's naive to ignore it on a macro level, and it's naive to ignore it on a micro level, too. We know that the Muslims who carried out the 9/11 attacks lived for years peacefully among other Americans. We also know that they couldn't have carried out their operations without the support of others. Further, we know that some mosques and Islamic institutions in this country have been helpful to the jihadists. Believing that the threat to America comes simply from foreign Islamic extremists may make Oprah viewers feel better, but it's dangerous — and it lets moderate, patriotic American Muslims evade their responsibility to repudiate and root out fundamentalists among them. In Sunday's New York Times, a reporter wrote of interviews she had with Muslim American students right here in my own Brooklyn neighborhood. One of the male students said, on the record, that he would abandon the United States and give his own life to back an "observant Muslim who is fighting for an Islamic cause." Oprah honey, this is called sedition, and if there is an Islamic fifth column in this country, the American public needs to know about it.

American Muslims understandably feel pressured now to show the non-Muslim majority that they are no threat, and well-meaning dolts like Oprah are key to this effort. Watching Oprah's "Islam 101" program, I thought of the Lebanese Catholics at my church, who stopped me after a prayer service for the World Trade Center dead to talk, on the record, about the anti-Arab persecution they feared coming.

They all said they knew plenty of Muslims here in New York who were peace-loving people, and that it would be wrong to think ill of them. I asked these Arab Christians if these Muslims supported terrorist organizations, monetarily or otherwise. Every one of them said yes, sheepishly. After the interview was over, the group asked me not to use their last names. They were afraid of being physically attacked by Muslims in their neighborhoods — this, for standing up for America in print.

"That's amazing," I said to them. "You are all Christians living in the United States of America, yet you are afraid to have your names attached to patriotic statements, out of fear that your Muslim neighbors, the same people you are defending to me, will attack you. What does that say about the reality of Islam in America?"

They did not answer me, because they had no answer. Think about that next time you're told that Islam is a religion of peace. There's more to the story than what Oprah is telling you.

Re: Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites
12/02/01 at 20:43:24
MR. ABOU-GHEITH: Peace be upon Mohammed, our prophet, and those
who follow him. I direct this message to the entire Islamic nation,
and I say to them that the parties today have come together against
the nation of Islam and the Muslims. This is the crusade that Bush
has promised us, coming towards Afghanistan, against the Islamic
nation and the Afghan people. We are living under this bombardment
from the crusade, which is also heading towards the people. We have a
fair and just case. The Islamic nation, more than 80 years, has been
suffering. The Palestinian people have been living under the Jewish
and Zionist occupation. Nobody moves to help them. Here we are.
This is an Arab land. This is a land that's being desecrated. People
have come to take its wealth.
The nation must know that terror and the terror that the U.S. is
declaring is only a trick. Is it possible that America and its allies
would kill over all these years, and that would not be called as
terrorism? And when the victim comes out to revenge, it is called
revenge. Isn't this a trick? This must not be acceptable. America
must know that the nation will not keep quiet and will not allow what
happens against it.
The jihad today is a duty of every Muslim, if they haven't got an
excuse. God says fight, and for the sake of God, and uphold the name
of God.
The American interests are everywhere, all over the world. Every
Muslim has to play his real and true role, to uphold his religion as
his nation. And fighting and jihad is a duty.
I want to talk on another point, that those youths who did what
they did and destroyed America with their airplanes, they've done a
good deed. They have moved the battle into the heart of America.
America must know that the battle will not leave its land until
America leaves our land, until it stops supporting Israel, until it
stops the blockade against Iraq. The Americans must know that the
storm of airplanes will not stop, and there are thousands of young
people who look forward to death like the Americans look forward to
And the Americans must know that by coming to the land of
Afghanistan, they have opened a new page of animosity between us and
the forces of the unbelievers. We will fight them with everything
material that we have and with all our faith in God. We shall be
victorious. The Americans have opened a door that will never be
And at the end, I address the sons and the young Muslims, the
men, women, for them to take their responsibility, and they must know
that the land of Afghanistan and the mujaheddin (upon us ?) are being
subjected to a full crusade with the objective of getting rid of the
Islamic nation. The nation must take up its responsibility.
And in the end, I think God for allowing us to start this jihad
and ask God to give us victory in the face of our enemy and return
them defeated.


Re: Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites
12/02/01 at 20:45:29
This may explain why those Israeli's were celebrating, they are calling this the beginning of the ascendancy of Israel to global domination:

From: []On
Behalf Of Professor Paul Eidelberg
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 12:42 PM
Subject: Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

By Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Reading the Zohar leads me to think that the destruction of the World
Center by Islamic terrorists heralds not only the decline of the United
States as a world power, but also the corresponding ascendancy of
Israel as
prophesized in the Torah.

According to the Zohar (Ex. 6a), just "as the world cannot be without
four cardinal points, so the nations cannot be without Israel."  The
continues:  "It says in the Book of Rabbi Hamnua the Elder, in
with the words 'Now there arose a new king over Egypt [after the death
Joseph, Ex. 1:8],' that all the nations of the world and all their
become great only on account of Israel. Egypt, for instance, did not
over the whole world before Israel settled there.  The same is true of
Babylon, as well as Edom (Rome).  Before that all these nations were
insignificant and contemptible: Egypt is described as a 'house of
(Ex. 20:2), Babylon as 'a people who was not' (Isa. 20: 11-13), and of
it says, 'Behold I have made thee small among the nations, thou art
despised (Ovad. 1:2).  It was entirely due to Israel that they became
As soon as Israel was subjected to any of these nations, it became
all-powerful ... And this is the meaning of 'Now there arose a new

Now it so happens that a Jew helped finance the American Revolution.  
what animated and justified that revolution was the "Higher Law"
doctrine of
the Declaration of Independence, a doctrine traceable to the Bible of
Israel."  Moreover, it can be shown that the American Constitution, the
bedrock of the United States, owes much to Jewish laws and
institutions.  If
to this we add that Jews have contributed enormously to America's
and financial greatness, it is hardly an exaggeration to say that,
and indirectly, Jews have made the United States the most powerful
nation on

So long as the U.S. retains this leading position, Israel must pale in
significance.  What is more, the U.S., from a metaphysical point of
must keep Israel in a subordinate position because Israel alone
potentially in its Torah, the spiritual greatness to become mankind's
leading nation.  This is the esoteric explanation of why the Bush
Administration, after the destruction of the Twin Towers, pressed
Israel not
to destroy Arafat and his PLO-Palastinian terrorists.

Of course, the U.S. wants to obtain the support of Arab and Islamic
in its war against international terrorism, and it also wants to
its economic interests in the Middle East.  But the hidden reason for
American pressure on Israel goes back to Genesis 25:23 and the two
in Rebecca's womb: Jacob-Israel, from time to time, will be at the
heels of
Esav-Edom (until the "end of days").

Ironically, it required the descendants of Ishmael-decadent Islam-to
a devastating attack on New York, the pinnacle of modernity!  The U.S.
not want to recognize the true nature of its enemy.  It prefers to
the destruction of the World Trade Center not to Islam but to "Islamic
fundamentalists."   Hence it invites terrorist states like Iran and
and even Arafat's PLO-Palestinian Authority to cooperate in the war
global terrorism!  The U.S. has lost the war before its first strike!

True, because multicultural America has some six million Muslims, its
government cannot readily identify Islam as the enemy.   Neither can
American academics and journalists, trapped as most are in moral and
cultural relativism.  President Bush's war of "good" versus "evil" will
sell in the American media; certainly not in cynical Europe.  
Islam will be encouraged to strike again.

But Islam will also be humbled, according to the Zohar (Ex. 32a). After
referring to a "great slaughter in the land of Edom" (Isa. 34:6), the
states that God "will wipe out the children of Ishmael from the Holy
and crush all the powers and principalities of the nations in the
supramundane world, and only one power will remain above to rule over
nations of the world, namely the power representing Israel ..." Then
all the
nations will serve the Lord in a pure language (Zeph. 3:9), and on that
"the Lord will be One and His Name One" (Zech. 14:9).

In the meantime, however, voices high and low will be heard blaming
for the destruction of the Twin Towers.  American Jews will be a target
gentile resentment, inflamed by Islamic propaganda.  (Economic
will intensify anti-Semitism.)  Many Jews will be prompted to leave
and this will hasten America's decline.  The more America declines, the
Israel will rise-not present-day Israel, steeped in Western decadence,
Israel as a Torah-inspired nation.

American Jews had better leave while they can-and while they can
to Israel's spiritual renaissance.  Once a majority of the world's
population is in Israel, the prophecies recorded in the Zohar will be

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Hosted by Shamash: The Jewish Network
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Re: Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites
12/02/01 at 20:48:36
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 16:07:00 -0400
From: "Meir Weiss" <> Block Address   Add to Address Book
Organization: NOT ONE INCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AD MASAI???????  
To: "Middle East discussion group & Zionist news releases" <>
Subject: [Fwd: Mosques asked to mark one-year anniversary of Intifada in Fridaykhutbah]



Islamic News and Information Network wrote:

> Assalamu'alaikum
> ININ NOTE: ININ reaffirms that resistance is not something to be
> but to be celebrated, for in our resistance against tyranny and
> we reaffirm our humanity and are responding to the fitra that Allah
> placed in everyone of us with a desire to be free. So together, let's
> celebrate the intifada. The Palestinian people have made us proud,
let us
> show them that we are pleased with their efforts! They are protecting
> masjid al Aqsa with their lives, and we thank them for that.
> In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
> American Muslims for Jerusalem
> Mosques asked to mark one-year anniversary of Intifada in Friday
> (Washington, DC, 9/26/01) – As the nation deals with the tragedy of
> September 11th, let us not forget the ongoing suffering of our
> and sisters in Palestine.  The Al Aqsa Intifada is about to mark its
> one-year anniversary.  More than 30 Palestinians have been martyred
> September 11th alone.  Since the start of the Intifada one year ago,
> than 700 Palestinians have been martyred.  More than 25,000
> have been wounded.  Israeli forces have demolished hundreds of homes,
> leaving thousands homeless and uprooted thousands of olive trees,
> scores of Palestinian families with no source of income. The tragic
> of September 11th have understandably occupied the attention of all
> Americans.  While grieving over the loss of life, American Muslim
> attention has also been directed toward protecting the civil
liberties of
> the community and responding to the ugly backlash.  In the midst of
> it is critical that we also remain diligent in supporting the quest
> freedom and justice in Palestine.
> Indeed, before the dust had settled in New York City, the pro-Israel
> and Israeli extremists began exploiting America’s misery to serve
> narrow agenda.  Israel immediately escalated attacks on Palestinians.  
> Israeli army source reported that in the two days after September
> the Israeli army engaged in the “largest number of simultaneous
> operations since the uprising started.” Ariel Sharon quickly began
> referring to Arafat as “our Bin Laden,” and perpetuating the myth
> Israel as an innocent victim of terror by telling America “now you
> how we feel.”
> In the wake of this tragedy, many analysts are advocating that the US
> government work to find a just resolution to the Palestinian issue.
> Recognizing that this is a key to achieving stability in the region
> the cooperation of Arab and Muslims states, the Administration
> Israel to resume talks with the Palestinian Authority.  The
> lobby and its extremist supporters in Congress are fighting this
> They are working hard to protect Israel from having to concede
anything to
> Palestinians.  US Senators and Representatives are hosting
> like Benjamin Netanyahu, in the halls of Congress.  Netanyahu argues
> the Palestinian Authority is part of the same terror network that
> destroyed the World Trade Center.  He is warning members of Congress
> against pressuring Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians.  
If you
> pressure Israel, he says, the terrorists will have won a victory.
> The media has been quick to parrot this extremist pro-Israel spin.
> Images of a handful of celebrating Palestinians are imbedded in
> minds, while the outpouring of condolences from the majority of
> Palestinians was ignored.  Editorials in major newspapers are citing
> likes of notorious bigots Daniel Pipes and Steven Emerson to
> American Muslim organizations and create an association with
terrorism in
> the public’s eye.  Charitable organizations that provide
> with critical humanitarian assistance are under attack as well.
> It is critical that we not allow the pro-Israel lobby to exploit
> America’s national tragedy for Israel’s benefit.
> Action Requested:
> American Muslims for Jerusalem urges all Imams to dedicate the
> this Friday to commemorating the one-year anniversary of the Al Aqsa
> Intifada.  All on this list are asked to request that their community
> mosque do so.
> ******
> American Muslims for Jerusalem
> 208 G Street, NE, Suite 100
> Washington, DC 20002
> Tel: (202) 548-4200
> Fax: (202) 548-4201
> E-Mail:
> Website:
>     ININ List Archives Found Here:
> To subscribe please e-mail
> In the body type: "subscribe inin-net"
> To unsubscribe please e-mail
> In the body type in: "unsubscribe inin-net"
>                          DEFINING APARTHEID
> Article 2 of the "International Convention of the Suppression and
> Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid" of 1973 clearly defined the
> term "crime of apartheid." This includes similar policies and
> of segregation and discrimination as practiced in South Africa and
> which also apply to inhuman acts committed for the purpose of the
> establishment and maintaining of domination by one racial group over
> another. This includes the deliberated imposition of living
> calculated to cause physical destruction and any legislative or other
> measures preventing a racial group from full development of their
> political, social, economic and cultural life.  This is an accurate
> description of what the zionists are doing to the Palestinian people
> with the full support of the USA.

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Hosted by Shamash: The Jewish Network
A service of Hebrew College, offering online courses and an
online MA in Jewish Studies,
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Re: Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites
12/02/01 at 20:51:07
Check out the date on this, Fisk totally called this...

25 September 2001 08:09 GMT+1

Robert Fisk: This is not a war on terror. It's a fight against

America's enemies

25 September 2001

'We are being asked to support a war whose aims appear to be as

misleading as they are secretive'

While covering the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, I would, from

time to time, drive down through Jalalabad and cross the Pakistan

border to Peshawar to rest. In the cavernous, stained interior of the

old Intercontinental Hotel, I would punch out my stories on a

groaning telex machine beside an office bearing the legend "Chief

Accountant" on the door. On the wall next to that office – I don't

know if it was the Chief Accountant who put it there – was a framed

piece of paper bearing four lines of Kipling that I still remember:

A scrimmage at a border station

A canter down a dark defile

Five thousand pounds of education

Felled by a five-rupee jezail

Or, I suppose today, a Kalashnikov AK-47, home-produced in Quetta, or

one of those slick little Blowpipe missiles that we handed over to

the mujahedin with such abandon in the early Eighties so that they

could kill their – and our – Russian enemies.

But I've been thinking more about the defiles, the gorges and

overhanging mountains, the sheer rock walls 4,000 feet in height, the

caves and the massive tunnels which Osama bin Laden cut through the

mountains. Here, presumably, are the "holes" from which the Wes is

going to "smoke out" Mr bin Laden, always supposing that he's been

obliging enough to run away and hide in them. For there is already a

growing belief – founded on our own rhetoric – that Mr bin Laden and

his men are on the run, seeking their hiding places.

I'm not so certain. I'm very doubtful about what Mr bin Laden is

doing right now. In fact, I'm not at all sure what we – the West –

are doing. True, our destroyers and aircraft carriers and fighter

aircraft and heavy bombers and troops are massing in the general

region of the Gulf. Our SAS boys – so they say in the Middle East –

are already climbing around northern Afghanistan, in the region still

controlled by the late Shah Masoud's forces. But what exactly are we

planning to do? Kidnap Mr bin Laden? Storm his camps and kill the lot

of them, Mr bin Laden and all his Algerian, Egyptian, Jordanian,

Syrian and Gulf Arabs?

Or is Mr bin Laden merely chapter one of our new Middle Eastern

adventure, to be broadened later to include Iraq, the overthrow of

Saddam Hussein, the destruction of the Lebanese Hezbollah, the

humbling of Syria, the humiliation of Iran, the reimposition of yet

another fraudulent "peace process" between Israel and the


If this seems fanciful, you should listen to what's coming out of

Washington and Tel Aviv. While The New York Times Pentagon sources

are suggesting that Saddam may be chapter two, the Israelis are

trying to set up Lebanon – the "centre of international terror"

according to Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon – for a bombing run

or two, along with Yasser Arafat's little garbage tip down in Gaza

where the Israelis have discovered, mirabile dictu, a "bin Laden


The Arabs, of course, would also like an end to world terror. But

they would like to include a few other names on the list.

Palestinians would like to see Mr Sharon picked up for the Sabra and

Chatila massacre, a terrorist slaughter carried out by Israel's

Lebanese allies – who were trained by the Israeli army – in 1982. At

1,800 dead, that's only a quarter of the number killed on 11

September. Syrians in Hama would like to put Rifaat Al-Assad, the

brother of the late president, on their list of terrorists for the

mass killings perpetrated by his Defence Brigades in the city of Hama

in the same year. At 20,000, that's more than double the 11 September

death toll.

The Lebanese would like trials for the Israeli officers who planned

the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, which killed 17,500 people,

most of them civilians – again, well over twice the 11 September

statistic. Christian Sudanese would like President Omar al-Bashir

arraigned for mass murder.

But, as the Americans have made clear, it's their own terrorist

enemies they are after, not their terrorist friends or those

terrorists who have been slaughtering populations outside

American "spheres of interest". Even those terrorists who live

comfortably in the US but have not harmed America are safe: take, for

example, the pro-Israeli militiaman who murdered two Irish UN

soldiers in southern Lebanon in 1980 and who now live in Detroit

after flying safely out of Tel Aviv. The Irish have the name and

address, if the FBI are interested – but of course they're not.

So we are not really being asked to fight "world terror". We are

being asked to fight America's enemies. If that means bagging the

murderers behind the atrocities in New York and Washington, few would

object. But it does raise the question of why those thousands of

innocents are more important – more worthy of our effort and perhaps

blood – than all the other thousands of innocents. And it also raises

a much more disturbing question: whether or not the crime against

humanity committed in the US on 11 September is to be met with

justice – or a brutal military assault intended to extend American

political power in the Middle East.

Either way, we are being asked to support a war whose aims appear to

be as misleading as they are secretive. We are told by the Americans

that this war will be different to all others. But one of the

differences appears to be that we don't know who we are going to

fight and how long we are going to fight for. Certainly, no new

political initiative, no real political engagement in the Middle

East, no neutral justice is likely to attend this open-ended

conflict. The despair and humiliation and suffering of the Middle

East peoples do not figure in our war aims – only American and

European despair and humiliation and suffering.

As for Mr bin Laden, no one believes the Taliban are genuinely

ignorant of his whereabouts. He is in Afghanistan. But has he really

gone to ground? During the Russian war, he would emerge, again and

again, to fight Afghanistan's Russian occupiers, to attack the

world's second superpower. Wounded six times, he was a master of the

tactical ambush, as the Russians found out to their cost. Evil and

wicked do not come close to describing the mass slaughter in the US.

But – if it was Mr bin Laden's work – that does not mean he would not

fight again. And he would be fighting on home ground. There are

plenty of dark defiles into which we may advance. And plenty of cheap

rifles to shoot at us. And that wouldn't be a "new kind of war" at



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Re: Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites
12/03/01 at 01:29:54

That one article that was talking about the rise of Israel as the World Power (hahah...that's funny), read this:

9. The Abomination Of Desolation

The abomination of desolation is a very important Biblical term. It is quite clear, but the Christians have, as usual, surrounded it with a ring of obscurity concerning the term and its interpretation.

This term has been translated in various ways such as: 'beast of desolation,' 'abominable desolation,' as well as interpretive translations such as: 'transgression of desolation,' 'desolation of transgression,' and it has even been rendered more clearly as 'the kingdom of transgression.' As for Bates, he has determined that it is the 'abominable destroyer.' It can also be translated as the 'unclean' or 'abominable destroyer.' Perhaps the most correct translation, and the one most in harmony with Allah's Words, is to call it the 'abominable corruptor' or the 'corrupting abomination.'

Let us read what the book of Daniel says about it, since it is he who gave the term its great historical importance. But let us begin my explaining that after the first angel explained to Daniel the vision of the previously mentioned four beasts, he concluded with a definitive conclusion:

“Then the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him. This is the end of the account.”

However, Daniel was greatly disturbed, and needed more understanding. It is as if he understood that the dream of the idol was general, and connected to the king who saw it, while the vision of the four beasts especially concerned himself. So he desired a clearer explanation of what would happen in the near future, as well as at the end of time, which are the two eras of interest to most people. As for the near future, everybody, wise or ignorant, strives to understand the development of humanity and the events which occur during his own lifetime. As for the distant future, the end is always a subject of question and interest: The end of the world, the end of his own nation, the end of the people of faith, or of unbelief, especially, for one who is a prophet or a follower of the prophets.

Thus, we have the third vision:

“I lifted up my eyes and saw, and there, standing beside the river, was a ram which had two horns, and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up last. I saw the ram pushing westward, northward, and southward, so that no animal could withstand him; nor was there any that could deliver from his hand, but he did according to his will and became great.

“And as I was considering, suddenly a male goat came from the west, across the surface of the whole earth, and without touching the ground; and the goat had a notable horn between its eyes.

“Then he came to the ram with two horns… and ran at him with furious power. And I saw him confronting the ram; he was moved with rage against him, attacked the ram, and broke his two horns. There was no power to the ram to withstand him, but he cast him down to the ground and trampled him…

“Therefore the male goat grew very great; but when he became strong, the large horn was broken, and in its place four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven. And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land. And it grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground, and trampled them.

“He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered.

“Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking, 'How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot?' And he said to me, 'For two-thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary 20 shall be cleansed.'” (8:3-13)

According to one of the Catholic translations it is:

“For two-thousand three hundred days; then the rights of the sanctuary shall be returned to it.”

Thus, did Daniel ask the angel to interpret the vision, so he said to him:

“Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end…Look, I am making known to you what shall happen in the latter time of the indignation; for at the appointed time the end shall be.

“The ram which you saw, having the two horns –they are the kings of Media and Persia. And the male goat is the king of Greece. The large horn that is between its eyes is the first king. As for the broken horn and the four that stood up in its place, four kingdoms shall arise out of that nation, but not with its power.

“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have reached their fullness, a king shall arise, having fierce features, who understands sinister schemes. His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; he shall destroy fearfully, and shall prosper and thrive; he shall destroy the mighty, and also the holy people. Through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; and he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without human means.

“And the vision of the evenings and mornings which was told is true; therefore seal up the vision, for it refers to many days in the future.” (8:2-26)

However, the desire for knowledge increases. Especially, since Daniel lived during a time of great events in the struggle between the two empires of Babylon and Persia. He was very concerned for the future of his wretched, captive people, and he was very concerned for Jerusalem and who would conquer it. So he began to beseech, cry and pray to Allah until showed him a vision of more detail concerning times and numbers. However, its interpretation is very difficult. Without doubt they have distorted it, and changed its clarity and accuracy into obscurity. It is the well-known vision of the weeks, in which the angel says:

“Seventy weeks are determined for your people, and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring an everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until the Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks…

“And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined. Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.” (9:24-27)

According to the Catholic translation:

“A prince will come and destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will be by flood. Until the end shall be the killing and desolation that have been determined. In one week he will make a covenant with many, a firm covenant, but in the middle of the week he will end the sacrifices and offerings. In the wing of the temple will be the abomination of desolation, until the consummation is determined to finish the desolate.”

It is because of this obscurity that we assert the occurrence of distortion, although scholars have gone to great lengths to interpret this prophecy so that it will conform to the birth of Christ, or the sending of Muhammad –Allah's blessing and peace be on them.

In any case, Daniel understood the time line of events. But how would they happen? The human has a strong desire to understand, and the Lord is generous in giving every time. So Daniel went back to his prayers and petitions, and the angel came to him and said:

“Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.” (10:14)

Here we should note the repeated advice that the time of the fulfillment of the vision would be delayed, so that Daniel would not err in this regard. This is because Daniel wanted to know about the near future, but the vision concerned what the more important end-times of the distant future. Thus, the angel advises Daniel not to forget that, and suppose that it concerned the near future. Nevertheless, he informed him about the wars that would occur between the kings of Persia and Greece, and the king of the North and the king of the South. The portion which interests us is his saying:

“And forces shall be mustered by him [the king of the North], and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation.” –(11:31)

He refers to a pagan government that will conquer the sanctuary of Jerusalem and establish their worship there. The followers of the Bible disagree about their identity. That is not our concern, but what concerns us is to explain the other abomination of desolation which will be set up by the beast, or the little horn in the land itself, which is a state. The name here is the same, but what is mentioned here is pagan, while the later one is Israelite.

Re: Jewish Anti-Occupation Sites
12/03/01 at 01:30:12
His discussion of these events is concluded with the arrival of the final hour, and the day of resurrection, then he says to Daniel:

“But you Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end.” However, the two angels talk to each other so that Daniel can hear them and understand:

“ When the power of the holy people is completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.”

At this point Daniel says:

“Although I heard I did not understand. Then I said, “My lord, what shall be the end of these things?” And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end…And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest.”

So the book ends and Daniel rests, especially, since he learns that Jerusalem will have its rights restored in forty-five years. But the Jews and Christians have not rested, and will have no rest about the meaning of these events, except for those who leave aside their partisanship and open their eyes to the truth. Yes, they have tired themselves, and tired the world, and tired us.

The preceding was a brief treatment of the most important of all the Biblical prophecies: the book of Daniel. From it we take note of several matters:

A clearer picture of the 'little horn.' He is a devious, treacherous conspirator who is not established by his own power, but through the power of others. His enemies are the holy people, the followers of the seal of the prophets. He lords himself over them, and overthrows the leader of their rulers (the caliph) without an army. His most wicked deed is his subjugation and defilement of Jerusalem with his forces, his canceling of the daily prayers 21, and his destruction of the House of Allah. He will establish his state there which is called the 'abomination of desolation.'

This little horn will do so during the days of the rule of the last kingdom, the kingdom of the Holy ones, not during the days of the Persians and Romans. The establishment of the unclean state does not mean the end of that everlasting kingdom. This is emphasized throughout the book. It is simply an event that occurs for a limited time at a certain place. It is in no way comparable to vision of the idol, in which one kingdom falls and another is established in its place, nor is it comparable to the vision of the four beasts in which one huge, frightening beast defeats the others. No, it is nothing like that at all. He is a little horn, and the extent of his power is limited. But his conspiracy is large, and his shrewdness is great, and behind him stands the great power in support of him. This is accompanied by the straitened circumstances [referred to by Daniel in 12:1] and great weakness of the holy people, however, their straitened circumstances end, and the saints are once again granted victory. They celebrate the day that the abomination of desolation is removed, and Jerusalem is purified.

This wicked, corrupt little horn destroys and builds. He destroys the sanctuary of Allah, and sets up the abomination of desolation in its place. For this reason some of Biblical commentators say that it is an idol set up in the temple. In actuality it is the temple that will be set up in the sanctuary [the mosque]. This does not contradict the meaning of 'abomination' [or defilement]. A foreign, enemy structure cannot be set up within the holy place of a nation, except by force. Thus, an abomination is what it is in both its general and particular meanings. In general, it is the establishment of the unholy state itself, and the particular instance is the setting up of the idol, or abomination that is worshipped or in which they worship.

Likewise, the idol cannot be removed from the house of Allah except by force. That is what the Prophet –Allah's blessing and peace be on him- did when he conquered Makkah, and that is what his followers will do when they enter the sanctuary of Jerusalem and find that an unholy structure is set up there by an unholy state.

It is possible that the only abomination there will be the flag of the Zionist state. Therefore, most of the commentators do not doubt that the establishment of the abomination is the establishment of an unholy, destructive state in the land of Jerusalem. But what is this state? Each of the three religions which venerate Jerusalem have established states there, or conquered it, and there is no doubt that only one out of the three is the abomination.

By this we are able to identify this state, not only from the statements of Daniel alone, but from history and reality. The important matter here is that this state will arise after Christ, since, as in Matthew and other gospels he relates the words of Daniel and explains that it will be in the latter days, as will be explained in greater detail soon. This demonstrates the error of that the setting up of the abomination of desolation occurred before the time of Christ, or that it means the idol of Zeus that was erected in the temple, or that it refers to the events shortly after his ascension in 70 or 135, for many reasons:

Those events were normal in course of history, and Jewish history in particular witnessed many similar events.

The Jews of that time were unbelievers due to their rejection of Christ, but those events will occur to those who believe in his message.

Those events were not in accord with the times and conditions specified by Daniel and Christ. Moreover, they are not in accord with the descriptions found in most of the prophetic books of the return of the Jews, their unholy gathering, and their judgment by Allah and the sending down of His wrath upon them by the hand of His chosen nation, as will be explained to the full satisfaction of our readers.

Jewish commentators, due to their rejection of Christ and his message, do not even consider his statements, and because of this interpret the abomination of desolation as an idol set up in the temple. Thereafter, they are confused and differ concerning the time when this occurred or will occur. Some of them place it in the time before Christ, and some of them after, and they are extremely contradictory concerning the time which Daniel specified with such precision, especially those who understand by 'days' the usual meaning of the term. As for those who interpret it as years, they must admit that it has not occurred and will not except after two thousand, three-hundred years have passed. Especially since in all of history there has never been a state that came after 2,300 days and established a state that lasted for 45 days, and then passed away. This would be such a trivial event that it wouldn't even deserve to be recorded in history, except as a footnote.

This is because the Biblical prophecies themselves specifically refer to years as 'days,' such as in Ezekial (4:6): “I have laid on you a day for each year,” and in the text of the vision itself: “Blessed is he who waits,” does not mean forty-five days, but one who waits for forty-fives years.

Furthermore, we have the witness of the Jews themselves. A large segment of them believed, and still do believe, that the Zionist entity which exists today is the abomination. They have continually warned their followers about Zionist ideology in the past and present. They have a deep faith that the Jewish gathering is taking place so that the vengeance of Allah's wrath can be poured down upon them. This is a large movement in America and elsewhere. They have large communities in the occupied territories themselves, including Rabbi Hirsch, leader of the 'Naturei Karta [Guardians of the City]' and the minister for Jewish affairs in the cabinet of Arafat's Palestinian Authority 22. Other Jews believe this fact also, but interpret it in a secular manner, such as the philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky. Enough then from the Jews, let us see what the Christians say.

The common mistake of both camps is that they consider the abomination of desolation to be of a people other than the Jews. Both religions consider people other than the Jews to be idolaters. In this case, it is easy to describe any idolatrous state as an abomination. Bates himself, despite his admission that the Jews will be idolaters in their worship, interprets the abomination as the 'Kingdom of Assyria,' which will invade the holy land in the latter days (p 209).

Perhaps he can be excused since he wrote this before the establishment of the State of Israel. Nobody imagined the establishment of a Jewish state. For this reason, he does not call them a state after their return to Jerusalem, but a 'bloc' or group, as we have previously seen.

Furthermore, he and others like him, imagined that the Jews would be oppressed by a gentile state (the Arabs), and so they would quickly turn to faith in Christ at the approach of the millennium, or at the time of his descent, which would be a great miracle as, in the words of Macintosh:

“The entire world on that day will be baffled, 'How did this unclean nation become holy to the Lord?'” 23

He explains it by the fact that “only a third of them will be saved from the consuming fire and poverty,” by which he is referring to the end of the unholy state as depicted in the prophetic books, which will be featured in an upcoming chapter.

Thus, they possess half the truth, which is the Jew's unbelief and unholiness, but as far as their possessing a state, that is the half which they lack. Yet, without doubt, they are better than the other commentators and historians on whom contemporary fundamentalists rely, including Stephen Ronsman, author of the well known book concerning the crusades, who said:

“One day in the month of Febuary, 638, the Caliph `Umar entered Jerusalem…

“The Patriarch Saphronius came to the side of the Caliph, since he was considered the chief administrator of the surrendered city. Upon which `Umar immediately proceeded towards the site of the Temple of Solomon from which his companion Muhammad ascended into heaven. While the Patriarch stood watching him, he recalled the words of Christ, and began uttering them through his tears, 'when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel…'

“That was the last public service done by the Patriarch, which was the dramatic culmination of a long life which he spent in service of Orthodoxy, and the unity of the Christian world.”24

Sharing this opinion is the Arab Christian historian Phillip Hitti.25

Rightly-guided Jews and Christians turned to refute this. Moreover, some of them mention the biblical prophecy of `Umar's entry into Jerusalem, without knowing who made this shameless statement. That is, the verse in the book of Zechariah:

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; he is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey. I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem; the battle bow shall be cut off. His dominion shall be 'from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth.'”26

This is the prophecy which the Christians interpret –in spite of itself- as meaning the entry of Christ into Jerusalem as a lone visitor. 27 Even if the Islamic conquest is not mentioned in any prophecy, and if its conqueror had not been `Umar himself, the attribute of abomination or uncleanness is as far away as possible from the Islamic community of monotheism and its great conquests, which brought the people out of darkness, oppression and uncleanness into light and purity. This is the witness of all of history –praise be to Allah- rejected only by arrogant fools, sickened by bigotry and blinded by hatred.

Furthermore, it cannot apply to that event in any case since it must occur 2,300 later, whether beginning from Daniel's death, or from the Seleucid year, since Daniel died in 456 B.C.E., and between that year and the Islamic conquest was only 1091 (453+638) years, and if you calculate according to the Seleucid year it was only 971 years later (333+638).

At this point we must turn to Daniels numerology, although we would prefer to delay discussing it since the confirmed facts and events of history are adequate for our purpose. However, it is necessary in order to complete the picture:

Daniel says that the abomination of desolation will be set up in 2,300 years –as we have explained. The terms 'how long?' 'until' are frequently repeated, both within the vision itself, and in other books of the Bible. It is an error of the translator, or a too-literal translation. Especially, as we have seen, there is emphasis that it shall occur at the latter day, at the far-distant time of the indignation

None of the commentators who interpret the days as years disagree with us in this regard, and we have clearly understood the baselessness of its literal translation as common days. So what is the source of the dispute and confusion? It is possible to learn the various opinions from Chauncy's commentary, which he claims to have gathered from eighty-five Biblical commentaries, in which he says (as summarized by Rahmat-Allah al-Hindi):

“From the earliest times it has been very difficult for scholars to ascertain and define the time of the commencement of the event to which this vision refers.

“The majority of the scholars have concluded that the time of its commencement is certainly one of the four periods in which four royal commands were issued by the kings of Persia:

Cyrus, who issued his ordinance in 636 B.C.

The king Darius, who issued his orders in 518 B.C.

Artaxerxes, who gave his commands about Ezra in 458 B.C.

The king Artaxerxes, who issued his ordinance to Nehemiah in 444 B.C.

“The days mentioned in this vision are not days as usually understood, but days signifying years. Keeping this in mind, the ending of the period of this vision would be as follows:

According to the first command of Cyrus it would end in 1764.

According to the second of Darius it would end in 1782.

According to the third command of Artaxerxes it would be in 1843.

According to the fourth ordinance it would end in 1856.

Chauncy, who wrote his book in 1838, says:

“The first and second periods have passed, and the third and fourth remain. The strongest in my opinion, is the third, of which I am sure.”

According to us and the whole world today, this was an error, so what more can be said?

Chauncy says:

“According to some, its beginning is the Greek Alexander's attacking the King of Asia (that is Darius of Persia), and according to this the end point will of the prophecy will be in the year 1966.” 28

Shaykh Rahmat-Allah (who died in 1891) adds:

“If the falsehood of the first and second periods were apparent in his lifetime, as he himself acknowledged, and the falsehood of the third, which according to him is the strongest, is apparent, and likewise the falsehood of the fourth…then only the fifth period remains.” 29

Since the purpose of the Shaykh was to refute all Biblical prophecies so as to demonstrate that they are distorted or doubtful, he also expected that the fifth would be false, and said:

“Those who are alive at that time will see that it too is false, God willing.”

Moreover, when the Shaykh quoted the statements of those of them who say that it is reality which will demonstrate the truth of this prophecy, he rejected it with scorn, saying that they are to be excused since it is the words of the prophecy itself which are corrupted. 30

Allah have mercy on Shaykh Rahmat-Allah, he could have suspended judgment since it is rash to firmly reject the occurrence of something which is a reasonable possibility, despite the fact that his purpose was to confirm the existence of distortion in the text of the Bible. Since it is agreed that not every word of the Bible is distorted, the least one can do is leave open the possibility of its occurrence.

Furthermore, that being the Shaykh's purpose, he did not attempt to rule on the relative strength or weakness of the last opinion, which is necessary, so we say:

The cause of the error of the four opinions is determining the commencement of the period by the proclamation of imperial decrees concerning the restoration of Jerusalem, which is not mentioned in the vision itself (the vision of the ram and goat), it is only mentioned in the aforementioned vision of the toes, which is a different vision altogether, and in our opinion, the phrase 'from the going forth of the command' is an interpolation, and Allah knows best. Therefore, those who interpret the commencement as the appearance of Alexander are more correct, since they derived it from the text itself. Its commencement is from the incident of his conquering Asia which was in the year 334 according to some, but was 333 according to the most correct and well-known opinion. This calendar remained in worldwide use until the Church devised the Christian calendar.

According to this the establishment of the abomination of desolation would be (2300-333)=1967, which is what actually happened, which was a very painful event for the nation of the saints, and of great joy to the Zionists and fundamentalists.

Indeed, disregarding the numerology and prophecies, it was the greatest event in Jewish history in nearly two-thousand years.

Now we have seen the establishment of the abomination of desolation, in all its abomination and its desolation, its barbarity and atrocity, its idolatry and blasphemy, its cancellation of the daily prayers in the Aqsa Mosque, and its destruction and burning. We ask Allah's protection from their evil and to preserve what remains of His sanctuary. Now we will go back to Christ's statement about it so as to see whether these Evangelical Zionists are truly Christians as they claim, or followers of the Zionist beast, whether they know it or not.

According to Matthew:

“Now as [Jesus] sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, 'Tell us, when will these things [the destruction of the Temple] be? And what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?'

“And Jesus answered them and said to them: 'Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, “I am the Christ,” and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows…Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many people…But he who endures to the end will be saved [through the preaching of:]…this gospel [or message of good news] of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

“'Therefore, when you see the “abomination of desolation,” spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes…

“'Then if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Christ!” or “There!” do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. Therefore, I they say to you, “Look, he is in the desert!” Do not go out; or “Look, he is in the inner rooms!” do not believe it. For as the lightening comes from the east and flashes in the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.'” (23:3-28)

As usual, we have texts concerning tremendous events, whose vagueness is bewildering, and the Christian disputation concerning them is extreme. This is because of the distortion of emendations and omissions, yet despite this, there is only one possible, correct interpretation. The more the Jews and Christians –as we hope- use the free keys of symbolic interpretation which we have given them, the more they will discover the acceptable interpretations –on the condition that textual distortions are always a possibility. The key in this case, is the 'Son of Man,' who is Muhammad –Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, who is mentioned in this page of the gospel for a clear purpose, which is to distinguish between him and between the Son of the Virgin, Jesus –peace be upon him. We already understand the abomination of desolation, so when it is established it will be the Son of Man who comes, in the form of his armies, not in person.

Thus, the subject is combination of what is found in the book of Daniel, and what is in the gospel. Kingdom will rise against kingdom, and the end of it will be the establishment of the kingdom of the Son of Man, whose armies will be summoned to destroy the abomination of desolation (the carcass). (Daniel 7:13,14) (Matthew 24:24-31)

The abomination of desolation is itself. Moreover, Daniel is specified by name in Matthew and Mark (13). Luke, however, explains the abomination in such a way as to support our interpretation:

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near.” (21:20) They all discuss the same topic, I doubt that even the fundamentalists would dispute that. In that case, what is Christ's advice to those who live to see that time, the time of the establishment of the abomination of desolation? He most clearly warns against false christs in the first part of his speech and in the last part, and he warns against being deceived by their claim that Christ has come or is present here or there. He strongly warns against remaining among unclean ones, emphasizing that one must quickly flee from among them because of Allah's painful chastisement of them at the hands of the armies of the other messiah, the son of man, not the son of the virgin, whose armies will attack the unclean, decaying Zionist state like eagles attacking unclean, decaying carrion.

It is great advice, and as clear as the sun, but do people like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or Jimmy Swaggart understand it? And will the chosen people (the Islamic community) listen so that they will not fall into error like the Jews and Christians? Perhaps the fundamentalists will debate the interpretation of this text as usual saying that the Son of Man is a heavenly personality. That may be, but what do they say about Christ's advice when the abomination is set up? Is it in harmony with the great commotion and clamor they create out of their joy and happiness over the establishment of the abomination of desolation, their announcement to the world that its establishment heralds the coming of Christ, their encouragement to their followers to visit and make pilgrimage to it so that they will be their when he suddenly comes, and the strong pressure they put on America and the rest of the world to support the state of the abomination and enmity?

Is this not a great contradiction and rejection of Christ's advice?

Furthermore, do not all their gospels attribute the so-called killing of Christ and the plots against him to the Jews? Has any rational person heard of a community that venerates the killer of the prophet whom they worship, and fights those who love that prophet and believe in him? Does Christ not describe the Jews as broods of vipers, killers of the prophets, who worship to be seen of men, blind guides, and extorters? It is enough for you to read the twenty-third chapter of Matthew. When will the millions of fundamentalists who follow these false christs wake up?

Next: The Entire Bible Describes the Abomination
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20 Translator's note: The Hebrew and Arabic word for used here for sanctuary: qds, is identical to the Arabic name for Jerusalem.
21 The actual biblical term translated as 'daily sacrifices' is 'tamid' literally: 'continual, perpetual,' and refers to acts of worship that are done continually on a daily basis, and thus, could refer to the daily prayers as well as the Temple sacrifices.
22 Translator's note: He is referring here to the ultra-orthodox or 'Haredi' Jews whose main centers are in New York and Jerusalem. They are divided between non-Zionists and Anti-Zionists. They are represented by parties such as Agudath Israel and Naturei Karta.
23 Quoted in the commentary of Revelation, from the Arabic magazine: "Al-Maraai al-Khudhraa" July 1934, p 16.
24 History of the Crusades pp 17,18.
25 Al-Bashara bi Nabiy il-Islam, Ahmad al-Saqa Hijazi (2:208).
26 9:9,10.
27 No previous ruler of the Persians or Romans had ever achieved complete control of the land from the Persian coast to the Mediterranean, and from the Euphrates to Aden. This only happened to `Umar and his successors of the Eternal Kingdom.
28 Ithhar al-Haqq, al-Hindi, pp 128,129 in the English version; 93,94 in the Arabic. The last two paragraphs are not found in the English translation.
29 Ibid. p94 in the Arabic edition.
30 Ibid.

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