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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

12/19/01 at 10:39:04


Mariam F.- 10 points
Explorer - 10 points
Barr - 10 points
Ahmed - 10 points
Eleanor - 9 points
Se7en - 8 points
Marcie - 8 points
Hania - 5 points
Jenna - 5 points
Maliha - 5 points
Solehah - 5 points
Arsalan - 4 points

The bonus point to one person's score hasn't been added yet for the best response to Question #2
12/19/01 at 10:15:17

Mariam Fitzgerald  POINTS: 5/5

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Question 1
Islam is a complete system.  Most people who aren’t Muslim believe that it’s just a religion that only addresses your relationship with God.  However, it’s much more than that.  It’s a complete way of life.  You can make your whole life the practice of Islam, because it comes into play in every single thing for Muslims.  It’s how we get dressed, how we walk, how we eat, how we address each other, how we treat our spouses and children, how we deal with our money, how we spend our time, how we prioritize things in our life, how we treat the earth and water and seas and even how we go to bed at night.  When you do all these things being aware of Allah, being aware that He is the only One worthy of worship, and doing them in a way that is pleasing to Him and that He and His Prophet made clear to us, then your whole life becomes your worship, and worship becomes your whole life.  You don’t have to be standing in prayer to worship God.
I believe the essence of Islam is awareness of Allah, which in Arabic they call Taqwa. Taqwa is also sometimes translated as fear of Allah, but I don’t completely agree with that translation.  When a Muslim is aware of Allah, he does things not because he is afraid of Allah, but because he wants to please Him, and avoid displeasing Him.  Awareness of God shapes our whole lives.

Question 2 (I hope this isn't too long!)
What a difficult choice!  My favorite sura?  There are so many of them!  How does one choose a favorite sura?  By the way it sounds? By its contents?  By its benefit for a person?  By its rank among suras in how much blessing one gets if one memorizes it?  By what it means personally to someone?
So many suras in the Qur'an are special.  

Al Fatiha is Ummul Kitaab. Narrated Abu Said Al Mualla: The Prophet (S) said, "Shall I not teach you the most superior Surah in the Qur'an?" He said, '(It is), 'Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. ' (i.e., Surat Al-Fatiha) which consists of seven repeatedly recited Verses and the Magnificent Qur'an which was given to me." (Bukhari)

Surat Al Baqara is a shield from Hellfire, and it also contains many special ayahs: Ayat Al Kursi: is a protection from the shaytan at night.  Also, if someone recites Ayat Al Kursi after every obligatory prayer, there will be nothing between them and Jannah except death" (this is somethiing  
Narrated Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari:
The Prophet said, "If one recites the last two Verses of Surat-al-Baqara at night, it is sufficient for him (for that night)." (Bukhari)

The first ten Ayahs of surat Al Kahf are protection from the dajjal
Annawas ibn Sam'an reported: "...He (Dajjal) would be a young man with twisted, contracted hair, and a blind eye. I compare him to 'Abd-ul-'Uzza b. Qatan. He who amongst you would survive to see him should recite over him the opening verses of Sura Kahf..." (Muslim) (hadeeth about the Fitan)
Surat Al Mulk is protection from the punishment in the grave

Surat Al Ikhlaas is one-thir d of the Qur'an
Narrated Abu Saad al Khudri:
A man heard another man reciting (Surat-Al-Ikhlas) 'Say He is Allah, (the) One.' repeatedly. The next morning he came to Allah's Apostle and informed him about it as if he thought that it was not enough to recite. On that Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hand my life is, this Surah is equal to one-third of the Qur'an!" (Bukhari)

Al Muawidhatayn are protection from evil and magic and illness:
Narrated 'Aisha:
Whenever Allah's Apostle became sick, he would recite Mu'awwidhat (Surat Al-Falaq and Surat An-Nas) and then blow his breath over his body. When he became seriously ill, I used to recite (these two Suras) and rub his hands over his body hoping for its blessings" (Bukhari)

As much as I love all these suras, my favorite sura is Aal Imran.  Just as Surat Al Baqara is primarily addressed to the Jews, Aal Imran is mostly a warning to the Christians.  It speaks of Issa Alaihi Assalam and his mother Maryam who are worshipped by Christians.  Allah sends a clear warning that I believe is one of the most important messages in the whole Qur'an: "Truly, the religion with Allâh is Islâm." (19). And to the people that keep saying that Christianity and Judaism are "Abrahamic faiths": "Ibrâhim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim Hanifa (Islâmic Monotheism - to worship none but Allâh Alone) and he was not of Al-Mushrikűn" (67).

There's another ayah that Muslims should consider more seriously:  "Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliyâ (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by Allâh in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them. And Allâh warns you against Himself, and to Allâh is the final return."(28)

To further strengthen us Muslims' faith in Islam, Allah told us this: "You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah. And had the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them; among them are some who have faith, but most of them are Al-Fâsiqűn."(110)

One of  the main reasons that this sura is my favorite is that I noticed that it contained many of those short pieces of wisdom that are so often quoted and used in so many circumstances.

For example:

"It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad SAW) the Book (this Qur'ân). In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book, and others not entirely clear. So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof, seeking Al-Fitnah (polytheism and trials, etc.), and seeking for its hidden meanings, but none knows its hidden meanings save Allâh. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it; the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord." And none receive admonition except men of understanding." (7)
Subhan Allah.

Another bit that is often quoted and repeated: (169-171)
"Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allâh as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision.
They rejoice in what Allâh has bestowed upon them of His Bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve.
They rejoice in a Grace and a Bounty from Allâh, and that Allâh will not waste the reward of the believers."
May Allah grant us that grace and bounty.  Ameen

There are many du'as in this sura that are very benificial, like: "(They say): "Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower. (8)  Our Lord! Verily, it is You Who will gather mankind together on the Day about which there is no doubt. Verily, Allâh never breaks His Promise (9)".


"And they said nothing but: "Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our transgressions (in keeping our duties to You), establish our feet firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk." (147)

Another reason that this sura is my favorite is because it contains the longest series of "Rabbana" (O our Lord) du'a including a du'a that has always touched my heart because my father breaks down in tears every time he recites it in prayer. "Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one (Muhammad SAW) calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed."  

Ayahs: 190-195
"Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding.  

Those who remember Allâh (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.

"Our Lord! Verily, whom You admit to the Fire, indeed, You have disgraced him, and never will the Zâliműn (polytheists and wrong-doers) find any helpers.

"Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one (Muhammad SAW) calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die in the state of righteousness along with Al-Abrâr (those who are obedient to Allâh and follow strictly His Orders).
"Our Lord! Grant us what You promised unto us through Your Messengers and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection, for You never break (Your) Promise."

So their Lord accepted of them (their supplication and answered them), "Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female. You are (members) one of another, so those who emigrated and were driven out from their homes, and suffered harm in My Cause, and who fought, and were killed (in My Cause), verily, I will remit from them their evil deeds and admit them into Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise); a reward from Allâh, and with Allâh is the best of rewards."
12/19/01 at 10:16:09
Explorer Score 5/5

Heres my answer to Q2:-

Islam is an Arabic word that means 'submitting and surrendering to the One and Almighty
God', Allah, derived from the same root as the Arabic word "salam" which means peace.

Islam is not a new religion but a continuation of the simple message of monotheism revealed
by God to man throughout the ages. The final revelation, the Quran, was revealed to Prophet
Muhammad - whom muslims believe is the final prophet of Islam - through the Angel Gabriel.

A follower of Islam is known as a muslim whose duties are described in the 5 pillars of
Islam:- testimony of faith, performing prayers 5 times a day, donating regularly to charity,
fasting during the month of ramadan, and perform at least one pilgrimage(hajj) to Mecca if
able do so.

Islam is a complete code of life, not confined to the boundaries of the individual, but extends
to the welfare of society and humanity in general. Such striving in the way of Allah is known as 'jihad' and can be by the pen, tongue, hand or with arms. All people, male and female
regardless of race, color, nationality or ethncity are considered and treated as equal before Allah, judged only by piety. It upholds free will recognizing that virtue or sin which an
individual earns is through free action and choice.

Muslims believe that all human beings will ultimately be judged by God for their beliefs and
actions and the good rewarded a place in Heaven and the bad, with Hell.

One of my favourite surahs is Ar-Rahman (no.55). This surah helps build consciousness of Allah through pondering on and being mindful of His creation. Furthermore, it reminds us that this world exists only for a limited period. By nature, in everyday life we tend to sway from the right path, get absorbed into the human rat race and tempted by this worlds pleasures and Satans traps. We need a wake up call, a reminder. This surah has opened my eyes to this. The verse "Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?" is repeated 31 times, a constant reminder of Allah's reward for those who do right and the goal to which we are marching. We must never lose sight of the endless blessings Allah has bestowed on us.

The first third of the surah reminds us of His blessings and signs in this world - fruits, vegetation, the seas, precious stones, tastes and odours. We look around daily yet ignore these favours. Whether they are delights to the eye, tongue or ears, the grandeur creations of Allah are taken for granted. Mankind is busy in his daily quest for money, status, power and happiness which will lead him into harm instead of benefit, and consequently divert him from the right path towards Allah and the Hereafter.

Indeed Allah says in ayat 4, 'He taught man speech and intelligence'. Man is endowed with the capacity to think. Without contemplating one's surroundings conscientiously and wisely, one can never see the reality or have the slightest idea why the world is created and who it is who makes this great order move with such perfect rhythms. Those that do and embody themseves in His remebrence are reminded of the rewards Allah has in store for us - the gardens of heaven, its carpets, fruits and companions. And those that don't are warned of severe punishment - the fire, boiling water

However, this isn't limited to just mankind, but this surah also adresses the Jinns. Both have been warned that soon Allah shall bring forth the Day of Judgement on which good and bad shall meet their respective promised ends, a day on which no soul can escape, hence Allahs challenge to them in verse 33 to escape the boundaries of heaven and earth, yet they cannot do so without His will. If men and jinns cannot escape these set boundaries, then there is no escape from the very Creator of these. We will all ultimately face Him, but are we prepared?
12/19/01 at 10:17:58
Solehah Score 5/5 points

1.  The root word for Islam is Salaam which means peace.  Islam is not a religion but a way of life.  A peaceful way of life.  Peace within our hearts so that we can live life to the fullest.  Peace with others so that we can co-exist in a safe environment. Peace with everything else in the world, so that Man can attain the highest level of goodness that ALlah has placed them on Earth for.

Islam is all about perfection and the strive for perfection.  The Laws of Islam, the philosophy, the messages are all geared towards helping Man strive towards the best possible model of society and the best style of living so that Man can evolve to be a better person, in relations to himself and in relations with others.

Islam is about Love.  The love ALlah has for His Creations that He gave us so much blessings and wisdom if only we choose to see and know.  The love the Prophet SAW has for his people that he sacrificed so much to share with his people the wonders he knows await the believers.

Islam is about beauty.  The beauty of the words of the Quran in guiding Man towards happiness.  The beauty of knowing that we are part of a brotherhood of men and women who believe in this peace called Islam.

2.  One of my favourite surahs is Al Baqarah specifically ayah 286.  I had my first panic attack in 1994 which later degenerated into a full blown anxiety disorder and later deep depression.  Things were so bad that I started hearing voices when I wanted to pray, saying that prayers are useless.  I tried everything, psychiatrist, psychologist..everything. It didnt work.  I couldnt do much except cry and pray that I would die a Muslim.  One night as I was about to sleep I felt a deep need to read Surah Al Baqarah.  I took wudhu' and I started reading.  My hands shook and my voive wavered.  As I read the Surah, tears started to fall and I silently weep.  When I reached ayah 286 I happened to glance at the translation and saw that ALlah will not burden my soul with more than what it could bear and I cried and cried.  I felt a very strong sense of liberation and freedom. I suddenly look up and started talking to ALlah as I have never done before. I kept reminding Him of his promises and I told Him that I cannot take it anymore. I thanked Him for the challenge He has thrown me but I said I was tired.

Two weeks later I went out of my house for the first time in 4 months. I was not mad.  My sanity is now even more precious to me since I have two beautiful children.  Now, everytime I feel that things are hard, I would tell myself that He thinks I am strong and I can handle this, and ALhamdulillah...things somehow seem less difficult than they were before.

I believe in that ayat and it has become my salvation.
12/19/01 at 10:18:55
Ahmed Score 5/5

Question 1:

The word is Arabic.  
It means peace and submission… submission to who?
Submission to Allah.  

The word is also Arabic.  
It means God… just like El in Hebrew, Gott in German, Dieu in French.
One and the same, the Creator and Sustainer of everything, including us- Mankind.

We were all created from a single pair, so lets remove our prejudice.
Male or female, black or white, rich or poor, we are equal in the sight of Allah
in all qualities except righteousness.

How do we know RIGHT from WRONG?
Is it up to us to set our own rules?
Have we been left to wander blindly without guidance?

It has been given to the select- the Prophets of Allah, guides of mankind.
Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Jesus, to name a few,
Peace be upon them all including the last Prophet of Allah- Muhammad.

The “Unlettered Prophet”, illiterate, yet he delivered a literary miracle.
The direct word of Allah, sent through His messenger angel Gabrielle,
Recited unto Mankind through Prophet Muhammad- the Quran!

In Arabic it means ‘lecture’.
A perfect book of signs, without error,
The guiding light for all Muslims.

One who follows ISLAM, humbly submitting to the will of Allah.
One in every five people in the World are Muslim,
greeting their friends with “asalamu alaikum”- peace be unto you.

For you Islam may be strange, alien.
But the truth is out there,
take the time to discover it.

Question 2: One of my favourite surahs

Surah 93: The Morning Hours
1. By the morning hours
2. And by the night when it is stillest,
3. Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee nor doth He hate thee,
4. And verily the latter portion will be better for thee than the former,
5. And verily thy Lord will give unto thee so that thou wilt be content.
6. Did He not find thee an orphan and protect (thee)?
7. Did He not find thee wandering and direct (thee)?
8. Did He not find thee destitute and enrich (thee)?
9. Therefore the orphan oppress not,
10. Therefore the beggar drive not away,
11. Therefore the bounty of thy Lord be thy discourse.

(Pickthall translation)

I had heard this Surah being recited in salaat many times, although I didn’t understand the meaning.  I heard it so many times that I almost know it by heart.  Recently I have been sitting in the still part of the morning, before Fajr, and been amazed at how still and peaceful everything is.  So when I was reading through my Quraan  translation I came across this surah titled “The Morning Hours”.  I was immediately drawn to it and found out it was the one that I was already so familiar with.  

The first two ayats seem to describe perfectly the still night/morning ambience that I had been feeling.  The following ayats gives me reassurance and comfort that Allah has not forsaken me.  

At one time in my life I was totally alone and isolated, like an orphan, but now friends and good company surround me.  I was at one time wandering and Allah in His mercy, has directed me.  I was once destitute in my Deen and now each day I'm getting more enriched.

In the still hours of the morning I sit and contemplate the mercy of my Lord.  That is why this is one of my favourite surahs.
12/19/01 at 10:19:46
Eleanor Score 5/5

1) Islam is the most misunderstood religion in the world. Time and time again it has been portrayed as a religion whose followers advocate male elitism, oppression of women and even terrorism. In fact this could not be further from the truth.

Islam is the most peaceful, tolerant and logical religion in existence. To go one step further, Islam is an entire way of life, given to us by Allah, exalted is he, our creator.

Men and women are placed equally in Islam. Each is accountable directly to Allah for his or her actions and each have the complete right to study Islam, learn all they can, and read the Qur'an. (the divinely revealed book)

A person whose religion is Islam is called a Muslim. In order to be a practicing Muslim you must adhere to the five pillars of Islam - (a)declaration of unity of Allah and that Muhammad was his messenger (Shahada); (b) establishment of prayer (Salat); (c) paying of charity (Zakat); (d) fasting during the holy month of Ramadan (Sawm); (e) pilgrimage to Mekkah and Madina (Hajj).

To be a Muslim means that you are one of the luckiest people in the world, because Allah has chosen *you* to receive his divine guidance and has given *you* the chance to prove yoursehf in this world so that you may enter Paradise for all eternity in the next.

2) Unfortunately I haven't read the Qur'an in its entirety (yet, Insha Allah). So I am in a difficult postion to answer this question correctly. Therefore I will choose the Surah which is my favourite from all that I have read so far.
It is Surah-al-Fatehah. The very first Surah in the Qur'an. It is my favourite because even as a Christian reading the Qur'an, it struck me then by its beauty, simplicity and brilliance. I remember writing it down the first time I read it.

It is such a beautiful prayer, everything is contained in it. We send praise and worship to Allah. Name him as being the Master of Judgement Day, from which no one in the world can escape. We worship him and seek help only from him. Then we beg him to keep us on the right way ( the straight path) the way of those on whom he has bestowed his grace and who go not astray.

It is complete and entire and all containing as a prayer which is why we repeat this surah in every Rakat we pray, Alhamdullilah.
12/19/01 at 10:23:12
Barr Score 5/5

Islam is about living.

Islam gives a new window on life to on a whole fulfilled meaning. A goal to reach, a purpose to realise and peace to those that embrace it and fuse it to be it a part of their life.

When a person, found bear witness to the belief in the one and only Almighty and Merciful God with the eye of his heart, and affirm it with the words through his lips, “There is No god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”, then, Life would pivot around the shahadah, elevating us to a higher level of human potential that’ll bring progress in all systems and aspects of life – from spiritual and social to technology, and the reciprocal relationship with  the Creator.

This is the life that the Prophets before Muhammad, like Adam, Abraham, and Jesus lived by and called others for: The belief of Al Haq – The truth – The One God – Allah.

Like other prophets, Allah has also bestowed the Qur’an, a divine revelation, for all mankind, for all times since then, a miracle in itself, a clear sign of Allah, a guide on how Muslims live and how this human potential is reached and fulfilment of living is attained.

Islam sanctifies life. It’s finding peace within to manifest peace to others externally, by the submission to Allah.

To me, that is Islam and one of the reasons why the September 11 tragedy is so against the spirit of Islam for all humanity.  

2. I like many ayahs, and my favourite hanges from time to  time, depending on what goes on in my life.

Currently, I’m finding peace with this ayah in Surah At-Talaq:2

[centre]…Unto everyone who is conscious of Allah (taqwa),
He (always) grants a way out (of unhappiness)
and provides for him in a manner that is beyond all expectation,
and for everyone who places his trust in Allah, He (alone) is enough.
Verily Allah will accomplish his purpose:
(and) indeed, unto everything has Allah appointed its term (and measure) [/centre]

I’m not sure about convincing anyone… I don’t think I’d want to.

Answer to question 2 not posted, cause sister Barr requested not to post this part
12/19/01 at 10:25:03
Maliha (Mystic) Score 5/5

1)Islam is founded on the principle and Unity of God. This simple message of unification was delivered to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) through Angel Jibril (Gabriel) in the form of the comprehensive Qur'an.  The ultimate surrender to Allah is governed first and foremost by a distinct belief and declaration in both Allah's existence and that Muhammad (S.A.W) is indeed His messenger and last prophet. The declaration of faith in it of itself is null and void. Actions and constant awareness and consciousness of the Creator is what beautifies this religion of Islam. To support our consciousness and keep us in the realm of worship all day long we have what we call the five pillars of Islam beginning with the Shahada (Declaration). The second is Praying (Salat), 5 times a day, at prescribed times. The third is Zakat (What is due to the poor). The fourth is Sawm, fasting. The fifth is Hajj (Pilgrimage for the sake of Allah at least once in your life).

2)      My favorite Surah has changed dramatically depending on my intention at that particular time. Lately my heart has resonated with Suratul Kahf. "The Cave"…

Fate had predicted that I migrate physically to a more peaceful place. I embarked on this journey to rediscover Allah consciously and subconsciously on many levels (I didn't have nothing else to do). I feel in a sense I was yanked from what I loved the most (at this point the Dunya) and through out life that had been my so called destiny. To say goodbye without remorse.
What I held on was my so called "intelligence". My pride and arrogance had me always chirping about how intelligent I was…How I could simply denounce something by skimming a couple of lines. So I decided to put my "intelligence" to discover Allah. I started teaching…and learning. The more I learnt however spiritually, the less things started to make sense mentally. I mean, it was like I was in a serious matrix of thoughts, actions and words that were just jumbling right in front of my eyes. The worst part was the feeling of utter loneliness and desperation. Yes, I felt alone for the very first time. That Fear!!!! Subhana Allah.
I tried to hide, behind Tahajjuds and normalcy. But my own past haunted me. Skilled as I was at running I could never out run my history. Until I got to the point where my head felt like someone took a sledge hammer and split it directly into two. Am I crazy? Well, in the Name of Allah I crumbled to dust. And if I do have a purpose, I believe I will rise again. My hope will be to emulate "Zul Qurnain" in the end of the Surah. The one who had the power and used it simply for Allah's sake.
May He keep us true to our Faith eternally (Amin).
12/19/01 at 10:26:12
Marcie  Points: 5/5

1.) As your probably know, there has been a tremendous amount of interest in Islam since the tragedy of September 11th, people are asking about Islam and are curious, its amazing. I think its good if we each had some brief prepared responses we could provide to non-Muslims. In 50 to 250 words please explain what Islam is.

Islam has a two-fold meaning: peace and submission to God.  For Muslims Islam is a complete way of life that dictates our entire being.  We know that we are not on this earth for our own personal pleasure, but to serve the will of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ).  Islam is based on Five Pillars:
1. Declaration of Faith:  None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that Muhammad (sas) is the Messenger of Allah.
2. Prayer: 5x a day
3. Fasting in the month of Ramadan
4. Zakat (alms tax)
5. Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca

These five pillars help Muslims to remain strong in their faith.  For the Muslim praying 5x a day facing Mecca is a way of staying connected to God and always remaining on the straight and narrow.  During every prayer we declare our declaration of faith to Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ) and the Prophet (sas).  By fasting in Ramadan the emphasis is not on the fact that we are not eating, but that we are able to control ourselves.  Ramadan is actually a very spiritual time when a Muslim tries to strengthen his or her faith and not remain caught up in the activities of this world.  Fasting in Ramadan actually helps us throughout the year to strive to be better Muslims. Because Islam is based on the community every Muslim, who is financially able, is required to pay zakat on a yearly basis.  This money goes to our brothers and sisters, who are less fortunate than us financially.  And finally any Muslim with the financial means is required in his or her lifetime to journey to Mecca and make Hajj.
    As Muslims our lives are based on the belief in the hereafter.  We know that there will be a Day of Judgment and we wish to be among those that are accepted into paradise.  We also believe that everything is preordained and thus accept the good and the bad in our lives with patience.  When times get tough we pray to Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala )  to lighten our load and we are thankful for any blessing that we receive.  As I once heard when a Muslim wants to talk to Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ) he/she prays, but when we want Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ) to talk to us we read Quran. How true!

2 points

2.) What is your favorite surah (or one of your favorite surahs, in may have been something you heard last night at the tarawih prayers) in the Quran and why? Try and convince the members of the Madina. If possible try and relate something personal that happened to you or affected to you and this surah opened your eyes.

3 points


In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God, the Lord of all Creation
The Compassionate, the Merciful
Master of the Day of Judgment
You alone do we worship and to You alone do we turn for help
Guide us on the straight path: the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your favors, not those who have incurred Your wrath, nor those who have gone astray

Being a non-Arabic speaker I find that I really miss out when it comes to the Quran.  The Quran is so powerful in the Arabic language, not only for its subtle nuances, but the true meanings as well because it is the word of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ). That said my (favorite) surah would have to be Al-Fatihah, because of the potency of its message to the Believers.   No other surah has the power to influence us like this one surah.  Through our prayers we recite it at least seventeen times a day and no matter how much of the Quran we have memorized al-Fatihah is always one these surahs.
Al-Fatihah embodies the essence of the relationship between Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ) and the Believers.  We look to Him for compassion and mercy as well as guidance in our daily lives.  Yet we are also aware that He will decided our fate on the Day of Judgment.  Subhana Allah what a world this would be if we as Muslims were to continually think of this one surah throughout day and not just at prayer time.  The power that this would give us to stay on the straight path and not veer down backbiting lane or interest highway, instead we could stroll down forgiveness Way or  Spiritual Bliss Road.
Like any other Muslim my iman is a rollercoaster with many highs and lows.  Al hamdu lillah when I’m able to read this surah it pulls me back into the folds of Islam.  Despite the trials and tribulations of life I know that I am truly bless to be guided with the right path.  I also hope that despite all of my sins Insha’Allah Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala ) will show his mercy towards me and forgive me, since He is the Compassionate, the Merciful.  I know that this surah is my guiding light.      
12/19/01 at 10:32:01
And finally this answer came from Se7en.  

Se7en  Points 5/5

1.  First of all – you speak to a person based on the
situation, that persons understanding, perspective and
personality.  You shouldn’t have a formulated speech.

Here’s a speech for you though :P

The word “Islam” comes from the trilateral root
“salama”, meaning peace, and that’s what Islam is all
about.  First peace within oneself, that comes with
acknowledging and understanding one’s purpose in life
- to know God, to believe in Him, to submit oneself
wholeheartedly to Him.  Then, with this inner state,
comes an external manifestation of peace – in our
interactions with people, nature, society, etc.  

‘Muslim’ is an adjective.  It means one who submits to
God.  We believe that trees are Muslim!  That rocks,
that all of creation is Muslim, is in this state of
submission, and that when we become Muslim, we
harmonize with all kf creation.  Cool eh?

We believe that the first Muslim was not Muhammad, but
Adam.  That all the prophets were Muslim, starting
with Adam and including Noah, Job, Jesus, Moses,
Abraham, etc, peace be upon them all.  We believe they
*all* taught the same message about God – “la illaha
illa Allah” – that there is nothing worthy of worship
but Him, alone.  At the same time, we believe that
their teachings were different when it came to mundane
things (like diet, dress, etc) depending upon their
time and society.  The vertical relationship (the
relationship between the individual and God) is
constant, while the horizontal (the relationship
between a person and other people, environment, etc)
changed.  We believe that the final prophet, Muhammad,
peace be upon him, came with the teachings, both
vertical and horizontal, that we all should strive to
abide by.

Make sense? :)


That's *exactly* 250 words, so you can't cheat me out
of a point this time arshad!!! :P

2. One of my favorite surahs is ar-Ra’ad (#13).  It’s
just a beautiful surah that really rocked me the first
time I read it.  

I read it for the first time in Michigan, two summers
ago.  It was the first week into an Islamic studies
program I was attending; and I was feeling very
frustrated.  I attended these amazing classes all day,
and then went to salah with the same lack of feeling
in my heart and lack of focus in my attention.  I was
restless, waiting for something to happen.  For
something to rock my heart, to move me.

I couldn’t sleep one night after fajr.. I remember
rubbing my eyes, my mind feeling clogged with all
these thoughts, just wanting to bang my head against
something.  I just took off.  Walked the streets, head
down, trying to clear my head, thoughts raging.

Found a park, a fountain.  Sat next to it, listened to
the water rushing.  Took out my Qur’an, stared at it
for a while.  Opened to a random page, came across
surah 13..

to it.[/url]

When I was reading ayah 14, it started to rain.  

It was just an amazing experience.  Every time I hear
this surah now, it just brings me back there, reminds
me of that time.

I definitely recommend reading it  :)
12/19/01 at 17:34:21
[i]<subliminal message to Arshad MYSTIC SHOULD GET THE BONUS POINT>[/i]

Ohhhhhhh congratulations Mariam, Explorer, Barr, Ahmed, Eleanor, 7 , MYSTIC and Marcie. I enjoyed reading this weeks answers, but the suspense is killing me on who will win the bonus point this week!
<subliminal message to Arshad MYSTIC SHOULD GET THE BONUS POINT>[/i]

Can the bonus point go to someone that didn't enter this week like me?
Or better still donating it to brother Arsalan. :D
<subliminal message to Arshad MYSTIC SHOULD GET THE BONUS POINT>[/i]
12/19/01 at 15:42:21
i think Hania's points were supposed to be added to mine:(:(:(

Subhana Allah, Sis Solelah I could really connect with your experience, it really sounded like what i went through this Ramadhan...Alhamdullillah i am feeling better, and stronger...but its the scariest experience and i want to say most humbling for me...I am still learning and yearning to elevate Inshaallah to higher heights.
May He continually guide us. Amin.

12/19/01 at 18:05:30

as salaamu alaykum,

where is Arsalan's response ???  Hmm, the brother talks big but then cops out when it comes the competition?!

12/19/01 at 18:15:50

Y'all should be thanking me for giving y'all a head start in this thing :)

I got too involved in Ramadan and started slacking off on the competition.  I'll be back though ... with a vengeance ... insha Allah ;-D

Wassalamu alaikum.

P.S. A late Eid Mubarak to all of you.  May Allah accept our supplications, prayers, fasting, night prayers, bowings, prostrations and the recitation of the Qur'an.  May Allah forgive our sins, make us among those who continue to do khayr after Ramadan and give us the highest abode in Paradise - among the company of His righteous slaves, Prophets, Messengers, the Siddeeqoon and the Shuhadaa (martyrs), and give us the Honor to look at His Glorious Face in the Afterlife.  

Ameen.  Ameen.  Ameen.
12/19/01 at 20:48:34
Salaam Sis Mystic
Subhana Allah, Sis Solelah I could really connect with your experience, it really sounded like what i went through this Ramadhan...Alhamdullillah i am feeling better, and stronger...but its the scariest experience and i want to say most humbling for me...I am still learning and yearning to elevate Inshaallah to higher heights.
May He continually guide us. Amin.[/quote]

My dua for your strength Sister and a hug too.  Life is one long journey and I know mine has taken me to places I could never imagine existed and to heights I could never imagine soaring too.  But my journey has also brought me into caves so dark that sometimes I cannot see.  And when I was careless, I have fallen to the deepest pit.

Why do we keep walking then ? Because the promised destination is worth all the tears and the despair and the pain, because the destination is the culmination of hope and happiness and longing, because the destination is Jannah, Insya'ALlah.

My sympathies for you if your Ramdan experience this year has been harrowing or difficult, mine occurred during Ramadan too, so I know what it felt like.  But, and this I promise you, believe in the ayah 286 of Surah AlBaqarah and you will discover new wonders about yourself and your life. ALlah never breaks His promise and when He promised that your soul will not be burdened with more than what it can bear, well tell yourself that what you went through is a training process for all the nikmah that ALlah has in store for you.

Eid Mubarak to you and may all your duas be answered, Amin.

12/19/01 at 21:21:20

this place is soooo heart warming...i just don't know what else to say. Solelah, Alhamdullillah, my lifeline was the Quran, duahs, etc and the *awesome* brothers and sisters that I have met on this board!!!!!
Hania you are the sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetest :):):):) you know i am a sloooooowwwwww poke right ???
Arsalan whateva you can't mess with the sistas on this board...basket ball skillz or not...

Arshad i'm still mad at ya for posting even after i retracted...its all good though:)

Jazakumu Allahu Khayran...May Allah continue to guide our affairs (Amin).

:-) Maliha :-)


12/20/01 at 05:48:30
Se7en, Surat Ar-Ra'd is one of my favorite suras too, and I almost picked it as my favorite,  because it has maybe my favorite ayah in the whole Qur'an: Wa yusabbihu arra3du bihamdihi wal malaa'ikatu min kheefatih.

And the thunder glorifies and praises Him, and so do the angels of His Awe, (Hilali and Khan translation)

It's one of the most amazing ayahs to me.  I mean you can hear the thunder praising Allah!! It's one of the few non-human things whose tasbeeh we can hear and understand almost!!!  And thunder is such a powerful thing, it fills everything with its sound, and THAT's the sound of Allah being glorified by one of His creation!!!! Subhan Allah.

Arshad, do we get to vote who gets the bonus point?  I think Ahmed should get an extra bonus point for his answer to question 1.
12/22/01 at 01:58:19

Your welcome to give your input, I was sort of leaning towards Ahmed's answer as well, giving him the bonus point.
12/23/01 at 19:24:09
I third the motion to present Ahmed with the bonus point :):):):):)



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