Wiping over hijab in wudoo?

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Wiping over hijab in wudoo?
12/28/01 at 07:32:28
Assalamu alaikum,
I know this is a very fiqhi question, but can sisters wipe over their hijab in wudoo?  I'm asking because the other day I read in Fiqh-us-sunnah that the Prophet (S) wiped over his turban:
from the Fiqh-us-Sunnah translation that's online: "Wiping over the turban only. Said 'Amru ibn Umayyah, "I saw the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, wipe over his turban and shoes." (Related by Ahmad, al-Bukhari and Ibn Majah). Bilal reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "Wipe over your shoes and head covering." (Related by Ahmad.) 'Umar once said, "May Allah not purify the one who does not consider wiping over the turban to be purifying." Many hadith have been related on this topic by al-Bukhari, Muslim and others. Most of the scholars agree with them."

Does that apply for khimaar as well?  The reason I'm confused is because an Imaam at a masjid once told us that we could wipe [i]under[/i] our hijab three finger widths in (you see what I mean?)
If you do wipe over the hijab, what about the ears?
jazakum Allah khair
Re: Wiping over hijab in wudoo?
12/28/01 at 13:34:48

Does that apply for khimaar as well?  The reason I'm confused is because an Imaam at a masjid once told us that we could wipe under our hijab three finger widths in (you see what I mean?)
If you do wipe over the hijab, what about the ears?
jazakum Allah khair

i think u should stay on the safe side and wipe under ur hijab!
n if theres no males around u can do wudu properly!
just sayin wat i've ben told

Re: Wiping over hijab in wudoo?
12/28/01 at 14:22:54

I as told by a Mdinah Universirty graduate that you can.
Re: Wiping over hijab in wudoo?
12/28/01 at 17:18:01

I've seen sisters wipe over their scarf for wudhu.   I was kind of suprised so I asked around and was told it is permissible.  I remember seeing daleel for it once posted by a sister on another board.  She said according to the book Siffat wudoo' al-Nabbi (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) by Sheikh al-Albani (rahimahu Allah) you can do the wipy thing as long as you have your wudhu before you leave your home (socks and hijab on), it is sufficient for you to wipe over your hijab, and socks, but make sure to get water to your hairline.  

As for wiping over your scarf and not getting your ears--well wouldn't your wudhu still be valid since the ears are sunnah part of wudhu ???

w'Allahu A3lam
Re: Wiping over hijab in wudoo?
12/28/01 at 19:22:03

I learned in my fiqh class that it was permissable. Dont' ask for the notes pls. :) I have too many to sift through.


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