Sisters only please... Question about surgery.

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Sisters only please... Question about surgery.
12/29/01 at 17:19:14
Has any of the sisters out here, had that (and I can't spell it) something???scopic surgery? Where they make a real small opening and don't have to cut you like regular surgery?

I just found out Weds or Thurs the doctor thinks I should have surgery and I have never had any of any kind. Needless the say I am a little scared. So if you have been through it would you please tell me what it was like, what to expect and such.

Also if any of you have delt with female/infertility stuff can we converse? If not here maybe by private message. My husband and I want children. I have not had a baby in 22 yrs and am 40 now. I am hearing many stories of woman who were told they could not have children and many years later came up pregnet and at my age and older too.
This surgery is to remove a cyst on an ovary that will not go away and is getting bigger. There is a chance they may not be able to save the ovary. That will lessen my chances even more of having more children. I asked if I could put this off and they prefer not as it at anytime could cause a problem then possibly requiring emerg surgery.

Thank You for any insight on any of these issues you can provide.
Re: Sisters only please... Question about surgery.
12/29/01 at 18:27:25
Cara,I am not that informative in this subject but I would suggest that u have the cyst removed now instead of having it bother u later in life.My mom had that and she didnt know about it.So,she would have pains and she will just ignore them.Once the pains were so bad that we had to take her to emergency room.We thought it was appendictis(sp?). Anyway,she had to get immediate surgery and they had to remove BOTH her ovaries since it had spread so much. I cannot tell u how much I feared for her that day.I was there and couldnt do anything about it.So, please do wahtever is BEST for U.May Allah help u out,Ameen.
Re: Sisters only please... Question about surgery.
12/29/01 at 19:27:06

If you are talking about a Laparoscopy or Endoscopic surgery please email me at and I can fill you in on the details.

I have had it done 7 times in the past year and a half due to Endometriosis, infertility and cancer. :)

These are surgeries where a small incision is made near your belly button and it's used either for exploration to diagnose reproductive problems, remove cysts, clean the reproductive organs, etc.

If this isn't what you were talking about, I'm sorry.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. :)


Re: Sisters only please... Question about surgery.
12/30/01 at 00:19:03
Hello it's me  :)

Mehak, thank you for your concern and you are very correct. This was found only by accident as I was just going through an infertility check ultrasound over three months ago. But they re-did the ultra sound last week (three months re-check) and it has increased in size (a little). They are worried it will do exactly what happened to your Mom. It's weird cause the last couple yrs I have had pain all of a sudden and out of the blue and it went away about 30 to 45 minutes later leaving, as fast as it came. But it would leave me almost buckled over in pain. Happens about every 4 to 8 months. maybe it was this and I didn't even know it.
Between a move, a business and all, I wanted to delay it but I won't. I'm a little cared to. I have never had surgery of any kind like this. But better to do it now instead of it turning into an emergancy surgery.

Serena, yes that is it exactly and I'll email you later today or tomorrow thank you for being willing to share your experience. Maybe while they are taking the cyst out they can check everything else and next thing you know maybe hubby and I will have a little one on the way Lord willing. I hope he's willing  :)

I have two and they are 22 and soon to be 24 and married. I guess I should be waiting for Grandchildren but I want more.
Re: Sisters only please... Question about surgery.
12/30/01 at 08:41:49

Cara, I can't help you on the details of your surgery like Serena can,but I'd like to share my sister's story with you.

She is 30 now, and tried to conceive for two years. Finally this summer she was diagnosed with poly-cystic-ovarian syndrome. This is also linked to diabetes, so she was getting handed over to an endicrinologist. She went to see a specialist and he told her in no uncertain terms that he thought it was highly unlikely that she had ever ovulated and probably would never have children.
She was actually relieved to find out what was wrong, and she and her husband started thinking of alternatives (IVF etc). Then a couple of weeks later, on her third wedding anniversary, she tested positive in  a pregnancy test! :)
When they stopped worrying about trying to conceive, then it just happened on its own. Alhamdulillah! :)
She's due on June 29th, and I'm going to be an AUNTIE!! :)

Keep the faith Cara. Insha Allah you will have another child.

Re: Sisters only please... Question about surgery.
01/11/02 at 07:02:02
I never needed surgery or anything for my PCOS, but I did do the whole infertility thing from workup to Clomid to IUI to IVF.  Final result?  Our beautiful 11 month old daughter!  We feel so blessed.  If you want to talk, either email me at or we can use this board.  
Re: Sisters only please... Question about surgery.
01/11/02 at 19:26:29
Hello everyone, sorry I haven't replied to this. Been soooo busy. I'm moving and hubby isn't home yet. Today I had to take down all the horse fencing at the old place and that was talking a bunch of 4' x 18' ft livstck panels down, removing all the posts ( I had them put down 2 'ft  in the ground when we did them) and then fill up all the holes and haul the stuff to my new place. Now I am getting ready to head out to deliver an order then have to come home and sew for a delivery tomorrow shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  (Cara wipes her forehead :) )

Serena and Dawn I will deffinatly email you in a couple days.
Congats on the new niece  or nephew coming Eleanor. That is sooooooo cool.

I was at the doctor's yesterday and a third ultra sound was done and the doc wants it out. Now it may be to big to do the small scoupe thing. I was given a date of Jan 25 and don't you all go fussing at me but I just cannot that soon what with the move, the business and hubby coming home. I will get it done it Feb or March.

They say there is a possibility of not being able to save the ovary. So being 40 yrs old cuts my chances and not having a baby in 22 yrs cuts it more, if I lose the ovary that will cut it even more. I feel bad for my hubby he is 37 and has no children of his own. And he is such a wonderful man. He will make a wonderful father. My husband is such a loving, caring and kind man.

But you know what? I have had two wonderful sons and some woman don't even get one. So God/Allah willing if he sees fit will bless me and allow me to give my husband a child and if not I shall forever be thankful he allowed me the two I have. My husband is very willing to adopt and he is just as willing to just give all his love to me if we don't have children so I am truly truly blessed.

OH GOODNESS, just saw the time, I gotta go. Will be back :)
Re: Sisters only please... Question about surgery.
01/18/02 at 05:14:36

[quote]I have had it done 7 times in the past year and a half due to Endometriosis, infertility and cancer.

serena you have so much sabr (patience) for all that Allah swt has tested u with and u still manage to smile :) mashallah

this thread puts me in mind of a really awful story on the news here in England over the last couple of days.  The portugese authorities are prosecuting a mother and her boyfriend who abandoned the woman's baby near an aiport in portugal before they flew home to the UK
grrrr ):( this makes me so angry especially when i read some of your stories about what y'all have been through to have children. why can't people just be happy with what they have ??? there are women who go through so much to have children and here are this couple abandoning a beautiful three month old baby ):(

hope the surgery goes well cara - you're in my prayers :)


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