Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board



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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

04/12/02 at 20:17:49
this will be fun...since kathy has a sense of humor i think she shall begin our never ending story...what do you girls say about this???
well i need to take everyones said! :D
Re: story
04/12/02 at 20:48:31
Wa'alaikum Assalaam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh!!

Sound absolutely fun!!!
It can be serious, funny, & mysterious!!
count me in!!  :-/

No doubt the brothers will be in here,
they have nothing else to talk about LOL  ;D   :D

:-/ :D  :D  :D :-/

Your Sis in Islaam
[img][/img]  :-)
04/12/02 at 20:50:27
Re: story
04/12/02 at 23:26:04
ok where is everyone in these past 5 hours???
come on kathy post, PLEASE... ;D
Re: story
04/13/02 at 01:12:33

Here I am!

Here goes... everyone gather in a circle... , sit- grab a bebsi,

guys go to the back of the room and raise your hand. We will call on you if need be....

Once upon a time....
04/13/02 at 01:13:33
Re: story
04/13/02 at 13:31:51

... there was a girl aged 18.....
Re: story
04/13/02 at 13:44:16
...her name was Betsy and she drank a lot of Bebsi.  
Re: story
04/13/02 at 15:16:41
...and she had a dog called 'Bob'  :)
Re: story
04/13/02 at 15:57:31
wa'alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

... ... and she lived in a lopsided house... ... ...

Jenna  :-/  ;D
Re: story
04/13/02 at 17:08:32 no man's land far far away..
Re: story
04/13/02 at 17:20:24
All was well with Betsy's life, until one day the doorbell rang ...
04/13/02 at 17:20:49
Re: story
04/13/02 at 18:26:05
it was 12:00 pm and she was too afraid to answer
Re: story
04/13/02 at 19:31:58
so she grabbed her baseball bat and peered out the window.... and to her  :o amazement standing outside was a great big....
Re: story
04/13/02 at 19:47:17
....radiant white Unicorn, whom sitting upon was a tall stranger dressed in a white robe...

04/13/02 at 19:48:32
Re: story
04/13/02 at 20:40:02
As she gazed at him from behind the curtains she noticed  that his...
Re: story
04/13/02 at 23:23:07
... ... robe was all stained w/dirt...suddenly she realized it was her husband, so she ran out and asked him "what happened to you?? He explained that... ...
04/13/02 at 23:26:58
Re: story
04/14/02 at 02:48:18
he was coming home from work as usual when suddenly....
Re: story
04/14/02 at 04:36:18
while he was riding the unicorn on the M4 motorway a beam of light shone down on him and........
Re: story
04/14/02 at 04:44:44
..he was taken aback by what he saw..
04/14/02 at 04:48:40
Re: story
04/14/02 at 09:45:30
there in the horizon, hovering just in line of sight was the most incredible silver ...
Re: story
04/14/02 at 10:57:10

...sword, and holding it was a skeletal hand..he looked up at the face and what he saw sent shivers down his spine...
Re: story
04/14/02 at 14:00:13
The eyes in the face flashed red once or twice and then the whole image disappeared....and he fell off his unicorn in fright, right into the ditch. "Oh that's easy to explain.." said Betsy...."......
Re: story
04/14/02 at 14:17:52
she helped him to get up...and asked if he needed anything
Re: story
04/14/02 at 15:21:24
he said, "i think a bebsi will refresh me". Betsy got one for herself and one for him...he drank as fast as he could..& waited for what Betsy had to say..
04/14/02 at 15:24:16
Re: story
04/14/02 at 15:24:47
...she had so much to say, but seeing he was so tired and weary, she decided to tell him later.

she went to draw him some bathwater while he got himself a clean robe.
as she was drawing the water she heard him open their old creaky closet door; a few seconds later she heard him scream, she rushed into the room to investgate and what she saw made her almost faint... ...
04/14/02 at 15:38:58
Re: story
04/14/02 at 19:53:29

...the old man left after an hour. Later that night when Betsy was alone in her house she felt like she was being watched. She suddenly wonders where Bob is (she needs him for protection). Betsy hears deep breathing behind her. Slowly, ever so slowly, Betsy turns around and ...
Re: story
04/14/02 at 20:37:21
again she heard the brething behind her...
she got the phone but the police station was unavailable...
so she left into her car when suddenly...
Re: story
04/14/02 at 22:29:31
she realized that the heavy breathing was the price tag on her shirt rubbing against her skin.  She breathed a sigh of relief, and was so happy to have found a bargain at her local K-Mart store.  But before she could relax, Betsy could smell something burning in the kitchen, she said oh oh, its....
Re: story
04/14/02 at 23:04:05
the tea down stairs...
she ran down the steps and triped on her cat and fell flat on her chin.
OUCH! she screetched
she got up rubbed her cheek and ran down the dining room into the kitchen
" huh?" she said looking at the stove finding that the tea was already made and a mug was full of tea ready for drinking.
"how fishy" she said looking around. she pulled the base ball bat and looked around the house when she heard AND SAW....

Re: story
04/15/02 at 01:12:22

..... her daughter from her previous marriage, her daughter is aged 20, adn she rarely comes to see her mother,

so her mother asks her why she is here and the daughter says........

Re: story
04/15/02 at 01:25:39
[size=8]Acccckkkkk!!! [/size]
[size=3]How come I'm 20 while you're 18, mommy?!!!  ???   :o :o [/size]

;D  heh heh

P.S. Nouha, the name's, Barr, not BarrAA ;) (refer to the Madinan Dream thread)
04/15/02 at 01:29:09
Re: story
04/15/02 at 03:23:56
so Betsy sits down to try to explain to her daughter about the mysteries of time travel and unexplained super-human phenomena .  "You see my dear Rianna,  you don't really exist.  You're a figment of my super-subconscience and ...."
Re: story
04/15/02 at 07:46:52
Before she could finish her daughter disappeared right in front of her eyes!!! She walked back to the kitchen wishing she could see her husband one more time...One more time, so she could have a chance to tell him...
Re: story
04/15/02 at 08:31:34
..that the bathwater was now freezing cold~! And that she was the only one who knew what her husband saw that night & knew why all this was happening. It was a secret that she had kept hidden her whole life.

Suddenly out of no where....
04/15/02 at 08:37:07
Re: story
04/15/02 at 09:57:14
a reflection shined in the bathwater.... a halo of light.  she looked up, she looked around...
and yet, there it was, it the water.  Trembling, she reached out her hand to touch the water.
Re: story
04/15/02 at 11:14:02
....she found it colddddd, she decided to go out to the woods, so she can get some wood to heat the water up, all of a sudden she saw..... :o
Re: story
04/15/02 at 18:35:56
....her husbands white unicorn, decapitated in a pile of bushes!  :o
she couldnt  believe who or what would do such a horrific thing as this!! Fearing that whoever or whatever might have done such a terrible thing could still be lurking about; she decided to go back to her house and tell her daughter about it...

 she started running back to her house, when suddenly something grabbed her foot and she fell with a loud THUD, on the ground, she felt her chin quickly and realized it was bleeding, she then turned to see what had made her fall when.... ....
04/15/02 at 20:38:16
Re: story
04/15/02 at 21:54:09
with a brilliant flash of light her daughter reappeared. Mom was so relieved, especially when she saw that she had tripped over the garden hose. Her daughter helped her up and then started talking fast, in an excited voice: "Mom, listen. How would you like to come live with us,
in the future? We have all kinds of high tech conveniences (think jetsons,
on steroids.) We've colonised space!! Isn't that great!!! In fact, my husband and I are thinking of buying a house on Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, recently colonized. The housing is quite cheap. The main
reason why we want to move from earth is because of massive pollution.
When earth started getting too crowded, people started building subterranean cities with artificial lighting to mimic sunlight. Several years later, earth has become almost uninhabitable, due to pollution. So there's
this program that aims to move all the people off the earth by enticing them with cheap housing so that cleanup operations can begin. Oh, I forgot to tell you how I got here. It was through my husband's experimental time machine. It seems to have broken down. One it's fixed, my husband should be here. We also have a new internet. It's called VRnet
for Virtual Reality net. My brother has taken to VR RPGs (no, not Rocket
Propelled grenades, Role Playing Games!).  Where was I??  Oh yeah, moving! We're going to buy a new family space ship for moving. It's got the most advanced antimatter
propulsion system in its class! So, Mom, whaddya say?? Pretty please with genetically modified cherries on top??

Mom is hesitant. "But what about Dad? And the cute unicorn?" "No problem, we'll go back in time and get them!" said the daughter. "So how bout it Mom, huh?"

P.S.(hope I didn't spoil it. One can always make mom refuse!)

04/15/02 at 22:19:47
Re: story
04/16/02 at 01:03:27

(ooops sorry Barr;) )

....just as betsy was about to answer, a beam of light shone on her and her daughter, they looked up in the sky, and desceding was a HUGE spaceship with green martians inside......

Re: story
04/16/02 at 01:52:27
came below and landed near the bench they were sitting on....
aa uuuu aaa aaalliaaneta? asked the alien with a horror shivery voice.
betsy looked up and grabbed her daughters hand...rruunn! she screamed. the hid behind the bush and the aliens came down and said...
Re: story
04/16/02 at 02:10:06
beep beep. "ztupid tranzlator" says the alien capitan , "do not be avraid, ve kum
in peace! Ve need your help. over komradez, on marz, zey are dying,
a mysteriouz illnezz. our wize one zay 'only one cure. za bebzi!!!go!!! seek ze cure!!! on ze distant planet earth!' zo! we seek zis vabled bebzi! ozervise, ve vaporize your planet to pumice dust vith over zuper duper gamma raygun!!just joking!! please help us though."

Quickly Betsy and her daughter take the martians into the house and down
to the basement where betsy stores her secret bebzi stockpile. she pushes on
a stone and Hey Presto! the wall slides inwards! retinal scan...check, fingerprints...check, voice scan ("please sing mary had a little lamb" says the computer)...check. Access granted. Alien takes bebzi with much gratitude. [] [] [] "Ve are vorever in your debt."...

p.s. translation :  stupid translator" says the alien capitan , "do not be afraid, we come in peace! We need your help. our comrades, on mars, they are dying, a mysterious illness. our wise one say 'only one cure. the bebzi!!!go!!! seek the cure!!! on the distant planet earth!' So! we seek this fabled bebzi! otherwise, we vaporize your planet to pumice dust with our super duper gamma raygun!!just joking!! please help us though."

"We are forever in your debt."
04/16/02 at 02:33:12
Re: story
04/16/02 at 05:49:14
"Hmm, that's funny", said Betsy's daughter, "our neighbors are martian, but they're sort of  yellowish.  I wonder if it's the Ganamydan air that makes them that way.  I tell ya, this universe would be a better place without them martians.  All they do is sit on their porch and drink bebsi.  Meanwhile we earthans do all the work."
"I don't know" said Betsy.  "It doesn't sound like Ganamyde is much better than earth.  Where did you say you were moving to? "
Re: story
04/16/02 at 11:22:26
"Ganymede! That's where I'm moving! Its an icy moon and its really beautiful. Not only that but its not crowded or polluted. It's only recently been colonized! The time to move is now. Otherwise, when more people
move in, the housing prices will go through the roof! If you're not sure,
I'll give you some time to think about it. "...
Re: story
04/16/02 at 12:39:05
the next morning betsy woke up...finding a baby crying in the next room and betsys daughter wasn't there! the baby looked at betsy and tried to tell her something but as betsy understood the baby was hungry...
she took him down the stairs and found her slippers beneath a floor wood the was loose. "my bad kitty!" said betsy with a smile. she thought about what happened the day before and found it was just a dream!
"but wait!" said betsy looking at the kitten and baby. "what about the aliens!" she thought back for a minute..."they said that they need our help...and they also said......." there was a large crash in the kitchen. KABOM! she hurried on with her slippers the wrong way. at her eyes her husband was there. she put the baby aside and pushed her kitty away.
"where haveyou been (weeping)??" betsy wiped her tears and held on to his arms and said that she wouldn't let go until he told her what was happening...
"well" he said with a sad face..."i went to my mothers funeral at first."
betsy looked at him with straight eye. "HUH??? she died?" betsy said.
"what about the time when i was about to bathe you?? hu, what about then??" her husband started to tear more and he shook. "well....i went to switzerland to get you a gift to show that, (weeping) that i am not your husband!!! i am your husbands twin!" betsy looked up and threw his arms away. "NO, no no no no!!!!" she said whispering. "your husband is in the hospital...he is not well enough to see you..." betsy wept and left the room..."i will go visit him, you find my daughter and take care of this baby and my cat." she put on her shoes and coat and said bye.
she left the door and reached the hospital and....
Re: story
04/16/02 at 13:20:08
[now I'm beginning to understand how soap opera "plots" are written]
rushed up the stairs, only to be stopped by a nurse.
Betsy looked up.  The voice sounded familiar.  She was sure she'd heard it before, but she had never seen this nurse in her life.  As she stared, she almost thought the nurse's eyes flashed green at her.
I just want to see my husband, she said.  His unicorn was slaughtered and I want to make sure he's ok.
The nurse smiled, not so sweetly, Betsy thought, but she followed her. Third floor, fourth flour, fifth.... she was out of breath.
All of a sudden, they were on the roof...
The nurse turned around to face Betsy....
Re: story
04/16/02 at 13:32:01
...and in the most sinister voice imaginable said "Remember Me?"...
Re: story
04/16/02 at 14:29:43
... with that the nurse cast off her mask and standing before Betsy was the old man she had heard breathing in her house, the same one whose face her husband had seen in the horizon before falling off his unicorn.... The same face but now much much older.....

"Dad!!!" said Betsy joyously... "I thought you were dead!!!"

Betsy's Dad, whose name was Wilbert shook with emotion as he embraced his daughter... "no Betsy..." he murmured.." I was taken a long time ago... back to my planet....Ganymede....You see Betsy, I am not what you always believed  me to be..."
Betsy noticed how his eyes glinted green as he looked down at her fondly... But then his eyes fixed on something over her shoulder and she saw the panic and terror in them....
"Oh no!!!" he gasped in fright.."They found me....... It's......
Re: story
04/16/02 at 14:56:41


betsy's father looked in her the eyes and said..."one day you'll know why this is happening to me, to find out, go to the himalayan mountains where you'll find the only blue lookign goat, he will lead you to the wise man of the himalayas.

but beware of the three headed dog, it cam form into any human shape possible, and it will try to lure into the dragons dungoen!!!.......


PS... where are my other albaynian sistahs, they can come with good stuff too.........
Re: story
04/16/02 at 22:14:28
later on after her and her father talked together he said, "oh sorry i have delayed your apointment on meeting your husband. come with me."
they left the roof of the hospital. betsy running down the stairs. they reached the basement 10 minutes later. "what are we doing here?" asked betsy. "this is not where you put sick people." her father began to tear. "sorry betsy." he began to weep. "this is the fridge floor where we put dead people!" he wept for about 15 minutes while betsy was in state of shock. suddenly her father fell to the floor and was in faint. betsy didn't have to run to the hospital cause she was in the hospital...she dragged him to the main floor, gave him to a doctor who was sighing down the hallway. he quickly carried him and ran...betsy watched as he got farther and smaller. then she looked ahead and took a deep breathe. " hi, i am here to visit my husband. his last name is Ryasin. could i see him please." the nurse (front desk lady) took a while to find his files while betsy thought about why her father took her to the basement. "OH! yes here it is." said the nurse relived. "you could see him now i guess." she told betsy. then she turned a pressed a button on the wall. an assistant came running and said "here, may i help you?" he looked at the nurse. "Janet take this woman to floor CC and door number 885." said the nurse. "Be right back." said the assistant to the nurse. she took betsy's hand and ran up the nearby stairs. "here you go" said the assistant. "bye now"
Betsy knocked twice before she went in and opened the door. "huh?" said a voice behind the door. "no one visited me now for 2 years." before betsy walked in she wept quickly for what she heard him say.
at her sight her husband was there! "my husband!" said betsy whispering. she walked over and kissed his hand. "its me, betsy." she said tears flooded her eye balls. "betsy" said her husband. "i sent you over 0 letters by the mysterious man. did you get them?" he asked softly. "yes," said betsy. "but i couldn't write back because i didn't know you at first, and secondly because you can't reply to a hospital." the nurse came in and took betsy away. "ITS TIME FOR YOU TO LEAVE!" said this thick ugly voice. "COME WWITH MEE!" the nurse grabbed betsys arm and pushed her to the door. "betsy, betsy" said her husband. "BETSY" he said a bit louder. (weeping)
the nurse took betsy and threw her into a room where she had to stay to check her husband at night time...betsy went into the room and...
Re: story
04/17/02 at 08:32:05
[i] [slm] Kathy is wondering... what ever happened to the love story?[/i]
Re: story
04/17/02 at 10:21:31
...decided that enough was enough.. it was time to get her life in order. I mean seriously.. she had been a basket case ever since earlier on that evening. She looked around the room and seeing that it was an unused private room, there wasn't much in it - a bed, a wardrobe, and a locker beside the bed. She looked in the wardrobe but there was nothing in it. Then she slid open the drawer on the locker. Lying in the drawer were two books - "The Bible" and "The Qu'ran".  "hhmmm.. " Betty mused.. "It's gonna be a long night, I might as well make myself comfortable". So, picking up the Qur'an as she had never read it before, she lay in the bed and began to read......
Re: story
04/17/02 at 11:55:17
She fell asleep while she was reading and started to dream.  In her dream she was conscious of being in a quiet serene place although she couldn't quite see everything so vividly.  She could smell an amazingly wondrous scent, filling her nose and lungs with not only sweet scent but with an explicit air of happiness.  She also managed to discern a soft melodious sound in the air.  She walked slowly down the path of an amazingly green garden filled with wondrous flowers and suddenly she heard the soft rippling of water. She turned to her left and lo behold, a stream filled with the purest milk makes it way slowly.  She scooped a cupful and Masya'Allah the sweetness of the milk is like nothing she had ever seen.  Still she is aware of a longing she has...the longing to meet a Beloved.  She heard a voice to her right and turned......
04/17/02 at 11:57:16
Re: story
04/17/02 at 12:06:27
[i]thank you Eleanor!!!!!!!! What a breath of fresh air[/i]

"verily after hardship comes ease, verily after hardship comes ease"

THIS was what she wanted to hear!!
She read on...
Therefore, when you are free (from your immediate task), still labour hard,
And to your Lord turn (all) your attention...

Betsy thought about this.
She was free now.
She had decided to become free when she went into that room.
And to your Lord turn your attention.
Who is my Lord?  She thought?  My husband?  He's dying in his room, he's not my lord?
my imagined daughter?  I created her, she didn't create me.
those aliens?  They can't be my Lord, they asked ME for help...
Who is my Lord?
My Lord is the one who doesn't need help,
who is not created, but who has created
who does not die....
My Lord is above all these things....
My Lord....

Thank you my Lord, for making me think about You.
She picked up the Qur'an and opened it to the first page, deciding to read the whole bool.  Maybe it would give her a better idea of who her Lord was.
"Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds".....
that's Him!!
"The most Benificient, the most Merciful"
tears came to her eyes
"The Master of the Day of Judgment"
day of judgment... I'd stopped thinking about that.
"You we worship, and from  you we seek help."
Yes!!! Help me worship You!!! This is what I need right now!!  Help me!
"Lead us to the straight path"
That's where I want to go.  I've been spinning around in circles ever since I can remember....

Betsy read on and on, fascinated...

At three a.m.......
Re: story
04/17/02 at 19:53:38
she was awoken by a loud beeper in the hospital.
she went to see her husband. he wasn't there. she went downstairs to see where he has gone..."could i know where my husband is?" she asked the front desk lady. "well he was taken to operatio...."
Re: story
04/17/02 at 21:05:12
and i dont really know what happened next."
betsy sighed a sad one. do you know when the operation will end?" she asked...
Re: story
04/18/02 at 04:42:37
with a heavy heart, Betsy sat down outside the operating theatre to wait for her huband to come out.  She prayed all the while.  Asking her Lord to protect her husband and grant him health.  She prayed all night until the early hours of the morning when the doctor came out.  
"Mrs Adam i presume?" the doctor asked.  Betsy nodded "How is he?  Can i see him now?"

"He's very critical, but he's stable and with a lot of rest and care he will recover.  You may see him now."  

Betsy thanked the doctor and went into the room. As she walked towards her husband lying helpless on the bed. She thanked Allah for saving him and her family.   Betsy went over to her husband and held his hand.
"My dear," she said "I've found the path.  The path which you wanted me to follow for so long. Now we can follow it together."  

With tear in his eyes her husband replied "...
Re: story
04/18/02 at 07:55:02
"Allahu Akbar!!!"...her husband was weak, so she made herself comfortable on the seat beside him and started reciting from the Quran. Her favorite verse "Verily after hardship comes ease, Verily after hardship comes ease". She caught a beautiful glimmer of a smile on her husband's face as they drifted off to sleep...
She found herself in the! How luscious, how beautiful...As she walked along the banks of the stream she saw beautiful green birds fluttering around with beaks of gold...Then she heard it, again...the most beautiful, melodious voice, blending in with the bubbling stream, the chirping birds, the rustling leaves..blending in, but still distinct in its melody. Her heart beat faster, and the longing returned...she felt like somebody was tugging her heart...This incredible love! This yearning!
She walked slowly towards the voice...and in the middle of the perfect meadow, sat a man, engulfed in a surreal light, engrossed in his recitation...She was mesmerized....she walked ever so slowly until she was a bow length away and sat humbly, her heart weighed by the sweetness of the moment. Tears started pouring down her eyes, tears of understanding, love, tears of purification, tears that dropped from the recesses of her soul...calling her to the One, The Only....
The man quietly stopped reading and raised his head for the first time to look at her....
04/18/02 at 07:57:50
Re: story
04/18/02 at 17:17:35
[i] ( Momma Mod had to edit some of the touching parts, she is old fashioned and this was too much even for this experienced momma!)[/i]

his eyes were big brown ,welcoming soothing. her heart softly missed a beat..she was staring.she knew it should not be so,she tried to look away but her gaze remained fixed. he sat , in front of her yet she could not discern his features..only his eyes , his smile. . her skinny body shivered in the noon day sun. there were no shadows across her heart. she felt fragile yet strong .  ..she heard words of love whispered into her ear.  her eyes closed .yet she could not lose the vision was real she could reach out to touch him.,but she did not .. her heart silently sang ...with his. a lonely tear ran to the corner of her lips....the bluebirds flew above , the poppies stood upright..and the world stood still..she was not alone yet she was. she was afraid yet she was not she was in love yet she was not..

he was tall ,he was short..he was thin  .. he existed yet he did not..

she did not understand..he did not try to explain...

04/18/02 at 18:05:37
Re: story
04/18/02 at 19:04:50
so on it went like that...when all the sudden it was just a dream!
Betsy got up and remembered her daughter. let me see my husbands brother how he's doing with my house.
"its betsy open up." she said to Sam (husbands brother) when he said who is it.
the door creeked open slowly as she stepped in and did her salam."
she took off her shoes near by.
Re: story
04/19/02 at 06:01:46

[i] Now Barr is wondering... whatever happened to the love story?[/i]

[sub]C'mon, guys, you can do it![/sub]
Re: story
04/19/02 at 08:24:34
She slipped into the house, happy to smell food in the kitchen. She loved when sam visited he was a chef afterall!
Over dinner they chatted about her husband's dying condition, and her dream! She couldn't pinpoint the tangible feeling she has had since about wanting more out of her life...more serenity...She reflected about the Qari in her dream "That light he had about him came from an inner dimension that just irradiated his whole being"...How do I achieve such enlightement Sam?
Sam, looked at her, and began speaking, slowly measuring his words...

Maliha  :-)
[i]Maliha wonders where all the kreative juices in the house went?[/i]
Re: story
04/19/02 at 10:45:56
[slm] for sam did not know how to describe wat he felt, he finally admitted to her that he had the same dream!!! :o He told her u his heart felt tight and pure, and peaceful from the recitation.(Sam was not Muslim, but his brother was a revert) all of a sudden the phone rang......It was the Doctor who treats Betsy’s husband. Sam picking up the phone, with no response in his face, except shock. All of a sudden he finds him self saying Inalillahi wa ina ilihi raj3oune. he was shocked on how he could say such thing while he never spoke one word of Arabic. But he recalled it from his dream. Betsy's husband was long gone to the road that will take us all.....while Betsy was.....

(Do we always need to have a love story ;) think of wat the brothers will say lol, women always in their fairytale lol j/k)
Re: story
04/19/02 at 14:57:39
listening to him. she knew arabic but she was out of her mind. after sam hung up he was so yellow. "who called?" asked betsy playing with the baby. "uuuh-welll-mmhm (clear throat)" sam wailed around for a while.
"WHO WAS IT" asked betsy out of tone.
"i dont know!" said sam he got up and left the house with out his coat. "well whoever that was." betsy dialed the *who called last #* and waited. the operator answered and said the number which called last. "the last number that called your line is 414-567-2287" betsy dialed that number and asked what they just called about. "oh", said the woman who ansered the phone. "we just wanted betsy hatstach to know that her relative has died 1 hour ago after operation. could i help you for that?" betsy shut the phone before she could blink. (weeping)  :( it was a sad story but betsy knew life was that way.
Re: story
04/19/02 at 18:39:06
What Betsy also found amazing was how she could one minute be in the hospital, the next at home, the next she suddenly has a baby to play with and never mind the fact her bebzi supply was running seriously low, since Sam the Bebsi guzzler came to stay...  [] All of a sudden she heard a loud banging...BANG...BANG...BANG.....Betsy's head felt heavy and she dropped onto the floor........
....opening her eyes, Betsy found herself in bed...BANG...BANG...BANG...."What the???" She jumped out of bed and looked out the window. "Hi honey..!" said her husband waving up at her. He was in the back yard chopping wood.

Betsy was overjoyed..."It was all a dream... :) :) :)" But one thing remained with her from the dream, and that was the beautiful feeling she had while reading the Qur'an. She resolved to buy a copy that morning and to start reading it again......

[i]eleanor begs for normality....[/i]
Re: story
04/19/02 at 18:57:03
Betsy bought the Quran that day,

               Sam became muslim that day

                            and everyone lived happily ever after.

End of love story.


Re: story
04/19/02 at 19:04:42
[i]uh oh...eleanor smells trouble but doesn't want to say anything without some more sisters online to back her up.....[/i]
Re: story
04/19/02 at 19:08:42
[quote]uh oh...eleanor smells trouble but doesn't want to say anything [/quote]

C'mon Sis Ellie I thought I knew you better, whats up...???

I mean fairy tales don't last forever now do they all good things come to an end*grin* Its best to accept the end, get the kleenex out wipe the tears and the nose and move on....


04/19/02 at 19:09:59
Re: story
04/19/02 at 19:19:23

BroHanif :)

First: this thread is called the "Neverending Story"

Second: you are a [i]brother[/i] - see the first page for details on your role in this story.. ;-D

eleanor  :-*
Re: story
04/19/02 at 21:07:30
[color=Teal]  [slm]

[i]Momma Mod, I say you delete the intruder's posts!!!!!  >:( I was enjoying reading the sisters' creative story.  :-*[/i]

Marcie  :-)[/color]
Re: story
04/20/02 at 02:26:02
yeah delete brohanifs post we want to end the story when we all die :D
Re: story
04/20/02 at 05:43:54
C'mon sisters, don't treat me like this, here I am trying to help you guys out with the story .. but all I get is a dirty dishcloth thrown in my face.

Re: story
04/20/02 at 06:58:09
[i] Momma Mod's finger is hoovering over the remove post button. She wants to do it, she needs to do it... she is thinking about how much she hates to use that button- free speech and all... she thinks about her respect of Br. Hanif... she thinks of... yikes her apartment is shaking.... really... is it an earthquake...  shaking stopped... back to this message... she thinks about the many mujahiid's posts she has let stay...

...the finger is poised and then returned to the key board. She remembers that too many men ignore their wives. She thinks this will be good practise for us too...  so ladies... just ignore him....[/i]
Re: story
04/20/02 at 08:44:21

[i]After the brief diversion where an outside intruder tried to take over the story continues........[/i]

Betsy kissed her husband goodbye. He was going away to a business conference and wouldn't be back for four days. She held up her little baby, Belinda, for him to kiss goodbye. Waving until the car drove out of sight, Betsy considered the tasks she had set herself for the day. First things first, she really needed to go shopping, firstly to replenish her Bebsi supply and secondly to finally buy the Qur'an.
She strapped her young daughter into her car seat, started the car and drove down the driveway......

[i]please sisters go easy on the fantasy......[/i]
Re: story
04/20/02 at 17:05:57

i agree with brother Hanif, enough! Sorry sisters but I gotta put it that way cause your story is way out of control, aliens, pepsi storage or whatever, and whats with the dreams!? LOL anyways how about we start some horror story that's actually realistic without all these little planets, and martians or whatever that was about?? LOL, or you guys can go on here and I'll start a new topic with a new realistic story, LOL  :-/

Wasalamu ALaikum WR BR  ;)
Re: story
04/21/02 at 13:55:57
umm zak...leave this story and make a new one.
start a new topic of horror like you want then people will choose between these two stories. how about that? and if brother h. wants to begin his own story about whatever let him begin it.
Re: story
04/21/02 at 16:22:29
(getting back to the story)

Betsy was feeling depressed about the situation of Muslims in the world, and how they were being opressed, especially after September 11th.  She remembered visiting London a few months ago with her husband, and remembering how passionate the Muslims were there especially one brother who started a business there called Mujaahid Enterprises.  She remembered the phone number for Mujaahid Enterprises and decided to give it a call.

When she dialed the phone number there was a welcome message that said:

Press 1 if you are a brainwashed American.
Press 2 if you would like an autographed photo of me.
Press 3 if you would like to join my training camp.
Press 4 if you would like to discuss the Taliban
Press 5 if you want to hear the latest news from Azzam.
Or press 6 to leave a general message.

So Betsy pressed....
Re: story
04/21/02 at 23:01:32
stop the story, lets begin a new (BETTER) one....i never thought this would happen. and NO love NOR alian AND martians and all that stuff. the story gets boring if no one likes it.
Re: story
04/21/02 at 23:13:24
...was what Betsy mumbled to herself, she easily gets sidetracked (perhaps a side effect of too much bebsi), she then remembered that she was on the phone and had to press a button.  so she pressed....
Re: story
04/22/02 at 07:26:47
Six!!! She would have loved to discuss the Taliban but there was no time now....
"Assalamu Alaykum, My name is Betsy and in exchange of a few Bebzis I would really love to get a copy of the Quran!!! Please help if you can. My number is 555-5555. I am looking forward to hearing from soon as possible."

She hung up, feeling excited and relieved..."I can't wait to read the glorious words that seeped so deep into my essence".
She put Belinda to sleep and started dinner, suddenely the phone suddenely rang! Her heart skipped a beat...Could it be?

04/22/02 at 07:29:02
Re: story
04/22/02 at 08:47:52
It was Mujy, himself, from Mujaahid Enterprises.  He wanted to know if she wanted a signed photograph too. Betsy was a bit taken aback by the offer. she....
Re: story
04/22/02 at 08:54:20
... hung up and then picked up the phone and dialed the phone number for Mujaahid Enterprises, again...

This time she pressed 7......
04/22/02 at 08:56:25
Re: story
04/22/02 at 09:20:39
"Assalamu Alaikum?"

a man's voice came down the telephone line....

"Umm..hello...Mujy??" said Betsy nervously....

"HEY! How did you get my number.." Mujy demanded.. "this is my private line okay!!.. But never mind that now, what do you want?"

"I was wondering if you could tell me something..." Betsy ventured.........
Re: story
04/22/02 at 12:45:30
...I was wondering if you could tell me something, Betsy ventured.  

I have been suffering from low self-esteem of late  :( and, since I notice you have got sooooooooo much to go round, was wondering whether you wouldn't mind lending me some, (just for the evening, mind)  together with that pretty pink dress you were wearing at the party last night.  Oh, and some mascara too.  Thanks, I'd be ever so grateful.   :-*
Re: story
04/22/02 at 13:24:33
"huh???" Mujy sounded perplexed, the silence was deafening...Betsy couldn't hold it anymore, she burst out laughing~! "I was just kidding, sheesh must you take everything so seriously? Just trying to break the ice, brother  ;)..."
Mujy seemed to relax, albeit momentarily, and he prodded with a gentler voice "what can I help you with?"
Betsy tried again, seriously this time.... "I was really wondering if..."
04/22/02 at 13:25:49
Re: story
04/22/02 at 21:45:26
..... [i] she hung up again. She was too nervous to ask. She wanted to...[/i]

She redialed the number.... this time she pressed - 0....
Re: story
04/22/02 at 21:53:34
A jovial old woman picked up this time, "Ladoo making services, May I help you?"
Betsy chuckled, might as well, ..."Can I place an order of ladoos please for pick up"... She couldn't wait to treat her husband with a nice order of freshly made ladoos...mmm...
The lady said cheerfully "sure thing, anything else I can help you with?"
Betsy mustered up the courage, this lady seems nice..."Yes, uhmm, actually, I was wondering if.... "

Re: story
04/23/02 at 05:14:52
yes.. I was wondering if you can tell me just why *are* women so oppresssed in Islam? I mean I've read some of the holy Qur'an and it didn't have anything there about females being of secondary status to men, so maybe you could tell me what it's like to be a Muslimah?......"

The old woman cleared her throat, looked at her watch, realised she should be finished work by now, but for Betsy's questions she had all the time in the world...

"Well Betsy..." she began...." I wasn't always Muslimah you know.....
Re: story
04/23/02 at 11:31:50
....i used to be a brother, called Brian, then one day i felt i was trapped in the wrong body, so i went to see my local surgeon who....
Re: story
04/23/02 at 11:53:41
*sigh* its happening again.  The voices in my head.  Where did I come up with that idea that I used to be a man named Brian?  It was probably due to watching all those talk shows like Oprah and Sally Jesse Raphael and the Jerry Springer Show.  I don't know why I'm so confused.  These crazy thoughts have been happening recently, I don't know what to do.

Mujjy said, "Betsy, even though your a Muslim, you are an American and that means that you are brainwashed".  This is why I recommend that you...
04/23/02 at 11:55:13
Re: story
04/23/02 at 12:01:22
...stop washing your brian and let it be free. Also i would like you to tell my work colleague who sits next to me to stop telling me about his transexual cousin!!!

Then thier was a knock on the door


Mujy: Well 'ard  :D Its showtime!!

IDF: What? Your gona fight back?

Mujy: Yes

IDF: GUYS, get outta hear, their gona fight back, run, THEIR GONA FIGHT BACK!!! HELLLLLLLP!!!!!

Anyway Mujaahid goes back to phone, "hello, Betsy, you still thier?"?.......
Re: story
04/23/02 at 12:11:50
"ummmhh yes?" Betsy was confused as ever, whatever happened to the nice old lady? Why was she all of a sudden talking to Mujy again!!!
"You called me brainwashed!!, that's not very nice, considering you don't know me at all...Is that what Islam teaches you to do? Plus fight all the time?" Betsy waited, his answer was going to determine her fate....
Re: story
04/23/02 at 13:06:51
Mujahid croaked ...Yep Betsy Islam teaches us to fight the daily battle against those who oppress others and to lead a good life according to the Quran and Sunnah. I'd fight for your rights as well whether you are muslim or not.
Wow exclaimed Betsy tell me more about this beautiful way of life... so mujahid then explained about how Islam is a way of life from the cradle to the grave, thats right Betsy even eating and drinking, sleeping and walking, social conduct, talking and yes even marrige all laid out.

Even marrige claimed an excited Betsy, yep even marrige said Mujahid.  There was a long pause before Betsy popped the 64 million pound question:
[size=5]"So Mr Mujy are you married?"[/size]
because I know somebody who's looking for a husband and that person is....

04/23/02 at 13:08:26
Re: story
04/23/02 at 13:42:28
.....well I hear Beth wants my hand in marriage, but i've told her i will only marry a muslim., also i aint married!!! But thier is one issue, whoever married me, would have to accept the possbility that i may have to leave and go to my destiny, war in defence of the muslims agianst oppressors, and the call to arms could come anytime!!!


Betsy: Well what?

I was just gona say.......
Re: story
04/23/02 at 14:17:39
Besty, paused and thought, all of a sudden she said BRING IT ON!!!
Then Mujaahid hesitated he wanted a way to get rid of her. He then told her but thats not his only rule. Betsy with a  ??? face didnt know wat to expect. she told mujaahid to say them all.

Mujaahid started on his list, it was longer then a novel. ( betsy was not muslim yet)
he started by first telling her she has to  become muslim, to wear niqab, no work,no tv, no music ,he went on and on.  :o
betsy couldnt believe what she heard, since she was not used to this kind of way. She had no choice but to say......
Re: story
04/23/02 at 14:29:22
your just like all men, you don't listen to a word a woman says do you?   Why are men like this?  Thinking that they are always right and have to have the last word.  Open your ears and listen to what a woman has to say for once in your life.

First of all I am a Muslim, as I mentioned a little while ago, and secondly I am happily married to brother Bob!!!!

Mujahid was speechless, apologized and then said....
Re: story
04/23/02 at 15:34:49...i think i'm trapped in the wrong body....err....i meant.....
Re: story
04/24/02 at 12:47:44
...i think i'm trapped in the wrong body....err....i meant.....

to ask "why the heck are you waisting my time then?"..he was angry.."i could’ve distributed 10 signed mujy pictures by now and maybe converted the ignorants of the world into mujaahid´s world view!" He thought to himself. What a loss indeed. He made a mental note to add another category to his phone directory—option #7 ->  hang up if you are a female and married or female and born muslim and over 18(greater probability of dodgy past) or …and so was he lost in his thoughts when...

04/24/02 at 12:51:39
Re: story
04/25/02 at 05:18:57

..the doorbell rang. Mujy hung up on Betsy and went to open the door. Who was it only.....
Re: story
04/25/02 at 07:46:38
"What do you want?!!!" Said Mujy harshly...
"Nothing, I came to pick up some pics many people have been requesting them at the dart club"
This day is endless! Thought Mujy...."The day will come when Jihad will set everyone on the straight path" Proclaimed Mujy, "For now, please leave so I can pray".
Beth left bristling...Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Betsy....
Re: story
04/25/02 at 08:42:15
...Was coming to terms with the fact that Mujy would never learn humility, and that try as she might, she could not stop him from jacking in his well-paid job at the bank to become a part-time mujahid with the newly-rregrouped Talitubs.  He would just have to let Mujy go, pray he learned from his mistakes and didn't get himself killed along the way.  Still, she thought, at least he'll get a nice tan...
Re: story
04/25/02 at 09:46:01
[color=Teal]....but wait maybe she was wrong, maybe she was too worldly.  Wasn't it better to live your life for Allah [swt] than for this world?  Oh if only she could put away her own ego and also submit....[/color]
Re: story
04/25/02 at 11:57:02
...but just as she was about to ponder this unified theory of life somemore, Beth grabbed of her shoulders and shook her roundly "get a hold of yourself, woman - you're [i]never[/i] wrong!"  
Re: story
04/25/02 at 13:52:54
and she took the Shahaadah, and it was a feeling like she never had before!!
Re: story
04/25/02 at 14:50:09
"God be praised!" she exclaimed, "that hole in my heart is now filled with the truly divine light of truth! Now I can finally..."
Re: story
04/25/02 at 18:09:44
find the peace  I have heard so many speak of."
Alas... she did not know how soon Allah swt was going to test her...
Re: story
04/26/02 at 04:59:03
Peace? Beth asked herself, what on earth does that mean?  So she thought that she'd go over to Swaziland and ask Betsy since  she had heard the story of how Betsy had already had gained a semi-peaceful/enlightened state of soul.  So Beth packed her bags and got on to a great big Tugboat and sailed the seas to meet Betsy.  On the way there...
Re: story
04/26/02 at 07:26:26
... the boat sank... Beth was flailing in the water trying to find something or someone to cling onto.. then a hand plunged into the water and pulled her out and into a lifeboat. It was Mujy "Beth!!" he said, breathless from exertion (despite several months hard training for Jihad) "Beth there's something I have to tell you, and I have followed you here to tell you this.....
Re: story
04/26/02 at 08:04:41
...And before he could speak Beth interjected "If its to tell me you love me, save your breath.  You ain't the first, you won't be the last, and I've heard it all before anyway.  Besides, didn't you tell the world and its uncle all this last night?!  If its to ask my blessing for the jihad, it won't be fortcoming, you little fool.  If its to ask for you sega consule back, (which is the likeliest option) well you can whistle for it, son.   :-*"

And with that, Beth was satisfied.  THE END
Re: story
04/26/02 at 08:41:25
Mujy was taken aback by her vehemence..."I just wanted to save you the trip" Mujy began gently..."I wanted to give you a glimpse of the peace you are searching for. I came bearing the gift of Submission to our Creator, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent. I came to invite you onto the path of righteousness, the enlightment of your consciousness, and the taste of faith's sweetness. I came bearing the gift of tranquility, asking you to fulfil your destiny, and become the best you can ever be. I came bearing the gift of Islam."
Beth was quiet, letting his words seep in, she breathed and began slowly, tears streaming down her eyes...
Re: story
04/26/02 at 09:23:53
... she just couldn't let this story end... it was just the beginning for her.

As Robert Frost had once wrote...
" Two roads diverged in the woods...."

She saw the road split... which path was she going to follow....
Re: story
04/26/02 at 09:43:43
...Beth sighed.  She was sick of her name being taken in vain and she instructed her alterego Nelly to capitulate.   :'(
Re: story
04/26/02 at 14:57:17
Across the sea Betsy was assembling her ladoos, her pots were simmering with delicious dishes, after all her husband was coming home today! She was so excited. She couldn't wait to share her spiritual adventure with him. She couldn't wait to describe the indescribable peace she had felt since her shahada. My life truly just began!
She went to lengths to beautify herself, afterall it was actually rewarded in Islam to enhance yourself for your spouse. She felt complete. Inside and out.
As she scurried around putting the last minute touches, a dash of salt here, rose petals carelessly strewn around the house, candles lit...She was almost done when...
Re: story
04/27/02 at 14:29:57
when sister jannah showed up!! and said hey you're going to have to move, this thread has grown wayy too big and now has to close!! start a new thread.. salaam :)

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