Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Growing Up With Racism

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Growing Up With Racism
04/19/02 at 15:18:10
Growing Up with Racism
[i]Parents are in powerful positions to mould children’s attitudes towards other people,
writes sister Najma Wang.[/i]

The level of education and ignorance do not always reflect each other. Oftentimes I have been asked by ‘educated’ people racist questions about Chinese people.  Not only were these people ‘educated’ they were also Muslims.

When my first son started at a Muslim school, he was teased by other children who said to him that he was not Muslim because he is Chinese.  Thankfully, his class teacher heard and dealt with it promptly and used the opportunity to educate them about how Allah created everyone and made us different so that we can get to know each other.  One year later, the same children kept up the teasing and taunting. However, they were more ‘streetwise’ as they do not tease him in front of the teacher.

As parents we must take all opportunities to educate our children. Much of this will occur outside formal institutions. For example, once my son, daughter and I were called “ching chong” by 2 Muslim boys while shopping. Their mother, who was beside them and had heard what was said, did not reprimand or re-educate them, and no apology was made to us for their bad manners.

I do not claim that my children are flawless, that they do not make mistakes, but I do make sure that whatever I witness that is wrong, I teach them why it is wrong and how the other person would feel. It is normal for children to be curious and uninhibited in speech and manner. No doubt, being Muslim women wearing hijab, we experience many stares and comments. Some comments made by children are innocent and I have heard the many different explanations that non-Muslim parents have told their children when asked why we dressed the way we do. What they tell their children vary according to their own level of understanding.

In other words, we mould the way our children think and perceive things. We have the responsibility to teach them between right and wrong in all aspects of life.  If parents think that Islam is a religion for Arabs then their children will not know otherwise.  This will be reflected in their manners. In addition, it will belittle Islam, the way of life of truth, justice and tolerance.

[i]Taken from:  [URL=]Muslimah's Services[/URL] [/i]
Re: Growing Up With Racism
04/24/02 at 07:37:51

 wow that sisters story really touched me

Re: Growing Up With Racism
04/28/02 at 20:45:34

Racism is truly learned from parents and enviornment. I was at the Masjid yesterday and one of the lil girls said some racially derogatory term. I was so shocked to hear it from a 4 yr old child. Ofcourse, I told on her but her sisters said that their dad uses that particular term in the house. But he doesn't mean it in a racist way. Whatever that means, but to hear it from a lil child is so sad.
May Allah(swt) give all the ability to truly practice and understand our Deen.
JazakumAllahu khair
Re: Growing Up With Racism
05/05/02 at 11:25:54
Subhanallah it is so sad to hear that....our ummah has a great disease.
Actually the practise of true Iman is Akhlaq. If we have no akhlaq so we do not have true Iman.

May Allah cure us and give us Akhlaq. Ameen!
Your sister

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