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Commander Khattab Martyred

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Commander Khattab Martyred
04/26/02 at 02:56:32
The commander of the Mujaahideen in Chechnya, Ibn-Al-Khattab has been blessed
with Martyrdom. May Allah reward him for his many success's in the Jihad against the
Russians. May Allah Grant him the highest of Places in Paradise.

May he be an example for the Muslim World to follow.

A truly courageous and great man.

He will be missed, but his Jihad will conintue through his fighters.
Re: Commander Khattab Martyred
04/26/02 at 04:52:59
assalaamu alaikum

The Russians have been known to make statements like this before. Especially when they're using terms such as "we liquidated him" it does make me suspicious of what this low-moraled bunch of animals have actually accomplished.

Lets pray that he's alive, and if Allah has taken him, may he be granted al-Firdaus.

Wa Salaam
Re: Commander Khattab Martyred
04/26/02 at 06:25:50


see the statement by Shamil Basayev below

From the Amir of the Military Shura Council in Sheeshan -- Shamil Basayev:

The Amir of the Military Shura Council, Commander Shamil Basayev, has commented today about the rumours being spread by Russian media regarding the assasination of the Military Leader of the Council "Khattab". He said:

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem

Russian media has been spreading rumours for the past two days about the killing of Commander Khattab. We assure our Muslim brothers and sisters everywhere that the Military Leader in the Shura Council - Commander Khattab - is fine and is in good health and no harm has befallen him - alhamduliAllah! This rumour is an indication of the degree of failure the Russian forces has come down to in Chechniya, for it's known that the source for this "news" that the Russian media is spreading is the Russian Army, and the Russian Army hasn't even allowed reporters into Chechnya(!). So the Russian media just transmits to people whatever the army says (without confirmation).

We also assure our Brothers and Sisters that the rest of our commanders, alhamduliAllah, are all fine and in good health. They are working day and night in arranging plots and missions against the Russian forces -- especially now that summer is near. InshaaAllah you'll hear pleasant news soon. Allaho Akbar!

Shamil Basayev

Sunday 21-4-2002

بيان من أمير مجلس الشورى العسكري بالشيشان القائد شامل بساييف :
أدلى أمير مجلس الشورى العسكري بالشيشان القائد شامل بساييف ـ حفظه الله ـ اليوم بتصريح حول ما أشاعته وسائل الإعلام الروسية من نبأ مقتل المسؤول العسكري بالمجلس القائد "خطاب" قال فيه :

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لقد تناقلت وسائل الإعلام الروسية خلال اليومين الماضيين نبأ مقتل القائد خطّاب ونحن نؤكد لإخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان أن المسؤول العسكري بمجلس الشورى القائد خطّاب بخير وعافية ولم يصب بأي أذىً ولله الحمد . وهذه الإشاعة تدل على مدى الفشل الذي وصلت إليه القوات الروسية في الشيشان فمعلومٌ أن مصدر الأخبار التي ينشرها الإعلام الروسي هو الجيش الروسي الذي لم يسمح إلى الآن بدخول الصحفيين إلى الشيشان , فالإعلام الروسي ينقل بالنسبة للشيشان ما يمليه علية الجيش الروسي فقط .

ونؤكد أيضاً لإخواننا المسلمين أن بقية القادة ولله الحمد بخير وعافية وهم يعملون ليل نهار في ترتيب العمليات ضد القوات الروسية وخصوصاً مع اقتراب فصل الصيف وإن شاء الله ستسمعون قريباً ما يسر . الله أكبر

شامل بساييف

الأحد 21-4-2002

taken from
04/26/02 at 06:28:20
Re: Commander Khattab Martyred
04/28/02 at 04:53:05

All praise is to the One who said:

"Say: "Do you wait for us (anything) except one of the two best things (martyrdom or victory)"

And peace and blessing upon His Messenger, To Proceed:

Mujahideen Military Command Council in the Islamic Republic of Sheeshan (Chechnya) has confirmed that Commander Ibn El-Khattab was indeed killed two weeks ago, and at that time the Council decided not to spread the news for the benefit of the Jihad and verily "War is Deception". So the Ameer (leader) of the Council Shamil Basayev denied the news.

As for the details of his martyrdom:

Ibn El-Khattab was being sent a letter from another Arab commander two weeks ago. Ibn El-Khattab sent a messenger to recieve the letter, but this messenger was a hypocrite working for the Russians (who was trusted by the Mujahideen). So he put poison on the letter which was touched by and thus infected Ibn El-Khattab. It took less that five minutes for his body to leave his soul and for him to be accepted with the martyrs (Insha Allah)

After that, the youth with Ibn El-Khattab took photo's and made video's of Ibn El-Khattab, and this is the video released by the Russians. However on the way to give this video to the Mujahideen Military Council, the youth carrying the video's were ambushed and in the after-math of that ambush the video's fell into the hands of the Russians.

And this was how Ibn El-Khattab was killed and how he gained what it was he wished for.

Praise is due to Allah in all situations.

Mujahideen Military Command Council

Shamil Basayev

Saturday 27/4/2002

Let us not forget to make du'a for the Mujaahideen of Sheshaan, and indeed all the Mujaahideen, that Allah strenghthens their hearts, and gives victory all over the World. And may the Russians not taste sleep for the loss they have delivered to the Ummah. Ya Allah, grant our father ibn al-khattab al-jannat-al firdous, and grant patience to his family. Ameen.

taken from
Re: Commander Khattab Martyred
04/28/02 at 05:01:44

Inshallah he's not dead and the reports of his matyrdom are another russian potemkin
I think we shouldn't report rumours like this because it may be the russians want him to
appear in public because they can't find him.

The rus are well known for their fantastic lies..especially check during the 1979/1982
period when they believed they had conquered afganistan and also when they believed they
had destroyed the mujahideen with the matyrdom of shaheed dudayev.

It's muqaddar and my login isn't working!

[Admin note: Muqaddar send jannah or bhaloo an email]
Re: Commander Khattab Martyred
04/29/02 at 03:12:48
In response to the thread on the martyrdom of Khattab - just to let the brothers and
sisters know that this news has been confirmed.

He was poisoned by a hypocrite amongst the ranks of the Mujahideen.

He was the lion of chechnya.

May Allah grant Khattab jannah. ameen.

wa salam
Re: Commander Khattab Martyred
05/01/02 at 12:24:53

"the tree of liberty needs frequently to be watered with the blood of martys
AND tyrants "

as somebody once said

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