Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Face the facts, Arabs!

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

Face the facts, Arabs!
05/29/02 at 01:15:22
Face the facts, Arabs
By Muhammad Omar Al-Amoudi

I recently received a fax containing some interesting but very disturbing information. The message posed an implicit question to every Arab about what his or her future is going to be. A careful reading of the fax helps us Arabs identify the causes for our defeat in the confrontation with the Jewish state of Israel. Two weeks ago that state celebrated the 54th anniversary of its founding which occurred after the land was taken from the Arabs.

While the fax enumerated a number of significant achievements by the Zionist state, it also compared them with Arab achievements — or to be precise, Arab failures. First, the fax underscored the progress made by Israel in achieving its present Gross National Product (GNP). Israel’s GNP exceeds $100 billion while the oil revenue of all the Arab countries combined is barely $113 billion. The average annual income of an Israeli is about 17 times higher than that of an Arab. The Arab’s average annual income is $1,000 while the Israeli average is $17,000. Twelve percent of Israelis are employed in agriculture and another 12 percent in business while the remaining 76 percent are employed in the industrial sector. The average spent on scientific research per year per person in Israel is $110. The Arab world, in contrast, spends a pathetic $2. Israel’s leading electronic industry manufactures several times more than all the Arab countries combined produce. Israel exports $7.2 billion worth of IT products annually and aims to push it up to $12 billion in a decade. As a proportion of its total population, Israel boasts the highest number of engineers and scientists in comparison to any other country.

Generous scientific and financial assistance provided by the US and Western countries support these highly qualified experts. Further, the US provides Israel with the most advanced weapon technology. This has helped — and still helps — Israel to develop sophisticated missile systems. With 70 percent of the weapons manufactured in the country exported, the Jewish state is the fifth largest weapons exporter in the world. It has also developed a plutonium-based nuclear capability. As the sixth atomic power in the world, Israel is also capable of manufacturing 200 nuclear warheads.

These are the facts, Arabs. What are you going to do about them?

Re: Face the facts, Arabs!
05/29/02 at 04:39:27

This post makes a lot of sense. Our decline is our own fault. We dont wanna be educated, we dont wanna do much in science research, or any other research, we just think that as long as we pray, 5 times a day, then lock ourselves away in a cupboard, that everything is gona sort itself out.

And whenever we need anything, weapons, drugs, aid, we just turn to our "enemies" (USA, Russia) etc to obtain what we need.

But we can scream and shout as much as we like, it all falls of deaf ears.

The harsh, and painful truth is that we muslims are a bunch of loosers.

That may sound harsh, but in the end its true.


Re: Face the facts, Arabs!
05/29/02 at 06:47:28
Just a small question here, but isn't this article referring to Arabs (whether Muslim or any other religion) and not to Muslims in general?  I was under the impression that the vast majority of Muslims are non-Arab.  And Islam is not mentioned in the article at all.  
Re: Face the facts, Arabs!
05/29/02 at 10:44:37

I think the prophet said 'The Arabs would be corrupted by Black Gold' he didn't say the rest of the muslims
Re: Face the facts, Arabs!
05/29/02 at 11:03:45
bro muqaddar,

where specifically can i read this?  (black gold, texas tea..... ;)  )


(very interesting statistics....)
Re: Face the facts, Arabs!
05/29/02 at 11:09:13
hmm.. i would be interested in seeing the reference to that too akhee.

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