Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Subhan Allah

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

Subhan Allah
06/03/02 at 06:30:21

Alhamdulillah!  I feel the overwhelming need to praise Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.  Subhan Allah!

We are so blessed to have Islam.  Oh Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala, La Ilaha Illa Allah.  Allahu Ackbar, Allahu Ackbar.

Please, feel free to post anything that praises Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.  

Re: Subhan Allah
06/03/02 at 08:03:37

Subhana Allah. Yesterday I was planting my first vegetable garden. As I was planting the plants in the ground I could not help but think of Allah swt.

A couple of months ago I put the tiniest of seeds in a pile of dirt.  Just to see how big the plants were and to ponder how this could happen- overwhelmed me. it is just a sign of the power of Allah swt.

Then I began contimplating about the harvest. insha Allah. I'll post more- then...

It is in the tiniest ways- that I feel Allah's presence and majesty.
Re: Subhan Allah
06/03/02 at 19:16:22

Subhan'Allah, from the tiniest seeds to the majesty of a mountain sunset....Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala can be found everywhere, you just have to look.  Oh Alhamdulillah, I saw the most beautiful sunset the other day.  The sun was setting behind the Olympic Mountains near the Puget Sound.  It turned the mountains purple, the sky was a brilliant explosion of bright colors.  The emerald evergreen trees swayed in the wind as the sun went down.  Oh Masha' friends and I prayed on the beach and I could feel Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala all around me.  The sand under my feet, the wind in my face, the sound of the water lapping against the shore......I could feel the entire world calling His name.  Allahu Ackbar.

06/03/02 at 19:18:58
Re: Subhan Allah
06/04/02 at 08:42:47

Saturday I had to speak about Islam in our State Park. They have weekly devotionals, of different faiths, for the campers.

The regular Imam was out of town and I was going to be speaking with a brother I had never really met nor heard him speak.

So on three different levels I was might apprehensive. First , as always- I am so concerned with my ability to speak and the seriousness and the cause of concern of my actions. Second- who knew how these 'red necks' were going to act, and thirdly- I have seen many a lecture where the speaker did not choose appropiate material and/or did not have much experience in interfaith dialogue.- so I was worried about the new brother coming...

All of a sudden I look at the clock- and realize the brother maybe a no show. Yikes!

I just stopped all my worrying and made dua to Allah swt. The moment I was done the wind blew and all the trees began to sway- in the most beautiful way. It was a very calm day and all I could think of was Allah swt was sending me thousands of angels.

Subhana Allah- I realized I wasn't so alone after all.

About ten minutes later when it was apparent that I was indeed going to be alone. I made another dua. I heard the wind come again and it caught the leaves and they were just dancing in the light. Al-humdullillh. Sure makes a person believe in the signs of Allah.
Re: Subhan Allah
06/07/02 at 08:25:46
Assalamu'alaikum :-)

About 10 days ago, I went to this Family Carnival/Camp near the beach. We were helping a brother set up his Astronomy Stall, where there's the telescope and binoculars to have a look at the moon and the stars.

We talked about how we would only see the same surface of the moon all the time, wherever we are on earth. We talked about about the comets, asteroids, the constellations, the galaxy, the suns.. he showed us how to tell the qiblah from the stars...

We discussed about how each planet and every little thing depended on one another, and how Allah has set each one of them on their own course. He told us how the tide is influenced by the moon, and we discussed what would happened if the moon is taken away.  

We saw the splashing of the waves against the breakwater and the sands, and I feel so small... how Allah maintained such balance to everything... from the largest of creation, to the smallest ones.. to the things that our eyes could catch and see.. to the ones, that we would never be able to behold and imagine.

And all this, He could do it with ease... how in all this, He has knowledge of everything, and give balance to an otherwise opposing and chaotic universe... yet, when I look back to my life, even the little things I have difficulty to balance them.

Subhanallah, such greatness that none can fathom.. with just a speck of His signs, it left us, dumbfounded and humbled.

[center][color=Green]He Who created the seven heavens one above another: No want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of (God) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw?

Again turn thy vision a second time: (thy) vision will come back to thee dull and discomfited, in a state worn out.

Surah Al-Mulk: 3-4[/center]

Allahu'alam :-)

06/07/02 at 08:28:57
Re: Subhan Allah
06/18/02 at 01:54:04
What a beautiful post and wonderful responses. When I look back at my life and everything i've experienced all the joys and sorrows and tests and tribulations and rewards, and how it put me right where i am now, i am overwhelmed. at first when going thru a hardship we think" why me? I'll never make it through this, this has ruined my life" but then after a while (maybe a few decades ) we realize it was MEANT TO BE that way. I read a beautiful poem once, hope someone can find it, about asking for strength and receiving struggles, asking for wisdom and receiving tough lessons, sound familiar? and i heard a rather intriguing radio program ( kpfk los angeles) about DNA being somewhat of an antennae to pick up God's song of creation, just imagining each one of our cells hearing and obeying Allah is quite a mindblowing thought, for me anyway.  [wlm] :-) emily

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