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Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Adhaan

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Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Adhaan
06/06/02 at 05:29:44
[slm] I learn't something from a lecture i attended this Sunday.

The reason behind why some people kiss their thumbnail and rub it against their eyes when they hear "Ash Shadu ana Muhammed dur Rasoolilah" in the Adhaan.

Apparently, there was a time once in Prophet Adam (alyhis Salam) time, when all the farishtas, jinn etc use to follow him wherever he went.  He questioned Allah swt about it and His reply was that they are following the Noor of Prophet Muhammed saw which was prevalent on his forehead at the time.

Prophet Adam (a.s.) then asked Allah swt if he could see it too.  This is when Allah transferred it from his forehead to his thumbnails for a short while.  Adam (a.s.) the kissed his thumb and rubbed it against his eye, saying that the Prophet Muhammed SAW is the coolness of his eyes.

This was the sunnah practice of Adam (a.s.)

I didn't know that, i honestly thought it was a Desi tradition!

Later, when the Adhaan was first introduced to the Muslims, when the first Adhaan was called, Hadhrat Abu Bakr (i think) did the same thing when he heard the Kalimah portion of the Adhaan.

And this is how the practice came about to be in existence.  

Any thoughts on this?


Re: Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Ad
06/06/02 at 07:03:56
I would like to see the hadeeth reference on this.  Do you hare it, or does the person who said it have the hadeeth reference?
Re: Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Ad
06/06/02 at 09:43:50

The Moulana that said this was Moulana Mohammed Khan (anyone know of him?)

No, i did not manager to ask about the reference / source - I usually stick to the ladies side of the gathering :-)

I haven't been able to source the Ahadith in question and was hoping that someone who was aware of the practice could shed some light on it.

Re: Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Ad
06/06/02 at 10:41:15
I also found this at
The reason I asked for the reference, sister Bismilla was I didn't want to jump to conclusions, even though it didn't sit well with my heart.  You may want to ask for the reference anyway.  Sometimes some fabricated hadeeths or weak hadeeths are passed around, and unknowlingly, a Muslim who is sincere but not careful, passes it on (I don't mean you, sister, I know you were just trying to verify it).  

do we kiss our thumbs when the prophet Mohammed’s (pbuh)name is said?


Praise be to Allaah.  

As far as we know, there is no saheeh report from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that when the muezzin says “Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasool-Allaah” we should kiss our thumbs, so doing so is a bid’ah (innovation). But it was proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours that is not part of it will have it rejected.” And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

See Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, vol. 6, p. 96. (

Re: Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Ad
06/06/02 at 13:27:14
                                KISSING THE THUMBS IN ADHAAN  

                                         by Aboo Uthmaan al-Kaashmiree



There is not a single example from the Prophet?s (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) life
that by passed the Muslim Ummah. The act of worship such as the adhaan (call to Prayer) is
done five times a day which was legislated ten years after the Hijrah (migration) and it
was done in front of the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) in al-Madeenah, and in
the books of ahaadeeth we have its history and the Mu?adhdhin.  But it is not in a single
narration that one should kiss his thumbs on hearing the adhaan, if we do want to kiss
something then we might as well as kiss the  Mu?adhdhin lips who utters the adhaan five
times a day.  This action of kissing the thumbs on hearing the adhaan was never practiced
during the time of the Salafus-Saalih.

                                   THE PROOFS THEY USE TO PERMIT IT

The narration is that which is attributed to Aboo Bakr as-Siddeeq (radiyallaahu ?anhu)
that when he heard the Mu?adhdhin say ?anna muhammadur rasoolah? he would kiss his thumbs
and fingers (index) and then touch his eyes and the prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa
sallam) said ?Whoever does this like my beloved has done, then my intercession will be
compulsory for him.? [1]

It has been narrated in al-Musnadul-Firdaws by ad-Daylamee by the way of:

a) Tadhkiratul-Mawdoo?aat (p. 36)

b) al-Mawdoo?aatul-Kabeer (p. 75)

c) Ahmad Yaar Khaan al-Bareilwi in Jaa?ul-Haqq (p. 378) from al-Maqaasidul-Hasanah

d) Muhammad ?Umar in Maqyaas Khaafiyat (p. 603)


1.      Al-?Allaamah Muhammad Taahir writes ?Wa laa yasahh? - not Saheeh - in
Tadhkiratul- Mawdoo?aat (p. 36)


2.      Mullaa ?Alee al-Qaaree from al-?Allaamah as-Sakhaawee that this narration is not
Saheeh in al-Mawdoo?aatul-Kabeer (p. 75).

If the hadeeth is not Saheeh, then how can you act upon it? Ahmad Yaar Khaan Bareilwi
quotes as-Sakhaawee that he said ?Wa lam yasahh? and translates it as ?Its level of
authenticity does not reach a high level.? What Muhammad ?Umar did was even more strange, he
mentions the hadeeth from Tadhkiratul-Mawdoo?aat and al-Mawdoo?aatul-Kabeer and doesn?t
mention ?Laa yasahh? deliberately.

                              AHMAD YAAR KHAAN BAREILWI?S MISTAKE:

He writes ?Not reaching the level of Saheeh does not necessarily mean that it is Da?eef
because the rating of Hasan is after Saheeh, and if this is Hasan then it is enough.? [2]

But he should know that when the Muhadditheen say ?laa yasahh? mutlaq (absolutely) it
means nothing else except that it is Da?eef. If it was Hasan they would have explained and
said, ?Laysa bis-saheeh, bal-hasanun? (It is not Saheeh, rather it is Hasan.)

                                         REMOVAL OF A DOUBT:

Mullaa ?Alee al-Qaaree says, ?If this hadeeth is Saheeh up to Aboo Bakr (radiyallaahu
?anhu) then it is enough to act upon it because the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam)
said, ?My Sunnah and the Sunnah of my rightly guided Caliphs is obligatory upon you.? [3]
[4].  Ahmad Yaar Khaan [5] and Muhammad ?Umar [6] also use the same reasoning.

But this is Mullaa ?Alee al-Qaaree?s conscious, because if this hadeeth was mawqoof
(stopped) up to Aboo Bakr (radiyallaahu ?anhu) then it would have been a proof but the
narration that is attributed to Aboo Bakr (radiyallaahu ?anhu) is marfoo? (raised) and its
isnaad is not Saheeh all the way so then to say that the marfoo? hadeeth is not Saheeh and the
mawqoof is Saheeh then how is it enough to say that this is sufficient.

                                      ACTING UPON  WEAK AHAADEETH

Ahmad Yaar Khaan writes ?If it is accepted that this hadeeth is Da?eef, then in virtuous
actions Da?eef hadeeth are enough.? [7].  This is also his incorrect understanding, that
every Da?eef ahaadeeth is accepted in actions of virtue, this is totally wrong.

Imaam Qaadee Ibnul-?Arabee al-Maalikee (d.543H) ? rahimahullaah - and others have said
regarding Da?eef ahaadeeth  ?Laa ya?mal bihi mutlaqan.? - it is absolutely incorrect to act
upon them.? [8] And those who act upon it have conditions so Imaam Ibn Daqeeq al-?Eed
(d.702H) ? rahimahullaah ? writes ?Acting upon Da?eef ahaadeeth is conditioned.?   [9] What
are those conditions, Imaam as-Sakhaawee (d.902H) writes by quoting his Shaykh,
al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar, ?Acting upon Da?eef ahaadeeth has three conditions,

1.      That all the Muhadditheen agree that the hadeeth is not extremely Da?eef, ie the
hadeeth in which the narrators are not liars, who may be suspected or accused liars, or
any such narrator who is munfarid (alone), who made a lot of mistakes then his Da?eef
hadeeth will not be a normal Da?eef ahaadeeth.

2.      That the hadeeth is not present under baseless principles.

3. While acting one has the belief that the hadeeth is not proven from the Prophet
(sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) so that something is not attributed to him that he did not
say.? [10]

So we find that if anyone of the criteria above are missing, then in any circumstances
the hadeeth does not need to be acted upon. Especially the third condition because the that
which is not proven from the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) and if one tries to
attribute it to him and then to accept it as proven from him is a major crime indeed
because it totally opposes the mutawaatir (concurrent) narration stating: ?He who
intentionally attributes a lie to me, then let him take his seat in the Fire of Hell? [11]

?Abdul-Hayy al-Laknaawee writes, ?The claim that acting upon Da?eef ahaadeeth in the
issue of virtue without difference is false; yes this is the opinion of the majority but the
condition is that the hadeeth is not severely Da?eef otherwise it will also not be
accepted in the issues of virtues actions.? [12]

It?s a pity the innovators put heels on end to prove such ahaadeeth. What beautiful words
said a Bareilwi (Which is extremely rare) who said ?To accept ahaadeeth and attributing
it to the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) needs proof, an attribution without
proof is not permissible.? [13]

As a result acting on Da?eef ahaadeeth pertaining to virtues actions must comply with the
three conditions and acting upon them is mustahabb (recommended) on the condition that it
is not mawdoo? (fabricated). If the narration is mawdoo? then there is no action upon it.

Al-Haafidh Ibn Daqeeq writes, ?If the hadeeth is Da?eef with the condition that it is not
mawdoo?, then acting upon it is permissible.  But if by it a new custom arises or is born
in the Religion as a result then it also forbade from.? [14]

So here another point has been resolved and that is that the Da?eef ahaadeeth is only
acted upon when it is not mawdoo? (fabricated) or forged bearing in mind that any Da?eef
hadeeth which leads to a custom in the Religion, will be stopped. The Ahlul Bid?ah try to
make such actions as the Sunnah.

Al-?Allaamah as-Sakhaawee writes, ?It is permissible and mustahabb to act upon Da?eef
ahaadeeth which command virtues actions and encouragement, but the condition is that the
ahaadeeth are not mawdoo? or forged.? [15]

And he also says, ?However, as for the forged hadeeth, then it is not permissible to act
upon them in any circumstances? [16]

The summary is that it permissible to act upon Da?eef ahaadeeth in actions of virtue and
this has some conditions set by the muhadditheen and the ahaadeeth which are mawdoo? or
forged then there is no action upon them neither in the issue of virtues or encouragement.

                                                       NOW PAY ATTENTION:

Not only are the ahaadeeth concerning the kissing of the thumbs da?eef, but mawdoo? and

Imaam Jalaalud-Deen as-Suyootee writes,

?Those ahaadeeth which mention the kissing of the fingers and then placing them on the
eyes when the Mu?adhdhin mentions the name of the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam),
all of them are mawdoo? and forged.? [17]

There is another narration from Khidr (?alayis-salaatu wa salaam) which mentions the
thumbs in, Tadhkiratul-Mawdoo?aat (p. 36), al-Mawdoo?aatul-Kabeer (p. 75), Ahmad Yaar Khaan
Bareilwi in Jaa?ul-Haqq (p. 378) from Maqaasidul-Hasanah, Muhammad ?Umar in Maqyaas
Khaafiyat (p. 601).

Al-?Allaamah Muhammad Taahir and Mullaa ?Alee al-Qaaree writes,

?There are a lot of majhool (unknown) narrators in the isnaad and it is also munqati?
(disconnected)? [18]

Then how can we insert this narration in the Religion, Imaam al-Bayhaqee writes in one
place, ?In this isnaad there are a number of majhool narrators, and Allaah the Glorified
and Exalted has not made us responsible that we take our Religion from unknown


[1] Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) says, ?This hadeeth is not
Saheeh and has been attributed to Aboo Bakr Siddeeq (marfoo?an) by ad-Daylamee in
Musnadul-Firdaws. However, Ibn Taahir says in at-Tadhkirah that it is not Saheeh and Imaam
ash-Shawkaanee also says the same in al-Hadeethul-Mawdoo?ah (p. 9), and Imaam as-Sakhaawee has
also said that it is not Saheeh in al-Maqaasid.

[2] Jaa?ul-Haqq (p. 382)

[3] Saheeh: Related by Aboo Daawood (no. 4607) and by at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676). It was
authenticated by Shaykh al-Albaanee in Irwaa?ul-Ghaleel (no. 2455).

[4] al-Mawdoo?aatul-Kabeer (p. 65)

[5] Jaa?ul-Haqq (p. 382)

[6] Maqyaas Khaafiyat (p. 602)

[7] Jaa?ul-Haqq (p. 383)

[8] al-Qawlul-Badee?ah (p. 165)

[9] Imaam (2/171)

[10] Refer to al-Qawlul-Badee?ah (p. 195), Tadreebur-Raawee (1/298-299), Fathul-Mugeeth

[11] Related by Muslim (1/8)

[12] al-Aathaarul-Marfoo?ah fil-Akhbaaril-Mawdooa?ah (p. 310)

[13] ?Arfaanush-Sharee?ah (3/27)

[14] Ahkaamul-Ahkaam (1/51)

[15] al-Qawlul-Badee?ah (p. 195)

[16] al-Qawlul-Badee?ah (p. 196)

[17] Tayseerul-Maqaal lis-Suyootee from ?Imaadud-Deen (p. 123)

[18] Refer to Tadhkiratul-Mawdoo?aat (p. 36), and al-Mawdoo?aatul-Kabeer (p. 75).

[19] Kitaabul-Qurraa? (p. 127)
06/06/02 at 13:47:50
Re: Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Ad
06/14/02 at 09:53:41

Jazak Allah to Anonymous for posting that.  I am sorry if i appear a bit slow but most of it escaped me.

Shukran to Taalibatul_ilm too  :-)

It wasn't a practice of Prophet Muhammed saw, but rather the sunnah of Adam (as).  That is why it wouldn't appear in any of the Hadhis i would think.  And as the Moulana said, those who do it "good for them" and those who don't "good for them too" :-)  

Anyway, Shukran for the information, it is much appreciated.  [slm]

06/18/02 at 03:12:15
Re: Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Ad
06/15/02 at 00:01:23

[quote author=bismilla link=board=library;num=1023384474;start=0#5 date=06/14/02 at 09:53:41] It wasn't a practice of Prophet Muhammed saw, but rather the sunnah of Adam (as).  That is why it wouldn't appear in any of the Hadhis i would think.  And as the Moulana said, those who do it "good for them" and those who don't "good for them too" :-)  

What is the proof for this that this is the sunnah of Adam (as)?   There doesn't appear to be any proof for this practice.
Re: Kissing of the thumbnails when you hear the Ad
06/18/02 at 02:46:41
[quote author=bhaloo link=board=library;num=1023384474;start=0#6 date=06/15/02 at 00:01:23][slm]

What is the proof for this that this is the sunnah of Adam (as)?   There doesn't appear to be any proof for this practice.[/quote]

[wlm] I do not have any proof other than what i have seen people practice and what this Moulana mentioned.  The whole idea was to find proof with the help of this community.  Proof to either [u]substantiate[/u] or [u]refute[/u] this.

Apologies if i appear to have "jumped' to a conclusion, but if you have anything substantial to offer in this regard it will be highly appreciated.


I cannot appear to find enough information with regard to the practices of  Adam [as] - so if anyone knows of any books or sites in this regard this will also be of great benefit.  Does anyone know the "alternative" names of the books mentioned by Anon please?  Are these available in English?


This weekend i read something else in a newspaper too - That when Allah swt created the Noor of Muhammed  [saw] and the Noor of was placed on his Arsh.  So now i am a bit more confused that before!

[i]Insha Allah i will be contacting some local Ulema to find out more.  The reason why i have not done this was to avoid getting "biased" views based on "political" stand points.  I find that one learns so much more when a subject is discussed in an international arena such as this one.[/i]

Jazak Allah,  [slm]
06/18/02 at 03:06:45

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