Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Pre-Seminar jitters!!!!

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

Pre-Seminar jitters!!!!
06/14/02 at 06:48:47

Asalamu Alykum  :)

Alhamdullilah as i have mentioned for the 100th time Cleveland Myna has organized a Youth Seminar, June 15th 2002 inshaAllah
( its not really updated) :).. So which is 2maro :-[ .. Its weird cause you plan sooo much and you work hard, but it eventually boils down to a couple people reallly helping out. People forget their duties and responsibilites and you feel like going through a nervous break down after you realize that the job gotta be done in xxxx amount of time. However, you learn to work together and understand the true meaning of communication. I often wonder how sis's/bros in bigger organizations do it All, like isna, icna, Msa natl, alim, zaytuna, MAS, cair, al-maghrib :) to name a few..
So what are some good ways to relax before the big day arrives??...  []
Re: Pre-Seminar jitters!!!!
06/14/02 at 08:06:00

Be as organized as you can.
Have everything done 2 days in advance- leave nothing for the day before or of.
Make all neccessary reminder phone calls during this  2 day in advance- even those you do not think need one.

Finally- Make dua- put all your trust in Allah swt.
It is kind of nice- just letting go and asking for Allah's help.
Re: Pre-Seminar jitters!!!!
06/16/02 at 21:40:06

How did the seminar go Ayesha? Was it a good turn out? Inshallah it went well, let us know how everything was  :-*

Re: Pre-Seminar jitters!!!!
06/17/02 at 13:14:02

Walikum Asalam,

JazakumAllahu Khair sis Kathy..  :-X

Ruqayyah we missed you, but Alhamdullilah everything went well. Ofcourse improving an event is a life long process, one can never reach perfection but every time it gets better.
Alhamdullilah the speakers were AweSOMMMEEEE  :-X  We had Bro Saad Quadri from Chicago, Bro Harry Saleh Baseel from Michigan, our very own Imam Fawaz, Sister Suna Aziz ( Secretary of ICC) , Bro Burheem Bakr ( CSU's MSA president 2000-2002) and my beloved teacher Sister Rand Diab.
SubhanAllah most of the speakers incorporated personal experienes and the lectures impacted me so much.. I am still organizing my notes inshaAllah will e-mail you :)
he he cleaning up was fun all the brothers and sisters were pumped up ( Mrs Halabi will be very pleased  ;) )
JazakumAllahu khair
hey btw asneya never showed up that girl is in trouble  :'(  ;)

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