Virgins in Heaven

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Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 07:11:47
asalaamu alaikum,

I really wanted to think about this before I ask, but I was curious as to people's feelings.

The virgins given to men in jannah, I assume they will be sexually engaged right?

For all the brothers, what do you guys think about that? About being with someone other than your wife(s)?

For all the sisters, how do you all feel about your husbands in this situation?


And if you're not married, pretend you are and answer anyway ;). aslamau alaikum. abdullah,.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 09:47:12

Your own wife will be the queen of hoors in your abode.

Thats all I'm saying Bro, and I'll be glad that my wife is with me.

My wife raised this with me once it didn't go too well ;)


Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 11:10:28

somethings funny with the message icons

Anyway I am so glad someone raised this topic because I have been asked: why does the suraah only describe the hoor's for men. What about the women. Are they also promised companions?

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 13:47:31
Wa Lakum as Salam,

This is crazy, I have never heard any authentic traditions that suggest anything about a physical relationship between men and women in Jannah?  From my understanding when we pass on these traditions of Hooris and young men with beaming faces to serve women, the whole point about being able to mingle with each other in Jannah has to do with a lack of sexual craving and a disinterest in that kind of satisfaction.

But I have nothing that tells me that there will be any sexual engagement.  I am open to any evidence anyone has for this.


Qamar Akbal Kaan
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 14:49:55

What is the benefit of discussing such a topic here? I dont believe anyone but a scholar should comment on this, if at all. And discussing this presents a danger of falling into unnecessary schisms.

Anyway, this is just my opinion.

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 15:28:43

when i use to go to weekend school in the masjid, my teacher told me that even though the men will have hoors, the original wifey is going to be more beautiful then they did...

this topic goes the same with husbands wanting second wifes etc...

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 16:24:22
There is a difference of opinion on this subject. Yusuf Ali in his translation of the Quran talks in depth of the islamic heaven and says carnal sex has no place in Heaven. Rather the Quranic description of heaven is metaphorical using symbols from our experience in this world - there is also an interesting commentary about the metaphorical, figurative and allegorical parts of the Quran. He states the description of heaven is made in terms of this life and its luxuries as symbols so we can understand through our experience. But these luxuries and happiness of heaven are in actual fact much more than we can visualize as the Prophet SAW said [i]"In it there are things that no eye has ever beheld, and of which no ear has ever heard, and the thought of which no human mind has ever entertained" [/i] Based on this I have always gone by Yusuf Ali's view. Heaven transcends our human imagination.

However, Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid's answers about heaven on islam-qa categorically states intimate relations in heaven do exist. This belief mainly rests on the hadith that a man will be given such-and-such strength for sexual relations. There is a huge answer on this on that site. My opinion is this hadith is to relate heaven to human experiences in this life similar to how the Quran relates to heaven metaphorically. Also refer to my favourite verse in my signature :)

[color=blue]"No Soul knows what Joy is kept Hidden for them as a Reward for what they used to do" [/color]

So I belive Yusuf Ali's view to be more correct.

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 17:03:56

I can remember 6 or 7 years ago asking Jannah about this and she told me, Allah (SWT) knows what motivates men and what motivates women.  No argument there. :)

While it is true that heaven exceeds anything that we could possibly imagine, Hoor al-'Een are to be taken literally and not figuratively.

One brother mentioned this to me:

The Qur'an mentions the Hoor al-`Een, and even implies such details as the
beauty of their breasts with the term "kawaa`ib atraaba" [Surat an-Naba'].

Imam at-Tabari mentions Qataada's exegesis of this phrase: "nawaahid
atraaba". The term "nawaahid" is a reference to large protruding breasts.
There is no shame in this and to express shame in this is to decry the very
Word of Allaah, wa na`uthu bi wajhillaahi-l kareem min thaalak. People who
have explained away Hoor al-`Een and such explicit descriptions found in the
Qur'an have insulted Allah's favor upon the people of Jannah, and displayed
displeasure with this deen.

He further states: "..of equal age. Then is described what is in Jannah:
<<Hadaa'iqa wa a`naaba, wa kawaa`ib atraaba>> in reference to these women.
Atraaba: of equal age.." He also states, "<<Kawaa`ib atraaba>> about which
is said they are 'nawaahid' of the equal age". Elsewhere, he quotes ibn
Abbas (raDee Allaahu `anhu) that they are "an-nisaa' al-mustawiyaat" , with
"mustawiy" in reference to their equal age. Elsewhere, he refers to them as
"al-lidaat" or "female companions".
[Jaami`u-l Baraan `an Ta'weel Ayy al-Qur'aan, Imaam at-Tabari, vol. 30]

Ibn Katheer says about this: "<<..wa kawaa`ib atraaba>> meaning 'Hooran
kawaa`ib'. Ibn `Abbas and Mujaahid have said: <<kawaa`ib>> meaning
'nawaahid', meaning their breasts are voluptuous and do not sag. Verily,
they are VIRGINS (Abkaara)."

Imaam al-Qurtubi says: "Kawaa`ib: Plural of 'Kaa`ib' and it is in reference
'nawaahid'...Atraab: Companions of equal age"
[al-Jaami`u li-aHkaam al-Qur'aan, Imaam Qurtubi, vol. 19].

There is absolutely nothing figurative about any of that, and it is actually
quite explicit. ath-Tha`aalabi quotes in Fiqh al-Lugha: "thumma Kaa'ib ithaa
ka`aba thadyuhaa; thumma naahid ithaa zaad.." This shows that it is even
used in Arabic lexical prose in this manner.

The argument that this is a reference to the women's ankle is also incorrect
as none of the Salaf referred to this, nor did any of the Mufassireen, or
scholars of language. However, scholars of lugha such as Abu Bakr ar-Raazi
have said: "al-Ka`bu is the protrusion where the leg and foot meet (ankle).
Al-ASma`ee has disagreed saying that it is in the rear of the foot (Achilles
heel)." However, ar-Raazi distinguishes this as entirely different deom
"Kaa`ib" and "Kawaa`ib" stating that they are voluptuous breasts ("thadyuhaa
li-l nuhood"): "..and this is 'kaa`ibu' with a 'fatHa' and the plural
'kawaa`ibu'.." Clarifying the aSl of the word which is in reference to
something even in shape such as a cube he states: "...and Ka`ba which is the
Bayt al-Haraam.." [Mukhtaar aS-SiHaaH, Abu Bakr ar-Raazi, Baab al-Kaaf;
Abridgement of al-Jawhari's SharH al-Lughah]

In Ibn al-ManTHoor al-Ifreeqi's Lisaan al-`Arab he states the same opinion
saying, "nahada thadyuhaa wa jaariyatn ka`aab", thereafter, quoting the
phrase from the Qur'an: "wa kawaa`ib atraaba" [Lisaan al-`Arab, ibn
al-ManTHoor, vol 1, chapter of "kaaf"]. Ibn al-Atheer and al-aSfahaani are
also in accordance with this opinion and it is the overwhelming majority on
every level of Tafseer al-Qur'aan, SharH al-Hadeeth, and SharH al-Lughah.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 17:58:23
Thanxs for sharing that Arshad.

Alhamdulillah, for the scholars of this din, who make it easier for us to understand.

I am still not certain that what allures the human beings of this dunya to follow the commands of Allah SWT, will result in the base desire being capitulated in the akhira, or there even being a presence of lust or sexual appetite.  The scholars seemed agreed on the literal nature of the ayat of the Quran, referring to Hooris, but it still does not mention, either in the Quran, ahadith, or in these scholars writings, that there will be actual copulation.

In Jannah, we are all suppose to appear youthful, and jubilant right?  So I agree that for women to have sagging breasts, and for the creation of Allah SWT for Jannah to have any perceived dunya defects seems incongruous with the Quran as well.  No one is disputing that, I don't think.

I am just worried to add something to the din and iman that is not there, in terms of what we are told of the akhira.

Although I believe in the Hooris being a reward in some fashion, for some people, suffice it to say they are not my motivation in the least, but rather the good attention of Allah SWT, and the company of the Prophets, Alayhumus Salam.

I love my wife, and no pictures or promises of Hooris is going to brighten my eyes at this point in my life.  And aside from them pouring the 'moonshine' of Allah SWT into my goblet in the akhira, I don't see any other need for them as far as physically, and I can't imagine that my reserving my sexuality for my wife would change from one world to the next.


Qamar Akbal Kaan
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 19:15:45

Question #10053: Will men in Paradise have intercourse with al-hoor aliyn?


I'm wondering will the men from amongst the human race that enters paradise, will they have sexual intercourse with the "HOURIS" women in the paradise .  


Praise be to Allaah.

Allaah has prepared for His believing slaves in Paradise that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and has never even crossed the minds of men, such that even the person who has the least blessings in Paradise will think that he is the most blessed among them. Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The lowest of people in status in Paradise will be a man whose face Allaah turns away from the Fire towards Paradise, and shows him a tree giving shade. He will say, ‘O Lord, bring me closer to that tree so that I may be in its shade… Then he will enter his house [in Paradise] and his two wives from among al-hoor al-‘iyn will come in and will say to him, ‘Praise be to Allaah who brought you to life for us and brought us to life for you.’ Then he will say, ‘No one has been given what I have been given.’” (Narrated by Muslim, no. 275)

Among the blessings that Allaah has prepared for His slaves are al-hoor al-‘iyn. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“So (it will be). And We shall marry them to Hoor (fair females) with wide lovely eyes”

[al-Dhukhaan 44:54]

“They will recline (with ease) on thrones arranged in ranks. And We shall marry them to Hoor (fair females) with wide lovely eyes

[al-Toor 52:20]

Al-hoor al-‘iyn are extremely beautiful, such that the marrow of their shins will be visible from beneath their garments. Every man who enters Paradise will have two wives from among al-hoor al-‘iyn. Allaah says, describing them (interpretation of the meaning):

“Therein (Gardens) will be Khayraatun&#8209;Hisaan [fair (wives) good and beautiful];

Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?

Hoor (beautiful, fair females) guarded in pavilions;

Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?

With whom no man or jinni has had Tamth [opening their hymens with sexual intercourse] before them.

Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?

Reclining on green cushions and rich beautiful mattresses.”

[al-Rahmaan 55:70-76]

“And (there will be) Hoor (fair females) with wide lovely eyes (as wives for Al-Muttaqoon – the pious).

Like unto preserved pearls”

[al-Waaqi’ah 56:22-23]

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The first group will enter Paradise looking like the moon on the night when it is full, and those who follow them will be like the brightest shining star in the sky. Their hearts will be as one, and there will be no hatred or jealousy among them. Each man will have two wives from among al-hoor al-‘iyn, the marrow of whose calves can be seen from beneath the bone and flesh.” (Narrated  by al-Bukhaari, no. 3014)

It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: ‘Going out and coming back for the sake of Allaah is better than this world and all that is in it. And a spot the size of the bow of one of you in Paradise – or a spot the size of his whip – is better than this world and all that is in it. If a woman from among the people of Paradise were to look at the people of this earth, she would light up all that is in between them and fill it with fragrance. The veil on her head is better than this world and all that is in it.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 2587)

A man will have intercourse in Paradise with his wives from among al-hoor al-‘iyn and his wives from among the people of this world, if they enter Paradise with him. A man will be given the strength of a hundred men to eat, drink, feel desire and have sexual intercourse. It was narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The believer in Paradise will be given such and such strength for sexual intercourse.” He was asked, “O Messenger of Allaah, will he really be able to do that?” He said, “He will be given the strength of one hundred (men).” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2459. He said, (it is) saheeh ghareeb).

It was narrated from Zayd ibn Arqam that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A man among the people of Paradise will be given the strength of a hundred men for eating, drinking, desire and sexual intercourse. A man among the Jews said, ‘The one who eats or drinks needs to excrete!’ The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him: ‘The excretion of any one of them will be in the form of sweat which comes out through his skin, then his stomach will reduce in size again.’” (Narrated by Ahmad, no. 18509; al-Daarimi, no. 2704)

The mufassireen said concerning the phrase “busy in joyful things” (Yaa-Seen 36:55 – interpretation of the meaning):

‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood and Ibn ‘Abbaas (mayAllaah be pleased with them both), and Sa’eed ibn al-Musayyib, ‘Ikrimah, al-Hasan, Qutaadah, al-A’mash, Sulaymaan al-Taymi and al-Oozaa’i said concerning the aayaah (interpretation of the meaning),

“Verily, the dwellers of Paradise, that Day, will be busy in joyful things” [Yaa-Seen 36:55]

they said, (it means) they will be busy deflowering virgins. Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, according to a report narrated from him, that “busy in joyful things” means listening to stringed instruments. Abu Haatim said: he misheard the phrase iftidaad al-abkaar (deflowering virgins) and thought it was samaa’ al-awtaar (listening to stringed instruments). In fact the correct phrase is iftidaad al-abkaar (deflowering virgins). (Ibn Katheer, 3/564)

With regard to children, the scholars differed as to whether children would be born as a result of this intercourse or not. Some said that there would be children if the man wants them, but the pregnancy and birth would take just one hour. Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If the believer wants a child in Paradise, the pregnancy and delivery will take only an hour, then the child will be the age that the man wants.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2487; al-Daarimi, no. 2712; Ahmad, no. 11339; Ibn Maajah, no. 4329). And Allaah knows best.

We ask Allaah to admit us to Paradise and to keep us far away from the Fire. May He bless us with the highest Firdaws, for He is the One Who is Able to do that. Praise be to Allaah the Lord of the Worlds.

Islam Q&A (


Those with Yusuf Ali's Quran should read Appendix XII starting on page 1464. It gives a very nice and detailed yet concise explanation.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 19:19:32
assalaamu alaikum

I heard a talk by Sh. Salim al-Amry in which he mentioned as a side point that only the men will have hoori wives in the Hereafter.

I don't want to go into too detail here, but there are numerous references to the hoorul-een being *wives* of the men of Paradise. Now, what exactly is the benefit of having a spouse? I.e. are they there just to look at?  

There is a very nice article i have somewhere which discusses the hikmah behid why men are here and there mentioned as having plural wives in the Hereafter and why this is never the case with women. If i find it, i'll post it iA.

Wa Salaam
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/19/02 at 21:05:09
Eeeeeert!!Skeeeeert!180 degrees....

I withdraw my earlier statements that contend with any of that, and thank you brothers for correcting me.

Masha'Allah, what a reward for those who persevere!


Qamar Akbal Kaan
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/21/02 at 10:34:57
I hope no one minds a non-Muslim butting in on the conversation here, but I have been following the thread with curiosity, and have a couple of comments/questions.  Please forgive my ignorance if I ask and/or state the obvious.  But, it seems to me that the scholars are quite at odds with each other on this issue.  I don't see it to be an issue of central importance to Islam, so perhaps it doesn't matter that much (I could be wrong here, too).  Nonetheless, it seems to me difficult to reconcile the quotes given in the Islam Q&A article with what Yusuf Ali has written in his appendix XII.  (I had to jump ahead to read that one, so I know I am missing some context.  I have been reading the Ali translation, notes, intros, appendices and all, scribbling notes on the side, etc., so the going is a bit slow.)  The only way I see of reconciling the two (for me personally) is if the quotes attributed to the Prophet are also to be taken allegorically.  I would see no problem with this, as one could say that the Prophet was merely saying to those persons directly involved what they most needed to hear, in terms of encouragement or support.  The relevance remains for later believers, not in the literal words, but in the message therein, that Heaven is beautiful and great beyond our imaginations. (I do hope I am not offending anyone by posing such possibilities.  I was not raised in Islam, and I am just beginning my examination of it, so there is a lot I don't know.)  The problem I find with taking such passages literally is that they are distinctly gender biased, something which elsewhere in the Qur'an, I have found the language careful (or at least Ali's translation careful) to avoid.  I don't think there are very many women (myself included) who would find the notion that in Heaven, their husband is going to get a few more wives, very inviting.  While such a situation is definitely preferable to the Fire, it hardly seems Heavenly to them.  And even an assurance that in Heaven you will feel differently about it is small consolation here, when you distinctly do not feel differently about it.  In general, it has the guys going "Yippee!" and the gals going "Yeah, whatever", hardly a reaction that, for the gals, is going to spur them on to be better people or better Believers.  But that is just my personal reaction.

What makes sense to me, is that this type of issue is actually [i]meant[/i] to be interpreted a number of ways, depending on the needs and motivations of the individual.  This is because it seems reasonable to me that Allah is going to use what has been revealed in whatever way possible to draw people in.  And what better way to do that than meeting people where they are and touching them with what works most directly for them, individually.

Once again, I am new to studying this, so I do hope that I haven't offended anyone with this post.  If anyone does take issue, I would be glad to know with what in particular and why, so that I don't repeat the same mistakes.


Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/21/02 at 10:00:41


Abdullah Yusuf Ali is NOT a scholar.  The scholars being metioned above are what we refer to as "salaf" scholars, meaning of an earlier age.  These scholars, being neraest in time to Muhammed (SAW), are deemed to have the best understanding of the Quran.

In answer to the first question : what is the big deal ?  We make so many sacrifices in this world, do you not think  that it's going to be BIG payback time in Jannah ?  I'm not ashamed of such a thing, in fact I look forward to it, and also to the other joys in Jannah.  If Jannah was not so enticing, and Jahannam not so terrifying, I - for one - would not do half the things I do.  Read Surah Ar Rahaman to further get an undertsanding of this, especially the ayat : "Is not the reward for doing good itself good ?".

Ah, Allah, I beg you for you Jannah, Ameen.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/21/02 at 15:01:58


I think you have some serious perception :)

Check out jannah's response to this q [url=]here[/url]

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/21/02 at 18:51:56
[quote]The scholars being metioned above are what we refer to as "salaf" scholars, meaning of an earlier age.  These scholars, being neraest in time to Muhammed (SAW), are deemed to have the best understanding of the Quran.[/quote]Which scholar above is from among the salaf??
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/22/02 at 07:19:34

I thought Qurtubi, Tabari and Ibn Katheer are all considered salaf ? Please correct me if I am wrong.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/22/02 at 15:13:11
Salam :)

Dawn, you have incredible insight, I hope to learn more from you in the future :)

I just have one comment about:
[quote]saying to those persons directly involved what they most needed to hear, in terms of encouragement or support[/quote]

This is dangerous, to open the doors of metaphor, because then you will be left with nothing.  Its opening pandora's box.  Now you have people who look at the Bible, and see many errors yet say that it is metaphor and that somehow makes it all better.  For Muslims, the Qur'an is 100% truth, every word.  Its from God.  No one has changed a letter since it was revealed.  If you open this door, you'll have people who say that prophethood is a metaphor, angels are metaphor, and eventually, God is a metaphor, may He be exalted from such ignorance.

Whenever we are dealing with questions about the Unseen, we should keep just that in mind, it is, by definition "Unseen".  We cannot and will never be able to fully understand the Unseen, because Allah Most Kind has not given us the ability to do so in this world.  We can only acheive levels of closeness to meaning.  Undoubtedly, scholars will differ in opinion on the subject, with respect to their understandings and inclinations.  

A couple important points.  Linguistically speaking, the Qur'an uses the mausculine form to refer to both males and females.  This used to be the case in English as well.  This does not in any way preclude these verses from applying to women, by consensus of the scholars.  When the feminine is mentioned seperately, it is for emphasis, as in the hadith "Seeking knowledge is mandatory on every male and female Muslim."

The presence of pure beautiful mates in Heaven applies for both male and female.  The highest pleasure we know here is with our mates. What we might say is that what we know of pleasure and pain in this world is foreshadowing what we will experience during our Eternal after-lives.  God gave us spouses, azwaaj, "to dwell in tranquility" with them.  Which is what we will do in Jannah, inshaAllah.  And the word Allah uses in the Qur'an for the mates in Jannah is also azwaaj.  The intimate act shared between a husband and wife is also considered a foreshadowing of the pleasure of paradise.

Its not good to over analyze things.  Some people ask, "Was that ant that spoke to Soloman male or female?" :)  Don't expect to be given all of knowledge overnight, and keep things in perspective.

Also, the hadith says "Do not contemplate the essence of Allah, but contemplate His Attributes."  I would say that this is good advice for any of the elements of the Unseen.  Its hard to figure out what the essence of material things is!  Not to talk about the Unseen world.  Contemplate the pleasure of Jannah.  And how to attain it.  

Now, what is the highest pleasure in Jannah?  Seeing God, Most High, Most Kind, Most Generous.  :)

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/22/02 at 14:24:07
Bismillah and salam,

I just have a few comments.

-There is no evidence from Quran or hadeeth that the lucky ones in jannah other than the shaheed will get more than two hoor eyn.

-If a hadeeth or an aya specifies a man or a woman in it, then that is who is targeted, if it is not specified then it applies to both.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/22/02 at 14:30:07
I just have one comment about:

saying to those persons directly involved what they most needed to hear, in terms of encouragement or support

This is dangerous, to open the doors of metaphor, because then you will be left with nothing.  Its opening pandora's box.  Now you have people who look at the Bible, and see many errors yet say that it is metaphor and that somehow makes it all better.  For Muslims, the Qur'an is 100% truth, every word.  Its from God.  No one has changed a letter since it was revealed.  If you open this door, you'll have people who say that prophets are metaphor, angels are metaphor, and eventually, God is a metaphor, may He be exalted from that.

I am sorry if it sounded like I was referring to the Qur'an in the above statement.  I was referring to the quotes given in the Islam Q&A article, which are not Qur'an, but are considered Sunnah, I believe?  (Someone inform me here please: where are they from?)  The Qur'an (at least what I have read so far) does not mention additional wives or sex, as far as Jannah is concerned, so there is no issue there.  So, perhaps I was opening Pandora's Box (thanks for the good analogy!), but for the additional "literature" (since I don't know where the quotes are to be found or what that would be called, I will call it that).  

Whenever we are dealing with questions about the Unseen, we should keep just that in mind, it is, by definition "Unseen".  We cannot and will never be able to fully understand the Unseen, because Allah Most Kind has not given us the ability to do so in this world.  We can only acheive levels of closeness to meaning.  Undoubtedly, scholars will differ in opinion on the subject, with respect to their understandings and inclinations.  
I agree entirely.  I just think that Allah will expect us to do the best we can with what understanding we have been given, and to always seek to further that understanding, insofar as we are capable.

Just one last question. What are shaheed?
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/22/02 at 15:24:10
A Shaheed is someone who gives away his life in the Cause of Allah, and whose act of doing so is accepted by Him.**

There is no accountability for the Shaheed on the Day of Reckoning, and there's a great reward for the Shaheed in the Afterlife.

** Some people can kill themselves, *believing* that they are doing it for the cause of Allah.  However, in reality, they are doing something absolutely forbidden (for example, the perpetrators of Sep. 11, if they were indeed Muslims).  In such a case, the person is not a Shaheed, and he will get what he deserves from Allah in the Afterlife.  There is a saying of the Prophet (pbuh) which says that we should not call a person "shaheed" after he dies (apparently in His Cause), because we don't know for sure whether of not the person was given that status by Allah.  The only exceptions to this are those about whom the Prophet (pbuh) himself told us that they were among the Shuhadaa (pl. Shaheed).

And Allah knows best.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/22/02 at 19:19:53
assalaamu alaikum

Actually, i'm sure that there is a hadith in which the Prophet said that if a martyr betrayed a trust given to him, he would be hauled up to account for that.

Wa Salaam
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/22/02 at 22:38:43

According to these ahadith the martyr will be accountable for their unpaid debt.

All the sins of a Shahid (martyr) are forgiven except debt.
(Muslim, Book 020, Number 4649)

Death in the way of Allah blots out everything except debt.
(Muslim, Book 020, Number 4650)

w'Allahu A3lam..
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/23/02 at 13:30:35

I just learned this today, a mother who dies during childbirth is a shaheeda.  

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/23/02 at 13:43:33
asalamu alaikum,

actually the way I saw it was that if a muslimah dies giving birth to a muslim (which we all are by nature), THEN she is given shaheeda status. asalamu alaikum. abdullah,.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/24/02 at 20:48:18
Bismillah and salam
is this the whole hadeeth? I was so sure it had a second part where it says that unless they planned on paying it back, then Allah  pays it back. Perhaps it is another one, or i am mistaken.
Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/24/02 at 20:53:29

I just learned this today, a mother who dies during childbirth is a shaheeda.  

Here are a few more taken from fiqh-us-sunnah.

Fiqh-us-Sunnah Volume 4 number 28
The Martyrs whose Bodies must be Washed and for whom Funeral Prayer must be Performed
Those who are not killed in a battle by disbelievers, though they may be regarded as martyrs in Islamic law, should be washed and funeral prayer said for them.
The bodies of such martyrs, during the Prophet's time, were washed. Later on Muslims, during the days of 'Umar, 'Uthman, and 'Ali, continued this practice (washing the bodies of such martyrs). We give below details about these martyrs.
Jabir ibn 'Utaik reported that Allah's Messenger said: "There are seven kinds of martyrs besides those killed in the cause of Allah:
1.      a person who is killed in an epidemic,
2.      a person who is drowned,
3.      a person who has bed sores that cause fever and a bad cough resulting in his death,
4.      a person who dies of a stomach disease,
5.      a person who dies in a fire,
6.      a person who dies under falling debris (in a disaster), and
7.      a woman who dies during childbirth." Ahmad, Abu Daw'ud and Nasa'i report this hadith based on sound authority.
Abu Hurairah reported that Allah's Messenger, peace be upon him, asked: "Who do you consider to be a martyr?" They said: "O Allah's Prophet, he who is killed fighting for the cause of Allah." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "(If this is so) then very few in my community will be martyrs! " They asked: "Who else are they, O Allah's Messenger?" He said: "He who is killed fighting for Allah's cause is a martyr, he who dies in the cause of Allah is a martyr, he who dies in an epidemic is a martyr, he who dies from a stomach disease is a martyr, and the one who dies of drowning is (also) a martyr." This hadith is narrated by Muslim.
Sa'id ibn Zaid reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "He who is killed while guarding his property is a martyr, he who is killed while defending himself is a martyr, and he who is killed defending his religion is a martyr, and he who dies protecting his family is (also) a martyr." This hadith is narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi. The latter considers it a sound hadith.

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/30/02 at 19:28:31

I have found in many instances, looking at the word closely does

speaking, some insight.

Now the word huri (hur or huri,singular), are both derived from the  
word "hoor" or

"hour". And this indicates that the same word was used for Jesus'
(peace be upon him)

disciples.(al-hawariyyun, plural..). So a houri could be male or female
in this case.

And as we are told by Sardar, these houris derive their name from the
eyes of gazelles,

personify beauty and innocence having never cast their gaze on sin.
They only utter one

word:Peace, peace..

So, it is about purity; it is not about anything that relates to the
bestial elements of

this world. Yet the description given of the huri are indeed sensual -
youthful virgin

females with large dark eyes, white skin, and a pliant character.

This description seems to be symbolic indication of the pleasures of

After the Makkan period, the Qur'an never uses the term huri again to
depict the

companions in Paradise.  'For those who keep from evil, with their Lord
are Gardens

underneath which rivers flow, and pure azwaj and contentment from
Allah.' (3:15).

Now this is interesting development as it indicates spiritual
development; that of the

desire of houris to the contentment from Allah.

So what is your incentive for aspiring for the truth..

Re: Virgins in Heaven
01/30/02 at 20:56:33

as salaamu alaykum,

Anonymous, what you've said is in line with Muhammad Asad's opinion on this issue, which was discussed a little bit before [url=]here[/url].

As was mentioned, this is not the opinion of the majority of the scholars, but it is an opinion that's out there.

wAllahu a'lam.

wasalaamu alaykum wa rahmatAllah.

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