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Speaking About Allah (SWT) Without Knowledge

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Speaking About Allah (SWT) Without Knowledge
10/10/03 at 22:43:28

Speaking About Allah (swt) Without Knowledge
Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo
Transcribed from tape "Usool at-Tafseer" (1/12)


(...) Al-Qurtubee in his tafseer, he talks about such people who say when
they read the Quraan in my mind this comes to my mind, or my heart tells me
this, and he concludes who reads the Quraan and says, "ask your heart" or
"my heart tells me," and so forth, they are speaking about Allaah without
knowledge ('ilm), which, as we will talk about, one of the greatest sins
that we could commit, and that they are actually from zanaadiqa, those who
have nothing to do with Islaam, and he said they should be killed as
apostates (murtadeen). (...)

When you go to the Quraan and you read a verse from the Quraan and you
explain that verse without having the proper knowledge, without following
the proper methodology, you might be and only Allaah swt knows, actually
following your own hawaa, following your own desires, you might be following
an inspiration from the Shaytaan, you might be following dhann (conjecture),
which Allaah swt speaks about in many places in the Qur'aan, or it might
actually be some kind of inspirataion from Allaah swt, but most likely it is
not the last case. And why is it not the last case? Because as we will talk
about it later, you did not follow the proper methodology of talking about
the Qur'aan and if you did not follow a proper methodology of talking about
the Quran, then you have committed a sin already. Just by talking about the
Quraan, without proper knowledge, by giving interpretation of the Quraan,
without proper knowledge, without proper background, without being qualified
to do so, then you've already committed a sin. And since you are commiting a
sin, it is very unlikely in most cases that Allaah swt will bless you
through that sin to give you the right interpretation of the Quran.

When you say that Allaah swt means this or Allaah swt means that in a
specific verse, you are actually speaking or saying something on behalf of
Allaah swt, you are actually speaking about Allaah swt, and if you are
speaking without knowledge, without 'ilm, this is one of the greatest sins
that you could commit.

In fact, Ibn ul Qayyim said that it is the greatest sin. Ibn ul Qayyim said
that speaking about Allaah swt without `ilm is the greatest sin that you
could commit. He bases it on this verse:

"Qul innamaa 7arrama Rabbi-l-fawaa7isha maa DHahara minhaa wa maa baTan,
wal-ithma wal-baghya bi ghayri-l-7aqq, wa an tushrikoo bi-Llaahi maa lam
yunazzil bihi sulTaanaa, wa an taqoolo 3ala-l-Laahi maa laa ta3lamoon."

"Say: The things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are al-Fawaahishah (great
evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.), whether
committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppession,
joining partners (in worship) with Allaah for which He has given no
authority and saying things about Allaah of which you have no knowledge."
[The Noble Qur'aan, 7:33]

In discussing this verse, he says, first of all there are some sins which
are haraam li-dhaatihi, forbidden due to their own evil nature, and (others
which are) haraam li ghairihi, which are forbidden because they lead to some
evil or have some evil in them.

And he said with respect to this verse, all of these four, they are haraam
in dhaatihi, they are haraam in their own essence, because of the evil in
them. Continuing his discussion, he said that Allaah swt first mentions
al-fawaahishah, and he says this is the least of the sins that He mentions,
after that He mentions the sins of transpasses against the truth; this is a
greater sin that the first one that Allaah mentioned.

And then He mentioned making shirk, and finally He mentioned saying things
about Allaah swt of which you have no knowledge. He is saying that Allaah
swt is going from from the lesser to the greater. And the reason he says is
that this last sin of saying about Allaah swt without 'ilm, which is
actually what you do when you make tafseer without the proper background,
without the proper methodology, he says it involves and it includes many
things even more than what commiting shirk involves. He says it involves and
it includes:

ascribing something falsely to Allaah swt
changing or altering the religion of Allaah swt
denying what He has confirmed or
confirming what He has denied,
affirming something declaring false or
declaring something false as true, and it also includes
supporting something that Allaah swt dislikes or opposes,
supporting something that Allaah swt dislikes or opposes, and
liking something that Allaah swt dislikes.

In other words, when you are speaking without 'ilm, in the religion, in
things which are related to the religion, then in fact you are changing the
religion of Allaah swt. And in fact, if you continue what he wrote - this is
right from "Madaarij us Saalikeen", 1:372-3 - you find that in fact speaking
without `ilm is actually the real source of all kufr and shirk.

He said, for example, the polytheists claim what they are worshipping
instead of Allaah swt was something to take them closer to Allaah swt, so
the cause of their shirk was saying something about Allaah swt without `ilm,
something they did not know about Allaah swt.

Similarly today, the greatest kufr that we have nowadays, among Muslims, but
especially among non-Muslims, is secularism and the basis for that is saying
that Allaah swt doesn't really care about what we do in worldly affairs, or
hasn't really given us guidance for worldly affairs, or the Deen that He
sent is not meant for daily affairs; all of this is speaking about Allaah
without knowledge.

So in fact, it is one of the greatest sins, and Ibn ul Qayyim even included
that it is in fact the greatest sin. And he also mentioned that every
bid'ah, every innovation, also is based on some statement that has no
support from the Qur'aan and Sunnah, in other words every bid`ah also is
based on some statement which is actually made without `ilm.

To think about this point even further, about just going to the Qur'aan, and
saying, I am a believer I am pious, I can go to the Qur'aan, and read the
Qur'aan, and get its own meaning, if there was any people in the history of
mankind who could have said that - maybe we could accept this from them -
would be the Companions of the Prophet saws, for many reasons:

They witnessed the revelation of the Quraan itself,
they witnessed the events it was referring to, they were living the events
that it was referring to,
the Quran was revealed in their language, the language of their time,
Allaah swt chose them to be the Companions of the Prophet saws,
and he described them as the best generation.

So if anyone could actually make that claim that he has such a pure heart
and such a close relationship to Allaah swt or such a good understanding of
Islaam, that he can go to the Quraan and interpret the Quraan simply by what
his heart tells him or what they used to call ra'ee (personal opinion) -
after the Soofees it became "What the heart tells you," but originally it
was called ra'ee or personal opinion, it would be the Sahaaba, but if we go
to the Sahaaba we see that what they understood and what they learned from
the Prophet saws in fact is the complete opposite. What they learned is that
it is absolutely forbidden to speak about the Quraan without proper

And they made such statements. For example, Aboo Bakr one time said, "What
earth would give me place to live and what sky would shade me if I should
speak about the Qur'aan with my opinion or by something I do not know." And
`Umar ibn al Khattaab, he also said, "Beware of using your opinion in
religious matters." And Ibn `Abbaas, the one who the Prophet saws made du`aa
for him to understand the Qur'aan, to get the understanding of the Deen, and
to be given by Allaah swt the ta`weel or the understanding of the Qur'aan,
he also said, "All that there is to follow and obey is the Book of Allaah
and the Sunnah of His Messenger. Whoever makes any statement after these two
according to his opinion, then I do not know if you'll find among his good
deeds or among his sins."

This is the style of Ibn `Abbaas, that he made in many statements. Meaning
that even if what you did was something good, looks like something good, you
will find it among your sins. And at-Tirmidhee, in his Sunan, he said it has
been related from some of the people of `ilm, people of knowledge, the
Sahaaba of the Prophet saws and others, that they that they were very strict
when it came to speaking about the Qur'aan without `ilm.

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