Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Made to Order: Brides and Grooms?

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Made to Order: Brides and Grooms?
12/23/03 at 05:24:10
I have an idea that can end the perennial marriage problem. Here it is: going
by the simple principle of demand and supply, if there is a demand for a particular kind
of product then the person who supplies it mints gold. In marriage terms, if there is a
demand for a particular type of guy/girl, the person who moulds oneself accordingly will
live happily ever after...right?
Of course marketing is all about creating a false demand for something that is already
being made, to paraphrase a charachter in Erich Segal's book Oliver's Story, "if you say
shit is in everyone buys manure...."
So keeping this in mind could everyone please take this exclusive Madina survey:Please
rate the Top 3 qualities you'd want in a prospective husband /wife.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please don't be dishonest. If good looks or good money is important to
you, please rate them im correct order of importance instead of BSing and saying the
correct thing that "deen" and "charachter" etc are important, if they're really not. Looking
forward to all your replies. Stay tuned for the survey results and happy polling.
Re: Made to Order: Brides and Grooms?
12/23/03 at 06:05:37

[quote author=Anonymous link=board=madrasa;num=1072175051;start=0#0 date=12/23/03 at 05:24:10]I have an idea that can end the perennial marriage problem. Here it is: going
by the simple principle of demand and supply.[/quote]

Top 3? but that wont ever be enough!!! Remember that thread about what, like 100 questions!!! Anyhow, we'll know a bit about the demand (we already know alot about that dont we!) but what about the supply?

Speaking of supply..... sorry coz its a lil open but if it could help someone then nvm being open! Actually I have two friends who are studying in houston (MS in computers), both are 26 (+ a couple months old... why were all my friends older than me!!). I've studied with them at uni for about 3 years and know them quite well, so i kinda know what i'm doing (if you know what i mean).

One of them is a 6 feet tall Muslim Michael Douglas :P other one is 5'7 and is 'fluffy' (this guy can make you laugh to death, u wont know that hes desi unless he tells u!!). Here is something that matters... both of them have good islamic values but unfortunately none of them is bearded. The taller one is mashaAllah execellent in studies and is working there part time with a Software House (in J2EE), so inshaAllah by the time he completes his studies a full time job is waiting for him.

Reason i'm being this much open is that i believe Muslims with good islamic values deserve each other, i'll be happy to talk to them and correspondence from any sister can be done through sis Kathy. Their families (paki) have come up with some proposals (from abroad) but they still are free as birds (heh).

If you know any sisters from your real life contacts then Allah willing some initiative can be taken. From the stats it looks like people should start looking from 20 if not less!

12/23/03 at 06:17:25
Re: Made to Order: Brides and Grooms?
12/23/03 at 13:57:16
No takers yet, well I'll be brave and take the plunge...maybe I'll have beginner's luck since this is my first post and my first day on the board......Lets see........

1. Good education (preferably deen and duniya in that order)
2. Strong and stable attitude towards life (wouldn't want a wimp)
3. Healthy eating habits (these things rub off on the spouse)

Anyone else?
Re: Made to Order: Brides and Grooms?
12/24/03 at 05:21:25
slm brother, I noticed you ducked the issue and went off at a tangent...

I'm serious about this...

just a rating of Top 3 would be fine and I'd be grateful if all the Madina citizens and
lurkers would please pitch in..I've often heard ppl cribbing about the lack of scientific
surveys in this area, so I thought we'd make it a first inshallah...

Just a few minutes of your time and a few inches of cyberspace, is that too much to ask
in the interests of Science and the Unmarried Muslim Masses?
Re: Made to Order: Brides and Grooms?
12/24/03 at 20:29:48

I'm not looking to get married since I'm only 14  :). But inshaAllah this is what I think is most important.

1. Deen. If he is very religous, then together we could become better Muslims.

2. Personality. This is very important in a person. I have seen people who are beautiful on the outside but their personalities would be horrible. No matter how handsome the person is, I don't think I could spend the rest of my life with someone with a bad personality. This includes a sense of humor.

3. Ambitious. He's gotta want to do things with his life and make things better. I like to set goals (sometimes hard ones) and can't stand someone who doesn't want to improve or make a difference and is like "uhhhh whatever dude." Even if you can't always meet your goals, it's important to have some that you are trying to meet.

Most people think looks are important and they kinda are, but to me, if you have a beautiful personality and are wearing a smile then your personality shines through and you are a beautiful person. Beauty isn't just looks, it's
having that something that makes people want to be around you. The personality, the sense of humor and other qualities make up beauty.

But that's just my opinion.

I'm still modifying this.

I was reading over this and I realized that I left out other important qualities such as honesty and kids. I love kids and it would be hard for me to marry someone who didn't love kids as well.........Nomi's right, 3 qualities is not enough!

Doha  :-)
12/24/03 at 20:37:27

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