Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Harry Potter and the American Muslims, Part 1

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

Harry Potter and the American Muslims, Part 1
02/29/04 at 01:04:07
Harry Potter and the American Muslims, Part 1

by Rami Mahmoud Elsawah
For many, many Muslims in America…there is…as a friend once put it…a Jahilaya period, a period of Ignorance. What do I mean by this? Well, there are two points in your life when a person becomes a Muslim. The first is when he is born...the second is when he begins to truly accept the path that Islam and the teachings of Muhammed, peace and blessing be upon him, give us. When you go from being raised a Muslim to becoming a true believer.

Of course for everyone this level of Jahilaya, so to speak, was different. For some…it was until they first put on that Hijab that they began to turn back to Islam. It might have been when that brother decided grow his beard…for others it was when they started memorizing Qu’ran on their own…or listening to lectures and tapes in the car…you know what I’m talking about. It may have been high school, college, or when you got married when you decided to rediscover your Islam…but you did…or are trying to…otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this on HidayaOnline would you? If you did some bad things during that time…or still are…don’t worry. As long as you have faith in Allah and keep pushing forward in your efforts you will get their Insha Allah. Read carefully the verses after ayat Al-Kursi from now on…
“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: Whoever rejects Tagut and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.” (Qu’ran 2: 256)

We must ask ourselves, how exactly do things get as bad as they do so often for Muslims here in America? We can blame ourselves…but for the time being I will do as humans do best…blame it on other things…just for now. For many of us, before there were full-time Islamic schools in America, we went through the torment of the public school system. I remember during Ramadan in the 9th grade I wore a Kufi to school and people asked me if I was Jewish (Just to show you the level of disinformation about Islam in America). My friends didn’t understand a thing about Islam…so consequently Islam was never brought up as a topic of great importance in conversation …so your level of Eman begins to silently drift away…and you become more and more “Americanized” as most of our parents if they are foreign, would put it. You’re still Muslim, you still have that Qu’ran memorized, your knowledge of Islam is still there…but you just don’t see the need to use it so often anymore, your mind is occupied with other, more day-to-day things. You become a tree with deeply set roots and stunted growth. You have long branches with no leaves…and a kid is carving something juvenile into you bark…It’s a perpetual winter for this tree.

Other last minute blaming:

continued at [url=]Hidaya[/url]

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