Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Star Trek: The Madinat Al-Muslimeen Generation

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Star Trek: The Madinat Al-Muslimeen Generation
04/07/04 at 19:54:12

In light of it all.  I think some of you might remember this from way back when.  Just in case you don't or for the is the first scene and an introduction of the crew.  Add more and help finish this series.  Enjoy....

MMG crew of the Starship Madina in descending rank:

Captain Jannah:  Captain
Commander Bhaloo: 1st Commanding Officer, Captain’s right hand man “Number 1”
Counselor Trust Worthy: Lieutenant Commander, 2nd Commanding Officer and ship’s counselor
Timbuktu: Starship Madina Ambassador
Bro Hanif: Analytical Officer
BrKhalid: Chief of Security Officer
Abu Hamza: Chief Engineer Officer
Bulwark:  Operations Officer
Mystic: Morale Officer
Kathy: Chief Medical Officer
superFOB: Medic Officer
Ensign Se7en: Pilot
Ensign Nomi: Pilot
WhiteSamoli: Canadian, internship
Re: Star Trek: The Madinat Al-Muslimeen Generation
04/07/04 at 19:54:57
[Scene one.  Act one. Aaaaaand ACTION!]

Counselor’s Log: Star date: 1424 Jumada Al-Awwal 11, 0606 hundred hours.

This is ship’s counselor: Lieutenant Commander, Trust Worthy, of the Starship Madina.  We are on our way to the KarachiPak Galaxy to pick up a new Federation officer just graduated as an astounding and courageous pilot, Ensign Nomi who is also a relative of Madina’s own Analytical Officer, Bro Hanif.  On my way to start the day on the Bridge with Captain Jannah, I decided to stop by the Bebzi Stand to checkout the welcoming party in preparation for the Ensign’s arrival and I meet Officer superFOB at the doors.

Officer superFOB:  Mornin’ counselor. [Nods head and smile]
Counselor Trust:  Good morning to you super. [Nods back in politeness]

[Bebzi Stand doors slide open.]  We stopped at the door to watch in amusement at the clatter that was going on.  As we stand wide eyed, WhiteSamoli, a visiting alien from the planet Canadia, and ambitious to become a Madina officer, walked our way.

WhiteSamoli [using hand and body gestures as he speaks]:  Dis crib iz phat en da pahtie iz gonna be jammin inda niiii’ite. Lez git it goin ohn!  Aye yo bro? Kewl dew.  

WhiteSamoli walks away.

SuperFOB [raises left eyebrow in confusion]:  I still cannot understand a word he said.  I swear he needs a translator at his side at all times.  [Turns to me] What in the heck did he just say?
Counselor Trust [grins]: If I’m not mistaken, I think he said, “This place is great and the party is going to be a blast tonight.  I’m excited.  I can’t wait.  Officer super? I like what you did with your hair.”  But my telepathic powers tell me that he was thinking ‘Odd color, your hair. Stupid humanoids.’  So what did you do with your hair?
SuperFOB: Like it?  I added a chemical agent known as brighteous-showus.  It brings a glowing effect to my hair.  It’s for the party tonight.  I want to impress Ensign Nomi.  You know?  Show him that this ship isn’t full of dull humanoids.
Counselor Trust: Sure.  It’s interesting.  I’m sure you’ll make quite an impression.
SuperFOB: I’m going to see if I can help out.  See you tonight.
Counselor Trust: See you super.

I look around and found Bro Hanif looking out at the galaxy pondering about Ensign Nomi’s arrival.

Counselor Trust: Good morning officer.
Officer Bro Hanif: Hello Counselor.
Counselor Trust: Are you ok?
Bro Hanif: I’m sure you know the answer to that.
Counselor Trust:  It will help if you talk about it.
Bro Hanif:  I don’t know Counselor.  I’ve known Nomi since the day he was born.  Even at the Medic’s Facility, he was….ohhhh….how could I put it nicely?  He was a bit too exuberant.  I know he’s a good boy and he means well, but I just hope he doesn’t mess up around here.  
Counselor Trust:  You have no worries here Bro Hanif.  Ensign Nomi couldn’t ever possibly ruin your family’s name, only his own.
Bro Hanif:  You think so?
Counselor Trust: I know so.  You have quite a distinguished family and Nomi is part of that family.
Bro Hanif:  You’re right Counselor.  He is part of it and I’m sure he’ll do well here.  So are you coming tonight?
Counselor Trust: I wouldn’t miss it for the world.  Decorations looking superb.
Bro Hanif:  Thanks for the talk Counselor Trust.  See you tonight.
Counselor Trust:  Will do.

[I leave the Bebzi Stand and walk towards the bridge.]  On the way, I meet Commander Bhaloo, known to the Captain as Number 1.

Commander Bhaloo:  Have a good night Counselor?
Trust: Yes I did, thank you.
Commander Bhaloo:  Having a good morning?
Trust: Splendid and yourself?
Commander Bhaloo:  Couldn’t be better.

[Bridge door opens.]

Captain Jannah:  Glad to see that you two can join us on this delightful morning.

[The 3 of us sit down in our chairs.]

Counselor Trust: Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Captain.
Commander Bhaloo:  Neither would I, sir.
Captain Jannah:  If we’re to make it in time to pick up Ensign Nomi at the KarachiPak Galaxy, we’re going to have to go at warp speed. [Over the two way intercom] Abu Hamza, could you please send us to warp speed 2?
Officer Abu Hamza: Thrusters are a go, Captain.
Captain Jannah: Engage. [Points finger forward]

[We arrive hovering over Planet Karachi.]

Captain Jannah:  Welcoming committee?  Let’s go give our new member a warm welcome. [Clicks comm badge] Bro Hanif?  Are you ready to meet us at Transporter 1 to welcome the new Graduate?
Bro Hanif: Be right there Captain.
Captain Jannah [turns to Ensign Se7en at the pilot’s control]:  As soon as the teleport completes the transport of Ensign Nomi.  Take us out of orbit Se7en at Warp 3.
Se7en: Yes sir.

[We arrive at transporter 1.]

[Captain Jannah looking at Transporter Officer.]

Captain Jannah: Beam him up, Officer.
TO: I, I, Captain.

[Transporter phases in Ensign Nomi.]

Captain Jannah: Ensign Nomi.  Welcome to the….
Nomi [interrupts]: The Starship Madina.  Wow. [Looks around in amazement]  I have dreamed about this for a long time.  [Walks towards the Captain] You’re the infamous and beautiful Captain Jannah.  It’s so glad to finally meet you. [Salutes Captain in full stance] I’ve heard so many stories about you and your ship.  The great explorations and adventures.
Captain Jannah: Adventures?
Nomi:  It will be an enormous honor to be your pilot, Captain.  You must be Commander Bhaloo.  I’ve heard lots about you too always risking your life to save others.  And you, the beautiful Counselor Trust.  Part Betazoid, Humanoid, and Champa.  BrKhalid, the super warrior.  You could be my body guard any day.  Mystic, the other beauty of Madina known for her gentle soul.  And bhai Bhaloo, the whole family misses you, especially me.  It’s so good to be with you again [embraces Bhaloo].  It is a great privilege to be riding with you all.
Captain Jannah [laughing with delight]: Looks like he studied well.  I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful asset to our Starship.  Let’s all go to the Bebzi Stand and have a party.
Nomi: A party?  For moi?  I’m loving this already.

As we walk through the corridor towards the Bebzi Stand, the ship was hit by some unknown force and the yellow alert warning comes on. The Captain clicks the comm badge.

Captain Jannah:  Captain to the Bridge?  What’s going on?
Se7en: Captain, we’ve been hit by an unknown force.
Captain Jannah: On my way.  Sorry Ensign, looks like your party is going to have to wait.
Nomi:  No problem, Cap.  I’ll take adventures over parties any day.

[And Cut.]
Re: Star Trek: The Madinat Al-Muslimeen Generation
04/07/04 at 19:56:02
[Scene 2:  Aaaaaand Action!]

Bridge entrance open and we all take our stations.

Captain Jannah:  Status Bulwark?
Officer Bulwark:  Ship’s been hit by a shock wave coming from a super nova of a white dwarf 5 light years away.  We are at a halt within the interstellar matter.  Waiting for your command, sir.
Captain Jannah [clicks two way intercom]: How’s the ship standing Abu Hamza?
Abu Hamza:  Piece a’ cake, Captain.  Didn’t hurt us one bit.
Nomi [eyes wide open]:  Wow!  Inside a nova.  It’s beautiful.
Counselor Trust:  It is lovely.
Captain Jannah:  Great special affects for your arrival.  And for the next time you address me, address me as Captain.  There are no easy shortcuts as you will probably experience on your voyage with us.
Nomi: Yes sir!
Captain Jannah:  Let’s not delay your party any longer, Ensign.  Bulwark you have the Bridge.

We all proceed down the corridor to the Bebzi Stand.  At the Bebzi Stand, the doors slide open.

Nomi:  Huh?  Decorations look great, but for some reason I thought there’d be more people.
Captain [clicks the comm badge]: Bulwark? Check to see how many crew members are on board.
Bulwark: All 750 Captain.
Captain Jannah:  Any other life forms then the ones we can account for?
Bulwark: No sir.
Officer BrKhalid [takes out tricorder and scans area]: I’m not reading anything Captain.

Counselor Trust walks into the Bebzi Stand.

Captain Jannah: Trust?

Nomi quickly follows the Counselor into the Bebzi Stand and disappears before the Captain or Counselor Trust could stop him.

Bhaloo:  Nomi!? [Proceeds to step in when the Captain grabs his hand aggressively.]
Counselor Trust: Wait Bhaloo. [Motions right hand to stop him]  I do feel an odd presence in the room Captain.
Captain Jannah:  Computer?  Put Madina on red alert.  [Clicks comm badge] Bulwark? We have an intruder.  Shields up, but keep scanners running for any alien life form and let me know when you find something ASAP.
Bulwark:  Yes sir.
Counselor Trust:  Captain, the rest of the missing crew is here as well.
Bhaloo:  Including Nomi?
Counselor Trust: Including Nomi.
Captain Jannah:  Can you contact them Trust?

Counselor Trust walks closer to the window of the Bebzi Stand looking out at the interstellar matter.  She touches the window

Counselor Trust:  Captain?  They’re out there now.
Bulwark:  Bulwark to the Captain?  
Captain Jannah: Yes Bulwark.
Bulwark: There are 22 crew members missing and coincidentally their last traces were at the Bebzi Stand.
Captain Jannah:  It’s no coincidence.

The Captain proceeds to walk in.

Counselor Trust:  Captain?  Wait!  Don’t come in.  This is some kind of portal to the interstellar matter.  Once you walk through those doors, you will be transported to….out there.  I can’t contact them, but I can feel them.  I don’t know why I’m not affected.  [Turns and looks at the Captain.]

Captain Jannah:  Computer? Enforce a level 3 force field at the Bebzi Stand entrance allowing access to only Counselor Trust.
Computer: Acknowledged.
Captain Jannah:  Bulwark?  See if you can scan the interstellar matter and find our crew.
Bulwark:  Captain?
Captain Jannah:  You heard correctly and whatever or whomever you can get a lock on, transport them….
Counselor Trust:  To Sick Bay Captain and we need to hurry.
Captain Jannah:  To Sick Bay Bulwark.
Bulwark:  Yes sir.
Captain Jannah:  Counselor?  Try to contact anyone out there to let us know what the hell is going on and let them know that we are working frantically to get them back to Madina.  
Counselor Trust:  I will do my best.
Captain Jannah: BrKhalid?  Put your team on high alert.  Set phasers to stun and shoot anything that is out of the ordinary.
BrKhalid:  Yes sir.
Captain Jannah [clicks comm badge]:  Timbuktu?  Meet me at the Bridge, we are going to need your service shortly.
Officer Timbuktu:  On my way, Captain.
Captain Jannah:  Mystic?  You’re needed here to keep Counselor Trust company.
Officer Mystic: Yes sir.
Captain Jannah [clicks comm badge]:  Doctor Kathy?
Doctor Kathy: Yes Captain.
Captain Jannah:  We have 22 of the crew trapped in the interstellar matter.  When we can get a lock on them, they will be transported to Sick Bay.  Be prepared.
Doctor Kathy:  Understood.
Captain Jannah:  Number 1 and Bro Hanif?  Let’s go back to the Bridge.  I have a bad feeling about this.

The Captain, Bhaloo, and Bro Hanif briskly walks to the Bridge, they meet Timbuktu on the way.  At the Bridge, the doors slide open and the Captain, Bhaloo, Timbuktu, and Bro Hanif walks in.

Captain Jannah [turns towards Bulwark]:  Open transmission to the interstellar matter.  This is Captain Jannah from the USS Federation aboard the Starship Madina.  We come in peace, but we know you’ve abducted 22 of my crew.
Mystic:  Mystic to the Captain?
Captain Jannah:  Yes Mystic.
Mystic:  Trust has disappeared, Captain.  She just vanished from the Bebzi Stand.
Captain Jannah:  Stay where you are in case anything else happens in there.
Mystic:  Yes Captain.
Captain Jannah:  Correction, you have abducted 23 of my crew members. So if you are receiving this, be aware that I will do whatever needed to get my crew back.   End transmission.

[Mean time, the crew starts to reappear in the Bebzi Stand one by one.  They are all in a fetal position on the floor.  Mystic tries to walk in to help them.]

Mystic:  Computer?  Release the force field.
Computer:  Unable to comply.  Only the Captain and officers with level 3 access codes can release a level 3 force field.
Mystic [frustrated]:  Captain?
Captain Jannah:  Yes Mystic.
Mystic:  The crew is back in the Bebzi Stand but I can’t get to them through the force field and they look hurt.

[Captain Jannah looking at Bulwark]

Bulwark: Way ahead of you, Captain.
Captain Jannah:  We’re transporting them to Sick Bay, Mystic.  They’re going to need you there.
Mystic:  Understood Captain.
Captain Jannah:  Doctor Kathy?
Doctor Kathy:  Yes Captain.
Captain Jannah:  You should be receiving the crew about now.
Doctor Kathy:  All prepared, sir.
Captain Jannah:  Inform me immediately of anything you find.
Doctor Kathy:  I, I Captain.
Timbuktu:  I believe the alien has made a switch.  The lives of our 22 crew members for the life of our Counselor Trust.
Captain Jannah:  The hell it has.  Open transmission.  We come to you no harm.  Release my crew member and we will leave you at peace.  [Turns to Bulwark.]  Anything?

Bulwark shakes his head, no.

Captain Jannah:  Please.  At least let me talk to my crew.

[Receiving a static transmission from the interstellar matter.]

Counselor Trust:  Annnnnnyoooonnnne?  Hhhellllp meeee, pllleeeasse.

[And  Cut.]
Re: Star Trek: The Madinat Al-Muslimeen Generation
04/08/04 at 19:32:55
Impressive Sis Trustworthy...quite good.

Yet, a point to note Ensign Nomi has left the Starship Madina for good. He is in a distant galaxy not far away from here. Interstellar comms with him keep me informed that he is enjoying himself on a new mission.  I feel the force is strong in him...he has a good coach I hear nowadays...



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