Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


parents' responsibilities regarding children's mar

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parents' responsibilities regarding children's mar
05/10/04 at 01:22:35
[slm]  ;-) ;-) ;-) and  :-) :-) :-)

....another thread on marriage  ::)
There is plenty of material on the internet about how someone should go about looking for a spouse. However, I haven't been able to find anything on the role and responsibilities of parents with regard to helping their children find a suitable spouse.
What are the parents' responsibilities in helping their children look for a spouse from the Islamic perspective? In particular, how should parents go about carrying out "background checks" on a potential match?

Information about books and websites about this topic would be appreciated.

Jazakum Allahu Khairun
[slm] :-)
Re: parents' responsibilities regarding children's
05/10/04 at 02:19:10

I am as clueless as you and my son is 7 turning 8. But when the time comes for him to be married, I wanna choose his partner for him cos when I look at the girls around him, be it in school or at his madrasah, I got scared. Very scared.   :'(

A paranoid mom  ::)

PS Sis Rkhan..remember our chat about your girl and my son *hint hint*  :D
05/10/04 at 02:20:19
Re: parents' responsibilities regarding children's
05/19/04 at 01:06:43

...still waiting for replies.....
Re: parents' responsibilities regarding children's
05/19/04 at 04:58:41
[quote author=iman link=board=madrasa;num=1084162955;start=0#0 date=05/10/04 at 01:22:35]What are the parents' responsibilities in helping their children look for a spouse from the Islamic perspective? In particular, how should parents go about carrying out "background checks" on a potential match?[/quote]
Your post is a bit confusing. Are you asking "what" are the parents' responsibilities or are you asking "how" should they discharge those duties?

Re: parents' responsibilities regarding children's
05/19/04 at 09:44:32

Sis Iman, as far as I know (and I shore don't 'no much :'() there are no specific obligations of a Muslim parent in choosing spouse for their children.

Perhaps advising them on a suitable choice for their best interests could be a good idea.  
Although, arent people allowed to choose their own partners within Islamic parameters? This would suggest to me that parents serve an honorary position of advising and aiding their children to choose a prospective spouse, rather than any specific obligtions to do so.

I guess you could do "background checks" by getting information from middle parties (that know both your family and the prospective spouse's family) or other members of the community.  
I assume you mean to check their general background.  If you mean to check things like credit status, citizenship, criminal record, etc, you could find those out too, but the procedures to be taken in order to procure this information varies from country to country.

In any case you might want to peruse the articles on this website - [url=][/url]- (click the name) which seems quite informative.  Perhaps you can find something useful for your specific needs.


Re: parents' responsibilities regarding children's
05/19/04 at 23:23:26

[quote]Are you asking "what" are the parents' responsibilities or are you asking "how" should they discharge those duties?[/quote]

I'm asking how should they discharge those duties?

Jazakallah Br. Nadeem. Your post answered my question to a great extent.

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