Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Eeman so low & tired all the time?

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Eeman so low & tired all the time?
09/09/04 at 01:45:39
ssalam u alaikum

I am hoping for some words of advice if possible inshaAllah.

I have come to this point in my life where I am so confused about everything. I don't
really know how to begin to explain.

Recently I've become aware of things that have been happening in my family that I've
stupidly been blind to before. Little and big things that my family don't discuss with me and
I don't really ask much, probably to avoid being involved in the 'heavy' discussions.

I don't know if this has subconciously affected my work at college because I haven't done
as well as I know I could. I've deferred some work thinking I could get my head sorted,
which hasn't really happened. If I could I would want to repeat the whole year again, just
to prove to myself I can achieve something.

I also used to be involved in dawah but it just seem too much and I don't think I can
really contribute as much as I would like to.  I've also thought what's the point if I
cannot do simple things like prayers etc.
Its come to that stage where my eeman is so low and I don't really know what to do. I
feel useless as I don't really do much with my life. I am lazy and  I don't know where to
begin to turn my life round. I don't want to be this way.

My doctors say I'm depressed but how do I get out of this? I know if I work on my eeman
it would help but I can't even do that. I just feel so tired all the time. I don't know
where to begin. My mind is not thinking clearly so any advice would help.

Jazak Allah Khair
Walaikum assalam

A sister in need of advice and duas
Re: Eeman so low & tired all the time?
09/09/04 at 10:07:31
so many issues here,

sister, there is usually a time in one's life when one discovers things happening in one's family that one has been oblivious to, and that the family has been keeping from one. This particularly happens to those with a preoccupation, like studies, or maybe the family did not consider you to be grownup yet.

I felt this in my time and it hurt, but the truth is I was preoccupied, and my family did not to burden me with its problems. My son has complained of it, and again he has been so preoccupied. You ahve indicaed that you do not ask questions.

Don't take it to heart.

what are you confused about? what are your results in college that you want to repeat and waste a year? is there a particular profession you were interested in and your results are too poor to get admission?

one's worth isn't exactly measured in grades at college.

If your doctors say you tirednes due to depression, then they should be able to give medicine or other advice.

Feeling tired or lazy could be due to lack of exercise or vitamins or proper food. Look into your habits, and see if you can improve. A morning walk in a park does wonders.

and even if you are feeling tired or lazy, try not to miss the prayers. If nothing else, say them sitting, and ask for help from Allah (swt).

eemaan goes through highs and lows. Even the Sahaba (ra) felt these lows. You are in good company :)
09/09/04 at 10:14:29

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