Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to rest

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Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to rest
01/24/05 at 16:53:16
Brothers and sisters, I know many come across times of doubts
when they have changed their lives with choices, changes of ideas,
beliefs, etc
I have always been the type to read, research, explore and question.
I am a true seeker of any knowledge.
As a Christian I had doubts at times and also now as Muslim
I have doubts and concerns. Did I know all I needed to before my
decision? Did I do the right thing? Is God pleased with me?
Is God upset with me? Is he in my life? Is his back turned on me?
Am I truly on the right path?

I have come across some info about early Muslims being sort of pagens
and worshipping a moon god hubal? About the black rock just being a meteior, about how people prayed and worshiped it (before Muhammad came) out of ignorance.

I do not wish to offend anyone, please forgive me if I do.
I am just trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle of my beliefs together
for the final lovely picture.

Many cultures did weird stuff and worships before a wise man and / or prophet came to enlighten the people. Was this the case?
The split in the moon, why is this though of or looked at?
Our pray times, why at those times?

Any answers, insight and words of wisdom and encouragement
are most deeply appreciated.

01/24/05 at 19:22:06
Re: Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to res
01/24/05 at 19:27:05

The Moon god is an invention of ppl who hate islam and is a fabrication.
Hubal is an idol worshipped in preislamic times which was in the kaba. It was destroyed (along with the rest of the idols) when Muhammad [saw] Conquered Mecca.

Hubals relation to the moon is a story only spread by the non muslims as far as i could figure out.

There are sites on the internet whos sole purpose is to move new muslims and non muslims away from islam and they usually fabricate connections to put doubt in ppls minds. Sort of like trying to convince ppl that 2+2 is 8.

I suggest that when u do n e research, you get them from Muslim scholars. The way these 'islam haters' do it is to present fabrications as facts which can put serious doubts in the mind of n e  new muslim or non muslim......or even a weak muslim.

P.S I have no clue how they managed to connect Hubal to the moon god :P


A Muslim

01/24/05 at 19:29:50
Re: Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to res
01/24/05 at 19:47:15
Absolutely! This is the case with each of the Prophets. They were all sent to peoples who went astray.

Subhannah Allah, Prophet Muhammad  pbuh is often called a Mercy. Beause we were really going astray from the original teachings. Like worshipping idols around and in the Kabbah and all the other bizarre stuff that I have read about.

Remember when I told you that your life was going to become real hard? The moment you took shahadah you were delt many blows. The devil is whispering to you from all sides. He is trying to find your weak points.

Yes it is true people used to, and still do worship the moon. But we are told the real reasons for it and how to use it... properly.

Is the black stone a meterorite? Some say yes, others say it came from paradise. What matters is how we use it. The Sahabah have told us that it is just a rock, and the only reason some try to kiss it is because Prophet Muhammad pbuh did.  

As far as prayer times, my guess is that there is a divine reason. For my simple mind... seems like the prayers are scattered through out the day, avoiding times that would make it appear that we are sun worshipping.

There were times I wondered like you. What got me through it was Tawheed. There is only one god worthy of being worshipped and that is Allah swt.

No other religion comes close to it

So I just said to my self ~I am going to stick to this true monotheism. I don't understand alot, but I do know Allah swt will not abandon one who is reaching out to Him.

I also had to continously remind myself that Islam is Islam and not to judge it by the Muslims' behaviour.

Are you on the right path? Absolutely. Is your path filled with rocks and prickly thorns? Yep.  Sometimes I think Allah swt told us about so many Prophets was so that we can learn from thier struggles. As one sis said to me, Kathy you are not a prophet, not even close. So if Allah swt choose to test his choosen great Prophets, who were the best of people, what makes you think he won't test a person like you?

Don't worry about offending anyone. We have a great religion... you can't offend us by asking sincere questions.

Hold on to the rope of Allah swt... the rope is there, just grab hold.

01/24/05 at 19:50:41
Re: Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to res
01/24/05 at 20:13:10
[slm]Azizah there will no be a day everybody will be a muslem despite the proofs .There will always be a group against the other in faith each one of them thinking his way is right but there is only one fact which is the ISLAM the last testament,ISLAM is the religion came after Christianity as a extension but not as a new thing .Jesus(pbuh) and Mohammed(pbuh) were not different with different ideology each one with his own way seeking a follower his own way as political groups of today
They were sent for the same purpose from ALLAH not because ALLAH wants great number of people to obey him for his benefit but to avoid any  deluded justification to blame themselves if they miss the path they are obliged to follow

This fact (ISLAM )will remain as a permanent regulation the man kind is supposed to follow both with out calling Christians or Muslems

For instance, We can chose nationality but there is no a way to chose a religion after we chose nationality we can not also chose a sub nationality to shift from the hard part of regulations we don’t like in that same country . under this sense we can not say if a Christian is doing his religion well he can go to paradise and let also muslems ..etc

We are shown where Christianity has stopped to be continued by ISLAM
Then whay? to call Christians and muslems ?if they are the same in terms of messages from the same GOD provided  they are both taken correctly
If this is the truth ,then confusion in islam can not be solved in Christianity since an old version is not as the new one but Christianity confusion can be found in ISLAM as the latest version  

Ok now the question is where is that confusion icoming from
Why people are different in beliefs that can qualify them for paradise ?
To avoid any confusion of this type  there so simply a question to ask .is it because people made their own god naming it what ever such as hubal . ok then  .the moon is there and the GOD of the  moon (ALLAH) has sent us the QURAN  and we have it in our hand if Hubal claims to be god of the moon then let it show us where his book is
This gives us the answer the man made gods are just statue
so dont give a big care for what deluded pagans called god
Is the other confusion why there were arab pagans ?
Why should we be surprised at the old arab pagans ? because they were arabs and mohammed was from them and quran is in Arabic ? to invalidate this kind of confusion and surprise we can ask what is the difference between a pagan and non believer ?
May be the term is different but the consequence in their deeds is the same ,so they are the same
If they are the same, there  are still arab nonbelievers today so they are like pagans with the result of their deed in front of ALLAH,  thus there are still pagans even today
There are arabs with their extra ordinary pride as religious people even cross the mark to show how much they are scholars ,these type of people are mentioned as  sinners in the hereafter despite their good knowledge about their religion by misleading people with their exaggeration  or they can be anti islam forged  this should also not be a point we should concentrate on weather you are in the  right path or not

As for the black stone ,its just a stone ,but what is the wisdom with it ? it could be a metal piece or a bone etc but if people were commanded to pray to different directions wouldn’t there be a sign where those directions are? so there would still be a stone or metal piece more than one in different places
But what is the wisdom with being only one direction ? its because people would  make justification their direction is not fair suggestion from  ALLAH  

ALLAH cares no for the accuracy of our worship for his own advantage but it is for ourselves to learn accuracy from his commands so that we can use it in our daily life

that is why for example if someone loses  where the QUIBLA (direction of Kaiba) is he can pray to any direction ,if he is dying of hunger can eat pork meat ,, if thirsty can drink alcoholic drink if there is no other permitted options
these easing is clear the things that seem strict are just a  kind of training which are useful to our daily transactions  

Re: Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to res
01/24/05 at 20:21:16
This has information on the blackstone.

This black stone was there before prophet Muhammad  [saw] and it is said that it used to send salams to him. It is not effected by temprature. It floats. It is allowed by Allah on the day of Judgement to interceed for those who were sincere when they saw it. It marks the beginning of Tawaf and its end which is a great part of Hajj.  There are many other things like it is making a contract of faith, etc.

It is said part of the wisdom, is that it remains the only true part of the Ka'ba as build by Sayiduna Ibraheem a sign for all humanity to follow in the footsteps of our forefather. I have read also, that as Muslims we are entrusted with the religion, and we have made oaths by the shahada. We bear witness that we are Muslims and take the responsibility that comes with it. And so Allah allowed for us to have something that our physical "sense" can bear witness and ATTEST to our submitting to Allah. They tell hte people going to Hajj about the black stone: know that it is part of Allah's testing the spirit at the point to know the amount it accepts Allah on Earth, whether we understand it all or partially or non at all. Every part of that is present in your journey to Hajj, and it represents past, present and future. And so to come forward to this stone is nothing but our offering perfect submission to Allah.

"Many cultures did weird stuff and worships before a wise man and / or prophet came to enlighten the people. Was this the case?"
Yes the Arabs of the peninsula were lost and worshipping idols. Insha'Allah if you read a biographical account of Prophet Muhammad's life you will see the difference he made. This is why lots of people rejected saying "la ilaha illa Allah" they believed in Allah as creator, maintainer, sustainer,etc that is called tawheed al-uluhiya.

but they did a shirk of worshipping idols along with him. In Islam there is tawheed al-uboodiya that He alone you worshipl and make vows and supplicate to and know that He is the only one who decides what happens to you (benefit or harm) evne though there are reason, even from our own doing, but He ultimately is the decider of whether that happnes or not.

They knew the powerful meanings behind these words, how it would mean they have to change their way of life, the poor would have to stand right by the rich, they would not take away the rights of women, they would have to stop hurting others,etc. So they would reject pure religion and keep on following traditions based on desires and whims.

"The split in the moon, why is this though of or looked at? "
Can you explain your question pleaes?

"Our pray times, why at those times? "
There is a young scholar I read for him in Arabic and he wrote a very lengthy and interesting thing about why this is. In it he said one of the reason (i liked that part and hence remember it) that according to these times and the change of time across the globe that it is likely that all prayers all the time are being offered to Allah on Earth.

To me personally it just makes so much sense. This neighbor i had once were talking about the evils of smoking and she said it breaks up her day. When she finishes something she treats herself with cigarettes,etc. I said we do this with prayers. THey are far apart enough to be the best time to wake up and start the day, start it with spirtual and physical movements that are super invigorating, then in the middle of the busy day you stop and recharge and clear your head. THey say in science every two hours one should stop whatever they are doing. Nothing should be done longer than two hours. And it can give you better health to take 5 minutes of meditation. I thnk prayers are like that. By afternoon (Asr) you reconnect with God and ask forgiveness for whatever mistakes intentional or not, and ask for help for whatever you need. Maghrib the whole family time after prayers is big in most Muslims. they get together and get the heart to heart talks. Isha to calm you down before bedtime. I think it makes sense.
01/24/05 at 20:48:32
Re: Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to res
01/24/05 at 23:16:19

Azizah, don't be afraid or ashamed to ask your questions.  The questions you asked are the kinds of questions that I had encountered when I had encountered some christian missionaries that were trying to mislead and deceive Muslims.  These people have a disease in their hearts and mind and are a cancer on society.  Rest assured that there are a lot of books and articles in GREAT detail that have answered these people.

With regard to Allah being some sort of moon god, aoozibillah, it should be noted that the Bible in the Arabic language refers to God as Allah.

Here is a detailed response to this false moon god claim.

Re: Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to res
01/29/05 at 02:43:10
Thank you all for the replies, I so much appreciate them
Amatullah and Bhaloo thank you both for the informative web sites.
I read them the other day and tonight plan to go back and read
them again. Sometimes reading something more than once helps one
digest things more.

Bro Timbuktu, I also saw your post on the other board (mecca one)
Thank you.
Re: Help me pls, to put my fears and doubts to res
02/16/05 at 07:43:05

this is an invention by dr something morey.  he claimed it to be his great discovery.  however, he is a big time rabid evangelical christian missionary.  so you can imagine what the purpose of his ludicrous claim is.

moral:  beware of evangelical propaganda.  

02/16/05 at 07:45:24

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