Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Black Magic?

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

Black Magic?
03/24/05 at 18:56:39

Hope everyone is in the best of health inshaAllah. I have been very disturbed lately so I
thought I would share it here. 2 years ago my mother went to visit our home country
Pakistan and stayed there for 2 months and came back. When she came back she started having a
lot of muscle pains around her back and right arm. Then all of a sudden it became so bad
and unbearable that she had to be rushed to the hospital where they drugged her and told
her she has a slipped disc in her back and she should have surgery. They couldn't figure
out how it happened cuz she hasn't been in any kind of accidents or anything and her
normal activities didn't seem like such an extreme thing could happen from them. Anyways she
had her surgery and has never been the same, to this day she still aches all over, her
back and muscles are a mess, she goes for physical therapy and it doesn't help at all.
about 2 weeks ago they discovered she has developed arthritis in her spinal cord.

Lately we had found out one if my cousin living in another country has had some kind of
black magic done on her, she had been acting strange lately and in many accounts have been
found trying to hurt herself, like strangling herself, and stabbing her hand with a knife
and later on not remembering anything. Her mom has taken her to someone in Pakistan who
has said she has had some magic done on her. Her mom gave names of everyone in our family
and he has told that my mother and I also have some kind of black magic put on us. We
found out about the magic stuff a week ago.

I am so confused, because ever since I found this out a lot of things have been falling
into place. I don't know how to explain this without sounding looney, but I have always
been able to sense when something wrong is going on or is about to happen, or if there is
such an unseen thing passing by I can sense it. I got married 8 years ago, in Pakistan,
and stayed in Pakistan for about a year before I returned to US. That year that I stayed I
had a lot of wierd things happen to me. I saw shadows passing by my room and always
thought, oh it must be a dream. I remember very well, one time I had a dream there, that some
shadow shaped like a person has its hand on the back of my neck and I am trying so hard
to turn around to see who it is but I can't budge. That dream stayed in my  memory for
some reason, I never forgot that dream. Now for the past month I have developed the same
type of pain in my back and shoulders, and the back of my neck like my mother's. The back of
my neck hurts like something is broken, its so bad. I went to the dr and he has some more
tests lined up for me, but its seems strange that the same things are starting to happen
to me now that happened to my mom and I dont think what my mom had/has is contagious.
Before I got married I used to be so lively and always jumping around, loved to watch horror
movies, loved getting dressed up, jewelry and all that stuff. A couple of months after I
got married, I stopped wearing jewelry, I hardly ever dress up nice anymore which my
husband always complains about. I became so scared of everything. Before I got married I used
to sleep with all lights closed and door closed with the blanket over my head. After I
got married I started sleeping with ALL of the lights open, door open and if I put the
blanket over my head I feel like I will suffocate. Its just all wierd and I don't know what
to beleive and what not to. My cousin's mom has emailed some duas that should be read and
blown over water and have my mom and me drink that water. My grandmother has done so but
i can;t get myself to drink it unless I know for sure what is going on.

I didnt want to make this too long and boring but i guess i already have, sorry about
that. i really hope some of yous will reply as to what I sould do. JazakAllah in advance.

Re: Black Magic?
03/29/05 at 09:14:11

I am not sure about other countries but black magic is becoming pretty common in Pakistan. People do it out of hate or jealousy but for whatever reason they do it, it is certainly not allowed in Islam. I think you should go see your Imam and see what he suggests or maybe know someone who can help you and your mom out. I think there are certain ayahs and surahs u can read for it. You really need to go see a shiekh or Imam for it and they can tell you what you should do. You and your mother are in my prayers, i hope things get better for both of you and your family inshaAllah. Take care sister.

Re: Black Magic?
03/29/05 at 12:00:44
as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,

I hope in Allah that everything is going well with you and your family.

Subhan'Allah, I had an experience VERY similar to the one you described.  It was after my husband had already left for work, and it was in the early morning hours.. I was in this kind of hazy state, with the sun warming the bed through the window.. I was in and out of sleep.. and then I saw some.. thing.. move next to the bed, at the periphery of my vision, and then behind me (I was sleeping on my side).  I wanted to turn around.. but at the same time I didn't want to turn around, out of fear that the thing behind me would be something horrible.  I tried to move, and I couldn't move at all; I tried to scream, I couldn't scream.  I felt that this thing behind me was holding me down and forcing me still.  It was sooo sooo scary.  I started making duaa like crazy, reciting Quran to myself, and reminding myself that no evil or harm can come to me except with the permission of Allah...  Finally after what seemed like a loong time, I was able to move.

This was the first time anything like this had happened to me, so trust me, I was straight up freaked out.  I started doing some reading and actually, I learned that this type of experience is pretty common in the 'twilight time' of sleep -- it's often called sleep paralysis, and in some traditional countries it's even called "the old hag syndrome" because there were folk tales that it was caused by an evil old lady or witch sitting on your chest, preventing you from moving.  It's a very scary experience because you are fully in your senses and feel like you are conscious, but you are unable to move/ speak.

This type of sleep paralysis is also often coupled with the sense or even vision of someone or something present in the room (usually deemed malevolent), or with the sound of footsteps, or other auditory experiences;  these are hypnagogic and hypnopompic experiences that have to do with the flow of your neurological system:

Dr. Max Hirshkowitz, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Houston, says that sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is in the transition state between deep, dreaming sleep (known as REM sleep for its rapid eye movement) and waking up. During REM dreaming sleep, the brain has turned off most of the body's muscle function so we cannot act out our dreams - we are temporarily paralyzed.

"Sometimes your brain doesn't fully switch off those dreams - or the paralysis - when you wake up," Hirshkowitz told ABC News. "That would explain the 'frozen' feeling and hallucinations associated with sleep paralysis." According to his research, the effect only really lasts from a few seconds to as long as a minute, but in this half-dream half-awake state, to the victim it can seem much longer.[/color]

you can click here for another interesting article on hypnagogic and hypnopompic experiences (u can ignore the weird pic of the fainting woman :)):


However it is that you choose to understand your experiences, please remember that everything is within the sight of Allah (azza wa jal), and nothing happens without his permission and will.  I would second the suggestion to equip yourself with knowledge of the duaas and ayaat of the Quran that are recommended from authentic sources for dealing with black magic.

Our deen teaches us that there are many things that occur and happen outside of our realm of understanding and that sihr is very real; however, it, like anything else in this world, is under the ultimate control of Allah.

I would also suggest that you don't let this worry cripple you from living your normal life.  Perhaps there is a chance that this may affect you; but there are chances of many other things affecting you as well -- sickness, accidents, natural disasters, etc.  The nature of this life is that there is risk and danger that we face in just being human.  There's a beautiful hadeeth that I think has so much depth:

It is reported on the authority of `Ubadah Ibn As-Samit (ra) that he said to his son: "Oh, son! You will never taste true faith until you know that whatever afflicts you would not have missed you, and whatever has missed you would never have come to you. I heard the Messenger of Allah  say: "The first thing Allah created was the pen; He commanded it to write. It said: "My Rabb! What shall I write?" He said: "Write down what has been ordained for all things until the establishment of the Hour." Oh, my son! I heard Allah's Messenger  say: "Whoever dies believing something other than this does not belong to me." [/color]

so Subhan'Allah, every thing that touches us, of harm or of good, has already been written in a clear Record.

May Allah (azza wa jal) instill the sweetness of eman into our hearts and strengthen and forge our souls to be courageous in the face of all sorts of adversity  (Ameen).

I ask that Allah relieve you and your family of all distresses and keeps you close to Him in Remembrance.

Take care,

wasalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,

03/29/05 at 12:06:34
Re: Black Magic?
03/29/05 at 12:01:45

Black magic does exist, in all countries, and I have seen its effects.  Unfortunately its practioners include people from all religions, although Islam declares that the practioners of Magic are Mushrikeen.

Generally, it is considered advisable to find the object or the writing through which a magic spell has been cast, but how will you find that object or writing? So I tell you a way of getting rid of the spell:

There is a booklet called “Hirze Azam” which contains the ayahs that are said to have been recommended by the prophet   [saw] on persons who suffer from the effects of jinns or magic. The booklet should be available in Islamic bookstores. I have these somewhere here, but the numbers of Surahs and the verses are not given here.

There is another booklet called “Manzil”, which contains Ayahs in Hirze Azam and some more. Many, particularly those with links to the Tableeghi Jamaat, publish it.

In fact, as far as I know, all schools of thought have publications for the removal of effects of Black Magic (and Jinns) with slight variations in the number of these ayahs. Get hold of one of these.

These ayahs are also listed in “Hasne Haseen” and in Tibrani.

Until you get hold of a booklet like this, recite Surah Fatiha, Ayatul Kursi, Surah Ikhlas, and the last two Surahs. Ask everyone, including the one affected by black magic, to recite these.  If someone is so affected that s/he cannot recite these, you do it and blow on such people. - what in Urdu is called “dumm” or “phoonkna”.
Re: Black Magic?
03/29/05 at 12:11:07

7 that's crazy... do u remember that bro mokhtar talked about this!! being in this dimension between the two and u feel frozen.. i forgot what it's called! i think he was talking about it in class one day!
Re: Black Magic?
03/29/05 at 12:14:02

as salaamu alaykum,

yeah I heard him speak about it before, he calls it 'twilight time' right?
Re: Black Magic?
03/30/05 at 18:09:18

Man, i've had several "twilight-time" experiences.

Once, I think my friend/roomate and I had been talking or watching a movie or something.  Afterwards she had some work to do and I was really sleepy, so she coaxed me into sleeping in her bed...she said sleeping in her jersey sheets was like sleeping on a cloud.  The next morning I could feel myself waking up to the sound of her entering the room.  According to the footsteps she was walking towards the bed and then just stood there looking at me sleep peacefully.  Then she went to the closet to get her clothes or something.  That's when I decided to open my eyes - I glanced at the closet and realized no-one was there.  So I thought I 'miss-heard' those footsteps.  When I closed my eyes again, I could hear her get out of the closet (cut of the light and close the door).  And then instead of just leaving, she came back to the bed, and sat down.  I could feel one side of my body tilt down a little bit and then raise up again as she stood up from the bed.  When she left the room again, I opened my eyes.  The room door was ajar.

I was still so tired, that I thought if she (whoever she was) just left, then I might as well go back to sleep, and not waste time worrying about what just happened.  So I did.  
Re: Black Magic?
03/30/05 at 23:52:35

A venerable shaykh who has lived in a few Muslim countries and travelled all over the world says something to the effect of:

Black magic is rarer than rare! Generally people who think they are affected with magic and start going to black-magic-curers fall into a spiral of supersition. They start getting supersitious about little things in life, and it is a steep slope. Soon they can't live a normal life because they think magic is affecting everything they do.

the way out is to know that nothing can harm you except with Allahs leave and Allah protects those who pray all their fard salah and recite the Quran everyday.

The best remedy against magic is to pray your fard salah and recite as much Quran as you can everyday. Do that and ignore your supersitions as being  waswasa from the shaitan who wants to make you think your life is being governed by magic. The shaitan wants to cause rifts in your life that will drive you away from practising Islam.

You certainly sound like you are falling into a spiral of supersition! Once you start thinking that way, a waft of breeze could feel like a jinn passing through you! so be careful about the waswasas you are having and try to strengthen your iman in Allah.

The same shakyh also mentioned that he encountered some cases where black magic had actually been done. However he maintains that the best defense is the fard salah and recitation of the Quran. In case black magic has been done you can use the manzil Br. Timbuktu mentioned.

The "Manzil" referred to by Brother Timbuktu was compiled by Hazrat Muhaddith Shah Wali-Ullah (a very famous scholar from India who revived the study of hadith in the sub-continent). It is recited generally everyday by a lot of scholarly families in the subcontinent. Most of it is composed of very popular verses from the Quran that most people memorize anyway (like the Ayat ul Kursi) so it is very easy to memorize all of the Manzil.
For example the manzil contains:
The last ruku of Surah Baqara. Last ruku of Sura al-Hashr. Ayat al Kursi. The last 4 surahs of the Quran.

If I am able to find it I will post the Surah # and the verse #s in the order to be recited here.
Re: Black Magic?
03/31/05 at 15:55:00

Sister 7 that EXACT type of thing happened to me many times since I have gotten married
that you are talking about. It never happened before I was married. One time right after i
got married, I was laying on my stomach cuz it was hurting, and I had my eyes closed, and
i felt hands on my back, I thought it was my bhabhi(sis in law) joking around and putting
her son on my back, I smiled and went to turn around and I couldn't. I could not budge no
matter how hard I tried, and I couldnt yell out or scream either. I got so scared, then
after a couple of minutes i literally felt hands on my back again as if someone was
lifting itself off of me. i laid still for a while and then got up and looked around and didnt
see anything. My head felt so wierd, I went downstairs to where everyone was and people
would talk to me but I couldn't here them. I felt like there were a hundred bees buzzing
in my head. I just sat down for a while, and then i called my husband who was at work, and
told him about it. i didnt go back in my room for like 2 weeks. After that episode, I
have had the same thing happen to me many times, where i am trying to move but i cant and I
am trying to speak and I can't do anything. but slowly it has gone down and now it hardly
ever happens, usually once in a year or so. but its really scarey. Brother timbuktu i do
read all that, every night before I go to sleep, and blow on my kids and husband and
myself. Jazak Allah for all your replies, I do feel a little better sharing this with u guys.
Take care.


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