Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board


Misconceptions and your Reply

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Madinat al-Muslimeen Islamic Message Board

Misconceptions and your Reply
04/05/05 at 09:00:58
Increasingly I am getting a bit nervous standing before a college crowd and speaking about Islam and Women. The reason being, is that time does not afford one to go into much detail to answer questions that an combative type person may bring up in the Q&A time. For those of you who have dealt with this, please read the hadiths below and give me a good short reply that you found effective.
While gathering info on feminism i came across this post. So i thought i would get your imput:

Re: Misconceptions and your Reply
04/05/05 at 10:44:28

dude about ppl using hadith to prove their twisted ideas.. u could explain each of those hadith seperately.. but its just not going to be brief... and they will come back at you using the wording of the hadith and going on and on.. believe it, even when u explain and everything and say thats not what it means they still will bring it back to the same argument.

i think it's best to explain to a person that they can't take things out of context and that islam is a system that has to work together with all the quran, the hadith and the body of islamic scholarship.  

also make sure to mention that there are grades of hadith and some of those mentioned could be fabricated or weak and can't ben taken as a rule. and that muslim women were a huge part of hadith scholarship.

so basically people have to be trained to understand that u can't take things out of context and make a generalization about it.  we could do the same of any religion like christianity and make it look like a war-mongering religion.... so seriously if a person is really trying to study a religion they should do so with an open mind and understand all of its laws and idealogy.. and then if they are not into it then that's fine... but why allow things to be twisted and taken out of context and deliberately read and follow things that try to make it look evil!
Re: Misconceptions and your Reply
04/05/05 at 11:30:23
I looked up some one of the controversial hadeeths and I was a bit intrigued:

I'm very curious to know what the ulamaa say about this particular point, and whether it is raised a lot and how it is explained.
Wallahu a'lam.
Re: Misconceptions and your Reply
04/05/05 at 21:49:18
Just a few comments, to complement jannah’s.

04/05/05 at 22:13:37
Re: Misconceptions and your Reply
04/06/05 at 01:15:51

04/06/05 at 01:20:44

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